San Francisco Considers Nation's First Safe Injection Site for Addicts

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Would this "safe site" decrease the amount of overdose fatalities?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 4 8.9%

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  • Poll closed .
The centre is being paid for by the confisicated proceeds of crime..if that is true then theres something very wrong about that as well.
So instead of criminals profiting from the proceeds of their crimes, drug addicts do?


Drug addicts aren't profiting. They're recieving a service that in the long haul, and even the short one, saves all of us money. Money spent on helping children who get poked by one of their needles, extra medical care for an overdose that takes awhile to be found, that would have been cheaper to treat if caught right away, and the benefits of those additional addicts who do finally get help, go to detox, and get clean.

Money for detox sounds great, but only works if you can get them there. That's one of the things this program is for.
Drug addicts aren't profiting. They're recieving a service that in the long haul, and even the short one, saves all of us money. Money spent on helping children who get poked by one of their needles, extra medical care for an overdose that takes awhile to be found, that would have been cheaper to treat if caught right away, and the benefits of those additional addicts who do finally get help, go to detox, and get clean.

Money for detox sounds great, but only works if you can get them there. That's one of the things this program is for.

Well said.
The benefits are there Marthatex.....Im just not sure whether our goverment should be aiding and abbetting criminals.
The clinic does look nice and welcomming.....Id like to know who is paying for the flowers though..proberly us taxpayers:rolleyes:

Well don't the taxpayers have to pay for the increased Aids patients too? People with aids need alot of care, take a LONG times to die, have to have a LOT of drugs.

They take the proceeds of crime that they would have to get rid of or sell otherwise; I guess they can't find the owners.

Something does seem a bit weird about that, though.

Many know the "war on drugs" isn't working, though, in its present form; killing drug addicts or arresting them, then letting them back out also costs manpower and money; maybe doesn't always help one bit - what's wrong with mandatory drug treatment programs, though?
Well don't the taxpayers have to pay for the increased Aids patients too? People with aids need alot of care, take a LONG times to die, have to have a LOT of drugs.

They take the proceeds of crime that they would have to get rid of or sell otherwise; I guess they can't find the owners.

Something does seem a bit weird about that, though.

Many know the "war on drugs" isn't working, though, in its present form; killing drug addicts or arresting them, then letting them back out also costs manpower and money; maybe doesn't always help one bit - what's wrong with mandatory drug treatment programs, though?

We have a treatment program here in Cobb County called Drug Court that is usually offered to first time offenders. They can do this intensive 18 month program or they can do the jail time. Most people choose doing the program - a facet of which is attending 12-step meetings and taking the suggestions offered there (sponsor, steps, etc...). I see these people trickle in and out of meetings in droves. Some of them do get clean, but very very very few of them.

I like this program because most of the people who are arrested are indeed addicts and this program does allow the rare few who want it the chance to change their course. But, I don't know how effective it is in getting a lot of addicts clean.

The program has been in effect since 1988 with literally thousands of addicts referred into it each year. Since 1988, 119 people have stayed clean and graduated. My husband sponsored one of those recent graduates and his sponsee was using again within a week of his final "you're free and clear and clean" hearing in front of the Judge.

Mandatory treatment won't work because most addicts don't want to get clean. IMHO.
Hi Martha....This thread has really given me food for thought but I have no dramas with tax dollars going to the health care system even if it be for better facilities to treat our aids victims...our health system is there for the sick.
I just feel that we should be helping our drug addicts to come off the stuff,not providing rooms and needles to prolong their addiction....I dont like the thought that my tax dollars are going to help a junkie stick a needle in their arm and line the pockets of some scum drug dealer....we spend millions every year on Border security to keep this stuff out but yet we are enabling drug users to keep up the demand.
I also wonder if they allow Ice users to frequent these is the new heroin here.....I might go do some more research.
Hi Martha....This thread has really given me food for thought but I have no dramas with tax dollars going to the health care system even if it be for better facilities to treat our aids victims...our health system is there for the sick.
I just feel that we should be helping our drug addicts to come off the stuff,not providing rooms and needles to prolong their addiction....I dont like the thought that my tax dollars are going to help a junkie stick a needle in their arm and line the pockets of some scum drug dealer....we spend millions every year on Border security to keep this stuff out but yet we are enabling drug users to keep up the demand.
I also wonder if they allow Ice users to frequent these is the new heroine here.....I might go do some more research.

From what I've read, dingo, any drug that could lead to OD (especially injectable ones) are allowed in these facilities. Ice (or meth) is certainly such a drug!
Based on that article there was to be a review of the injecting room to be held this month..I havent read anything about it yet though.
They'll be injecting no matter what. The question is - do we want them in that room, or on the streets beside us.
Sydney MSIC receives 4-year extension

July 9, 2007 |

"A general update to MSIC supporters has been distributed by Medical Director Ingrid Van Beek. It makes an interesting read overall however the marked criticisms of the “pseudo-science” of the NGO Drug Free Australia (DFA) are noteworthy."

“Dear Supporters

On behalf of the staff of the MSIC, I am pleased to inform you that legislation to extend the trial of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) for a further 4 years (to the end of October 2011) has now passed successfully through both houses in NSW Parliament. We are of course glad that the NSW Government continues to support this important public health initiative. ..."
Neither Details,but I can understand where you are coming from and sadly some users want to be inabled and not helped.
Sydney MSIC receives 4-year extension

July 9, 2007 |

"A general update to MSIC supporters has been distributed by Medical Director Ingrid Van Beek. It makes an interesting read overall however the marked criticisms of the “pseudo-science” of the NGO Drug Free Australia (DFA) are noteworthy."

“Dear Supporters

On behalf of the staff of the MSIC, I am pleased to inform you that legislation to extend the trial of the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) for a further 4 years (to the end of October 2011) has now passed successfully through both houses in NSW Parliament. We are of course glad that the NSW Government continues to support this important public health initiative. ..."
Thanks IB......thats one long trial.
Neither Details,but I can understand where you are coming from and sadly some users want to be inabled and not helped.
Neither I heartily agree with - but that one isn't in our power. If they're addicted, and not ready to stop, they're going to shoot up. If we give them a clinic where they can go to quit - they won't go there, they'll huddle on the street, in front of shops, in parks, and do it there, throw their old needles, crack junk there.

I don't know if this'll work or not - but it seems worth a try. We need to find out if it does cause more addicts to go to rehab, if it does cause less of their garbage to be on the street - I'd say it's worth some price.

At least, while we continue to do all we can to arrest them for crimes, force them into treatment when they've committed a crime, and generally making life miserable for them and their dealers.
This injecting room is going into its 5th year with another 4 years of trials in front of would be interesting to know how many addicts have been helped to come clean since the onset of this room..if it was proven then even a small percentage were rehabilitated and leading normal lives then I might take a different view.
It just irks me that so many crimes are committed against innocent people just to obtain the drug in the first place and once the druggie is in the room doing their thing he/she is considered untouchable.....the drug dealers who do their business in the area of the rooms must be making a killing with a steady flow of cashed up customers........seems we are stuck with it so we can only hope that it is helping more than it is hindering.

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