Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #4

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Just checking in with my people here. I found one of her teachers on a certain social media site and the update she wrote destroyed me.

I don't know if it's how close it is to where I live, her age, or what I've learned about this child, but I just can't move on from it. I know my feelings are but a grain of sand in comparison to those close to her, especially her grandmother and mother.

She looks so much like my 2nd daughter it makes my stomach turn when I see her photo. My 4 year old hurt herself yesterday and cried out loudly in pain. She almost never cries like that and it startled me enough that I dropped what I was holding and for some reason thought of Faye's last moments. My stomach lurched.

The absolute horror of what this precious baby likely endured will not leave me. I want to wrap my mother arms around her mother and hold her so tight. I hope she has people holding onto her 24/7. I hate this so much.

I understand why people want things like the 911 call and autopsy results to be private. No one is rejoicing in this family's pain. But not talking about it is shoving the evil things that happened to Faye Swetlik under the rug. Because it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's awful. Well this hard, awful, uncomfortable thing should not be the family's burden alone. And while I don't think this is LEs motivation, from the perspective of humanity, we should all bear the burden of this truth, so we can all do better and be better.

So eloquently put. It takes a village to look out for one another and we all should carry the family's pain so that we can do better. The motorcade and tow truckcade tore me up. I am so sad today. That is not like me. I don't even want to listen to the 911 call.

I understand why people want things like the 911 call and autopsy results to be private. No one is rejoicing in this family's pain. But not talking about it is shoving the evil things that happened to Faye Swetlik under the rug. Because it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's awful. Well this hard, awful, uncomfortable thing should not be the family's burden alone. And while I don't think this is LEs motivation, from the perspective of humanity, we should all bear the burden of this truth, so we can all do better and be better.

Amen sister - most heartfelt words. And it may sound naive or maybe a little bogus, but I like to think we can all send Faye's family and LE some comforting thoughts to help them out. It can't hurt. No one escapes the pain in these cases, even those viewed as tough and strong.

With respect to darling Faye's dignity, I hope her autopsy report is never released. It would serve no purpose. IF CT is responsible, he's dead and can't be charged so no point in releasing details of the crime other than morbid curiosity. Moo
All of this. I'll check back in Tuesday but I am hoping they release very little details of what she went through and simply confirm that the person who did this either can't do it again to anyone else or has been arrested (should it turn out the perp isn't who I think it is)..... Judging by the way they have honored this sweet child so far, I am confident they will not disrespect her in any way on Tuesday.
All of this. I'll check back in Tuesday but I am hoping they release very little details of what she went through and simply confirm that the person who did this either can't do it again to anyone else or has been arrested (should it turn out the perp isn't who I think it is)..... Judging by the way they have honored this sweet child so far, I am confident they will not disrespect her in any way on Tuesday.
How would releasing the autopsy results to the public disrespect this beloved child in any way? Her family will know the horrific details and I don't believe that is a burden they should carry alone. They need the community's ongoing support. I think that is the point law enforcement was trying make with their escort of Faye to the funeral home. Faye could be anyone's child. Her family did nothing wrong. I can't fathom the anguish of her mother.

These horrific crimes keep happening to children and the pace seems to be rapidly increasing. Children are being abducted when they are with their siblings in public parks, or birthday parties or when they are alone in their own front yard. There are a lot of deeply disturbed adults living amongst us. We still don't know the identity of Faye's killer. But whomever it was, I bet that person's friends or family had concerns about emotional stability or mental illness.

Do we know anything else about Coty Taylor's family? Did he have any siblings? I wish we know his internet search history...
How would releasing the autopsy results to the public disrespect this beloved child in any way? Her family will know the horrific details and I don't believe that is a burden they should carry alone. They need the community's ongoing support. I think that is the point law enforcement was trying make with their escort of Faye to the funeral home. Faye could be anyone's child. Her family did nothing wrong. I can't fathom the anguish of her mother.

These horrific crimes keep happening to children and the pace seems to be rapidly increasing. Children are being abducted when they are with their siblings in public parks, or birthday parties or when they are alone in their own front yard. There are a lot of deeply disturbed adults living amongst us. We still don't know the identity of Faye's killer. But whomever it was, I bet that person's friends or family had concerns about emotional stability or mental illness.

Or they may have lived a double life with one hidden from others. This type of person lives among us fooling most of us. Hell BTK was a church deacon. Ted Bundy charmed the socks off of intelligent high ranking people including a judge. This 30 year old, if involved may have kept his horrible fantasies to himself with no other outward signs. This is what I find most upsetting when thinking in terms of prevention. Not wanting to suffer the loss of yet another innocent lamb. Prevention tells me:
Awareness and Early Identification-
In this situation this would include awareness of what behaviors to look for and identify those with them. However if said individual doesn't display these behaviors (inappropriate behavior with children) then it is difficult for the unsuspecting community members to identify them. God help us protect the most innocent and vulnerable like this precious little girl.
I think releasing the autopsy should be up to the parents. Just like there are privacy laws set in place for medical purposes, so should there be where minors are concerned in cases such as Faye’s. But for whatever reason, there are no privacy laws for grieving families in these situations.
So, IMO, legally, parents should have that option.
We all know about child killers & we all know what they are capable of. The only people that should be able to view autopsy results of minors are parents/legal guardians, medical professionals, LE, etc anyone involved in the case & for case study. Not for Joe Schmoe....Joe is not a cop....not going to solve these cases, and quite frankly, does not need to know just for the sake of knowing. We can still grieve with these families, regardless.
Or at the very least, let the families decide when to release results...these families deserve to have that right...they’ve lost a beautiful child & should be able to grieve in whatever way they choose. All my opinion as a mother of 4. MOO
Or they may have lived a double life with one hidden from others. This type of person lives among us fooling most of us. Hell BTK was a church deacon. Ted Bundy charmed the socks off of intelligent high ranking people including a judge. This 30 year old, if involved may have kept his horrible fantasies to himself with no other outward signs. This is what I find most upsetting when thinking in terms of prevention. Not wanting to suffer the loss of yet another innocent lamb. Prevention tells me:
Awareness and Early Identification-
In this situation this would include awareness of what behaviors to look for and identify those with them. However if said individual doesn't display these behaviors (inappropriate behavior with children) then it is difficult for the unsuspecting community members to identify them. God help us protect the most innocent and vulnerable like this precious little girl.
Somehow controlling internet *advertiser censored* would be a good start.
Just checking in with my people here. I found one of her teachers on a certain social media site and the update she wrote destroyed me.

I don't know if it's how close it is to where I live, her age, or what I've learned about this child, but I just can't move on from it. I know my feelings are but a grain of sand in comparison to those close to her, especially her grandmother and mother.

She looks so much like my 2nd daughter it makes my stomach turn when I see her photo. My 4 year old hurt herself yesterday and cried out loudly in pain. She almost never cries like that and it startled me enough that I dropped what I was holding and for some reason thought of Faye's last moments. My stomach lurched.

The absolute horror of what this precious baby likely endured will not leave me. I want to wrap my mother arms around her mother and hold her so tight. I hope she has people holding onto her 24/7. I hate this so much.

I understand why people want things like the 911 call and autopsy results to be private. No one is rejoicing in this family's pain. But not talking about it is shoving the evil things that happened to Faye Swetlik under the rug. Because it's really hard. It's uncomfortable. It's awful. Well this hard, awful, uncomfortable thing should not be the family's burden alone. And while I don't think this is LEs motivation, from the perspective of humanity, we should all bear the burden of this truth, so we can all do better and be better.

I’ve seen so many heartwarming photos from last nights vigil. Especially the one of Faye’s mum and dad holding hands and touching foreheads. It was so bittersweet. I’ve also seen a few photos of parents holding their daughters closely. It’s sad to see a horrible tragedy make you hold your littles a little tighter. As a mother of 2 girls this is just gut wrenching. I couldn’t let my 8 year old out of my grips last night. All I could do was cry my eyes out and hold her.

I've never been this emotional over a child’s untimely death like this one. Maybe because it’s hit so close to home??? I’m not sure. But the outpouring respect for this sweet little angel is beautiful. And I pray she didn’t suffer.
I completely agree. I can't remember a time when LE has stated that a killer is on the loose, so the public shoud be afraid. Like you said they want to avoid mass panic and also maintain the appearance that everything is under control.
The only time I have ever heard them say that is after several rapes or murders, and they then will say 'don't walk alone, lock your doors, etc.'
I could do without the details of the autopsy being publicly disclosed. Faye's family doesn't need to suffer through that experience. I would like to just have confirmation that LE has connected Coty Taylor as the offender beyond doubt. (Not that we have any doubt). Right now, I just want to protect her family from any further pain.
Bringing over from the media thread (media is no discussion)

Tuesday’s presser will be very difficult for everyone
Expecting on Tuesday that police will not reveal how Faye died only that she had been murdered and also expecting CT to be revealed either as the killer or the main suspect.

Interesting that they are doing this on Tuesday and not Monday, makes me think Faye's funeral will be on Monday. (has there been any word on this?)
I listened to part of the 911 call the other day. I had to stop. It was so upsetting to me. Not just the mother's fears but I found the operators just cold in their responses to her. I would have found the call even harder as a mother to make if that was the response I got. All I could think was "that poor woman". Her baby has truly been taken from her and she's having to spelling out her daughter's first and last name as she panics. I felt breathless and panicked myself as she was spelling it out and wanted to shout and cry out that someone just needs to get there. A child is missing why do they need to know how Faye is spelling.

I just had to stop listening as she was describing her clothing. I know there are reasons behind it all and the questions etc. But oh my God I would have desperately wanted someone with some kindness and compassion in their voice who was trying to reassure me that help was on the way and telling me it was going to be ok even if it wasn't. I can't even bear to think about what these mothers of missing children are feeling let alone living it day after day.
Expecting on Tuesday that police will not reveal how Faye died only that she had been murdered and also expecting CT to be revealed either as the killer or the main suspect.

Interesting that they are doing this on Tuesday and not Monday, makes me think Faye's funeral will be on Monday. (has there been any word on this?)

I hate to say this but I think they will give out all details as well as CT’s. There’s other child murder cases where they went into detail (I.e. Jon Benet). Part of me thinks the reasoning behind it is to inform the public that these crimes DO exist and most definitely can happen to you or anybody. Regardless of sex, age etc. all I know is the world will be impatiently waiting.

the 911 call was hard to listen to. I listened from beginning to end and cried for her mum. The operators are trained to not get “personal” and to do their job. IMO they have to remain calm to prevent the mum from freaking out even more or losing connection. Kinda like you have to remove yourself from the scenario to get all information before the call is over. Plus (IF) the person on the other line is at fault they now have voice proof because they have analyzers that can tell by just them talking. But that’s JMO.
My take on the 911 call. IMO, the mom was hyperventilating at the start of that call. Absolute panic. IMO, the 911 operator was not at all cold. They are trained to remain calm. They are in fact gathering mode. Because of the demeanor of the operator, the mom starts to calm down, she’s absolutely still terrified but she does an excellent job of clearly answering all the questions being asked. I was also struck by how polite the mom was during the call. It was a hard call to listen to.
I hate to say this but I think they will give out all details as well as CT’s. There’s other child murder cases where they went into detail (I.e. Jon Benet). Part of me thinks the reasoning behind it is to inform the public that these crimes DO exist and most definitely can happen to you or anybody. Regardless of sex, age etc. all I know is the world will be impatiently waiting.
I selfishly hope they do reveal everything, I have a morbid curiosity.
I hate to say this but I think they will give out all details as well as CT’s. There’s other child murder cases where they went into detail (I.e. Jon Benet). Part of me thinks the reasoning behind it is to inform the public that these crimes DO exist and most definitely can happen to you or anybody. Regardless of sex, age etc. all I know is the world will be impatiently waiting.

the 911 call was hard to listen to. I listened from beginning to end and cried for her mum. The operators are trained to not get “personal” and to do their job. IMO they have to remain calm to prevent the mum from freaking out even more or losing connection. Kinda like you have to remove yourself from the scenario to get all information before the call is over. Plus (IF) the person on the other line is at fault they now have voice proof because they have analyzers that can tell by just them talking. But that’s JMO.

Just a note of comfort (not sure that is the right word) for people who think the details of the autopsy should not be revealed, please remember that the indignity or shame about any details belong to the PERP, not the victim.

Keeping crimes hidden perpetuates the shame on the victim, and attitudes like that make it harder for victims to come forward - well, not the the case of murder, of course.

People ask of SA crimes, "Why didn't they report it?" Well, a huge reason is because the public puts the shame and indignity on the victim. No more!

Being a victim is not shameful. Being a criminal is shameful.

Okay, end of rant.

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