Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #15

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Oh dear. The fb page is still there. I just scrolled down and there is a sickening picture of someone holding a baby and there are horrible burns or scars on the baby's little back. This "BD imposter" or someone is making comments using some kind of language that sounds like you hear "gangs" talk like. (I'm not up on that sort of thing but that is what it looks to be to me). Wonder if LE should see that?
its in the box next to message where you see the down arrow when you click that it will give you an option to report
This is the first time I knew about Brittanee's mom and grandma being on Maury. It is sure heart wrenching to see the pain they are still enduring. I am not saying one way or the other that I believe a psychic can help in missing persons' cases, but with Maury saying he did not tell this psychic anything other than he was going to MB, makes me wonder. Depending on how long he knew he would be going to MB before he actually went there, he could easily google MB and missing, and I'm sure a lot of information and articles about her would come up. Sorry, but sometimes psychics give people who are desperate to find their loved ones false hopes. I want her to come home and would be the same way, accepting help of a psychic or things like that, but just feel like this was not done in a good way. All 110% my own opinion.

Just noticed the Maury show was done in Oct 2009. Still feel the same about it though. Painful to see them in such agony.

There are also a lot of white vehicles in the South. It's hot so many folks opt for white instead of a darker color that attracts heat.
There are also a lot of white vehicles in the South. It's hot so many folks opt for white instead of a darker color that attracts heat.

Never noticed it until you said something, but this is true! Does anyone have a picture of the white truck that RM owned? I've been searching, but I can't seem to find anything. And has anyone (other than the police) seen the entire footage of the traffic camera? I've only seen that short clip of her walking past it, but it is too short and grainy to try and make out what kind of vehicles are passing by her. I see a few cars, and what looks like a silver sport SUV, but not any trucks. Why wouldn't they just tell the public that they were looking for a certain kind of make/model/color vehicle that was in the area? If a white vehicle is some sort of a valid clue in their investigation, it could potentially bring in a lot of new tips from people who were in the area that night. I'm aware that LE would receive a lot of tips that are probably irrelevant to the case, but it's better than nothing. I'm wondering if they have information and leads linked to this white vehicle, but cannot say anything to the public due to the fact it may jeopardize other clues in the case..
I know it's silly, and everyone on this thread is just as important, but I can't stand seeing Britt's page on the second page of the thread.

If there's anyway possible, help us find you sweetie.
I wonder if Dawn Drexel got any response from her published letter?
Has anyone read this article? Well, I wouldn't really consider it a blog article, it looks to me like it's just a somewhat popular blog entry regarding Brittanee.

A lot of what is said here isn't true, it's incorrect information.. but I'm wondering if other parts of it are true. It says something like DD was worried that she hadn't had any contact with Brittanee all of Sunday, 4/26/09, so she called the friend in the military stationed at camp lejune and requested him to go fill out a missing person's report. Okay, we've heard Dawn say multiple times that she had contact with Brittanee's boyfriend initially that same Saturday night she went missing and that's when he informed her that no one could find her, and that is what prompted her to call the family friend in NC. But, where are they getting that the family friend "found all of Brittanee’s belongings still inside her hotel room, he also found Drexel’s clothes and liquor inside Broswick’s hotel room."..?

Is this true?? Did I miss something?

& If you scroll down and read through some of the comments, you'll see a person posting claiming that he's clairvoyant and has seen multiple scenarios and readings when studying Brittanee's disappearance. A lot of what he says sounds very random and kind of irrelevant. I did notice a few things though: He says he thinks that a house in or around the mcclellanville area is involved. His comment was posted in September of 2009, had it been announced publicly yet that that specific area was an area that LE wanted to search? Is this guy legitimate?
Has anyone read this article? Well, I wouldn't really consider it a blog article, it looks to me like it's just a somewhat popular blog entry regarding Brittanee.

A lot of what is said here isn't true, it's incorrect information.. but I'm wondering if other parts of it are true. It says something like DD was worried that she hadn't had any contact with Brittanee all of Sunday, 4/26/09, so she called the friend in the military stationed at camp lejune and requested him to go fill out a missing person's report. Okay, we've heard Dawn say multiple times that she had contact with Brittanee's boyfriend initially that same Saturday night she went missing and that's when he informed her that no one could find her, and that is what prompted her to call the family friend in NC. But, where are they getting that the family friend "found all of Brittanee’s belongings still inside her hotel room, he also found Drexel’s clothes and liquor inside Broswick’s hotel room."..?

Is this true?? Did I miss something?

& If you scroll down and read through some of the comments, you'll see a person posting claiming that he's clairvoyant and has seen multiple scenarios and readings when studying Brittanee's disappearance. A lot of what he says sounds very random and kind of irrelevant. I did notice a few things though: He says he thinks that a house in or around the mcclellanville area is involved. His comment was posted in September of 2009, had it been announced publicly yet that that specific area was an area that LE wanted to search? Is this guy legitimate?

Yeah from what I understand DD contacted someone they knew who was stationed at Camp LeJune which is in NC. That person traveled down to MB that night after getting an OK from military personnel to leave camp and filed a missing person report. Camp LeJune is about a 2 1/2 hour drive from MB. I think it was filed at 1 or 2 AM on 4/26/09. It was posted somewhere and I have read it but not sure I could find it again. I think I had read this person did stop at BD's hotel room but not sure if he stopped at PB's hotel room. Probably a pretty good chance he did stop at PB's room since I am sure DD was in contact with him while he was in MB and PB had already left town. That might be another reason why PB left at 1 or 2 AM because they knew this guy from the Marines was in town. Information about BD's cell phone was out almost immediately and the area where her cell phone last pinged was often referred to as Georgetown/Charleston county line. McClellanville is only about 7 miles from the Georgetown/Charleston county line and is actually closer than Georgetown. I think Georgetown is about 14 miles from the county line. When the term McClellanville was first used I don't know. I try to keep an open mind about clairvoyants and the like but I think some of this information was already out there in September 2009.
I had read online this summer that they have conducted around 40 searches for BD. I got to thinking about this and wondered why they haven't found anything other than possibly her sunglasses in 2009. I started to think about the primary POI and where he lived, his past and MB. I thought to myself why would someone travel to MB to kidnap someone versus a town in the area? It was most likely to create distance from where he resided. Anonymity. He was incarcerated for 20+ years for the same type of crimes. As I understand it he was originally from Georgetown, SC and people in Georgetown probably know him and his past. My question is if he traveled to MB which is around 40 miles from his residence to kidnap BD why take BD to the Poleyard Landing which is only about 8 miles from his known residence? That doesn't make any sense to me. Her cell phone last pinged at the Poleyard Landing but that doesn't mean BD is there. Most likely her phone was discarded there. I often wonder if she isn't much further South and they just aren't searching the right area. He would have had to travel through Georgetown to get to his residence so if he felt comfortable with driving through a town with a population of 9,000 with someone I am sure he would have been comfortable driving through McClellanville, SC a town with a population of 500. The Francis Marion National Forest is a huge area it's 630,000 acres and extends almost all the way down to Charleston, SC. It's intersected with highways and roads, well maintained forest services roads and trails, sparsely populated and much of it is within a 30 minute drive of known residence of primary POI.
I've wondered too if she wound up further away than Georgetown/McClellanville. It's just kind of a lose-lose situation at this point. Sure, it's possible that she wasn't taken to anywhere near that area, but they really don't have anywhere else to look. They just continue to search that exact same area repeatedly and never find anything (that we know of, at least).

Your point about the distance between the area searched and MB makes sense. On one hand, it would make sense for whoever allegedly abducted her to take her as far away as possible just to direct any attention away from them or his/her living space in general. HOWEVER, if that person was confident enough (and most likely a repeat offender) in the fact that they could take her to the pole yard boat landing and dispose of any evidence, or even a body for that matter, without leaving behind anything tying them to her disappearance, I think they would do it. Especially if it's a local. They would know that area extremely well. They know the wildlife and how brutal it is.

I would love to know what LE has that made them able to announce that they believed RM was connected to Crystal Sole's disappearance

After that botched abduction back in 2010 in nearly the exact same spot where Brittanee was last seen, I think it's just a matter of time before they attempt it again.

In the article I posted, it says that Brittanee's clothes were left in PB's room along with her liquor. If this is true, why were her clothes there?! I don't believe the article is all that trust-worthy, this is just something I've never heard of throughout this entire investigation. I've always heard that all of her belongings were back at the BH hotel. If the clothes were actually there and were hers, wouldn't she have taken them back with her when she was walking back to Bar Harbor??
I've wondered too if she wound up further away than Georgetown/McClellanville. It's just kind of a lose-lose situation at this point. Sure, it's possible that she wasn't taken to anywhere near that area, but they really don't have anywhere else to look. They just continue to search that exact same area repeatedly and never find anything (that we know of, at least).

Your point about the distance between the area searched and MB makes sense. On one hand, it would make sense for whoever allegedly abducted her to take her as far away as possible just to direct any attention away from them or his/her living space in general. HOWEVER, if that person was confident enough (and most likely a repeat offender) in the fact that they could take her to the pole yard boat landing and dispose of any evidence, or even a body for that matter, without leaving behind anything tying them to her disappearance, I think they would do it. Especially if it's a local. They would know that area extremely well. They know the wildlife and how brutal it is.

I would love to know what LE has that made them able to announce that they believed RM was connected to Crystal Sole's disappearance

After that botched abduction back in 2010 in nearly the exact same spot where Brittanee was last seen, I think it's just a matter of time before they attempt it again.

In the article I posted, it says that Brittanee's clothes were left in PB's room along with her liquor. If this is true, why were her clothes there?! I don't believe the article is all that trust-worthy, this is just something I've never heard of throughout this entire investigation. I've always heard that all of her belongings were back at the BH hotel. If the clothes were actually there and were hers, wouldn't she have taken them back with her when she was walking back to Bar Harbor??

Yes extremely confident or I suppose the person or persons didn't realize BD's cell phone could be tracked to the area. The fact the primary POI traveled to MB the following day makes me think he wasn't totally confident.
:sigh: I don't know why, but I thought something would happen today in regards to this case.
Yes extremely confident or I suppose the person or persons didn't realize BD's cell phone could be tracked to the area. The fact the primary POI traveled to MB the following day makes me think he wasn't totally confident.

Yeah! agreed. He would basically be inserting himself right in the middle of the investigation by returning to that area less than 24 hours later. Maybe it's another local RSO that we just haven't been made aware of yet? I went back and I'm listening to the radio show where DD came on and talked to Tricia. RM committing this crime would just make sense- It's the same story we've heard time and time again. A young, beautiful teenager goes missing and it ends up being a RSO who shouldn't have even been let out of prison/jail to begin with, but they were and now someone's child is missing. It's history repeating itself over and over. But, the way DD dismisses this theory just gives me this gut feeling that there's more to the story. She even says that there's been movement in the case with new developments, but that she can't elaborate on it. If the sex trafficking theory is plausible, then DD must know something that she can't say to anyone. & I'm still confused about that FB post from a few months ago from that Salvatore person who announced on FB to DD that the people she went down with knew more than what they were saying and that he knew this secret and he was about to "blow the case wide open"- nothing ever came of that!!

How did Brittanee have money to go to MB? Her Mom thought she was still in Rochester. I'm sure if she would have went to her mom and asked for a substantial amount of cash (in order to take on the trip), DD would have caught on. Judging from the scenario of Brittanee's fantastic older friends, I'm positive that they would have made her pitch in SOME amount of cash to go towards the room they rented. Did she have a debit card?

Again on the radio show, DD says that upon speaking to PB when Brittanee first went missing, he said "Well, you know, she stays out for a long time and doesn't come back, we're just gonna wait and see if she comes back". Wait and see if she comes back? They high-tailed it back up to Rochester just as soon as they found out LE was involved and aware that she was missing! If she had been "going out for a long time" while she was there, there's no telling who/what she could have ran into not realizing that they could potentially cause her harm.

On one of the police reports, the boys state that Brittanee arrived at their hotel at approximately 8:00PM and stayed for a total of 10 mins. On the radio show, Dawn says LE estimates that Brittanee didn't make it past the BW resort's parking lot. BW resort surveillance shows her exiting the building at 8:48PM, and her cell phone records show the last outbound activity from the phone was at 8:58PM to her boyfriend. Since she was still texting her boyfriend well over 10 mins after leaving, wouldn't that have allowed her enough time to at least make it past the BW resort's parking lot? & Why is there a discrepancy in time? A 45 minute difference may not have seemed important to the boys, but it definitely is.
I haven't seen the FB comment by Salvatore. You should post it. I wonder sometimes if this crew that went down to MB aren't just playing games at DD's expense. If these people have information is LE talking to them? I think the comment about BD not making past the BW resort parking lot was something that DD was thinking and not something that LE had said. I might have to listen to the interview again.
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