Found Deceased SC - Faye Marie Swetlik, 6, Cayce, 10 Feb 2020 #4

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Failure to launch followed by self destruction, imo.

I know that's oversimplifying it (I know!), but we've seen this before where a promising young person (usually male) just doesn't fulfill potential, at least not on a timeline expected, and then goes on to destroy himself. I think of it as a prolonged suicide.

That is NOT an excuse. He is 100% responsible for his actions. Plenty of people fail and fail again....and don't go to destroy others in an attempt to destroy themselves.

Agreed. I think there is a problem with our technology generations. Boys (mostly) are spending all their time playing video games and other tech related hobbies. Their parents, especially mom, are content to let them do this so they don't get involved with girls, so these boys don't learn to interact with girls, or sometimes with anyone. They are socially and emotionally stunted. When they're old enough that they are finally interested in finding a partner, they don't know how to go about it. They're used to knowing how to control everything, mastering programming and robotics, but cannot deal with a human who has their own wants and needs, especially sexually. So they feel resentful of women and hate themselves. Some of them become pedophiles because a child is easy to control and won't ask anything of you like an adult would. Kids don't do social things like past generations did. We went skating and swimming, to dances or the movies, not necessarily on dates, but in groups of boys and girls. I think our kids and grandkids are getting short-changed because we are afraid to let them grow up. ETA: MOO
Rotted his brain smoking too much weed I'd bet. Compounded by sleep deprivation from gaming addiction maybe. JMO. I've seen this plenty of times with people our age. Or was already suicidal and wanted to inflict maximum damage before doing it. Changed his mind when it looked like he could get away with it and then it fell down so back to plan A.
Narcissistic personality disorder (JMO)
Sounds like he was heavily involved in the League of Legends community on reddit. Have a feeling there's a lot of overlap between that community and the incel community, though I didn't see him posting or commenting over there on his page. He could have easily had another account though. I'm guessing he was depressed and had very low self esteem his whole life, my guess is that that plus a gaming addiction led to him dropping out of college. I wonder if he self harmed by cutting. That would make him slitting his own throat make more sense.

Such a tragedy for poor Faye, her family, and her community. I am so heartbroken.
Very thoughtful and thought provoking post.
This was before she was found. It sounds so eerie , like they already knew something.
Search effort to 'bring Faye home' continues, 1 of 2 vehicles sought located

"We can't share details of what may or may not have been found," Antley said. "We have to keep some parts of this investigation under wraps."

Investigators have been observed at a nearby landfill, and stopping trash collection trucks in the neighborhood.

"In an investigation like this, we are leaving no stone unturned," Antley said. " We are looking for even the smallest piece of evidence that could point us in the direction of bringing Faye home. Whether we find that in back yard of residence, whether we find that in trash truck, or whether we find that at a (garbage) collection center ... we just want to get it."

"We want to get it and provide it to our investigators and let them do what they do," Antley continued. "The FBI has a systematic way of doing things and it is proven to work, and that is what we're using. Our goal is still and remains to bring Faye home."
This is what stands out to me:

"The FBI has a systematic way of doing things and it is proven to work..."

Agreed. I think there is a problem with our technology generations. Boys (mostly) are spending all their time playing video games and other tech related hobbies. Their parents, especially mom, are content to let them do this so they don't get involved with girls, so these boys don't learn to interact with girls, or sometimes with anyone. They are socially and emotionally stunted. When they're old enough that they are finally interested in finding a partner, they don't know how to go about it. They're used to knowing how to control everything, mastering programming and robotics, but cannot deal with a human who has their own wants and needs, especially sexually. So they feel resentful of women and hate themselves. Some of them become pedophiles because a child is easy to control and won't ask anything of you like an adult would. Kids don't do social things like past generations did. We went skating and swimming, to dances or the movies, not necessarily on dates, but in groups of boys and girls. I think our kids and grandkids are getting short-changed because we are afraid to let them grow up. ETA: MOO
I would likely make different assertions about what causes failure to launch, but I do agree it's a problem that perhaps could be avoided in many of the cases. Something doesn't "click" when making the transition from smart kid to competent adult, and I'm not blaming it on technology or mom.

However, this case also includes pedophelia and I honestly don't know what causes that. I don't think most young men who "fail to launch" are into little kids. That's a whole 'nother layer.

(And....plenty young people who stumble along the way turn out just fine. Many people struggle, fail, try again, and eventually find their way. I'm commenting on those who destroy.)

This was before she was found. It sounds so eerie , like they already knew something.
I think LE knew a lot. I firmly believe someone saw something. Not an abduction in process but maybe someone remembered seeing a man near a little girl, or something that seemed normal, at that time. Everyone does not know every parent/child. Faye was known to be friendly, if CT approached, I don’t think she would start screaming. Also, if Faye ever played in the back common area, it is possible she “knew” CT. At least enough to wave or say hello. I think it is very likely after he abducted her they left in his car right then. Perhaps his car is the unidentified vehicle that left the complex. Moo
When police searched his house approximately 48 hours after her death, would there be an odor yet?

I’m truly hoping the DNA evidence linking Faye to the residence is maybe hair or the release of bowel control or other fluids after death and not SA. They said asphyxiation not strangulation, but maybe his DNA was on her neck? I remember from the Watts case that smothering with fabric can sometimes leave fibers in the lungs. I can hope but I know how unlikely that is.

Do we know if the body was concealed in some way? In a duffle bag or wrapped in a sheet? Even if he moved her in the middle of the night, there were people constantly on the lookout and he couldn’t just carry her openly, could he?

Asphyxiation is the medical term often used. It can result in various ways when the airway is restricted.

1. Smothering

2. Strangulation by hands or ligature etc.

I believe I read here he choked her, but I'm not sure it was said by LE in the PC today.

As tiny as she was I think it was manual strangulation or choking her with his bare hands. :(

I think LE knew a lot. I firmly believe someone saw something. Not an abduction in process but maybe someone remembered seeing a man near a little girl, or something that seemed normal, at that time. Everyone does not know every parent/child. Faye was known to be friendly, if CT approached, I don’t think she would start screaming. Also, if Faye ever played in the back common area, it is possible she “knew” CT. At least enough to wave or say hello. I think it is very likely after he abducted her they left in his car right then. Perhaps his car is the unidentified vehicle that left the complex. Moo
I'm not sure he would leave in a car when nobody was at his home. Why bother leaving when he could do what he did at home? Perhaps he left later, but not with Faye. :(

Am I missing a car connection?

A pink amaryllis for you sweet Faye. I will dedicate this one in my yard to you and think of you when it blooms again. Pink because you loved that color, it's my favorite too. Fly with the angels beautiful girl.


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But how would he know that? Assuming he's a first time offender, you'd think that would be pretty darn brave or nervewracking to invite anyone to step one foot into a space you had your first murder victim's body hidden. I guess assuming the opposite, that he'd offended before, maybe he wouldn't worry they'd find her, given what you said.

I find it puzzling either way. I think depending on which way it goes, we might gain some insight onto whether or not this was his first rodeo.

How would he know? When a 6 yr old child from your neighborhood is missing and police have been swarming your neighborhood for 48+ hours -- and knowing he was guilty -- CT would certainly know from the news and others that LE was canvassing door to door. How would he explain not allowing officers to enter his home when asked? He'd want to appear as normal as the guy next door that didn't murder Faye.

Sure, CT could refuse to allow LE inside to interview him and walk through his apartment but on what basis without bringing suspicion upon himself. It's not like he could tell his neighbor ' Hey dude- I didn't let officers inside because I have some weed' ... when all residents would know he had plenty of time to get rid of it. This was a neighborhood of families -- I can't imagine that anybody did not eagerly consent and/or desire to cooperate. I'm sure many residents had questions for LE as well.

FEB 18, 2020

“On Monday I remember you telling me, Mrs. Tynes and Mrs. Prosser all about your new purple dress from Target and how it was just the right size for you.

“I pray you are dancing, skipping, and loving on everybody in that purple, size 7/8 dress right now in Heaven. I pray for your peace. I pray for all of us to spread your love at school and just cherish the memories we had with you.

“It will be different in the world without you Faye, a lot different. No teacher is ever prepared for that empty spot in the room. We pray to feel that joy again that we had on Monday. Please give me, Mrs. Tynes and Mrs. Prosser the strength to be that comfort for our students. ‘We miss you Faye, more than anything and it is okay to be sad.’

“Faye, you taught us more than we could ever teach you and we are so thankful for that. Rest In Peace sweet angel.”

I'm not sure he would leave in a car when nobody was at his home. Why bother leaving when he could do what he did at home? Perhaps he left later, but not with Faye. :(

Am I missing a car connection?

No, you are missing nothing. I am suggesting I find it possible the moment he had control of Faye he then left the complex with Faye, leaving in his car. Going elsewhere to do what he intended to do with her, then killing her & leaving her in the trunk with his car parked at a local business for a couple of nights. Speculation. Imo leaving would have been a safer option, he had to know LE would be all over the complex once Selena noticed Faye missing. If he wanted to return to his apartment, walking home would not be a criminal act. He could show his key to LE and be allowed in. If it happened like this Wednesday he could have brought his car home with Faye in the trunk, later secreting her in the wooded area. Again, a theory.
I don't believe this was ever his plan. I believe this a spur of the moment decision. MOO
Inclined to agree. I think he has had a liking for young girls or was attracted to FS. With the room mate away for the week his desire overcame him hesitation and acted. Really would like to know how he got her but doubtful we'll find out.
But how would he know that? Assuming he's a first time offender, you'd think that would be pretty darn brave or nervewracking to invite anyone to step one foot into a space you had your first murder victim's body hidden. I guess assuming the opposite, that he'd offended before, maybe he wouldn't worry they'd find her, given what you said.

I find it puzzling either way. I think depending on which way it goes, we might gain some insight onto whether or not this was his first rodeo.
He probably knew he didn't have any other choice but to allow LE inside his home. He may have been hesitant, but realized it would look suspicious if he did not comply. Jmo
The boot. I wonder if his intention was to keep it but then tossed it because LE was so aggressively searching that neighborhood? He was literally being boxed in.

I don’t think he anticipated the absolute swarm of LE that never let it up.
As terrifying as this ordeal really is... I let my boys watch the news coverage this evening. It is one thing for me to tell them that even one of our neighbors could be someone who wants to hurt children, but another for them to see where it has actually happened. What a cruel world we live in. RIP little angel. May all of you days be filled with sunshine and purple and pink 7/8 dresses.
Was the perp currently employed? Was he showing up for work while all this was going on?

Yes - Wingstop, West Columbia SC. Corporate made a statement yesterday that he was their GM up until he killed himself. No evidence that it wasn't business as usual.

In fact, I posted earlier that I think his job and the typical long hours for fast food eatery gave him the perfect cover. I think he could have murdered Faye on early dinner break, and before LE converged on the neighborhood and set up residence to investigate a missing child. I think CT could have then returned to work for dinner rush and not come home until after he closed the shop around 11 pm.

CT would have been able to enter the check pointe telling officials he was going to his apartment after his normal work shift. I also think his hours as a GM were also conducive to him being one of the last to be interviewed during the door to door canvassing.

I also think Faye was concealed inside his apartment and he would not want to be spending any more time at home than necessary -- couldn't get to work fast or early enough and remain until closing! Yes -- a very good cover for his crime. MOO
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No, you are missing nothing. I am suggesting I find it possible the moment he had control of Faye he then left the complex with Faye, leaving in his car. Going elsewhere to do what he intended to do with her, then killing her & leaving her in the trunk with his car parked at a local business for a couple of nights. Speculation. Imo leaving would have been a safer option, he had to know LE would be all over the complex once Selena noticed Faye missing. If he wanted to return to his apartment, walking home would not be a criminal act. He could show his key to LE and be allowed in. If it happened like this Wednesday he could have brought his car home with Faye in the trunk, later secreting her in the wooded area. Again, a theory.
If it was Napa hmmm ...
I think the cars were likely irrelevant, and they were just covering their bases.

I can think of several cases where law enforcement was looking for particular vehicles, and they proved not to be connected in any way.

I was speculating that he may have left with her in his car after abducting her. But they never mentioned the car again, that I could find. Might be what you stated. It was not connected.
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