SBI probe into possible juror misconduct

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My own review of the reports in the news, the facebook postings, the jurors interviews yesterday do not agree with your post as far as the FB postings matching up with the progress of the deliberations.

Until SBI conducts its investigation and Judge Stephens determines if any of this has any merit or if it is all someones attempt to insert themselves into the limelight by posting things on a social media board, I'm still sticking to my position that the jury deserves the full benefit of the doubt.

I'm not in favor of jumping to the conclusion or even considering suggestions that anything untoward has happened and is being swept under any rug. That is stretching at this point IMO and not deserving of anyone involved in this process.


ETA:Judge Stephens says in his own letter to the juror that was released yesterday that this is not that uncommon of an allegation. Apparently, he's not surprised. It's a shame that people make these sorts of allegations that apparently appear to be far more untrue than true.

What the media tends to report and people latch on to is the sensationalism of the accusation but when it fizzles out to be nothing, well..that gets not near the reporting because it's not sensational.

In the meantime, though, we see accusations against jurors, speculation about what happened, speculation turns into fact (with no basis), the system's integrity is questioned and turned on its ear and when it is all said and done, was there really anything that initially had any truth to it at all?

I wish people would just calm down, let the investigation take its course and then respond with their thoughts and feelings based on facts. Not assumptions and speculation.


Well, Talina, again ITA with what you have said there.

I think the least we can do is give the jurors the same attitude and benefit that the jurors were charged to do at the outset of the trial, and that is that the defendant is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

Let the facts be checked, let each juror be interviewed by the SBI, and let the online gurus see what's what. Then let the judge do his job. Period.

But that is just one person's opinion -- mine -- and I hope it sounds at least neutral to all parties because that is what I meant to convey.
No way to determine with certainty whether juror misconduct influenced the outcome. The jurors who followed the rules have nothing to worry about. Those that did not should be sweating bullets.


I'm not sure I'm following you..even if a juror texted their hairdresser and said what the vote was at that time (and that's a huge if because i think the whole thing is a hoax), I don't get how that could have influenced the outcome. Unless you think the hairdresser texted them back with points for the jury to consider deliberating about?

I think there is a way to determine whether it affected the outcome...guess we'll have to wait and see..
Exactly. This was discussed over and over on several forums. Lawd, we spent hours and days it seemed like discussing the issue with the shoes until some people were :banghead: and many had the same conclusion being stated by the jurors, just as you said.


I remember reading that Jason would have stuffed his foot into a shoe that was too small, but not that it was obvious that the prints were staged because the size 10 print was more clear than the size 12 print ... I'll have to go back and reread.
I remember reading that Jason would have stuffed his foot into a shoe that was too small, but not that it was obvious that the prints were staged because the size 10 print was more clear than the size 12 print ... I'll have to go back and reread.

Both theories were tossed about- the feet stuffed in smaller shoes (blisters)
and for staging (full/clear prints).
What really upsets me about this is why it couldn't have happened in Florida. How I prayed something would occurr so that CA would be tried again. Alas. jmo
WRAL said that one of their Facebook posters said that their hairdresser said that their friend is on the jury and.......blah blah blah! 3 degrees of hearsay! Hearsay isn't allowed in the court of law, but apparently anyone can state anything to trigger an investigation through hearsay. Amazing. :waitasec: If there was direct evidence reported to the court supporting the claim, then shame on that juror, but this is dangerous territory that the courts would give such credibility to third degree hearsay! JMO, IMO, MOO
What really upsets me about this is why it couldn't have happened in Florida. How I prayed something would occurr so that CA would be tried again. Alas. jmo

My guess is that would have been considered double jeopardy. They always favor the defendant :maddening:
Mistrials are not double jeopardy since it essentially ends the current trial and it's as if it didn't happen. Then the state has to decide whether to refile and try the case again or not.

Some hearsay is allowed in testimony (exclusions to the Hearsay Rule, as generously posted by Grit in the legal questions thread). But this isn't testimony and there's no Hearsay Rule to be applied. Rumor or fact, they'll investigate and determine.
Mistrials are not double jeopardy since it essentially ends the current trial and it's as if it didn't happen. Then the state has to decide whether to refile and try the case again or not.

Some hearsay is allowed in testimony (exclusions to the HearsayRule, as generously posted by Grit in the legal questions thread). But this isn't testimony and there's no Hearsay Rule to be applied. Rumor or fact, they'll investigate and determine.

If Mistrial is declared "during" the trial then I know it wouldn't be double jeopardy, but if it's after the verdict is handed down, I don't know that it can be considered a mistrial. You can't appeal an NG verdict to my knowledge. I think it's more of an appellate issue if there is juror misconduct discovered AFTER the verdict is read. (I'm just thinking out loud, so I could very well be wrong, just giving my thoughts/opinion).
I think it is great the judge acted quickly on this issue. It will stop it from snowballing and causing the family more pain. The quicker this is taken care of the quicker MY's family can try to heal from all of this. I am very sorry for her family even if it is unlikely to lead to an appeal this may be causing them stress and worry. Prayers to all that this matter is handled quickly and efficiently.
I'm not sure I'm following you..even if a juror texted their hairdresser and said what the vote was at that time (and that's a huge if because i think the whole thing is a hoax), I don't get how that could have influenced the outcome. Unless you think the hairdresser texted them back with points for the jury to consider deliberating about?

I think there is a way to determine whether it affected the outcome...guess we'll have to wait and see..

Jurors were told not to discuss the case with anyone outside the jury. Period. Doesn't really matter what was said. I'm not following your idea that it is just a hoax. The Judge seems to be taking it a little more seriously than that. A good start would be for the SBI to pull all their phone/IP records.

No idea. I get my haircut in an awkward silence, each of us waiting for the other to break the ice.

I found this to be very humorous!!! I can totally see you sitting there uncomfortable, not knowing what to say.
If Mistrial is declared "during" the trial then I know it wouldn't be double jeopardy, but if it's after the verdict is handed down, I don't know that it can be considered a mistrial. You can't appeal an NG verdict to my knowledge. I think it's more of an appellate issue if there is juror misconduct discovered AFTER the verdict is read. (I'm just thinking out loud, so I could very well be wrong, just giving my thoughts/opinion).

The Judge can still declare a mistrial. It's happened in other cases such as Ryan Widmer trial. I think he had three trials.

The Judge can still declare a mistrial. It's happened in other cases such as Ryan Widmer trial. I think he had three trials.


Did he have 3 trials because of mistrials? If so what were the reasons mistrials were declared. tia
It's not just about during the deliberations. Jurors were told no communicating about the case at all, to anyone, at any time, the entire time they were seated. They were not to discuss the case, listen to other people discuss the case, post or read social media or articles about the case, etc. Not just during court hours but 24x7. If they can't or won't follow those rules and they have no self-discipline, they'll possibly earn a contempt charge. The system can only work if people follow the rules.

If I were one of the other 11 jurors I'd be livid if someone didn't follow the judge's orders and caused my time sitting there and listening to the case and then deliberating to be a waste. Who wants their 4+ weeks to be for nothing?

ITA. I sat on a civil jury for four weeks and I was livid that a mistrial was called a week after we gave our verdict.
Did he have 3 trials because of mistrials? If so what were the reasons mistrials were declared. tia

iirc, the first was hung jury, second was juror misconduct and the last one was guilty.....with a lot of people still of the opinion he's innocent.

I do not think I'd like the SBI probing me. (Sorry, jab at the thread title)
I do not think I'd like the SBI probing me. (Sorry, jab at the thread title)

I think we can all agree on that. Not a very good feeling for sure. They usually do not leave a stone unturned.
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