Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat, 4 Feb 2024 *Arrest* #10

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Brett Cowan would probably never have been caught or convicted without this operative process.

Credit is usually given to the Canadians , Vancouver Metro police and the Mounties, for the invention and revolution of the process.. Rafay and Burns , one of the first cases, (( there is a great Canadian Documentary about it ) for reference... The whole concept whirls back and forth in courts, some courts try and knock the thing on the head, as violating a criminals rights, and so on.. It has stood up, though, and quite a few blokes in prison know only too well how the sting works.

Forgive me, but Mr. Big schemes, if that’s what you’re referring to when mentioning Cowan, do not have an unblemished record. They’re also not comparable to jailhouse snitching by either legitimate co-prisoner or undercover agent. Stephenson is definitely not being Bigged in his present digs and I’d be gobsmacked if anyone connected to him is being worked in this fashion. These are tactics of the last resort.
My theory is this: What started out as an accident or altercation turned to murder, likely by an instant decision fuelled by drink, drugs and/or anger, and the fear of this destroying his life, especially as he'd come across the radar of police before (his pending motor vehicle case). He probably had alcohol and drugs in his system and panicked, because that could be the nail in his coffin. Fighting one drink/drugs/reckless driving charge, OK. Fighting two, where someone possibly could have died, game over. Then the "Oh &^$#" moment. He either finds a way to dispose of her body very close to where she died, or gets her out of sight and into his vehicle, and madly thinks of what to do next. May even drive around areas he knows well, looking and thinking as he goes.
I also think it was type of scenario….. absolutely agree! A complete brain snap and rage fuelled by alcohol and drugs because his licence was on the line … and a charge of dangerous driving causing death as well ….

I just had another thought. Dangerous, I know. Would Samantha have also been carrying a key to get back into the house? Or would the house be unlocked, given that family members were home when she was due to return? Perhaps a key was hidden somewhere outside that she could use to get back in?
This is just my opinion …..

I still think his vehicle is involved in Sam’s death as the initial contact with Sam, despite the murder charge …. Which I think involves what happened next …. Or rather what he didn’t do (call 000 etc) or he aimed the vehicle and drove at her ???

However I don’t think theory this is popular opinion, and possibly I am too naive ???

Also of this opinion. Play by plays between press and LE spokespersons when asking about a hypothetical vehicle and its role in the timeline of this “targeted” (also called “deliberate,” “intentional”) attack speak to this obvious, perhaps most likely, scenario. We all know there is the possibility of background chatter between media and LE sources that won’t be reported on to keep the relationship sweet and I expect the theory was one of two or three most floated early on.

I’m not aware of anything in either person’s background (SM or accused) that suggests stalking, sexual assault, or opportunistic thrill kill. There is no established pre-existing relationship. PS has traffic citations, is credibly deemed a casual drug user (to whatever extent this could make him anti-social or negligent,) and the time and place and victim and alleged perpetrator intersect at early morning, rural roads, a pedestrian, and a man standing accused of drink, drug, and careless driving offenses the year previous.

Very early on, Samantha was locked in by sleuthers as a relatable victim of foul play close to home. For some, this is still in play, apparently. Wishcasting dies hard.
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Forgive me, but Mr. Big schemes, if that’s what you’re referring to when mentioning Cowan, do not have an unblemished record. They’re also not comparable to jailhouse snitching by either legitimate co-prisoner or undercover agent. Stephenson is definitely not being Bigged in his present digs and I’d be gobsmacked if anyone connected to him is being worked in this fashion. These are tactics of the last resort.
I did point the unblemished stuff out, if you read my post. They are, in fact , comparable, in so far as they are covert operations, planned and staffed by serving constables, etc. at whatever level the Commissioner of Police chooses to exercise them at.

I am glad that you are on the ground in the Remand Centre to be so definite, inside information is always appreciated. Instigating covert police into the Remand and in to prisons is often the tactics of first resort, and in this case, where the accused is not conversing with the police, it is one, probably , of only resort.

Is it successful? VICPOL and other state police have results that satisfy their continuation of the effort. Successful in this particular instance?.. who knows. I don't , your sources may be more definite, but it is not improbable, considering the information that led to the phone being found, since they did not get that info from the accused.. I think it's as likely that the accused spoke to an undercover police as much as he would to a fellow inmate. How would he know the difference? This is his first time in remand, it's all new to him.
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Also of this opinion. Play by plays between press and LE spokespersons when asking about a hypothetical vehicle and its role in the timeline of this “targeted” (also called “deliberate,” “intentional”) attack speak to this obvious, perhaps most likely, scenario.

I’m not aware of anything in either person’s background (SM or accused) that suggests stalking, sexual assault, or opportunistic thrill kill. There is no established pre-existing relationship. PS has traffic citations, is credibly deemed a casual drug user (to whatever extent this could make him anti-social or negligent,) and the time and place and victim and alleged perpetrator intersect at early morning, rural roads, a pedestrian, and a man standing accused of drink, drug, and careless driving offenses the year previous.

Very early on, Samantha was locked in by sleuthers as a relatable victim of foul play close to home. For some, this is still in play, apparently. Wishcasting dies hard.
You are correct in that the driving offences he was facing were the year prior. However, I do want to point out that it was only 4 months prior - it happened in early October and Samantha went missing early February. I think this time frame is important. This is a relatively short period of time, and I personally think a remorseful person would totally have laid off the drink/drug driving for good, or at least longer that this period. It may play into his showing no remorse for his actions.
You are correct in that the driving offences he was facing were the year prior. However, I do want to point out that it was only 4 months prior - it happened in early October and Samantha went missing early February. I think this time frame is important. This is a relatively short period of time, and I personally think a remorseful person would totally have laid off the drink/drug driving for good, or at least longer that this period. It may play into his showing no remorse for his actions.

Very much agreed about the importance of these allegations. If true, a clear pattern. I wonder if the pending case flagged him early on?

I also wonder whether he’d intended to cop (prior to SM, of course) to the tree-smashing incident and if we can glean those intentions based on the timing of the upcoming hearing in that matter. Would this have been cleared up far earlier if he was planning on pleading guilty, or would this next hearing be mandatory before any opportunity for an agreement? This may have been previously discussed, and my apologies for not remembering.
I am glad that you are on the ground in the Remand Centre to be so definite, inside information is always appreciated. Instigating covert police into the Remand and in to prisons is often the tactics of first resort, and in this case, where the accused is not conversing with the police, it is one, probably , of only resort.

In turn, I am glad you are here to correct me that Mr Big can take place in the proverbial big house. Wasn’t aware PS had access to other detainees. Is organized crime rife enough in these institutions such that you can be pledged, inducted, and then reap the benefits of mixing with the shadow warden?
May I be so bold as to ask (for clarification) does anyone have actual first hand knowledge here about what is occurring in PS’s remand circumstances, or are the views being expressed entirely speculatory?

I am having a bit of difficulty following… :oops:
In turn, I am glad you are here to correct me that Mr Big can take place in the proverbial big house. Wasn’t aware PS had access to other detainees. Is organized crime rife enough in these institutions such that you can be pledged, inducted, and then reap the benefits of mixing with the shadow warden?
As far as I am aware, there is no solitary confinement in Remand . Prison, ,yes. Remand,no .

He has access to other remandees, at exercise, but not at meals. Meals are served in the cell. What other remandees have access to him would be a whole other subject, I presume. VICPOL would be keeping a beady eye on that. Especially if they have one, or even two of their own chaps in there .. one more scruffier than the other..

Remandees are different to prisoners . They have, in comparison, a lot of leeway, they can wear their own clothing, for example. They have access to newspapers, TV, a library. They can have meetings with their barrister/solicitor at any time, for how ever long is needed. They have more allocated phone calls. More visitors and more visit times than prisoners.

I suppose there is as much organised crime in Remand as there is anywhere else. Some one always rises to the top, and some folks always want to be part of a gang. Nothing unusual there.
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I just had another thought. Dangerous, I know. Would Samantha have also been carrying a key to get back into the house? Or would the house be unlocked, given that family members were home when she was due to return? Perhaps a key was hidden somewhere outside that she could use to get back in?
Sorry if I am missing the obvious here (it’s the end of the week and my brain is a little frayed), but I am not clear about the relevance of a potential key here…. Could you please elaborate?
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Another look onto the tool, enlarged and turned for better recognizing. I still don't know, what it may be. It doesn't look like a torch ....
Thanks, in that view it appears to be longer, with something at the other end. From how the officer grips it, to me it appears heavier at the bottom end, it's held more towards that end to steady it.

Just a quick reminder. Aug 8th, is when he has to face court in a Summary hearing. This takes place in Ballarat, That's where this crime took place, and it is unknown at this point if he will appear in person, or via Zoom. My money is on Zoom, I can't see VICPOL bunging on all the security to transport him up the Western Freeway and back again and security at the Ballarat Court when they can Zoom it. His first, and only appearance so far , was by Zoom. Which is why , probably, his parents did not turn up. No point. He would not see them.

ALso. the traffic offenses seem to be bundled in on that day, also. ..

(edit) fixed date
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May I be so bold as to ask (for clarification) does anyone have actual first hand knowledge here about what is occurring in PS’s remand circumstances, or are the views being expressed entirely speculatory?

I am having a bit of difficulty following… :oops:
I found it quite interesting to read all about it for myself …... I had to look it up earlier in this case, as all states are different …

One thing I found most interesting is the offender has give permission for all contact … eg if he doesn’t put his parents on a list … then they can’t call him etc

I don't think the police becoming aware of the dam as an evidence dumping point was anything high tech such as the suggested car data... I read somewhere in these forums, trying to find it again now, where the owner of the property that the dam is on, found some items on the banks of the dam where the water had receded from low dam levels and notified police.
That makes sense.
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