Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #9

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Newest article:

Family in Grand Strand for Drexel vigil
Posted: Apr 21, 2010 10:03 PM EDT Updated: Apr 21, 2010 10:26 PM EDT
By Brandon Herring - bio | email


MYRTLE BEACH, SC (WMBF) - The family of Brittanee Drexel is planning to publicly mark the one-year anniversary of when she disappeared.

Drexel was on Spring Break from the Rochester, NY, area when she was last seen at a Myrtle Beach resort on Ocean Boulevard on April 25, 2009.

A gathering will begin Saturday at 5:30 p.m. at the Bar Harbor resort where Drexel was staying during her trip to the Grand Strand. People will then join in a march of about 20 blocks to the BlueWater Resort where she visited a friend and was last seen.

Just beside the BlueWater, a vigil will begin at the Hurl Rocks Park at 7:30 p.m.

More at link...
Reading a previous post, I thought of this: I was just wondering what the general attitude there is in that area for "not snitching." If these was an area where African-Americans lived, and the POI's were African-Americans, this could possibly pose a problem for LE. From LE's remarks, it seems they are having a rough time drawing any info. from family members and friends. Such information could be hard to obtain if the code of "don't snitch" applies for the residents of this area. I was just wondering if there was a good chance that these POI's could be African-American?
Reading a previous post, I thought of this: I was just wondering what the general attitude there is in that area for "not snitching." If these was an area where African-Americans lived, and the POI's were African-Americans, this could possibly pose a problem for LE. From LE's remarks, it seems they are having a rough time drawing any info. from family members and friends. Such information could be hard to obtain if the code of "don't snitch" applies for the residents of this area. I was just wondering if there was a good chance that these POI's could be African-American?

Very good possiblitiy,,but you do have some white folks tho to,,more a family type area one knows all no one talks ,,but LE im sure have what they need,,,
Very good possiblitiy,,but you do have some white folks tho to,,more a family type area one knows all no one talks ,,but LE im sure have what they need,,,

I agree with Rose. This area is by no means inhabited by a single race... Even though it may have predominant race, that doesn't really matter..

I stated before that I saw some bad areas around there. That is true, however I also spoke to several locals around there, and I found they were very polite and helpful.

So there you have it... I think we can all agree that the race of the perp doesn't really matter?!
If you go with the theory that Brittanee may have been sent by her "friends" to buy drugs then those in the drug "business" won't usually snitch on each other either out of fear or loyalty.
This just a thought,
You know by news PB group says they went to a college party after BD left,,whats to say if maybe they really did leave(im sure on cameras le probley seen them leave) and say they pick bd up walking to go with them? and say they all got to this party and maybe was drinking ,doing little smoking (pot) maybe some pills,and maybe BD left with one of the guys from party (not saying pb group now) and maybe after few hours she didnt show back up,this probley when PB was getting calls they couldnt find BD,he and his friends got scared and left town (1-2am leaving mb) maybe he didnt have anything to do with it but knew she left,maybe go get more drugs or maybe not,,,so with her being 17 im sure pb would of got scared,and he may called his parents,they may called his lawyer,,,whos to say but i feel all those so called friends that was in MB with BD are very cold and not so friendly its sad,one day this could turn on them,,,,my prayers with Drexel family ,friends,looking forward to seeing them this weekend,,,,this just my 2 cents on this,,,,
So there you have it... I think we can all agree that the race of the perp doesn't really matter?!

Okay, I should attempt to explain, and then I'll drop it.

As far as race: rightly or wrongly, when I think ghetto, I think urban not rural, and minorities. I know the minority thing is a stereotype, but it is what it is.

Further, there are 4 persons of interest, as I understand it, that we know about. I don't know if that means there is one perp and 3 others that know what happened after the fact, or if it was a group that acted together. Or some other combination.

Given that, as far as the circumstances go, I was thinking of it more with the sense of her not being forcefully put in a vehicle, and kind of doubting a little white girl would jump in a car with a group of black guys from Georgetown (for that matter, a group of white guys she doesn't really know would be a bad idea too, but again, I was using black because of the ghetto thing). Mixed group, yeah maybe. One or two blacks, one or two whites, or one of each, I can see that.

At any rate, I have been seeing her poster at a couple of places I regularly go since shortly after this happened and it made me so sad every time I see that beautiful young lady, knowing what probably happened to her. I'm not interested in stirring up any racial stuff, just trying to spitball a scenario that makes sense to me.

The copping drugs angle does make some sense, as far as explaining why she'd willingly get in a car and head away from the beach with a person/people she didn't know well. And drug dealers come in all colors.

Over and out :)
Is Dawn speaking to the media tomorrow? It feels like were still stuck waiting for more info/tips.
The copping drugs angle does make some sense, as far as explaining why she'd willingly get in a car and head away from the beach with a person/people she didn't know well. And drug dealers come in all colors.

Over and out :)

I think that is one thing the recently released video clears up - since she willing went to a hotel room to hangout with a guy she met during vaca - I would suspect she would have gotten in the car with him or someone else she felt she knew after meeting.
Is Dawn speaking to the media tomorrow? It feels like were still stuck waiting for more info/tips.

Doc, from my understanding LE MB have a meeting with her and CD

(Dawn Drexel says local police will be holding a press conference on Friday afternoon to talk about Brittanee's case.) and most likey there be reporters there,but i cant swear they talk Q/A but ill think they might,but with it being news to DD,CD i hope LE ,give them time to let all new info sink in,,,but we know tomorrw!!!!
Praying it be good news or closuer,,,
Okay, I should attempt to explain, and then I'll drop it.

As far as race: rightly or wrongly, when I think ghetto, I think urban not rural, and minorities. I know the minority thing is a stereotype, but it is what it is.

Further, there are 4 persons of interest, as I understand it, that we know about. I don't know if that means there is one perp and 3 others that know what happened after the fact, or if it was a group that acted together. Or some other combination.

Given that, as far as the circumstances go, I was thinking of it more with the sense of her not being forcefully put in a vehicle, and kind of doubting a little white girl would jump in a car with a group of black guys from Georgetown (for that matter, a group of white guys she doesn't really know would be a bad idea too, but again, I was using black because of the ghetto thing). Mixed group, yeah maybe. One or two blacks, one or two whites, or one of each, I can see that.

At any rate, I have been seeing her poster at a couple of places I regularly go since shortly after this happened and it made me so sad every time I see that beautiful young lady, knowing what probably happened to her. I'm not interested in stirring up any racial stuff, just trying to spitball a scenario that makes sense to me.

The copping drugs angle does make some sense, as far as explaining why she'd willingly get in a car and head away from the beach with a person/people she didn't know well. And drug dealers come in all colors.

Over and out :)

I'm from SC, born and raised....I'm not sure that we have ACTUAL 'ghettos' in too many spots. When I hear 'ghetto' in reference to a place in SC, I think:
-possible drugs
A bad area of town...or the county.
I agree that Brittanee wasn't likely to get in the car with a group of black males. NOT because I know anything about Brittanee's personal preferences, but because I'm CERTAIN that she got in the car with someone she met earlier in her trip. If you look at all of their partying pics, all of the pics from Club K, I don't recall seeing any AA males or females, IIRC. I just think that, whomever the POI's are, they had seen and spoke with her earlier. IMHO.

REALLY thinking about all of you headed down this weekend!! Wish I could be there with you! Praying for Brittanee and her family like crazy!! Hoping Matt's posters are weighing on people's minds...and that people are beginning to talk, knowing that Brittanee's family is here, that LE is bearing down on them, and that FAR too much time has passed without any closure for this town, this state, and especially Brittanee's family and friends!
Since the topic has come up, here's my :twocents:

I'm unsure how much the racial aspect matters. Sure, it's something to be thought about. Stereotypes exist whether we like it or not. Surely it's a topic that can't be avoided, for us or LE.

I'm unfamiliar with the demographics of the North Santee community. A couple weeks ago when the POI break was announced, I Googled the town to see what I could come up with. I was wondering how large of an area we were dealing with and the like. I was also interested in demographics, but in searching, I couldn't come up with much official information. I supposed to myself that the next best thing to official info would be unofficial info.

So, I did myself a Facebook search. Facebook is for all races, genders, ages, etc. I thought maybe I'd find a nice selection and get an idea for the townspeople of North Santee. I came across a FB group dedicated to folks that are specifically from the area.

Here is a link to the group:!/group.php?gid=45021899500&ref=search&sid=1565010167.3129705844..1

Take it for what it is. Make your own observations. Be appropriate, though. I decided not to bring this up until someone else did, because I wasn't sure how the topic would be received.
Since the topic has come up, here's my :twocents:

I'm unsure how much the racial aspect matters. Sure, it's something to be thought about. Stereotypes exist whether we like it or not. Surely it's a topic that can't be avoided, for us or LE.

I'm unfamiliar with the demographics of the North Santee community. A couple weeks ago when the POI break was announced, I Googled the town to see what I could come up with. I was wondering how large of an area we were dealing with and the like. I was also interested in demographics, but in searching, I couldn't come up with much official information. I supposed to myself that the next best thing to official info would be unofficial info.

So, I did myself a Facebook search. Facebook is for all races, genders, ages, etc. I thought maybe I'd find a nice selection and get an idea for the townspeople of North Santee. I came across a FB group dedicated to folks that are specifically from the area.

Here is a link to the group:!/group.php?gid=45021899500&ref=search&sid=1565010167.3129705844..1

Take it for what it is. Make your own observations. Be appropriate, though. I decided not to bring this up until someone else did, because I wasn't sure how the topic would be received.

The Facebook page was it,,,,,,,,,this why i felt in my own thinking it had do with drugs etc,,,,unless she was taken by force,,,,,,we all here in SC been praying,hoping for news ,true our Drexel family and our state needs this closed,,,,we had two mills, one closed so this is very hard area to find work,and crime etc is getting way out of hand,,we need a mircale for DD and family,,,
This just a thought,
You know by news PB group says they went to a college party after BD left,,whats to say if maybe they really did leave(im sure on cameras le probley seen them leave) and say they pick bd up walking to go with them? and say they all got to this party and maybe was drinking ,doing little smoking (pot) maybe some pills,and maybe BD left with one of the guys from party (not saying pb group now) and maybe after few hours she didnt show back up,this probley when PB was getting calls they couldnt find BD,he and his friends got scared and left town (1-2am leaving mb) maybe he didnt have anything to do with it but knew she left,maybe go get more drugs or maybe not,,,so with her being 17 im sure pb would of got scared,and he may called his parents,they may called his lawyer,,,whos to say but i feel all those so called friends that was in MB with BD are very cold and not so friendly its sad,one day this could turn on them,,,,my prayers with Drexel family ,friends,looking forward to seeing them this weekend,,,,this just my 2 cents on this,,,,

This is what I was getting at with a text to JG that he may have suspecting something. What if she text him that she was in a car with "people" going to a party or something of the sort. This would have been enough to raise suspicion if she stopped responding to texts. If she was in a car with people she knew "indirectly" through PB or one of the other ROC crew, was fighting with her friends, wasn't having a good time and started to become desperate for other people to hang around with to avoid the drama with the other girls, she could have maybe made some risky decisions.

I just think back to when I was 17. I hung around with girls who sound just like the girls she went with. They were always mad at one person in the group and for whichever one happened to be the victim of their anger (usually the one they were most jealous of at the moment), it certainly wasn't fun, in fact the phrase "emotional torture" comes to mind.

BD may have been the recipient of this type of teenage girl cruelty, putting her in a vulnerable state of mind. If she truly did suffer from boughts of depression (IIRC DD said she had some depression issues), it could be the recipe for disaster.

She would have found herself away from home, none of her "real" friends or boyfriend around, lots of male attention (as she is an absolutely beautiful girl) and her travel companions making her feel like the outcast. She could have welcomed the idea of hanging out with different people just to stay as far away from the girls as she could. So if someone she had a brief encounter with at some point invited her to a party, I think that if this truly was the situation, she would have been more prone to say "sure, I'll go".
Reading a previous post, I thought of this: I was just wondering what the general attitude there is in that area for "not snitching." If these was an area where African-Americans lived, and the POI's were African-Americans, this could possibly pose a problem for LE. From LE's remarks, it seems they are having a rough time drawing any info. from family members and friends. Such information could be hard to obtain if the code of "don't snitch" applies for the residents of this area. I was just wondering if there was a good chance that these POI's could be African-American?

This is the other thing I wonder. What if the perps were local kids (not the Santee area) from a party...if they were and god forbid something awful did happen to her while at said party, wouldn't that area be just the place to take her (from a locals perspective)? It would confuse LE enough to give a lot of credence to the "don't snitch" mentality of the area, making them think no one wanted to talk and meanwhile end up losing the trail of these people, who were actually responsible? Could the true perps have set up LE into thinking some random abductor drove her to this area?

I just have a hard time swallowing that this is a random abduction. I just think some kind of accident occured while she was with people she felt somewhat comfortable with and they panicked. Maybe it was the party that PB went to and he found out about it and hauled it out of there as fast as he could. I just think his actions speak "guilt" about something. Not even being involved, but having knowledge. Could he have thought he would make it home before anyone found out? Why else would you hire a lawyer? If he didn't know anything, why the need to be defended?
This is the other thing I wonder. What if the perps were local kids (not the Santee area) from a party...if they were and god forbid something awful did happen to her while at said party, wouldn't that area be just the place to take her (from a locals perspective)? It would confuse LE enough to give a lot of credence to the "don't snitch" mentality of the area, making them think no one wanted to talk and meanwhile end up losing the trail of these people, who were actually responsible? Could the true perps have set up LE into thinking some random abductor drove her to this area?

I just have a hard time swallowing that this is a random abduction. I just think some kind of accident occured while she was with people she felt somewhat comfortable with and they panicked. Maybe it was the party that PB went to and he found out about it and hauled it out of there as fast as he could. I just think his actions speak "guilt" about something. Not even being involved, but having knowledge. Could he have thought he would make it home before anyone found out? Why else would you hire a lawyer? If he didn't know anything, why the need to be defended?

I seem to recall that earlyon DD did bring up that she believes that possibly something happened that was an accident and she made a plea to the kids that were down in MB with BD that if this is what happened, please speak up so we can bring her home. She may have said this when they were on Dr. Phil.
Newest article:

Drexel family on the Grand Strand for Brittanee’s one year disappearance anniversary
By Mason Snyder
Published: April 22, 2010
Updated: April 22, 2010


After months of little to no developments in Brittanee Drexel’s disappearance, there has been some news in the last few weeks.

Last week investigators announced that they have three or four persons of interest in the case, but still lack a key piece of evidence that could lead to an arrest.

Then late last week, a new piece of video was released, showing the 17 year old spring breaker just hours before she went missing.

This weekend will mark the one year anniversary of her disappearance, and the Drexel family is on the Grand Strand.

“It’s just hard without her,“ said Brittanee’s 12 year old sister, Myrissa.

More at link...

*Video at link as well*
She very well could have went to a party but one thing that doesn't make sense is why was her cell phone activity cut off so quickly? I don't think she would have had an accident within 20 mins of entering the party. What is more feasible to me is the drug run concept. She was running for PB/ROC crew, or maybe the guys she got into the car with, needed to make a run down to GT county to get drugs themselves. Also remember Brittanee was down to very little money of her own. She could have been hanging out with these guys for the evening, or the rendezvous point after the run may have been the college party (if PB/ROC crew are involved.) Hence the reason Peter bailed. Something went wrong in GT county though. I think some of the POI's are from GT county and some probably are not.

I wish LE would give us something. Wish they could at least clear up the not knowing her directly part. That would send us all in the right direction.
She very well could have went to a party but one thing that doesn't make sense is why was her cell phone activity cut off so quickly? I don't think she would have had an accident within 20 mins of entering the party. What is more feasible to me is the drug run concept. She was running for PB/ROC crew, or maybe the guys she got into the car with, needed to make a run down to GT county to get drugs themselves. Also remember Brittanee was down to very little money of her own. She could have been hanging out with these guys for the evening, or the rendezvous point after the run may have been the college party (if PB/ROC crew are involved.) Hence the reason Peter bailed. Something went wrong in GT county though. I think some of the POI's are from GT county and some probably are not.

I wish LE would give us something. Wish they could at least clear up the not knowing her directly part. That would send us all in the right direction.

I hope LE tell some more in their PC on Friday and maybe clear up some of the rumors and questions.
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