Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #8

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Here you go, post #38 on the Forensic Astrology thread for Britt.

I'm thinking that these people saw her walking alone by herself and decided to make a move.

What's the drug connection in all this? ( talking about the people in custody, not PB and Co)

Someone reported a tip on here about a barn and that they had to keep thier mouth shut about what happened to Brittanee.

what thread was that on? I'd like to go back and re read it.
Even though the articles say they've been named, they haven't been named publicly. And they are not the friends. The POI's live in the North Santee area of SC and did not know Britt "directly."

Thank you. I'm way behind on this case because I quit posting in this thread. Mainly because I felt it was a homicide from the get go and alot of posters were adamant Britanee was a runaway.
Thank you. I'm way behind on this case because I quit posting in this thread. Mainly because I felt it was a homicide from the get go and alot of posters were adamant Britanee was a runaway.

Yes, it became pretty clear after a short while that B was not a runaway. It's so painful to hear homicide attached to her name, though. Unfortunately, anything in between isn't much better :(

Glad you're back.
My video tribute to Brittanee on YouTube is attracting some unwelcomed comments. I wasn't going to dignify them with attention, but now someone is claiming that they know where her body is. I'm sure they're just looking for attention, but how on earth does someone get so twisted?! I'd be afraid to post anything like that for the sheer fact that if LE did read it and got suspicious that they'd track me down.

Here's the link if you wanna take a gander:
Wow LLLindsayy, that's a great tribute - I've never seen like 90% of those pics of Brit...thanks for sharing that!

As far as the peanut gallery goes, it seems you can't have anything involving a missing person or other victim without the idiots coming out of the woodwork.
she could have been experimenting. :waitasec:

Or she may have been a casual user (as opposed to addict/abuser) like many teens - usually in those cases the parent and most freinds are clueless as there is no change in behavior etc associated with such use.
""We want to find out where she is - alive -and bring her home," said Drexel.

The problem is, police say all signs point to death."

What kind of signs point to death other than blood/body??
Maybe there was merit to that poster's rumor about a source having been threatened if he talked, but he said he knew how B was killed... that would certainly point to death....

What else? (other than having been missing a year & that stats that come with that territory)
Would LE be able to tell if BD was SA if there are just bones?
""We want to find out where she is - alive -and bring her home," said Drexel.

The problem is, police say all signs point to death."

What kind of signs point to death other than blood/body??
Maybe there was merit to that poster's rumor about a source having been threatened if he talked, but he said he knew how B was killed... that would certainly point to death....

What else? (other than having been missing a year & that stats that come with that territory)

The bone that was not a bone found on the shore of the River.... could that have been something significant and they just got dna results back on it. Any word on what it actually was? Or unrelated to BD completly?
N/M Link was posted two posts above (sorry)
I have a "feel" that this is a case of a group involved...but some not so involved....who will turn on the ones who actually killed Britanee..

I think that a lot of times young people are very trusting..they may not really "know" someone but if they have "met" them in a bar, at a party, seen them around , or the person "knows' people they know they let their guard down

My guess is that something like this happened to Britanee...the fact she was texting away shows that she thought she was ok, and she probably was..until she wasn't....I think they took her outside of town, and then things went downhill from there

with a group like this there are usually some who are the ringleaders and some who are the (maybe frightened) some point someone will crack, the first to "tell" is the one to cut a deal

and my guess is that some deals have been cut
and more will be cut

I for one am happy to see that LE has kept up on this...all the idle speculation and finger pointing about the "friends" probably was for nothing as far as I can tell (my prediction all along)
""We want to find out where she is - alive -and bring her home," said Drexel.

The problem is, police say all signs point to death."

What kind of signs point to death other than blood/body??
Maybe there was merit to that poster's rumor about a source having been threatened if he talked, but he said he knew how B was killed... that would certainly point to death....

What else? (other than having been missing a year & that stats that come with that territory)

I am behind, what poster said they had been threatened if he talked? I just missed it I don't get to read on here as much as I would like to. But, I am so glad that Brittanee might be on her way to getting justice. I hope somehow that there is a miracle and LE are wrong and she is found alive I know it sounds farfetched but, one can hope.
Re: the comments about Brittanee hanging out with a different group of men after leaving the other men's hotel, she had just had a tiff in a phonecall with one of the girls she was staying with who wanted her shorts back I believe, and I do not think there is any basis that Brittanee was doing anything but returning to her hotel per her friend's request. She also asked for a ride back, IIRC.

Also the wording would indicate that the POI's know something about her abduction and murder after the fact. Basically there's no basis whatsoever for smearing a murdered young girl with scenes of drugs and being picked up by a gang of strangers as she headed back to her hotel on foot at dusk with refusal of the friends she went to see to help her get back safely.

They apparently didn't care whether she was alive or dead, so that aspect of it is taken care for them. That was bad enough. It'd be nice if there were some basis to besmirch her memory with drugs and gangs of strange men to add insult to injury, or death in this case.

If they're going to keep going on about people being named, how about those names? Crimeny.

I asked for patience but got tired of waiting :p
Re: the comments about Brittanee hanging out with a different group of men after leaving the other men's hotel, she had just had a tiff in a phonecall with one of the girls she was staying with who wanted her shorts back I believe, and I do not think there is any basis that Brittanee was doing anything but returning to her hotel per her friend's request. She also asked for a ride back, IIRC.

Also the wording would indicate that the POI's know something about her abduction and murder after the fact. Basically there's no basis whatsoever for smearing a murdered young girl with scenes of drugs and being picked up by a gang of strangers as she headed back to her hotel on foot at dusk with refusal of the friends she went to see to help her get back safely.

They apparently didn't care whether she was alive or dead, so that aspect of it is taken care for them. That was bad enough. It'd be nice if there were some basis to besmirch her memory with drugs and gangs of strange men to add insult to injury, or death in this case.


??? well apparently they are not saying she didn't know them...she may have known them indirectly...the fact she was texting for awhile there shows that she may have gotten in the car willingly or not forced....that things went bad after she was out in the country with these guys

I am not sure why the need to "besmirch" the kids she was with on the trip....I have seen all sorts of things written about them....

as far as the "drugs">> LE seems to be leaning that way

again..this is the forum for DISCUSSION.... THERE IS A FORUM FOR FAMILY SUPPORT

We are discussing things that are current with this case
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