Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #10

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i was thinking that seem thing!!!! If i was DD,CD ill be raising more H*** than they want, i still wonder tho what they told them on that friday? we havnt heard anything, i do see that few of the D family has backed away, closed there FB sites etc, so we really dont no what the family found out!! But if that was my daughter, and LE put everyone to point that soon be some news,ill be in there face wanting answers!! Cuzz on that radio talk that CD,DD was on, CD said there soon be a news story? thats been what over 2 weeks now? i kinda figured for Biker week it been put on hold (of news on bd) but its over with now,,,,but im still praying for BD,DD,CD family

I personally believe LE would like to rewind a few weeks. Coming out and saying they believe it is a homicide (whether it be or not) and not being able to prove it was negligent on many fronts. Probably why we have a new spokesperson.
Not to be the negative Nelly, but let's not be too quick to dismiss the possibility LE has been deceiving us, and they were never near an arrest.

I have to wonder about this possible deception as well. It has always been in the back of my mind that this talk about POI (3 or 4) and all these new tips, etc. came right after you, MLatta, requested that information via the FOIA. (I think those are the right initials)....

Sure do not want to think this is the case because I'm sure we all are hoping and praying they really are near an arrest.
As I was flipping channels today on the national news channels, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, I happened upon a girl who looked to be a "tween" possibly. She was saying how she had fought off an attacker but I must have come in right at end of the story. I watched and "flipped" for about 1 more hour and never heard it anymore. Does anyone recall seeing this story and know where it occured? Just with recent attempted abductions in MB, made me wonder if a perp has struck again in that area. Of course could have been anywhere actually. Interestingly, I have not seen mention of the little boy who saved his sister in MB on our local TV news here. But I do find it interesting that just about every time I sit down to watch in the evening a commercial for MB comes on.
As I was flipping channels today on the national news channels, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, I happened upon a girl who looked to be a "tween" possibly. She was saying how she had fought off an attacker but I must have come in right at end of the story. I watched and "flipped" for about 1 more hour and never heard it anymore. Does anyone recall seeing this story and know where it occured? Just with recent attempted abductions in MB, made me wonder if a perp has struck again in that area. Of course could have been anywhere actually. Interestingly, I have not seen mention of the little boy who saved his sister in MB on our local TV news here. But I do find it interesting that just about every time I sit down to watch in the evening a commercial for MB comes on.

Yes, I've seen the story replayed a couple times on HLN. I can't remember what state it was in, though.

ETA: It was California.
Thanks Lindsay. I must have "flipped" away from that channel when they were repeating the story. Oh if only BD could have been able to fight herself away from whoever has her.
As I was flipping channels today on the national news channels, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, I happened upon a girl who looked to be a "tween" possibly. She was saying how she had fought off an attacker but I must have come in right at end of the story. I watched and "flipped" for about 1 more hour and never heard it anymore. Does anyone recall seeing this story and know where it occured? Just with recent attempted abductions in MB, made me wonder if a perp has struck again in that area. Of course could have been anywhere actually. Interestingly, I have not seen mention of the little boy who saved his sister in MB on our local TV news here. But I do find it interesting that just about every time I sit down to watch in the evening a commercial for MB comes on.

I saw the story too but only briefly, didnt catch the city. Crime is everywhere, lets face it - but obviously MB wants to turn a blind eye to it. SF, they are targeting out of state markets with a huge advertising push - and sounds like shaking in their boots that this story of the little hero boy saving his sister was going to make the rounds on morning TV news shows.

"The story, dubbed a heroic act by some reporters, grabbed headlines in Myrtle Beach and Pittsburgh, and possibly on the network morning shows later this week.

All the coverage comes at the kickoff to the summer tourism season in Myrtle Beach.

"At a time when we're telling (visitors) to come to the Grand Strand, we certainly want to avoid any negative messages," said Brad Dean, president of the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce.

Dean said everyone is concerned about safety and the chamber hopes police get to the bottom of the attempted abduction, but if the story "were to get legs, especially at a time when we're advertising in that particular market (Pittsburgh), we'll reach out to the media there just to make sure they know the precautions they can take to make sure their vacation is secure," Dean said."

I get a sneaky feeling "we'll reach out to the media there just to make sure they know the precautions they can take to make sure their vacation is secure" isnt the only thing they were saying beyond 'were (the story) to get legs'...
Bd aunt just posted on my fb page that on Monday 24th she and DD will be on this talk show heres the link

quote from the aunt
(Monday May 24th at 8 pm Central time I will be on talking about my niece Brittanee Drexel whom went missing on April 25, 2009 from springbreak in Myrtle beach,SC. Please join in and call and listen and hear our stories of our love one's who went missing in our families. Thank You and please help support us!!)

This Monday coming please listen in if you can!!!
FOIA. (I think those are the right initials)....

Sure do not want to think this is the case because I'm sure we all are hoping and praying they really are near an arrest.

Yes, Freedom Of Information Act...
(Anyone can place on of these requests - I found a website that will help you generate your letter, and you can even track it as well, free account setup, no spam, it's designed for press associates, but anyone can use it. All government agencies have a "FOIA officer" you can usually get this persons mailing address, email address, phone number etc. from the government agency's website [i.e. ])

LE is alluding that they know exactly who the responsible person(s) is/are. They claim to have gotten a hot tip, followed by "a bunch" of tips, and then based on the validity of that, administered 2 polygraphs, executed at least 1search warrant.

Polygraphs were either performed on witnesses to confirm their story, or to a suspect to see if he/she is lying. Unfortunately polygraphs to not carry a lot of weight in court.

We can assume the search warrant yeilded nothing of great importance, obviously, because no arrests were made following it.

Is it safe to assume LE has 0 physical evidence at this point. They're relying on statements - circumstantial evidence.

I've always feared the worst - these perps either destroyed the body, or hid it VERY well; in addition to destroying everything else - phone, clothes, etc. Can a defendant be found guilty without a body? Yes. Can a defendant be found guilty without physical evidence? Yes. But without either, it is going to be incredibly difficult.

No doubt LE wants to wait until they have a solid case before proceeding with arrests. I (kind of) wish they would release some names! they had better be right if they decide to do that, I have a distinct feeling, after the names were released, they would no longer have a need for a strong case...

-=-on another note-=-

In order to stimulate our minds, and keep this thread up top, let's talk about something else: Reasonable Doubt

We talked about "probably cause" previously. Probably cause is needed, and must be proven in front of a judge, in order for LE to obtain a search warrant. PC is needed for any other type of search (i.e. car) Also PC is needed for an arrest warrant.

After the arrest is made, the defendant will need to be indicted, in which a judge or "grand jury" will determine if the evidence is truly sufficient to proceed to trial.

Unless a plea agreement is made with a solicitor (district attorney), the case will go to trial. At trial, the burden of proof** will be on the state, represented by the solicitor. The solicitor will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt**** that the defendant(s) did in fact have the means, motive, and opportunity, and willfully violated the laws in question.

** Burden of Proof - the obligation to shift the accepted conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one's own position. The burden of proof may only be fulfilled by evidence.

****Reasonable Doubt - standard of proof required in most criminal cases within an adversarial system. Generally the prosecution bears the burden of proof and is required to prove their version of events to this standard.

Further Reading:
Reasonable Doubt: To define or not to define (Columbia Law Review)

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm going to try my bestest to make it back to the W WMA woods, find the "red cone" and take some pictures, not promising anything though.

Reasonable doubt

Well, I personally think that this term has allowed many a guilty party to go free because it seems to put fear...just the statement of the words (in my opinion) that a jury would convict an innocent individual...Think about it. If you are on a jury and the individual is accused of a serious crime. There case has been argued in court and the jury is sent to deliberate the case. Right before going into the deliberations, a judge is instructing them and says they must consider if the person is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" or however it is stated officially. Most jurors (IMO) may say to could there be any "reasonable doubt"....I can picture seeing on TV in the past, a juror/jurors being interviewed after a major case, and the person on trial was set free based on a juror being uncertain of their guilt "beyond reasonable doubt"...Then they have some sensationalist TV program interviewing some of those jurists and they will tell you "oh yes we thought they probably did it, but there were a few of us who had that reasonable doubt" so we could not convict. (all of this is hypothetical as I cannot come up with a specific case right now)

I would hate to think that if anyone was finally arrested and tried in BDs case, there is still that "reasonable doubt" and the guilty party/parties goes free and no one is ever convicted for what possible atrocities occurred to this beautiful teenager and her family never gets justice.

Thinking about the "Missi" case, the part of it that blows me away is how long the one guy was able to go without getting caught for so long after the crime (although he was later put to death). Does this mean that all the other parties...even though they were arrested and convicted (although lesser crimes and time and no death penalties) kept their mouths shut or did he just hide out better than them all? It is scary for me to think they would all stand by and take the "rap" for him and not implicate him because that could be what is occurring with the BD case if there really are PsOI and they really are able to keep quiet about it all. Sorry this is so lengthy.
One example although not a serious crime of "reasonable doubt"

Sorry for monopolizing the thread this morning but this reasonable doubt mentioned by MLatta is really interesting to me. Way back (I mean way back) when I had my first car (an old 1965 Ambassador Rambler) told you it was way back...My car was parked in front of the department store where I had my after school job. I came home at 10 p.m. one night and the police called and asked my mom if my car had black paint on the side of it. She went out to look and yes someone had sprayed my "beautiful old jalopy" with black spray paint. So they said a lady saw these teenage boys doing it and is "willing to testify" if you want to come to court on such and such date. So my mom says yes and we are off to court in a couple weeks. So of course for this small thing, we did not hire a lawyer, nor would we have had the money for one at that time, so the boys had "lawyered up" and put that poor lady who testified through the third degree. When the "reasonable doubt question" was put to her...she said "well they could have changed their appearance/cut their hair since it happened so I cannot swear beyond a reasonable doubt they did it"...So they did not have to pay for our cars that they painted. Have no fear of them did "pay" as my then boyfriend knew who the "ringer leader was" and smacked him a couple times! (No I do not condone violence or revenge but I must admit my little old 16-year-old self quite liked being defended back then) Oh I digress. Although this was not a trial by jury of course, it is an example of the "reasonable doubt" letting off the guilty parties as we later heard these boys went out and bragged about getting out of the charges. More than one of them went on to do bigger and worse crime.

Okay I'm done...someone else can take over now. Thanks for listening.
Sorry just one more post. Regarding BD's case and reasonable doubt. How in the world can LE or anyone come up with enough evidence for proving this case against a perp/perps unless someone confesses or has first hand knowledge for sure someone did it. Even then...even if they pass/fail a lie detector test, to indicate they did it....lie detectors cannot convict someone solely and unfortunately without the evidence mentioned by MLatta in his last post, we are probably not even close to an arrest.
Sorry just one more post. Regarding BD's case and reasonable doubt. How in the world can LE or anyone come up with enough evidence for proving this case against a perp/perps unless someone confesses or has first hand knowledge for sure someone did it. Even then...even if they pass/fail a lie detector test, to indicate they did it....lie detectors cannot convict someone solely and unfortunately without the evidence mentioned by MLatta in his last post, we are probably not even close to an arrest.

I know you are probably right and as discouraging and disheartening as the thought of whoever took her never receiving justice in this case is, at this point I would just have enormous relief if they could find anything to lay to rest for a serene place for DD to go besides scouring the desolate backwoods of SC literally searching for a piece of her daughter and endlessly wondering. If it would bring me relief I can only imagine how it would help DD.
I know you are probably right and as discouraging and disheartening as the thought of whoever took her never receiving justice in this case is, at this point I would just have enormous relief if they could find anything to lay to rest for a serene place for DD to go besides scouring the desolate backwoods of SC literally searching for a piece of her daughter and endlessly wondering. If it would bring me relief I can only imagine how it would help DD.

Amen to that Sea.
With all that said though...we WS'ers must not give up on BD. Gotta come up with some new angles and keep her name out here. I really, really want to think and work with the assumption LE really does have some leads. Do not want to give up on BD as I know nobody else does either. Think that the "Missi" story shook me up a great deal. I just hope and pray that BD did not meet any sort of terrible fate like that.
With all that said though...we WS'ers must not give up on BD. Gotta come up with some new angles and keep her name out here. I really, really want to think and work with the assumption LE really does have some leads. Do not want to give up on BD as I know nobody else does either. Think that the "Missi" story shook me up a great deal. I just hope and pray that BD did not meet any sort of terrible fate like that.

Not going to give up here, SF, at least not on bringing her home. I pray for that every night.

If it's any consolation on the Missi story as it relates to similarities to BD case, if I read that whole story correctly, the exact area that happened was near Summerville, and not really close to this N/S Santee area.
Reasonable doubt

Well, I personally think that this term has allowed many a guilty party to go free because it seems to put fear...just the statement of the words (in my opinion) that a jury would convict an innocent individual...Think about it.

It is used for a reason. Think of how many innocent people would go to prison -- or even be sentenced to die -- if the term, "reasonable doubt", were not used.
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