The love stays...forever in our hearts
I just don't believe this to be a case of either PPD or PPP though mental illness is likely a factor. Almost all medical research of either disorder, including filicidal, places the time frame up to 6 months. It is entirely conceivable though that mom developed other psychological disorders during the postpartum period that are prevalent now.
I absolutely do not see any common characteristics of a psychotic filicide though. Mothers who murder their children while in the midst of a psychotic episode rarely hide their crime. A Michigan study of maternal psychotic vs. non-psychotic filicides showed that of 29 psychotic women 23 confessed to their crime, 25 received previous psychiatric care and 20 attempted suicide at the time of the filicide. 24 described the child(ren) as wanted compared to 2 (of 26) non-psychotic women. Psychotic filicides are most often, imo, altruistic in nature based on Resnick's classification of filicide. The mothers feel they are actually saving their children by killing them.
Whether mom is mentally ill or not I whole-heartedly believe she knew exactly what she was doing at the time of this (likely) murder and subsequent cover-up. JMO
ETA: From a legal perspective England & Wales Infanticide Act (allowing mothers to claim what is essentially diminished capacity due to post-partum) is only allowable up to one year after birth. FWIW
These are good points. The things that make me wonder if it is PPP are that the family obviously was concerned about her mental status and did not try to hide that from investigators. They have said that she has been mentally unwell since Amir was born. I don't know about the 6 month mark - I think that may be when it appears by. But I don't think it magically disappears at 6 months. This link implies that some women never recover.
Postpartum psychosis is considered to be a mental health emergency and therefore requires immediate attention. Because women who suffer from the psychosis are not always able or willing to speak with someone about their disorder, it is sometimes necessary that their partner or another family member help them get the medical attention they need...With proper care, most women are able to recover from their disorder.
And while we don't know where Amir is, that doesn't necessarily mean that she "hid" her crime. She certainly didn't hide the bloodstained blankets or clothes that were found in her car. I wonder if she killed Amir and honestly doesn't know where she left him. She doesn't appear to be actively trying to get away with anything - there have been no accusations that someone else took Amir, and she even told LE that she belongs in jail.
Whether this is PPP or not, I still say I have seen NO evidence that the grandparents did anything wrong here. It sounds like they have been concerned and involved all along.