Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #13

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I have so many different scenarios (or my personal opinions of what could have happened) that I thought had been put to rest due to the areas that LE have searched after the "supposed tips leading to POI", etc. But the ID program brought a lot of my "possible scenarios" back to my mind. I will not go into them, as they have been discussed in great depth and we need to stick to facts at this stage I guess, if what we have really are "facts". Unfortunately, it is really feeling like so many of what we have considered to be true facts are now just "possible scenarios" after all. I am also wondering if LE truly believe they have ANY actual facts in this case of BD.

As far as this time-line and which is the more realistic one, it is my belief that LE established theirs based on the phone records of JG and DD and possibly JO, as it was stated that DD and JG (and I think the girls) kept trying to call BD's phone and it would "ping the towers". I do wonder if the reporters/research folks did their homework for the ID program regarding the "timeline" or just pieced together what was already "out there" in news articles, phone records, etc. because it sure has been scrambled up a lot. Has anyone found out for sure if the web cam at the BWR is in fact "off" or "was off that night", and wouldn't it be a huge coincidence for it AND the street cam that BD was recorded on were also off?

And speaking of the street cam, I know early on, a lot of us (myself included) had assumed the street cam was of BD leaving the BWR, but then I heard or read it was when she was walking towards the BWR? Am I still way confused on this?
i agree, i to feel and has **pushed that seem idea*** to get to youger ppl that was in MB that week they gota reach the teen agers 19-25 yrs old, i sure never watch tv or read newspaper when we go on vacation,i to feel they need reach them (teens) threw some type music tv etc,,,,

i got another **thought*** for reasons the public has never heard of,was few weeks afterwards,there was searchs done at old army base? and few wooded areas,,,is it possble,that whatever*if* crimes did to her that she was left in MB or one of small towns? and that cell phone was left in whatever car etc they kidnapped her in? all this time they searching way out area? as we all know LE,papers had it blasted everywhere about last ping of cell,ok these perps been had time to go recover it and its probley god only knows in landfield for trash? any one feel this could be possible? just MOO tho :)on another note,,,i know how much locals here love hunting,they die for hunting lol,if a body was on any hunting club you can bet it been found last year(hunting here starts like Sept-till new years day) so this second hunting season,,i truly feel bd not in the area they looking,,unless its on *private* land,if so and some good family member dont speak out,im afraid bd never be found,if shes truly in the area they searching**** MOO

~ above BBM respectfully~

Yes I do feel it could be possible RoseC! I think the last cell phone ping could be an afterthought of the perps. If it was turned off during the crime and Brittanee was disposed in a little town along the way, why would it be pinging again at midnight at Pole Yard area? I'm thinking it was morbid curiosity by the perps who turned it on to check out any pics that may have been on it. Then they tossed it in that Pole yard area to throw off LE from Britt's actual location.

This scenario is kind of chilling because Britt probably had pics of her friends on there if she was indeed able to take camera phone pics.

All MOO and theory....

I have 3 points/comments/questions for anybody that might want to think about them.

1) First off, I thought they said Brittanee's phone made a beeline from Myrtle Beach to Georgetown and was there within an hour. Am I completely making this up? I think that if that is the case, and my mind isn't just deceiving me, then it seems like they didn't have much extra time to stop or participate in extracurriculars unless they were taking place in the moving vehicle.

2) I was really hoping that LE thought that the glasses were Brittanee's, but I didn't pick up that vibe from Disappeared. It seems that they are leaning more in the direction (aside from them being someone else's) that they may have been places there as a distraction. IF that is the case, then there was a reason. LE was too close for comfort where they were searching when the couple of campers discovered the glasses? Something to consider.

3) And lastly. LE has said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that they have gotten several tips leading back to these POIs. If the POIs that are on LE's radar are who we think they are (or from the same crowd), then it seems like they have quite a reputation in the area. Does it seem possible that when the public heard the area where Brittanee's last cell phone pings were received, they may have called LE just to suggest these guys. Suppose they got several calls suggesting these guys because of their reputation. Would that qualify as "receiving several tips pointing to the same POIs"? I hope that this isn't all LE is going off of and that they have other information pointing to them as well. I hope that made sense :)
From my understand the times you heard on ID tv show are time line that LE is using,,

Thanks for the info Rose.

I have a question...

If LE has been using the times stated in the Disappeared show... Then what does LE make of the times PB and his lawyer locked their selves into?

I really hate to keep harping on this...but for some reason this is just stuck in my craw...

PB even stated that he and the guys were watching a baseball game on tv when BD was there. That baseball game was over around 8:20/8:25.

Look at the timestamps on the BWR vid and the street cam. PB is very adamant about the time BD was in their room and how long she was there.

In one of my earlier posts I gave out the 2 different time lines. One according to the timestamps and PB's recollection and the 2nd one according to the later times. I stated the one with the later times made more sense and made the time line flow better...but yet...what is one to think (especially me) about the version of events according to PB?

PB even made reference that it was still light outside when BD left his room at the BWR.

PB and his lawyer couldn't have been naive enough to think that a different version of events - according to cell phone records wasn't going to be obtained. So why didn't PB just say...BD was in our room...I know it was after 8:00...but am not sure exactly what time it was...ball game was on (or going off). She was here for a few minutes - maybe 10 or 15...I'm just not sure...

But instead he locks himself into certain times. Is PB trying to distance himself from the actual times? If so, why?

News articles backs up these times...LE comes out with a different version...then it gets changed back to the earlier times...then another set...and now this set of times according to Disappeared.

Did anyone catch what was said in Disappeared about why PB and crew left MB when they did? There was a one liner of that one of the boys mothers demanded that they come home... If that actually was the reason...why did this mother demand that? What reasons did she have?
Thanks for the info Rose.

I have a question...

If LE has been using the times stated in the Disappeared show... Then what does LE make of the times PB and his lawyer locked their selves into?

I really hate to keep harping on this...but for some reason this is just stuck in my craw... Trust me, I think this deserves some "harping" MB.

PB even stated that he and the guys were watching a baseball game on tv when BD was there. That baseball game was over around 8:20/8:25.

Look at the timestamps on the BWR vid and the street cam. PB is very adamant about the time BD was in their room and how long she was there.
Does anyone remember there was confusion as to whether the street cam was of BD on her way to the BWR or leaving it? or as LLindsayy said in her earlier post "am I making this up?"
In one of my earlier posts I gave out the 2 different time lines. One according to the timestamps and PB's recollection and the 2nd one according to the later times. I stated the one with the later times made more sense and made the time line flow better...but yet...what is one to think (especially me) about the version of events according to PB?

PB even made reference that it was still light outside when BD left his room at the BWR. I definitely remember him stating this, FWIW that I remember it I mean.

PB and his lawyer couldn't have been naive enough to think that a different version of events - according to cell phone records wasn't going to be obtained. So why didn't PB just say...BD was in our room...I know it was after 8:00...but am not sure exactly what time it was...ball game was on (or going off). She was here for a few minutes - maybe 10 or 15...I'm just not sure...I still cannot get past the fact PB chose this particular lawyer, as I think he may have really had something to hide. (but perhaps not to do with BD's disappearance exactly) Just think, why would you run back in the middle of the night and hire a high profile attorney if you were totally innocent of anything.

But instead he locks himself into certain times. Is PB trying to distance himself from the actual times? If so, why?
Yes, I do believe he IS trying to distance himself for some reason only he knows and perhaps the lawyer.
News articles backs up these times...LE comes out with a different version...then it gets changed back to the earlier times...then another set...and now this set of times according to Disappeared.

Did anyone catch what was said in Disappeared about why PB and crew left MB when they did? There was a one liner of that one of the boys mothers demanded that they come home... If that actually was the reason...why did this mother demand that? What reasons did she have?I did catch this statement being made and it seemed a little far-fetched to me because these guys seem to be so independent and have minds of their own, but they let some guy's "mommy" demand they come back right now and they do it. I could understand it if there was a family emergency, but we don't know what the reason really is, do we?
I do not mean to be pointing fingers on anyone, but just trying to decipher some of the actions that were taken that day.
Now that the ID program has aired but not on a channel that would be seen by the general population, so to speak, I wish Dr. Phil, Jane or Nancy or someone would have a program to discuss it and perhaps then it would get the more national attention it needs.
I have 3 points/comments/questions for anybody that might want to think about them.

1) First off, I thought they said Brittanee's phone made a beeline from Myrtle Beach to Georgetown and was there within an hour. Am I completely making this up? I think that if that is the case, and my mind isn't just deceiving me, then it seems like they didn't have much extra time to stop or participate in extracurriculars unless they were taking place in the moving vehicle.

2) I was really hoping that LE thought that the glasses were Brittanee's, but I didn't pick up that vibe from Disappeared. It seems that they are leaning more in the direction (aside from them being someone else's) that they may have been places there as a distraction. IF that is the case, then there was a reason. LE was too close for comfort where they were searching when the couple of campers discovered the glasses? Something to consider.

3) And lastly. LE has said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that they have gotten several tips leading back to these POIs. If the POIs that are on LE's radar are who we think they are (or from the same crowd), then it seems like they have quite a reputation in the area. Does it seem possible that when the public heard the area where Brittanee's last cell phone pings were received, they may have called LE just to suggest these guys. Suppose they got several calls suggesting these guys because of their reputation. Would that qualify as "receiving several tips pointing to the same POIs"? I hope that this isn't all LE is going off of and that they have other information pointing to them as well. I hope that made sense :)

Hi LLLindsay! Hello WS friends!

LLLindsay, I remember something in the show about Britt's phone making a beeline south. However, I question if the crime was actually committed inside the van. The POI's are 'native' to the area from what I surmise from the T mother's accent. These perps know every back road and nook and cranny in coastal SC, IMO. Therefore, I am thinking it would only take them a matter moments to stop somewhere to dump her, considering that she was probably snatched within a matter of seconds. It may have been so quick that there was not disruption in pings going southbound. Afterwards, they go to Pole Yard to clean out the van, turn on the phone to view pics and toss it afterwards. Just trying to look at a different perspective here.

and your posts always make sense! <3

Wow, so many good posts and ideas from you all. I wish I could respond to all but my internet signal isn't good right now.

I noticed that we have 2 members and five guests on the thread right now. I'd like to encourage our guests to become a WS member and join in the discussion. We have a great group here and you are always welcome to contribute.


What about this...

We know Brittanee was taken. We have a general idea of MB where she was taken from. We know when contact with her stopped via cell phone times. We understand from cell phone records that BD's phone made a "bee-line" south and we understand from what tower her cell phone pinged last.

However...what we don't know...

Was her phone just tossed somewhere in the area of that last ping? Or was it left there somewhere where someone could retrieve it later/dropped off with someone else? And is it possible GT was just some kind of stopping point and BD was taken further later (but within the same night)?

I'm rambling...but I guess what I want to we have no idea when BD was either:
A) trafficked
B) killed

Perps knew BD was basically alone - no one was walking with her. Chances were the odds were with them that she wasn't local. So they knew they had some time before anyone reported her missing. Perps knew LE would look at it as a runaway or a kid that just didn't want to leave the beach. Time was definitely on their side...unfortunately.

I'm not imagining that the perps wanted to just kidnap and immediately murder (ETA: and don't expect they did). IMO they wanted to party and have their "fun" with a girl and then dispose of her - in whatever way that might be.
I still feel the cell phone is the best factual evidence there is to go on. I just don't feel that these guys were concerned with her phone pings being used to track her or them later. I think they were in a hurry to do whatever they did and then went home, which is where the cell phone trail most likely leads in the end. I think the cell phone trail is great for zeroing in on who these guys probably are because it is such a sparsely populated area south of Georgetown. For one, if they were trying to throw off LE it doesn't make sense to take the cell phone toward their home, I think they would have gotten rid of it right away or turned it off right away if they were concerned about tracking.
One question I have is why didn't her phone ping anymore after crossing west into the other side of Georgetown?? There had to be more towers between 209 Firehouse St. and the tower south of Pole Landing. Does anybody know if the area south of GT has been searched at all, around Caines, SC.

But I can't offer much thought around where they commited their act and got rid of Brittanee. You guys are more clever than me at that. I scratch my head wondering where the best place to do this would be, but not being a local and knowing all these towns along the way leaves me somewhat lost.
What about this...

We know Brittanee was taken. We have a general idea of MB where she was taken from. We know when contact with her stopped via cell phone times. We understand from cell phone records that BD's phone made a "bee-line" south and we understand from what tower her cell phone pinged last.

However...what we don't know...

Was her phone just tossed somewhere in the area of that last ping? Or was it left there somewhere where someone could retrieve it later/dropped off with someone else? And is it possible GT was just some kind of stopping point and BD was taken further later (but within the same night)?

I'm rambling...but I guess what I want to we have no idea when BD was either:
A) trafficked
B) killed

Perps knew BD was basically alone - no one was walking with her. Chances were the odds were with them that she wasn't local. So they knew they had some time before anyone reported her missing. Perps knew LE would look at it as a runaway or a kid that just didn't want to leave the beach. Time was definitely on their side...unfortunately.

I'm not imagining that the perps wanted to just kidnap and immediately murder (ETA: and don't expect they did). IMO they wanted to party and have their "fun" with a girl and then dispose of her - in whatever way that might be.

MBL, Your suggestion makes sense. Perhaps Britt managed to turn on her cell phone while in the alleged 'rape van' en route south and her captors realized this and stopped at PYL to dispose of the phone along the way.

It's funny you mention that the perps maybe knew she was alone. Call it a hunch, but I have felt all along that whoever snatched Britt either had a brief encounter with her prior to her abduction or had observed that she was traveling alone while enroute to BWR and 'laid in wait' for her return to BH.

I am thinking that if she were murdered right away, that something got out of hand. Brittanee seems like a fiesty spirit who wouldn't succomb without putting up a fight.



Where are you Brittany Marie Drexel? May the Great Spirit soften the hardened souls of those with information about your disappearance so that they tell what they know and you can be brought home to your family with dignity and grace!

OT I watched a movie on HBO called 'taken' with Liam Neeson over the weekend. It demonstrates how quickly an abduction can occur. The young woman was taken while on vaca in a foreign country for purposes of human trafficking. A scary premise indeed!
I just watched the show and I do think it was done very well. It gave me, at least, a pretty clear idea of Brittanee, her family and friends and what had transpired up to the point she went missing. Her almost constant contact with her boyfriend at least gave LE something to work with and reason to fear something had happened when the contact ceased.

I too think that the area where the pings led LE was, sadly, the area that the people who took her, may have left her. I doubt they were thinking about phone pings. There may have been a time during the ride there when no one actually called Brittanne, or no towers picked up on any attempts, until they reached that terrible place. (trying to account for why no other phone hits.)

What a great friend she has, the girl who wants to be the one to help find out what happened, for Brittanee's mom and siblings.

I have to trust LE on this one and hope that they are able to move forward with this case soon. Do we know how they came to have persons of interest in the first place? I may have missed that, on the threads, if it's there.

I couldn't help thinking of Kyron's case, seeing the searchers going through rough terrain, etc. also most likely based on cell is amazing what searchers/volunteers will do to try to find the missing.

I don't think Brittanne is alive, sadly, but am feeling as though she might get justice and her family may at least learn what happened to her.
*snipped byme*
I have to trust LE on this one and hope that they are able to move forward with this case soon. Do we know how they came to have persons of interest in the first place? I may have missed that, on the threads, if it's there.

LE has stated that they began receiving tips in December 2009 that made them consider these POIs. From then, starting the first of the year, they interviewed them and gave them polygraph tests. They announced to the public in April 2009 that they had 3-4 POIs in mind.
When we go to the area, we stay in Surfside. It's actually a nice area. However, there are people who own homes there who are there for just part of the year, or a few weeks and rent them out or not the rest of the time.
The road from Surfside...the highway....leads past all the other communities, Murrels Inlet, Pawleys Island. As you hit the area near Brookgreen Garden, there are some pretty rural areas and a van could easily pull in somewhere for a bit probably without being too noticed, especially at night.
LE has stated that they began receiving tips in December 2009 that made them consider these POIs. From then, starting the first of the year, they interviewed them and gave them polygraph tests. They announced to the public in April 2009 that they had 3-4 POIs in mind.

Have they named them? Or are names kicking around?
Thanks to whoever uploaded the "Disappeared" episode featuring Britt's Case.
I don't have Dish or Direct anymore so I can't watch it.

Have they named them? Or are names kicking around?

Nope - they have not been "officially" named...

The only official POI in this investigation has been Peter Brosowitz, but he has since been cleared. (Though some may disagree)

The 6 names you may find us kicking around on here are from "the area of interest" (Georgetown - Charleston county line right by the North and South Santee Rivers)

5 of the individuals were arrested and jailed, and later released, charges dropped for the murder of Shannon M back in 1998.

1 of the indiviuals has been arrested for the July 2010 attempted kidnapping of Randa Massey

See this post for more info
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SC SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - Thread #13

The names (and locations) can be found here and here
For any of you that read the articles in my past posts, I have taken the given street names and mapped them out...

the map is rather vague, that is intentional; it is meant to illustrate what some of us mean when we speak of this "group" of people (or gang, or clan)

The stretch of Hwy 17 that you see is a mere 20 miles.

For reference
F (The red one) is Pole Yard Way [north of the two santee rivers]
D is Seven Mile Road (the tower i believe to be the last to communicate with BD's cell phone)



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Thanks to whoever uploaded the "Disappeared" episode featuring Britt's Case.
I don't have Dish or Direct anymore so I can't watch it.


Hello iluvmua! We haven't crossed paths for awhile and it is good 'seeing' you!

Did anything in particular stand out to you in the episode of 'Disappeared'?
We are all grasping at straws here and it is always good to read other sleuths impressions on this case.

For any of you that read the articles in my past posts, I have taken the given street names and mapped them out...

the map is rather vague, that is intentional; it is meant to illustrate what some of us mean when we speak of this "group" of people (or gang, or clan)

The stretch of Hwy 17 that you see is a mere 20 miles.

For reference
F (The red one) is Pole Yard Way [north of the two santee rivers]
D is Seven Mile Road (the tower i believe to be the last to communicate with BD's cell phone)


mlatta! You Rock! Thanks soooo very much for mapping this because I have been very curious about the proximity of the addresses for these (un-named) POI's.

You brought up something in a reply to one of my post that I apparently overlooked - the street cam.

If I'm remembering this correctly... The first info LE put out gave the impression that it was BD as she was leaving (well at least many of us had that impression). However, later info deemed that it was BD as she was walking to BWR.

I think it was Lindsay? who found where the actual street cam was that picked BD up as she was walking.

Due to the quality of the video and the is hard to tell if there is still daylight or if it's street lights.
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