Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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The landfill I was thinking could be a place where some items could have eventually ended up. It wouldn't be real hard to search since I don't think Georgetown is a real big town. You would work your way back into the landfill by looking at the date on the documents (newspapers, magazines, etc.) in the trash bags and just work you way back to April 2009 within the landfill. That's how they do it in the big cities. Your garbage from 2008 is over here. Your garbage from 2009 is over in this corner, etc. Did LE search the primary POI vehicle for evidence? I would think that would be the first place to search for hair, fingerprints, etc. My previous statement on the Dru Sjodin search is that they missed her during the first search and they searched the same exact area a second time and found her. This might be what has happened with BD. They might have searched the area she is at already and didn't find her for whatever reason. One other thing I wanted to mention in previous posts on BD being kidnapped and forgot was that Dru Sjodin was kidnapped in a parking lot of a shopping mall during the day and no one saw anything. My youngest daughter wants to go light some fireworks so I better go.
I've read a little but have been too busy to really dig in. The website you posted were all counts from 1983 so I'm assuming they're the same victim (just woke up so my mind isn't working at full speed though).

I didn't realize the age of the 8-year-old. That raises my doubts even more, however, who can really say what goes on in the mind of a sexual predator.

What I really need to do is go back and reread all of the particulars, because as times goes by I forget specific facts. One victim that spoke out was eight years old when she was assaulted by RM.

I also came across this website: which gives a rundown (near the bottom) of RM's crimes and convictions.

I agree that it is obvious that Brittanee is not a preteen. She's built small, but her face is more mature than a preteen's, IMO.
I've been following this case via the news media, but have not followed on WS until recently. I live in Horry County about 12 miles from where Brittanee disappeared. I know that the location she walked the night she went missing is not considered (in my opinion) safe. Especially after dark. In April, some of the hotels are still closed. Many of the small ones on the Blvd. don't open until later in May closer to Memorial Day weekend. Also, I noticed she walked right past Hurl Rock Park, not good. A lot of shady dealings going on there as well after dark. I am a local and if I can help in any way, please let me know.
I've been following this case via the news media, but have not followed on WS until recently. I live in Horry County about 12 miles from where Brittanee disappeared. I know that the location she walked the night she went missing is not considered (in my opinion) safe. Especially after dark. In April, some of the hotels are still closed. Many of the small ones on the Blvd. don't open until later in May closer to Memorial Day weekend. Also, I noticed she walked right past Hurl Rock Park, not good. A lot of shady dealings going on there as well after dark. I am a local and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

I've been following this case via the news media, but have not followed on WS until recently. I live in Horry County about 12 miles from where Brittanee disappeared. I know that the location she walked the night she went missing is not considered (in my opinion) safe. Especially after dark. In April, some of the hotels are still closed. Many of the small ones on the Blvd. don't open until later in May closer to Memorial Day weekend. Also, I noticed she walked right past Hurl Rock Park, not good. A lot of shady dealings going on there as well after dark. I am a local and if I can help in any way, please let me know.

Where is Hurl Rock Park(street address)? Is that the place just north of the Visitor's Connection on Ocean Boulevard? I've been looking at that on Google Earth and couldn't figure out what that was.
Where is Hurl Rock Park(street address)? Is that the place just north of the Visitor's Connection on Ocean Boulevard? I've been looking at that on Google Earth and couldn't figure out what that was.
Hurl Rock Park is next to the Blue Water Resort or right past it on the same side of S Ocean Blvd It looks like a parking lot on google. (In a horseshoe shape) People park here and go to the beach.
Hurl Rock Park is next to the Blue Water Resort or right past it on the same side of S Ocean Blvd It looks like a parking lot on google. (In a horseshoe shape) People park here and go to the beach.

If I remember correctly didn't Brittanee's family hold the one year anniversary ceremony at Hurl Rock Park?
Dismemberment.. that was my first thought when I found out rm worked at a woodworking shop.

Does anyone know if RM works for someone or is this woodworking shop his own business? I am guessing he learned this trade while in prison?

After watching the video posted above at :43 to :48 which shows Brittanee walking south on the east side of Ocean Boulevard. I noticed the people walking in front of her are at a driveway which leads to a parking lot of a hotel called the Coral Beach Resort and Suites. In my post of #481 all my calculations are based on the distance from the intersection of 11th Avenue South and South Ocean Boulevard to the Blue Water Resort. Actually Brittanee is almost 150 feet from the intersection. So I decided to recalculate and recalculate in feet rather than miles. I have her walking about 230 feet per minute (almost 80 yards) which equals 2.62 mph. In post #481 I calculated 2.74 mph. I still have her at 8:58 pm at the last time she sent a text to her boyfriend being between 15th Avenue South and 14th Avenue South between the Majestic Breeze and the Carousel Hotels. This intrigues me since Christina691 has said that many of these small 'mom and pop' hotels are abandoned or closed along Ocean Boulevard and BKS has also said many hotels don't open until May or near Memorial Day Weekend (late May). Between 15th Avenue South and 14th Avenue South (west side of street) we have 3 such hotels (Majestic Breeze, Carousel, and the Cabana Inn) each with a parking lot right next to the sidewalk. As a matter of fact there is nothing else on this side of the block. So basically what you have here is a entire block that if hotels are closed you would have no activity. I think I might check into whether or not any of these hotels were open in April 2009.
I am not sure if I have ever posted in here but I have been reading since 2009. As a Charleston SC resident up until last year, and the mother to 3 teenagers, this sad story just sticks with me and I can't help but check in now and then to see if Brittanee has been found :(

Anyway, the reason I write tonight, is because after ALL this reading and speculation, I can't remember seeing it anywhere and thought I would bring it up. My theory on Brittanee's visit to the Boys' hotel that night, was that she was going to pick up drugs. For either her or her girlfriends, or maybe even someone else she had met while in MB. That would explain her in/out appearance, for which the other girls/boys could have easily made up a story about returning shorts, which IMO sounds silly to begin with. I know darn well that a bunch of teenage girls had other clothes to wear and that would not have been an emergency "come back here and bring me my "shorts" situation"... period.

I believe that is why the boys high tailed it out of there in the middle of the night, they thought she would be found dead or OD'd and that they would be implicated for involvement in it because they sold her the drugs. That is why the boy lawyered up, he expected her to be found and his name to come up.

Maybe she was picking them up for somebody from the club etc, and that didn't turn out well....or maybe she was assaulted on her way back with them, and the drugs came into play and things got ugly. hard to say. but no matter what, that is what my gut feeling keeps giving me about her visit to that hotel that night and the rush back out of there along with the rapid departure of the potential "dealers"....

In a world full of billions of people, places, and things, a person or their belongings being found, is truly a needle in a haystack. unless somebody is careless or somebody's conscience gets the best of them!! Let's all hope one or the other happens very soon. This poor kiddo needs justice.
I am not sure if I have ever posted in here but I have been reading since 2009. As a Charleston SC resident up until last year, and the mother to 3 teenagers, this sad story just sticks with me and I can't help but check in now and then to see if Brittanee has been found :(

Anyway, the reason I write tonight, is because after ALL this reading and speculation, I can't remember seeing it anywhere and thought I would bring it up. My theory on Brittanee's visit to the Boys' hotel that night, was that she was going to pick up drugs. For either her or her girlfriends, or maybe even someone else she had met while in MB. That would explain her in/out appearance, for which the other girls/boys could have easily made up a story about returning shorts, which IMO sounds silly to begin with. I know darn well that a bunch of teenage girls had other clothes to wear and that would not have been an emergency "come back here and bring me my "shorts" situation"... period.

I believe that is why the boys high tailed it out of there in the middle of the night, they thought she would be found dead or OD'd and that they would be implicated for involvement in it because they sold her the drugs. That is why the boy lawyered up, he expected her to be found and his name to come up.

Maybe she was picking them up for somebody from the club etc, and that didn't turn out well....or maybe she was assaulted on her way back with them, and the drugs came into play and things got ugly. hard to say. but no matter what, that is what my gut feeling keeps giving me about her visit to that hotel that night and the rush back out of there along with the rapid departure of the potential "dealers"....

In a world full of billions of people, places, and things, a person or their belongings being found, is truly a needle in a haystack. unless somebody is careless or somebody's conscience gets the best of them!! Let's all hope one or the other happens very soon. This poor kiddo needs justice.

:welcome4: glad you could join us!! :)

I've always thought of the possibility of whether or not drugs could be involved.. I don't know, maybe I just really WANT to believe that drugs didn't take part in the situation, but anything is possible at this point. I think LE has said that they didn't have any indication that it may have taken part in her disappearance. Brittanee's boyfriend said the group she traveled with were into drugs and that was why she was "trying to distance herself from that group". So, unless she was just lying to him (which could absolutely be true), I don't know why she would distance herself from one group that is using drugs to go hang out with another group that's doing the exact same thing.
I think I honestly believe she really was in the process of taking the shorts back. As much as I'd love to, I don't think that the boys had anything to do with it :/ Surely LE checked their phone's activities to make sure it added up with their story. If Brittanee's phone (and assuming Brittanee physically was with the phone) was pinging in Georgetown around 11ish, the boys hadn't even checked out of the hotel at that point in time. They didn't leave until past midnight. It would be nearly impossible for something to have happened to her (OD, death), them leave MB to take her wherever, and come back to MB without LE finding a hole in their story somewhere. I'm sure the boys went out that night somewhere, locally in MB, and their stories were corroborated by either their phone activity or other people confirming that they were in MB. I think them lawyering up was simply just rich kids being rich kids, their parents hiring attorneys just to ensure that nothing would happen to them.

Now the girls that she traveled with is an entire different story- the whole group seems shady. The comments on the Facebook pages, not even acknowledging that Brittanee is missing, or angry that their Spring Break trip was messed up because of her is outrageous. I'm sure their stories have been corroborated by LE also, but I just don't understand how they could be so cold and hateful. Not even acknowledge Brittanee as a friend to them. I definitely think they could have had something to do with it. Either them, or someone random snatched her without anyone seeing.
:welcome4: glad you could join us!! :)

I've always thought of the possibility of whether or not drugs could be involved.. I don't know, maybe I just really WANT to believe that drugs didn't take part in the situation, but anything is possible at this point. I think LE has said that they didn't have any indication that it may have taken part in her disappearance. Brittanee's boyfriend said the group she traveled with were into drugs and that was why she was "trying to distance herself from that group". So, unless she was just lying to him (which could absolutely be true), I don't know why she would distance herself from one group that is using drugs to go hang out with another group that's doing the exact same thing.
I think I honestly believe she really was in the process of taking the shorts back. As much as I'd love to, I don't think that the boys had anything to do with it :/ Surely LE checked their phone's activities to make sure it added up with their story. If Brittanee's phone (and assuming Brittanee physically was with the phone) was pinging in Georgetown around 11ish, the boys hadn't even checked out of the hotel at that point in time. They didn't leave until past midnight. It would be nearly impossible for something to have happened to her (OD, death), them leave MB to take her wherever, and come back to MB without LE finding a hole in their story somewhere. I'm sure the boys went out that night somewhere, locally in MB, and their stories were corroborated by either their phone activity or other people confirming that they were in MB. I think them lawyering up was simply just rich kids being rich kids, their parents hiring attorneys just to ensure that nothing would happen to them.

Now the girls that she traveled with is an entire different story- the whole group seems shady. The comments on the Facebook pages, not even acknowledging that Brittanee is missing, or angry that their Spring Break trip was messed up because of her is outrageous. I'm sure their stories have been corroborated by LE also, but I just don't understand how they could be so cold and hateful. Not even acknowledge Brittanee as a friend to them. I definitely think they could have had something to do with it. Either them, or someone random snatched her without anyone seeing.
That is a very interesting observation. Girls can be hateful and very mean to each other. Maybe it was about the shorts, maybe they were setting her up. If their meaness towards her continued after Brittanee's disappearance, that in itself says a lot.
I know darn well that a bunch of teenage girls had other clothes to wear and that would not have been an emergency "come back here and bring me my "shorts" situation"... period.

IMO this IS a believable story. i am from Rochester, NY (not friends with any of the girls involved) and i've said it 1 million other times, the girls here are DEFINITELY somethin else and getting upset about something as petty as her wearing someones shorts is pretty much the norm here....

i'd be upset if i was on vacation and someone wore my clothes without asking and i went to get dressed and couldn't find something that i KNEW i brought.. it makes perfect sense if you ask me

ETA::: and the drug thing... i've also said before is believable. i would say about 90% of teenagers to age 30 here do some sort of drug be it alcohol, weed, cocaine, xtc.. drugs are not uncommon in Rochester, NY at all
I agree on the fact that I don't think the boys had anything to do with her actual disappearance other than having sold her drugs and then high tailed it out of there when something else went wrong to avoid being caught up in it.

AS for the shorts, I am sure that is a very believable story. It is also one easily made up to cover up a story about Drugs. It isn't like the kids were going to tell anybody that she went there to get drugs.

I just can't shake the feeling that the kid who was on Dr Phil was shady as a Live Oak, and just looking at him makes me cringe.

Reading through the blog that was posted makes me wonder about this as well. A lot of innuendos being tossed about, which makes me think the kids have more involvement in this than anyone is letting on. Which, again, a drug overdose among them would be enough to tarnish many reputations in a "high class society" of kids looking at college applications...especially for the dealer and the ones who were with her when she died.

Hi friends, hi Brittanee.

I don't have much to add right now, but I love seeing all the chatter. Even if ideas have been mentioned before sometimes we have a new set of eyes stop by and they may see something that those of us who have been mulling over the same details for a few years have missed.

On that note, I see some fresh "faces" (usernames?) popping up here and there and I just want to say :welcome:

Just checking on everything. Off to dinner...
IMO this IS a believable story. i am from Rochester, NY (not friends with any of the girls involved) and i've said it 1 million other times, the girls here are DEFINITELY somethin else and getting upset about something as petty as her wearing someones shorts is pretty much the norm here....

i'd be upset if i was on vacation and someone wore my clothes without asking and i went to get dressed and couldn't find something that i KNEW i brought.. it makes perfect sense if you ask me

ETA::: and the drug thing... i've also said before is believable. i would say about 90% of teenagers to age 30 here do some sort of drug be it alcohol, weed, cocaine, xtc.. drugs are not uncommon in Rochester, NY at all

Yeah, I'd be mad too!! But shoot, they must have been really mad at her to make her walk over a mile back just to return some shorts.. That's messed up. They could have easily said "Hey, where are you? Can we meet up so I can get my shorts back?"... simple as that. I don't think any excuse they could come up with would be acceptable.

Just a side note, this may sound idiotic, but is a 17 year old still considered a minor? I know in certain states that 17 is considered an adult, as in others 18 years old is what you legally consider to be an adult. With Brittanee being 17, and this group of kids just coming and getting her and taking her to the opposite side of the county, can they be charged with something? Not like full on kidnapping, obviously, because she agreed to go with them. But, I would think that crossing state lines with someone's "child" without consent is probably illegal.. unless I'm just way off. I wish her family had an opportunity to do something like that.. I'd be willing to bet those girls would tell on each other in a heartbeat if they truly had something to do with her disappearance. Start talking jail time with them & all their secrets would be aired out (if they have secrets, that is) and they would eventually turn on each other.
Yeah, I'd be mad too!! But shoot, they must have been really mad at her to make her walk over a mile back just to return some shorts.. That's messed up. They could have easily said "Hey, where are you? Can we meet up so I can get my shorts back?"... simple as that. I don't think any excuse they could come up with would be acceptable.

Just a side note, this may sound idiotic, but is a 17 year old still considered a minor? I know in certain states that 17 is considered an adult, as in others 18 years old is what you legally consider to be an adult. With Brittanee being 17, and this group of kids just coming and getting her and taking her to the opposite side of the county, can they be charged with something? Not like full on kidnapping, obviously, because she agreed to go with them. But, I would think that crossing state lines with someone's "child" without consent is probably illegal.. unless I'm just way off. I wish her family had an opportunity to do something like that.. I'd be willing to bet those girls would tell on each other in a heartbeat if they truly had something to do with her disappearance. Start talking jail time with them & all their secrets would be aired out (if they have secrets, that is) and they would eventually turn on each other.

Seems to me that if you take a minor across state lines, without parental permission, and that minor is put in danger, the person or persons transporting the minor child should be held accountable. How old are the other girls?
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