Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat, 4 Feb 2024 *Arrest* #11

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Great mapping Doc. His home, her home, Woowookarung, the dam and the known search areas are in the red circle, right? Enfield State Park expands into the blue. Do we know of any searches occurring beyond the red or blue areas?
One bit of info none of us has is, what obligations did he have to meet on that Sunday? what ones did he not attend? ( perhaps because he was out of the area without a rational explanation ).. we know what Samantha's schedule was, running for training for the !/2 Marathon at Halls Gap in April, out and back on a planned course due to time restrains, back home to shower and change, and then off to a brunch , an 'important brunch' with friends ....

Sunday was his one of two days off, like lots of blokes he would have had jobs to do, chores to tackle, people to see, arrangements his girlfriend may had made, ... we don't know how long he had to attend to his other matter of murdering women in the forest, ... a geoprofiler would have that down to centimeters, ( inches, ) how far he could go with what time he had, ..

Killers work on a 24 hour day, just like us... they have to set out from home ( start point) and return home ( finish point ) .... just like us... the sun sets for them the same time as it does for us.
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One bit of info none of us has is, what obligations did he have to meet on that Sunday? what ones did he not attend? ( perhaps because he was out of the area without a rational explanation ).. we know what Samantha's schedule was, running for training for the !/2 Marathon at Halls Gap in April, out and back on a planned course due to time restrains, back home to shower and change, and then off to a brunch , an 'important brunch' with friends .... Sunday was his one of two days off, like lots of blokes he would have had jobs to do, chores to tackle, people to see, arrangements his girlfriend may had made, ... we don't know how long he had to attend to his other matter of murdering women in the forest, ... a geoprofiler would have that down to centimeters, ( inches, ) how far he could go with what time he had, ..

Killers work on a 24 hour day, just like us... they have to set out from home ( start point) and return home ( finish point ) .... just like us... the sun sets for them the same time as it does for us.

I just finished a book (The Murder of Kelsey Berreth) where Kelsey's partner was 3 hours late for the Thanksgiving meal at his mum's place because he was busy murdering Kelsey, stuffing her in a bag, cleaning all the blood from himself, and 'caring for' their one-year old daughter while he did all of this. His brother was ticked off that he was so late.

Makes me wonder if PS had his phone off for all of the time he took. Did his girlfriend try to call him to see where he was? Having a phone off for a period of murder and cleanup is just as telling as leaving a trail of pings. imo
'So the defendant was recovering from a drug and alcohol fueled bender.'... this is not , so far, a designated concrete occurrence. Apparently, he attended a birthday party for an 80 yr old the Saturday night, he had been filmed on a drug and alcohol interlude back in January, these two events should not be conflated. at this point.

Not to say, that 80 yr old's birthday parties should not be alcohol and drug fuelled, I certainly intend mine to be, and much more, it's a free country, pay your taxes, do what you want, but generally speaking , they are usually staid and subdued affairs, on the whole....
Hmmm…date/time and address please.
Terrific map, DR S..... If I had to throw a dart at it, I'd go north west or north, not east, not straight west, not south...

But if I was a geoprofiler, I'd know his habits, his childhood footprints, his teenage rambles, his adult explorations , his friends habitats, his work patterns.. etc..... and probably get a completely different direction!
Thanks for these maps drsleuth.
These are such good points Trooper.
I can’t help but feel that they need to interview or re-interview as many of his close mates as possible and his more current friends as well as childhood friends to ask where he went camping/ what areas he knew well/ what was his comfort zone.
He must have taken her to a remote rural area he could drive to from memory knowing it was not well-traveled / he would basically be alone with no eyes on him to dispose of the body.
Then he had to dump her very heavy body (dead weight) by removing it from the back of his ute and dragging it somewhere to dump- dropped from or rolled off an overlook? A mine shaft he was familiar with very close to a place he could park?
Weighted down in deeper water near a place he could park?
(assuming he didn’t dismember her)
Did he simply drive to an area he knew was thoroughly remote and drag her body by the legs 100 feet into the woods and leave? That seems less likely but possible.
Makes me wonder if PS had his phone off for all of the time he took. Did his girlfriend try to call him to see where he was? Having a phone off for a period of murder and cleanup is just as telling as leaving a trail of pings. imo
I’d say he would’ve had his phone off. Sam’s was turned off so he’d have his off too. I mean why would he switch hers off but not his own (if he was even carrying his phone).

Two things:
Can you do mobile triangulations with switched off phones?

If he recorded the crime, he would’ve had to have used something other than his switched off phone.
I’d say he would’ve had his phone off. Sam’s was turned off so he’d have his off too. I mean why would he switch hers off but not his own (if he was even carrying his phone).

Two things:
Can you do mobile triangulations with switched off phones?

If he recorded the crime, he would’ve had to have used something other than his switched off phone.

With only one tower working that day (if Sam's relative was correct) there would have been no triangulation.
You need three working towers to triangulate. And at least two towers to get a better phone position. Which is why, I think, the police have been searching in one big tower sector.

And there is none of that if the phone is not pinging (if it is off).

He may of dumped the phone on a different day. How they found the phone is a story in itself.
I thought it interesting that her phone was switched OFF when Mick tried to ring it that morning . … suggesting had the presence of mind to do that, and I imagine therefore to switch his own phone off as well (including locations etc) Pretty clear head for having been out on the town til all hours IMO (speaking from considerable experience - oh minus the drugs )
Her phone data would’ve been pretty quickly obtained.

There would have been a lot of cross-checking of data from all phones in the area (there is software that does this ) and I’m presuming that turned up a match for both her & phones in proximity of each other at Mt Clear, and perhaps others as well.
It perhaps also matched the time of her phone being switched off, with ’ being switched off around same time.
Next interesting thing for me was that Samantha’s phone was said to Ping at 5pm near the Buninyong Golf Club.( if that’s at MT BUNINYONG RD, BUNINYONG its a major tower in the area shared by all networks)
Said to be it’s ‘final ping’. I think Buninyong would be approx 10 mins drive ( depending on where they were at Mt Clear, which seems pretty closely guarded information as I’d imagine locals would know ‘where it happened) and depending if he took a direct route.
So what was that phone doing / where was it travelling between say 8.30 am - 5.00 pm when it Pinged in Buninyong ?

My thoughts are that he took her body ‘somewhere’ first, but definitely not in the Southerly direction.
I’m inclined to suggest ‘pick one’ :
Where are all the mine shafts in Ballarat?

I think her phone was the last thing he dealt with, and he used that as a decoy …. He’s switched her phone on deliberately so it would Ping in the Buninyong area & then turned it off again.
He’s then ditched her phone along the way out of Buninyong toward Mt Mercer (had a pee stop & threw it in the dam) He’s a big lad & will’ve had a good arm, but it didn’t quite reach the middle of the dam, so as the waters dried up it became visible in the mud.
I think the owners of the dam will have seen it and alerted police, as police went there expecting to find a phone imo - and it would’ve been uppermost in their minds who’s it would be.

Taking a drive on a direct route from Mt Clear, through Buninyong, Mt Mercer, Bannockburn & back to Scotsburn you’d do it in 1hr 30 mins (locals ?) with no hold ups. … but I don’t think he started that particular trip at Mt Clear. I think he’d probably been home, around & about - then turned His phone Off again to do a drive to dispose of her phone later that afternoon (Daylight Saving time in Feb in Vic - sunset wasn’t until 8.30 pm)

Sorry for the overly long post, I’m just trying to put some thoughts together.
To me this seems a very strange situation on so many levels.
However many a deviate psycho has blended perfectly into society & appeared ‘normal’ - until ..

All just my personal opinions.
If the phone was at Mt Clear it would have pinged other towers though. (If they were in operation, and we know they were, because the police allege her phone / watch pinged Mt Clear at 8am).
Are all of the search sites to date south of Woowookarung Park?

I just did a search and all appear to be south, and not north or due east or west (correct me if I’m wrong).
That’s what I’ve deducted Rocket, and personally I think that’s a mistake ( as you say, there are other coordinates)

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