SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #14

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Based on this last meeting today LE did not say these were calls taking place until 6 am did they? We know of one call that Sidney made to HE and presumably that was hours prior. SM stated he last spoke to HE in that call. I see no reason to presume there were other calls back-and-forth between them to suggest he was lying unless I missed something. Please let me know if so.

I wonder if SM's only call to her was in fact just that one call. It would upset her because SM told her to stop calling him...and she was upset from what BW had stated. Her posts on Tumblr which appear to have happened around that time frame lead me to believe she was heartbroken. I know BW stated HE said SM was leaving his wife, but her Tumblr posts and the "seems upset" statements are more aligned to someone saying it's over.

Her tumblr posts also give me the feeling she was desperate to have him back.

Wouldn't it seem realistic to think she would have continued to call him and he ignored the calls or he did the pick-up, hang-up thing? If someone's heartbroken and ignored I can also see them sending texts, private messages, anything to get that persons attention...including driving to a nearby place within the vicinity of that person's home.

We're all entitled to our opinions and I feel comfortable with saying I do see this as a real possibility between HE and SM where HE could have been so desperate to drive over to PTL in hopes of getting SM to come out and "just talk" to her. Maybe the texts or private messages which have not been disclosed were telling SM she was going there and asking him to meet her. Maybe that's why LE has every reason to believe she drove herself.

Maybe SM responded to texts or pm's with "no" or maybe he eventually did go out that night at her request, but maybe he didn't. If those communications (texts, pm's) were between HE and SM consistently until 6 then it's what's said in them that will shed light on things. They could prove whether SM ever left his home. Unfortunately, I do not think we will know much of what's in them at this point.

I don't think TE knows what was in any PM's. He couldn't without logins to those specific accounts or without a court order. If TE seen it were texts, then he wouldn't have known the content in them either, not unless he had installed a hidden app on the phone that collects that information. (which is legal if he owns the phone)

Still, whether knowing or not knowing, I can see his anger based on ongoing texts between the two.

I wonder if someone were to delete text-like communication from their phone, even if they were deleted before any questioning and even if they contained no proof of that person being involved in a disappearance, would that be seen as not being cooperative if that same person denied having their phone examined?

**Just before hitting submit I noticed someone had stated the 3:41 call was from that fact? I'd wondered if were HE calling someone...even if it were calling doesn't mean he answered or spoke to her.
I keep wondering where his wife was while all this calling/texting was occurring.
Above RSBM for space:

Horry County police records are focusing on telephone activity that occurred as late as 6 a.m. Dec. 18 between Heather Elvis’ cell phone and a man with whom she had a relationship history, according to documents obtained by the Carolina Forest Chronicle.

The phone activity occurred about four hours after Elvis’ last known whereabouts on Dec. 18, and the man identified in the report was nearly twice her age, documents show.

more at link:

That's what I other phone call between them is mentioned. Just the one falling somewhere around the 2 am hour.
Above RSBM for space:

Horry County police records are focusing on telephone activity that occurred as late as 6 a.m. Dec. 18 between Heather Elvis’ cell phone and a man with whom she had a relationship history, according to documents obtained by the Carolina Forest Chronicle.

The phone activity occurred about four hours after Elvis’ last known whereabouts on Dec. 18, and the man identified in the report was nearly twice her age, documents show.

more at link:

I guess what we don't know is whether or not activity between Heather's cell phone and the man is the same as activity between Heather and the man.
Honestly, I don't see any revelations in the police remarks.

They gave some vague opinion on why they think some things are true and some aren't, based on a lack of evidence to the contrary, they repeated some elements of the case already known, and the article author went on to repeat elements of the previous article that referenced the police report. I read and write on a daily basis as part of my work, and maybe I'm prone to extracting the meat from the bones and leaving the rest by the curb, but when I read what was said, I don't know anything new, or see anything confirmed or denied.

This was a statement by an LE agency who is knee deep in an investigation and isn't giving up anything, other than perhaps some elements that might rattle a perp, or make a perp relax and foolishly get too confident.

Or, it was just a perfunctory exercise.

All of which make sense. Because I don't expect LE to start behaving differently until they arrest someone. If they do.

What I hope is that they are coming to a recovery pretty soon. The rest, we're not going to know until something pops, and everybody's guess is as good as the next person's. JMO

My frustration is the prolonged absence of Heather, and my concern that if what caused her disappearance was pre-meditated (I think so), so was her disposal. This is a major challenge.

I agree-no new revelations. I work w/HOLES. My logic is if ex hasn't been ruled out & still stating "he will find her" maybe the fact that was repeated yet not emphasized might mean restating the obvious & not discounting any previous statement. Kinda like a hint or maybe even a Look here. Or maybe a team effort with ex &?? Kinda like my enemy's enemy is my friend :moo:
That's what I other phone call between them is mentioned. Just the one falling somewhere around the 2 am hour.

Sorry- I edited to add some doesn't give a start time but it does say calls back and forth up to 6 am...
I guess what we don't know is whether or not activity between Heather's cell phone and the man is the same as activity between Heather and the man.

Meaning it could be OMW? But it does say phone calls back and forth it if were a call, she would know who it was, iykwim.
LE has never mentioned the other name shown in the police report and still don't. Yet they put SM's name out there. For what it is worth.
Discussions. Discussions as late as 6am. Not just pings.

The police stated "communications" which can be in the form of written, typed, etc.

The reporter stated "discussions" which can also be in those forms, but I have a problem with the reporter using that term as it tends to allude to a spoken conversations, and LE did not allude to such.

Yes, it seems I'm being nit-picky, but I really think using discussions will cause people to get the wrong idea of speaking...which isn't IMO what LE was suggesting.

Horry County police chief gives update on probe into Heather Elvis disappearance
<sniped - read more>

By Michael Smith, Charles D. Perry and Steve Robertson | 0 comments
A task force of at least 15 local, state and federal investigators has been called into the search for Heather Elvis, who disappeared some time Dec. 18, according to Horry County police investigators.
Police have executed more than a dozen search warrants, administered polygraph examinations and fielded hundreds of tips from the public, investigators say.
Although police chief Saundra Rhodes said Thursday that the investigation remains "very active," she said police still lack any probable cause to make an arrest.
I agree-no new revelations. I work w/HOLES. My logic is if ex hasn't been ruled out & still stating "he will find her" maybe the fact that was repeated yet not emphasized might mean restating the obvious & not discounting any previous statement. Kinda like a hint or maybe even a Look here. Or maybe a team effort with ex &?? Kinda like my enemy's enemy is my friend :moo:

I think the holes lie in the same areas as they did before LE used a lot of words to say not much.
If not for what the roomate specifically said about what the call was about, I could be inclined to think it may have been what someone else said the call was about. I tend to believe the roomate.

I also tend to think that after the 3:41 verbal call, that someone else could have grabbed someone's phone from someone and said "Give Me That" as the discussion went into texts or PMs.
I keep wondering where his wife was while all this calling/texting was occurring.

Maybe the wife had taken his phone and was the one actually texting HE, she wouldn't suspect it wasn't the OMM.
Sorry- I edited to add some doesn't give a start time but it does say calls back and forth up to 6 am...

Where does it state that? I was referring to the latest news which I believe would be more reliable than other information that's been released. If it's in the latest update, please link and I will stand corrected. Thanks.
I wonder if he and sm were using snapchat?

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Meaning it could be OMW? But it does say phone calls back and forth it if were a call, she would know who it was, iykwim.

A number of us have wondered if Heather lost control of her phone before all this "back and forth" started.
I want to mention a few things I found most important about the latest article, released by, before I continue reading the thread. Sometimes posts can bias or alter my original thoughts... and I want an unbiased note out there about what I initially think is important after reading it. :)
So I apologize if these insights have already been stated.

- It's good to know that the task force looking for HE is made up of a diverse group of professionals & not only are HCPD investigators working on the case but so are 2 MB investigators, investigators employed by the Solicitor's office, and a SLED profiler... + US Marshall & FBI investigators. That sounds like a very skilled task force to me.

- A number of search warrants have been executed, including searches of HE's social media accounts that included "private messages not previously reported." The content of those messages has not been released.
Hmmm... I wonder what was found in those messages?

- That although searches have taken place (also in homes and private properties), they declined to specify where and state that they "lack any probable cause to MAKE AN ARREST."

- They haven't completely ruled out HE being a runaway but stated that scenario doesn't appear likely. They also don't think her disappearance is connected to human trafficking.

- Police "strongly believe" she drove to PTL herself but would not elaborate why. They stated "everything indicates that she drove there."

- The chief also confirmed previous reports of cell phone communications between Sidney Moorer, as late as 6 am but would not elaborate on the nature of the discussions.
That statement tells me the communications were likely text or chat messages and they know what was discussed.

- Police said they think the date dropped her off before the 1:44 am phone call to her roommate & believe he may have been mistaken about the time. They also reiterated that he is ruled out as a suspect in the investigation.

- YET they blatantly fail to mention SM being ruled out as a suspect.

- NO mention of the obstruction charges or the harrassment police reports that have been filed.

What degree of evidence/suspicion is required to obtain a search permit?
Maybe the last CALL was 3:41 am and thereafter, communications were texts, which makes sense bc LE seems informed about later 'discussions '.

I agree.

Though long after LE was saying back and forth until 6am, TE was insisting last call was at 3:41am. That was confusing to many beside myself.

If a person is missing, why wouldn't one want last accurate communication time to be known? I'm not clear on the difference between texts and talking as far as communicating is concerned.

Unless it is known that someone did have HE's phone, I'm still not sure what the significance is of insisting on that 3:41am time, unless he was suggesting she was definitely talking to a known person. As opposed to "anyone," who could be texting. I would expect the family to clear confusion when asking tens of thousands for help. Simple to say: "We know it was HE at 3:41am," if that is true.

LE hasn't said when last ping was or from where, right?
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