SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #11

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I have a question in regards to the word SEEM.
In this article it states:

"Elvis’ roommate, the police report said, told officers that Elvis “seemed like she was crying and upset” after Elvis reported a conversation with that man."

The choice to use the word "seem", is odd to me. Wouldn't the roommate know if she was crying and upset? I wonder why it wasn't stated emphatically that Heather was crying and upset, just "seemed" like she was.


This article seems to have more in depth info than the others. Direct quotes from ss, he is the one who said they went to hs together and they really hadn't talked much until they reconnected on sm a few weeks earlier. Maybe they reconnect at that point. Maybe he was the mysterious bus boy referred to a few days ago and they didn't "reconnect" at that point. Maybe they are keeping tk out of the press releases now since they donated so much money to the findheatherelvis fund?

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So can we then deduce that OM had been interviewed by LE but as of Jan 9 he was still not forthcoming in telling them he had spoken with Heather on the 18th of December???

Well, I don't know about that, as OM may have been forthcoming with information to LE right away, but perhaps the news was not privy to that information at that time period.
So can we then deduce that OM had been interviewed by LE but as of Jan 9 he was still not forthcoming in telling them he had spoken with Heather on the 18th of December???

The date the police report was filed is 12/19th. According to the police report OM did say he spoke with Heather last night.

Am not clear on what night OM is referring phone calls were prior to 6 a.m. on the 18th. but police did not contact him till the 19th ??
Please don't flame me.. but I am starting to question my perception of Heather's relationship with her family . No doubt, her family loves Heather dearly..but I am not convinced some normal adult child/parent conflict was going on.

1) When Heather was first reported of her tatoos were not released. Her tatoos are very noticeable and are more an indentifying feature than describing her hair color, height, or even what clothes she was last seen in.
2) The most recent picture of Heather was the picture from the date and pictures posted on her FB on Dec 8th. Yet the pictures on her flyers, FHE page and those used on Nancy Grace , Heather looks younger, thinner... I don't understand why they would not use the most recent pictures.

When others have said the image of Heather the family has portrayed to the public does not match with the person Heather appeared to be through SM posts, tatoos, workplace etc.. I dismissed it. Now I am not sure if the parent's description of Heather was based on who Heather truly is or the Heather they wanted the public to see. I do not mean to sound cruel.. but Heather reminds me a lot of one of my daughters..a bit on the rebellious side. Nothing against TK or House of Blue establishments, or tattoos ( my husband has 6, 3 of my daughters have at least one tatoo )..but it reminds me of the tales of a preacher's daughter rebelling against rules and expectations. Not that there is anything wrong with that..all children rebel against their parents, stretch the limits, try new things to proclaim their independance. But Heather's choice of employment and the size and location of the tatoo on her arm..strike me as more of making a strong statement ..sort of like " in your face " statement. I'm an adult , you can't tell me what to do type thing..

does all that make sense ?

it makes a LOT of sense from my perspective. I know if you have tatoos and ur out in the public (especially such large visible ones) it becomes a real point of conversation. You also get known by your tatoos-(that girl w/big compass on her arm) the bar type crowd she was in would resonate most with descriptions/pictures. I believe her Dad TE stated b4 that he wasn't happy w/her choice of establishments.
Lots of religious families have that "problem" with kids testing their limits-so do every other families. But if you have such a desperate situation it might be better to take the blinders off and put everything out there for the world to see. It might just be that tatoo or other distinguishing feature that can put her in a place or be remembered. Some people will always be judgeMENTAL, but tough tatas! The object here is to find Heather
Sorry if my posts are long,but I tend to want to try and include everything.
The date the police report was filed is 12/19th. According to the police report OM did say he spoke with Heather last night.

Am not clear on what night OM is referring phone calls were prior to 6 a.m. on the 18th. but police did not contact him till the 19th ??

That's how I feel too. If it had been any other time then right away he couldn't have said, "last night." This is why I also don't really feel he lied."
More info about search warrants/cell phone data searches, etc.

Determining Probable Causes
A search is not reasonable unless there was probable cause to believe that the search would produce evidence of a crime or contraband. Probable cause is defined as a state of facts which would lead a man of ordinary care and prudence to believe that the object sought is presently located at the designated place. The standard is the same whether the search is with or without a warrant, but the constitutional provision and court decisions make it clear that a warrant is preferred, unless there is good reason for not taking the time to obtain the warrant.


Obtaining CDR (Cell Data Records)
Social networking sites have created an environment that allows easy sharing of content across the Web. Each time content is shared or requests are sent, the receiving servers generate a specific log entry in different logs across numerous networks. These logs can tell us what was requested, from what resource or page the request was generated, details about the system requesting the resource, and the outcome of the request. Facebook is one of the more popular social networking sites with nearly 700 million active users. If requested and received, the Web access logs can essentially retrace a user’s activity on the site. The actual content of a posting may not be determined through the logs themselves but the action of posting, deleting, or logging in/out can be confirmed through analysis of the access logs.

The table below contains some of the fields that would be found in access logs related to Facebook activity. Note that other data would be mixed in with a large amount of noise. The order of log entries can be summarized as such:

• A user navigates to and logs into an account.

• The user hovers over a link for Facebook ID 123456 from their home page.

• The user navigates to the home page of Facebook ID 123456.

• The user posts comments to the home page of Facebook ID 123456.

• The user deletes comments from the home page of Facebook ID 123456.

• The user logs out of their Facebook account while on the home page of Facebook ID 123456.

Under the Electronic Communications and Privacy Act (ECPA), 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510–2522, cell providers must be served with either a court order issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §2703(d) or a § 2703(c) search warrant to compel production of CDRs containing cell site information. See 18 U.S.C. § 2703(c)(1)(A), (B) (2010). In the case of a cooperating witness or victim subscriber, CDRs may be obtained with the subscriber’s consent. See id. § 2703(c)(1). For on-going criminal investigations, a § 2703(c) search warrant or a combined § 2703(d) court order and pen register order, 18 U.S.C. § 3121–1327, known as a “hybrid” order, may be used to collect prospective CDRs containing cell site information. For more information on collecting CDRs with cell site information, see CCIPS Online, available to federal prosecutors on the Department of Justice, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) Intranet Web site.

Cell tower data and maps: Cell tower data/map records contain the geographical locations of the cell towers in the cell provider’s cellular network, recorded by longitude and latitude, and cell tower/sector information, including the number of cell sectors for each cell tower and the directional orientation of cell tower sectors for all cell towers in the cell provider’s cellular network. No ECPA-required process is available for acquiring these records because these records relate to the cellular network and not to individual subscribers. Depending on the cell provider, these records may be obtained through an informal request, administrative subpoena issued by an appropriate law enforcement agency, or trial subpoena. However, consideration should be given to acquiring such records so that they are admissible in evidence. See FED. R. EVID. 803(6) and 902(11).

CDRs contain accurate date, time, and location information for cell phones and, unlike a witness’ memory, are not prone to impeachment based on their accuracy, reliability, or bias. Additional information available in CDRs includes the telephone number of the wireless or wire-based phone connecting with the relevant cell phone, whether the voice calls or text messages were incoming or outgoing, the duration of voice calls, and the cell tower and cell tower sectors at the beginning and end of voice calls or when text messages are sent or received.

Cell tower and cell sector information for a particular cell phone is recorded in CDRs at the time

(1) a voice call is initially connected, (2) a voice call is terminated, (3) a connection is made with the voicemail message service to leave or retrieve a voice message, (4) a text message is sent, and (5) a text message is delivered, which may be different than the time that the cell phone user reads the text message. CDRs do not record “handover” cell towers/cell sectors through which a cell phone travels during a voice call unless a particular cell tower/sector is the originating or terminating point of a voice call.

A cell phone that is switched on and operational will register with a nearby cell tower so that the cellular network knows its location to enable immediate access to the cellular network to send or receive voice calls or text messages. Typically, the strongest signal received by a cell phone is the closest tower or one that is in direct line of sight of a cell phone. The cell tower with the strongest signal to a cell phone is known as the “servicing” tower that sends and receives voice calls and text messages to the cell phone. A cell phone also monitors and measures signals from nearby cell towers. As a cell phone moves through the cellular network, the cell provider’s Base Station Controllers and MSC monitor, control, and manage “handover” of the cell phone to other servicing cell towers/sectors to enable uninterrupted voice calls on the cell phone. Cell tower/sector information for the constantly-monitored location of a cell phone during “handover” activity is not recorded in CDRs. Only the cell tower/sector information for the call or message activity listed above is recorded in CDRs.

didn't someone mention they were henna?

Don't know much but thot henna was red. Besides-these tatoos are always there over varying periods of time. I would think that constant reapplication would be costly (and not very "cool") They also usually mean something to the person who'd wear them. I did notice they were in easily covered areas,so if going to church,etc,easily covered up.
I think people here have put out a few workable theories but there's so very little to work with and you can only go over that stuff so many times.

I do think the PD working with this are being very diligent. I don't see shoddy police work having an affect on this case like it has on other cases. I think if we hear anything it will be because LE has a suspect. Otherwise I don't expect much in the way of information unless this carries on for many more months.
didn't someone mention they were henna?

You can do this, but all pictures have to be linked to their original source for copyright reasons. As long as you can make that work, this is fine.

I'm under the impression since it's in the public domain no attribution necessary unless you're trying to profit by it. I believe they call it "for educational purposes".
Of course it's always necessary to put the original source in-if for no other reason than sourcing the work. Even Instagram sez pictures you post are THEIRS,not yours...
there is a super moon on the 30th, I hope it helps find her.... one way or another.

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So can we then deduce that OM had been interviewed by LE but as of Jan 9 he was still not forthcoming in telling them he had spoken with Heather on the 18th of December???

I don't think so because the PR is dated 12/19. He obviously told him he did talk to her then. Maybe LE asked him at that point, what time did you talk to her and maybe he gave a call time or range that would have been prior to the time her roommate spoke to her.
My other thought is since the PR hadn't been released yet, maybe they just said that because they didn't want info out about OM yet?
Or since the article says her mom said it, maybe her mom wasn't aware that OM told LE he spoke to her?
Could be anything. These articles are so poorly written that it lends to much speculation as we try to pinpoint facts we think we have.
BTW... I did all that research because I feel confident LE has probably already obtained these records (whether the person she last communicated with knows it or not) & if that communication was directly made from an account in his/her name, valuable info was surely obtained.

They would show the person's location during the December 17th-19th time frame, as well as days and times prior to/after that time frame. I am holding out hope that this info, if obtained, will ultimately lead to her discovery and/or assist with securing justice for Heather... IF that person is responsible.

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My husband used to work for remodeling/construction business. They had a contract with a certain business owner in our area who owns several restaurants. When they did any work in any of the restaurants, they worked nights. They would start around 9-10 pm and work until 6 am or so. Another crew would come in if needed and work from 6am until opening time for the restaurant.

That is the only time they worked nights. It makes no sense for a restaurant to close down and lose money just to update a bathroom.

I have no idea if this happened in this case, but it doesn't sound strange to me.

Thank you, mom23boys. Does make sense to me now after your reply.

Appreciate you seeing what I was trying to say. You were the only one that didn't go for only the last sentence. My post was not trying to stir up how couples do or don't have "girls/guys" night out. But was in reference to the remodel hour.
Regarding the conflicting photo's and info about HE being circulated. The selective information the family presented may have been to throw the perp off. It obviously angered some folks that wanted Heather presented in the worst light. It may have also given the perp a sense of security, because they really don't know what LE knows, and considering the little info from LE - they may feel they are safer than they really are.

OR that may also have been the only photo's they had! Somehow I don't think they were aware of the SM ones. Or maybe chose not to "go there". When you're panicked that your baby's gone you reach for familiar things and known pictures. You listen to what experienced parties (LE) are telling you in regards to what is needed. You're in the middle of your worst unimaginable nightmare and can't imagine this is happening to you.
I'm glad they're trying to stay strong and have support. Nobody should have to go through this, and it's so sad that there are so many missing out there.
I might also throw in since these are such quickly changing times,a lot of "old hands" at doing this (LE,etc) might be stuck in the past thinking they've always solved things in their way. A lot of people are resistant to change & are afraid of new technologies. I'd hope they'd be willing to ask for help. Funding is cut all over the place,making it harder to do your job.
I'd really like to know more about the crying on the phone. I don't think OM saying he was leaving OMW would evoke that kind of crying. I wonder what ELSE was discussed that hasn't been made public?

I think that successful first date with someone new is very important.

Now if HE were the one obsessed in some love triangle...this date would be quite a relief to the OM and his wife. Whew! The pest has finally moved on. There would be no need for contact of any kind. A successful date should have been great news for everybody in an unhappy mess of a triangle.

But if it is the OM who is obsessed and won't leave HE alone....that date would have thrown him into a tailspin. Maybe he would call and beg her to see him...promise that he was definitely leaving his wife...anything to keep her new relationship from going any further.

That date could have precipitated a crisis in his marriage as well.

This leads me to believe that HE was THE PURSUED at this point not THE PURSUER. I think everytime she tried to move on, tired of the situation, maybe frightened of the situation...OM would play on her emotions and try to pull her back in. I think she was crying in frustration.

I think things came to a head that night. But HE did not cause them...she was pulled in through lingering feelings, or pity, or a need to finish this...and paid a terrible price for it.
I have a question in regards to the word SEEM.
In this article it states:

"Elvis’ roommate, the police report said, told officers that Elvis “seemed like she was crying and upset” after Elvis reported a conversation with that man."

The choice to use the word "seem", is odd to me. Wouldn't the roommate know if she was crying and upset? I wonder why it wasn't stated emphatically that Heather was crying and upset, just "seemed" like she was.


maybe if this was a text? :moo:
maybe if this was a text? :moo:

"Elvis’ roommate, identified in a police report as Brianna Warrelmann, received a phone call from Elvis at about 1:44 a.m. Dec. 18, police records state."
"According to the report, the roommate said the victim “seemed like she was crying and upset” due to receiving a call from a man the report says was nearly twice her age."

This article states Phone Call, not text.

I've had times where one of my sons was on the phone with me and sending me a text about something else at the same time.
I think that successful first date with someone new is very important.

Now if HE were the one obsessed in some love triangle...this date would be quite a relief to the OM and his wife. Whew! The pest has finally moved on. There would be no need for contact of any kind. A successful date should have been great news for everybody in an unhappy mess of a triangle.

But if it is the OM who is obsessed and won't leave HE alone....that date would have thrown him into a tailspin. Maybe he would call and beg her to see him...promise that he was definitely leaving his wife...anything to keep her new relationship from going any further.

That date could have precipitated a crisis in his marriage as well.

This leads me to believe that HE was THE PURSUED at this point not THE PURSUER. I think everytime she tried to move on, tired of the situation, maybe frightened of the situation...OM would play on her emotions and try to pull her back in. I think she was crying in frustration.

I think things came to a head that night. But HE did not cause them...she was pulled in through lingering feelings, or pity, or a need to finish this...and paid a terrible price for it.

Completely makes sense to me.
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