Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat, 4 Feb 2024 *Arrest* #11

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I wonder what Police found at the crime scene?

Because they found something there
and declared it was the place of attack (Mt Clear).

And what was found there was later reported as
"items of interest".

  • "Items of interest were found on Wednesday
  • Samantha Murphy's husband attended crime scene"

I'm just wondering if the accused didn't bother to clear the "crime scene" of evidence :oops:

Links from 4 months ago:

Didn't police come out days later and say these items were NOT linked to Samantha? Maybe true, maybe not?
There's been violence and violence towards women since the dawn of time it seems, but in my opinion, the internet has it's role to play for sure. Young kids are being given phones earlier and earlier these days, and as much as some parents do their best to monitor what their kids have access to, it's a very difficult task to completely shield them.

Kids are being shown targeted ads or sponsored content on all sorts of platforms. How many of us have spoken a word, only to find a million articles or ads then popping up on our screens regarding that item or topic? We are adults, and mature enough to scroll on by, but kids are easily influenced. Just look at how many "influencers" there are on various platforms. Kids take their words as gospel, and aim to emulate them. Not only that, with access to the internet, they can also search for any topic they like, including taboo, risky or embarrassing topics. One of those, especially for young boys I would imagine, is the p word. Everyone mature adult knows this is not a realistic view of the topic, but kids don't. They see the images fed to us, and assume they're normal, and this forms part of their "knowledge" about adult relationships and women.

It's also scary to see how people like Andrew Tate are attracting followers who buy into his misogyny.

Absolutely I think the internet is an issue in raising kids, how they form thier views of the world, and what's normal and acceptable. It's one aspect of many, but being fed the crap they are from the internet at a young age definitely plays a role in how they view and treat women. MOO of course.
Perhaps I agree more than I don't, but when I was young, older people talked just like this about the evils of television.
Some articles state Samantha planned a 20km run that day, others (most, from what I can tell) say it was 14km. Another thing that supports the 14km length is several runs done in her honour in the weeks afterwards. They were all 14km and 7km AFAIK. 7 to finish her run, 14 to complete the whole run. #runforsamantha and #finishsamanthasrun were trending then.
I read an article years ago, about how violence against women in developing nations had increased since they got access to the internet and p-graphy.

I have been looking for the link, but I can't find it now. I think I read it around the time that all the schoolgirls were abducted in Nigeria.

I thought it was a good example of the effects of viewing smut on the internet.

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She was still recovering from her New Year Covid, so she might have been taking it easy. Exercise can bring on Covid coughing fits.

I’m probably the sort of runner SM was. 7km is 4.35 miles. When I’m in good condition, I run a 5k (3.1 mi) in 38 minutes, so 4 and a bit miles in 50 minutes, seems right to me for someone who is poodling along at a middle aged jog.That aligns with the 8am attack if she left just after 7am.
I read an article years ago, about how violence against women in developing nations had increased since they got access to the internet and p-graphy.

I have been looking for the link, but I can't find it now. I think I read it around the time that all the schoolgirls were abducted in Nigeria.

I thought it was a good example of the effects of viewing smut on the internet.

Possibly. There would be a lot of other factors to control for. Population growth. Increasing inequality. Increased rate of change in general.
Possibly. There would be a lot of other factors to control for. Population growth. Increasing inequality. Increased rate of change in general.
Moo...if it was not called domestic violence...n just called it degree... think it would work better. Would take the responsibility of the assaulted away...but it is complicated...moo
I’m probably the sort of runner SM was. 7km is 4.35 miles. When I’m in good condition, I run a 5k (3.1 mi) in 38 minutes, so 4 and a bit miles in 50 minutes, seems right to me for someone who is poodling along at a middle aged jog.That aligns with the 8am attack if she left just after 7am.
Yeah, I think people are like… wildly underestimating how long it takes an average, middle aged, hobbyist (read: non-professional athlete) female runner to run 7k. I don’t know why that is or where it’s coming from. I’m 20 years younger than SM and my best 5k time is 29 minutes. People suggesting it’s suspicious that she didn’t run 7k in that amount of time is kind of absurd.

IMO her morning was typical, run went as planned until she got to her turnaround point in Mt. Clear.
Are you calling me old? :D
True, but the internet is a free-for-all, not quite the same as TV.
Yes, parents could easily restrict children from watching TV in "the good old days"...

In our current day, anyone with a smartphone can access almost anything, either via their own efforts to search for a topic which interests them, or via links which appear (mostly based on algorithms). IMO it seems to be relatively easy for people with nefarious aims to target (for example) children. JMO

As other Websleuthers have noted, young children may (probably do) have difficulty recognising what is reality, and what isn't.

Yes, parents could easily restrict children from watching TV in "the good old days"...

In our current day, anyone with a smartphone can access almost anything, either via their own efforts to search for a topic which interests them, or via links which appear (mostly based on algorithms). IMO it seems to be relatively easy for people with nefarious aims to target (for example) children. JMO

As other Websleuthers have noted, young children may (probably do) have difficulty recognising what is reality, and what isn't.

Is it possible to have 'parental controls' on a phone? Like, the kid doesn't know it, but the parent can see the URL of every site accessed.

I think the trouble is also that a lot of parents don't bother. Just as when TV was the babysitter.
Yeah, I think people are like… wildly underestimating how long it takes an average, middle aged, hobbyist (read: non-professional athlete) female runner to run 7k. I don’t know why that is or where it’s coming from. I’m 20 years younger than SM and my best 5k time is 29 minutes. People suggesting it’s suspicious that she didn’t run 7k in that amount of time is kind of absurd.

IMO her morning was typical, run went as planned until she got to her turnaround point in Mt. Clear.
Fair enough. So typical morning and run, and then Sam gets to Mt Clear.
Struggling a bit, offered a lift and gets in the car…or declines a lift….?
The motivation’s tricky.
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Is it possible to have 'parental controls' on a phone? Like, the kid doesn't know it, but the parent can see the URL of every site accessed.

I think the trouble is also that a lot of parents don't bother. Just as when TV was the babysitter.
I think that’s half the problem, parents just don’t care, it’s easier to have them on screens doing whatever in order to keep them occupied. We are very strict with our kids and their screens but know of many parents that are a lot looser. One of my sons school peers had access to p**n in year 3, or so he boasted.
I had an idea that the attacker might have waited for a victim at the edge of the dementia trail, where it comes out of the forest near Elsworth St. Expecting somebody a bit frail and hopefully tired.
Fair enough. So typical morning and run, and then Sam gets to Mt Clear.
Struggling a bit, offered a lift and gets in the car…or declines a lift….?
Of course we don’t know but i highly doubt it. Not many women out there would get in a stranger’s car. Her family was only a few minutes away by car, she had her phone, could have called if she was struggling.
Yes, plans can change. But I thought she was pretty definite about running that morning as part of her training for a specific event.
I can imagine that she's the type of woman who may have put others before herself. Say, if she ran into a friend or acquaintance, they stopped to chat and Samantha felt they needed an ear, or advice, she'd gladly give up her run that day and walk and talk instead. There's always tomorrow for her run, right? :(

Yeah, I think people are like… wildly underestimating how long it takes an average, middle aged, hobbyist (read: non-professional athlete) female runner to run 7k. I don’t know why that is or where it’s coming from. I’m 20 years younger than SM and my best 5k time is 29 minutes. People suggesting it’s suspicious that she didn’t run 7k in that amount of time is kind of absurd.

IMO her morning was typical, run went as planned until she got to her turnaround point in Mt. Clear.
I'm not going on anything more than the reported time difference in her run that morning. In some articles, posted many, many pages ago in the early stages of this case, it was stated that she arrived at the Mt Clear area about 30 minutes later than anticipated. Whether that's accurate, a reporting issue, or something else, I don't know.
I can imagine that she's the type of woman who may have put others before herself. Say, if she ran into a friend or acquaintance, they stopped to chat and Samantha felt they needed an ear, or advice, she'd gladly give up her run that day and walk and talk instead. There's always tomorrow for her run, right? :(
If only she had.

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