Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #4

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I have to respectfully disagree. While I am most certainly 100% on board with respecting this sweet baby girl's dignity, releasing her autopsy report serves the purpose to factually inform the members of her community and the bigger community at large, of the type of crime that exists. The general public deserves to know the truth about crime (or lack of it) in their area.

I agree with you. I suppose there will always be some with morbid curiosity. But I also think autopsy details trigger fear & rage. It’s always my hope that fear helps people find ways to stay safer and that rage fuels outrage to create better laws/sentencing guidelines. I don’t know how that would apply to this particular case yet. Probably much more will be revealed by this time next week.
I completely agree. I can't remember a time when LE has stated that a killer is on the loose, so the public shoud be afraid. Like you said they want to avoid mass panic and also maintain the appearance that everything is under control.

In the late 90's I was living in Baltimore when Joseph Palczynski was running loose and they told the public to use extreme caution.
RIP sweet Faye. These cases never get any easier to read about. How quickly things can breaks my heart. Children should be able to play in their front yard or walk down the street. It seems like we see more and more horrific cases each month. I hope that LE’s investigation will provide answers for her family. I don’t like the word closure but at least with the discovery of her body and subsequent autopsy at least her loved ones aren’t stuck in some abyss/limbo of not knowing anything.

I know technically we can’t sleuth CT. We don’t know much about him really and it appears that MSM is certainly digging to find out exactly who he is. But I would just say Occam’s Razor here. Unless LE tells us otherwise to look elsewhere. I would imagine we will learn a lot more about CT in the coming weeks. JMO. More than we wanted to know. Especially if he is the sole perpetrator of this tragedy.
I was not lucky enough to have a child of my own but reading this story makes me understand why people are probably hugging their own little ones a bit tighter tonite.

Poor little one. It makes me so sad because it is so senseless and awful. Especially, if what we are expecting to learn about this crime is true.

I’m not old but I do remember growing up with the Stranger Danger stuff and one of the things we learned later on is that those depictions on posters and flyers of a creepy guy with a hat and trench coat are simply not true. Perpetrators can look just as normal as the rest of us. They can be neighbors or friends or family. They can be a perfect stranger. Some have records and some are totally off LE radar.
What is awful is that a family is having to bury a little girl. Who should have been in school on Friday to get Valentine’s cards and candy with her classmates. Not lying on an autopsy table or having a motorcade (how wonderful was that) drive her to a funeral home. heart hurts.
That's simply not true. Law enforcement will try to be reassuring when the facts warrant it. If they say the public is safe, as they did in this case when they found Faye, they have good reason.
No one is disparaging professionals.

“I feel safe for this community. Whether or not folks should be alert and watchful, that’s a true statement. But we always encourage that folks always do that,” said Sheriff Leazenby.

ISP: "We're going to track them down"
I disagree. There have been many situations when someone is a fugitive and LE warns the public, especially when they inform us that someone is considered "armed and dangerous." If I recall correctly, several years ago when those two prisoners escaped in upstate New York, near Canada, there were warnings from LE that the men could be anywhere, and billboards were erected to warn the public to keep a lookout but not to engage with them. It's not so the public should be afraid; it's rather to judiciously keep the public aware and cautious when necessary.
Actually, I thought of one too. I remember when the DC sniper attacks were going on, LE was definitely instructing everyone to be on high alert.
I have family in LE and I can say they feel these cases - the presser today where he talked about seeing the kids at school and waving on their way to this presser and him choking up - they hurt and I think a simple thing we can do is acknowledge their commitment and pain by sending a message of encouragement to them on their Facebook - Full Audio of Faye Swetlik 911 Call
I agree. I posted a "thank you" on their FB earlier today. Like you, I too was very moved by what he said about waving to the school kids and how emotional he got - while trying so hard not to. What a tragic juxtaposition between the grief on one side and the joy and promise of the children playing.
All it takes is for a victim to smile, wave or say hi to a person that has extreme inner issues to act. What might be simple and carefree to us can be a whole different matter for another person who is not thinking right. JMO
The sad thing is that there is no "one" thing that a person does or doesn't do that can cause another person to snap. It could be a smile, a wave, a color of hair or eyes, something they are wearing, etc. And what may cause one person to select a victim may be the same thing that causes another person to NOT select a particular person as a victim.

For example, many years ago a young woman was abducted after leaving a mall in my state. A man was driving his vehicle when the door of the car in front of him suddenly opened (while moving) and the young woman either jumped or was pushed from the vehicle. She did not survive. The case was unsolved for many years but two arrests/convictions were finally made. One killer later said that they staked out the parking lot, watching for a victim. They selected one woman, however as she walked past them on her way from the mall towards her car, she smiled and said, "Hello". The killer said they decided not to abduct her because she was "nice" to them.

This smile and "hello" could have triggered another killer to act. The lesson I took from this was to always be myself and act on my gut. If I feel like saying or not saying hello to someone or any other action I do or don't make then I will follow what I feel. We should NEVER have to feel like we need to analyze or second-guess how our actions could cause one of these monsters to act.
From a video I watched online... apparently this is the yard where Faye would have been playing. In the background, marked is CT's address 150 yards away.
Thanks much for the map, @HaikuMommy. :cool:

Damm -- he could have been watching her for days. He
would/could have known when she came out to play that day -- or any other day, if he had been at his residence. He could have seen her walking with her mom from the school bus to her house.
I don't which of my emotions is stronger right now -- crying or screaming with anger. IMO the person who took her, took her to sexually assault her. What else could it have been for the perpetrator to take such chances as he did in daylight? Something/someone had to have lured her out of her yard that day.
She was just a little girl with a pretty little smile and beautiful blue eyes playing in her own yard. Grrrr.
With respect to darling Faye's dignity, I hope her autopsy report is never released. It would serve no purpose. IF CT is responsible, he's dead and can't be charged so no point in releasing details of the crime other than morbid curiosity. Moo

Just my opinion --
If LE/Coroner can prove that he did the crime(s), IMO he should be shamed even if he has passed away -- for several reasons.
1) The neighborhood folks can now stop sleeping with one eye open and possibly guns loaded, ready, and perhaps trigger-happy (understandable). They can also stop wondering if their next door neighbor did it. This will reduce so much stress on the part of parents and children.
2) Parents will have yet another reason to discuss stranger/danger to their children. It's important. (Please know that this is not to say that little Faye did not try to do the right thing when she realized she was in trouble -- if she was conscious and could do so.)
3) If she was sexually assaulted, this heinous crime and the chicken-**** murder should follow him until the world ends.
I wondered the same thing the moment I saw the information about he did so well in High School, then went to college and just seemed to stall. Your reasons for someone not finishing college are true, and sometimes it could be someone just not knowing what they want to "do". However, I feel like mental illness can also cause someone to "stall out" in life when they previously seemed so promising. This does NOT IN ANY WAY mean that someone with a mental illness is violent!

I have a nephew that was in his school's "gifted and talented" program all through school. He learned to speak a difficult foreign language in High School and even one a large contest and got to travel to that country for a study program for HS students. He wanted to major in business and co-major in the foreign language. He graduated high in his large class and went off to college. Then he failed his first semester, was put on academic suspension and never went back. He goes from job-t0-job (dishwasher, delivery person, smoothie maker, etc). What happened to all of the promise he seemed to show as a kid and a teen? But even with whatever issues he may have, he is kind - great with old people, rescues stray cats, just got married, etc.

Just like a victim can come from every race, sex, intelligence, socio-economic level, etc, so, too, can a killer.
I'm glad she got a nice escort today.
Comforting and respectful to her and her family, and the way a child should be valued in a community.
.....not discarded like a piece of garbage thrown out in the trash or woods.
Bless her little soul.
LE almost always says the public is safe. I don't think it means anything. They just do not want to cause a bunch of chaos

The same was said in Delphi and we still don't have an arrest in that case.
ITA - One type of chaos that LE doesn't want is that of a neighborhood militia-type thing. Caring and concerned people can get carried away when a crime such as this occurs, and it's very understandable. LE just doesn't want another bad situation to follow the first one. You can bet that LE may well be keeping their eyes on things about which the neighborhood isn't ever aware. I don't see this amazing group of LE letting up on anything in this case.
Just my opinion --
If LE/Coroner can prove that he did the crime(s), IMO he should be shamed even if he has passed away -- for several reasons.
1) The neighborhood folks can now stop sleeping with one eye open and possibly guns loaded, ready, and perhaps trigger-happy (understandable). They can also stop wondering if their next door neighbor did it. This will reduce so much stress on the part of parents and children.
2) Parents will have yet another reason to discuss stranger/danger to their children. It's important. (Please know that this is not to say that little Faye did not try to do the right thing when she realized she was in trouble -- if she was conscious and could do so.)
3) If she was sexually assaulted, this heinous crime and the chicken-**** murder should follow him until the world ends.

Actually thinking about how this might not have been a 'stranger' would be changing what kids are told to do around acquaintances. I know for me growing up it was very much the focus of beware of strangers and it may have been the same for Faye rather than say notifying a family member before going somewhere with known non-family member. Growing up with Mister Rogers there was a big distinction between neighbors and strangers.
Thanks much for the map, @HaikuMommy. :cool:

Damm -- he could have been watching her for days. He
would/could have known when she came out to play that day -- or any other day, if he had been at his residence. He could have seen her walking with her mom from the school bus to her house.
I don't which of my emotions is stronger right now -- crying or screaming with anger. IMO the person who took her, took her to sexually assault her. What else could it have been for the perpetrator to take such chances as he did in daylight? Something/someone had to have lured her out of her yard that day.
She was just a little girl with a pretty little smile and beautiful blue eyes playing in her own yard. Grrrr.
I'm not sold on the sexual assault motive but anything is possible. Something made a person snap and we may never know why. IMO
Just checking in with my people here. I found one of her teachers on a certain social media site and the update she wrote destroyed me.

I don't know if it's how close it is to where I live, her age, or what I've learned about this child, but I just can't move on from it. I know my feelings are but a grain of sand in comparison to those close to her, especially her grandmother and mother.

She looks so much like my 2nd daughter it makes my stomach turn when I see her photo. My 4 year old hurt herself yesterday and cried out loudly in pain. She almost never cries like that and it startled me enough that I dropped what I was holding and for some reason thought of Faye's last moments. My stomach lurched.

The absolute horror of what this precious baby likely endured will not leave me. I want to wrap my mother arms around her mother and hold her so tight. I hope she has people holding onto her 24/7. I hate this so much.

I understand why people want things like the 911 call and autopsy results to be private. No one is rejoicing in this family's pain. But not talking about it is shoving the evil things that happened to Faye Swetlik under the rug. Because it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's awful. Well this hard, awful, uncomfortable thing should not be the family's burden alone. And while I don't think this is LEs motivation, from the perspective of humanity, we should all bear the burden of this truth, so we can all do better and be better.
Just checking in with my people here. I found one of her teachers on a certain social media site and the update she wrote destroyed me.

I don't know if it's how close it is to where I live, her age, or what I've learned about this child, but I just can't move on from it. I know my feelings are but a grain of sand in comparison to those close to her, especially her grandmother and mother.

She looks so much like my 2nd daughter it makes my stomach turn when I see her photo. My 4 year old hurt herself yesterday and cried out loudly in pain. She almost never cries like that and it startled me enough that I dropped what I was holding and for some reason thought of Faye's last moments. My stomach lurched.

The absolute horror of what this precious baby likely endured will not leave me. I want to wrap my mother arms around her mother and hold her so tight. I hope she has people holding onto her 24/7. I hate this so much.

I understand why people want things like the 911 call and autopsy results to be private. No one is rejoicing in this family's pain. But not talking about it is shoving the evil things that happened to Faye Swetlik under the rug. Because it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's awful. Well this hard, awful, uncomfortable thing should not be the family's burden alone. And while I don't think this is LEs motivation, from the perspective of humanity, we should all bear the burden of this truth, so we can all do better and be better.

Beautifully said, @sf618b.
This little girl has touched so many people in all kinds of ways through kindness, generosity, caring, anger -- all types of emotions. How LE did what they did, how the little town of Cayce joined hands, how people from other areas, all over the country, were touched. We are all still human, with real emotions -- caring and loving and supporting each other, praying for the family, for LE, for the neighborhood, and on and on with the full gamut of feelings.
Let our little Faye always be remembered for the goodness and love she brought out in people who knew her and for the ones who did not know her but loved her anyway.
"And a little child shall lead them..."
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