SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #14

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I wonder...maybe she told BW she was going out to meet SM. And combined with the condition of her car ( locked, messy but just her usual) perhaps the seat position (?) became clear that she in fact drove herself there.

Also...IF Heather did tell BW she was going to meet SM, surely TE knows this too, and is partly why he seems so certain as to where to direct suspicion.

your opening sentence is what makes the call to BW and it's contents so valuable in this case. If LE is comfortable that HE drove to PTL that tells me either ,until they discover otherwise that is their line of thinking or they already have "indicators" ex. surveillance video, witnesses etc. , pointing in that direction. Nothing said by LE really ,imo, opened new doors in this investigation but maybe what wasn't said may be more telling. Like those two named in the police report were cooperating, were cleared, took polygraph tests or have lawyer ed up. On the "" Terry Elvis wrote in asking a question about the FBI special unit being utilized. I find it unusual that the father of the missing girl has to resort to the local paper to ask a question of the commander of the agency who is searching for his daughter. Maybe LE has closed ranks and the family is left out. Are they on to something? You would never know by the interview,imo. The news that search warrants were issued for various properties and houses was a relief to me but not telling which properties ,combined with no real news just makes me believe that this investigation has slowed to a grinding halt.
Bingo! Calls vs. texts. That's what I've been thinking since the time discrepancies in HE's phone usage was released. Her last call was 3:41 am but the texts lasted til 6 am. The reason I think this is because my cell provider lists all my calls on my bill but not my texts. I'm thinking LE had to contact her cell carrier to verify texts. And that takes time.


Actually, TE said her records confirm that she last used her phone at 3:41. I doubt he was confused about calls vs texts, given how a phone log is presented.

I just don't think there was any news today, and I think/hope the professionally polished remarks are a reflection of LE's focus on solving the crime, not talking about it.
Okay, with the fear of being out of line, I am going to provide my speculation as to what may (or may not, as this is all JMOO) have happened...

Imagine, if you will a young girl desperate for love (I remember 20 and waiting for my knight in shining armor). Unfortunately, said young woman has a bad "picker" and stumbles across the wrong knight. Passions enflamed lead to even worse choices when the stained knight's lady love gets wind of the reemergence of her errant knight dalliances.

(Aside: South Carolina is not a "no fault state" meaning that indiscretions such as cheating are taken into consideration in regards to child custody, support, and alimony.)

With his back against the wall the stained knight and his evil queen, now in full rampage mode, devise a plan to get the young lady to meet. Unbeknownst to the YL (young lady) danger lurks in the rear of the carriage, and she is set upon with violence of the take your breath away sort from behind. Thus leaving no mark to mar the interior of the knight's carriage. After the YL succumbs to her tragic fate her lovely corpse is whisked away to where she now awaits to be discovered and avenged.

Again, all my pure opinion as to what might have befallen Heather. Take it for what you will.
"Police do not think someone drove Elvis from River Oaks Drive to the boat landing, but investigators would not elaborate about why Elvis drove to the boat landing.

'Everything indicates that she drove there,' added Lt. Chip Squires with Horry County police, the lead county investigator. 'We do not have anything that indicates she did not drive there.'"

Everything= Phone Pings/Calls & Private Messages

Rhodes said about 15 search warrants have been issued since Elvis was reported missing. Through the warrants police have searched Elvis social media accounts, including private messages not previously reported. The contents of those messages have not been released.
Last phone call at 3:41 (from SM). Then text messages (or private messages) until 6:00 a.m. (again with SM?).

That tells me she left sometime after 6:00 a.m. to go to PTL to meet him... morning coffee before he heads to work, which is what I expected.

I still don't think he planned this. I think he got followed to PTL.

Unless... the phone call was from him, and the texts were from somebody else (not related to SM). But somehow, I don't think that's the case.
Everything= Phone Pings/Calls & Private Messages

Well, then they (should) also know where the phone last pinged and if she's with it. I'm guessing she isn't.
In this part of the state, it is mostly centipede grass, which is yellowish brown in winter, unless you have irrigation & sod or overseed w/ winter rye.

Most ppl have centipede b/c it is very drought resistant.

Photo--scroll down to see the "winter" images from Fayetteville, NC, not terribly far away

Also, some of the wealthier neighborhoods spray the grass green in the winter at entrances and on golf courses.

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your opening sentence is what makes the call to BW and it's contents so valuable in this case. If LE is comfortable that HE drove to PTL that tells me either ,until they discover otherwise that is their line of thinking or they already have "indicators" ex. surveillance video, witnesses etc. , pointing in that direction. Nothing said by LE really ,imo, opened new doors in this investigation but maybe what wasn't said may be more telling. Like those two named in the police report were cooperating, were cleared, took polygraph tests or have lawyer ed up. On the "" Terry Elvis wrote in asking a question about the FBI special unit being utilized. I find it unusual that the father of the missing girl has to resort to the local paper to ask a question of the commander of the agency who is searching for his daughter. Maybe LE has closed ranks and the family is left out. Are they on to something? You would never know by the interview,imo. The news that search warrants were issued for various properties and houses was a relief to me but not telling which properties ,combined with no real news just makes me believe that this investigation has slowed to a grinding halt.

Yes, that's why I don't believe Terry "knows everything" or has that good of communication with LE as some have speculated.
Or was laid off? Someone posted that a lot of the help is laid off seasonally. And she seems to have only been working weekends at TK, so she had a lot of free time, apparently. At least, the entire week of Dec. 16th off, from Sunday night until Friday.

Here's some info about another one of Heather's jobs that nobody has talked about and one of the reasons why I've been confused about her places of employment as well.
(Awhile ago, when I looked at the very first thread, I saw an article that mentioned HOB but on WS we've focused mostly on TK. I'll go back and try to find the link and bring it here.)

Back to my main point, Heather's tweets about jobs ~

March 18 HE's day off
March 18 "Ollie Ollie oxen free" (meaning?)
March 19 HE announces she got a new job today serving at CAPRIZ
March 23 "First night went pretty great." (HE likes her new job.)

March 28 HE told Jess she'll stay if she gets a 20 minute break and snack (HE tweets message to her "furry" coworker.)
March 28 HE is working at Kilts and there's a new bus boy

April 3 HE is lonely
April 4 HE thinks she's allergic to alcohol / sense of worth f'd up
April 5 Customers getting HE down making her feel like poop with an s
April 6 "Drugs"

April 7 Working at Capriz - dbl - taking 2 Vyvance
April 9 Dennis being a (male pigeon begins with 'c') to Brooke
April 11 Unhealthy amount of edamame (soybeans?) "Wait, is there such a thing?"
done done done done
April 11 "Do you feel like a man when you push her around?"

April 12 HE is at TK
April 13 Coworker (furry one) needs to call Jess right now.
April 13 HE tells someone she falls in and out of you - unproductive.
April 15 "Over it"

The following tweet is the one that I keep wondering about and I don't think it's been pointed out before.

April 16 Heather is "terrified that this time there will be no fixing the things I've done".

April 18 gf with stupid future husband
April 20 retweets that weed forces trips to Taco Bell at 3AM
April 20 HE helps friends but when in need everyone is busy, "so **** u"
Discussing OM and wife as suspects is not allowed. Speculating about them as suspects is not allowed.

No one has been named a person of interest or suspect.
Last phone call at 3:41 (from SM). Then text messages (or private messages) until 6:00 a.m. (again with SM?).

That tells me she left sometime after 6:00 a.m. to go to PTL to meet him... morning coffee before he heads to work, which is what I expected.

I still don't think he planned this. I think he got followed to PTL.

Unless... the phone call was from him, and the texts were from somebody else (not related to SM). But somehow, I don't think that's the case.

Or the texts were from somebody related to SM, but appearing to come from him...
Well, then they (should) also know where the phone last pinged and if she's with it. I'm guessing she isn't.

So can we assume her phone was disabled at PTL or shortly after?
Yes. But LE has been saying that, haven't they? It was TE who, on Jan.30, said (way after LE announced the back and forth calls) that the last call was at 3:41am.

My post with his exact quote and link was disappeared from thread #13.

What I find strange is that LE was saying basically this about back and forth calls/communication until 6am. (on Jan. 22 at least), and TE insisted the last was at 3:41am a week after.


Maybe the last CALL was 3:41 am and thereafter, communications were texts, which makes sense bc LE seems informed about later 'discussions '.

Based on this last meeting today LE did not say these were calls taking place until 6 am did they? We know of one call that Sidney made to HE and presumably that was hours prior. SM stated he last spoke to HE in that call. I see no reason to presume there were other calls back-and-forth between them to suggest he was lying unless I missed something. Please let me know if so.

I wonder if SM's only call to her was in fact just that one call. It would upset her because SM told her to stop calling him...and she was upset from what BW had stated. Her posts on Tumblr which appear to have happened around that time frame lead me to believe she was heartbroken. I know BW stated HE said SM was leaving his wife, but her Tumblr posts and the "seems upset" statements are more aligned to someone saying it's over.

Her tumblr posts also give me the feeling she was desperate to have him back.

Wouldn't it seem realistic to think she would have continued to call him and he ignored the calls or he did the pick-up, hang-up thing? If someone's heartbroken and ignored I can also see them sending texts, private messages, anything to get that persons attention...including driving to a nearby place within the vicinity of that person's home.

We're all entitled to our opinions and I feel comfortable with saying I do see this as a real possibility between HE and SM where HE could have been so desperate to drive over to PTL in hopes of getting SM to come out and "just talk" to her. Maybe the texts or private messages which have not been disclosed were telling SM she was going there and asking him to meet her. Maybe that's why LE has every reason to believe she drove herself.

Maybe SM responded to texts or pm's with "no" or maybe he eventually did go out that night at her request, but maybe he didn't. If those communications (texts, pm's) were between HE and SM consistently until 6 then it's what's said in them that will shed light on things. They could prove whether SM ever left his home. Unfortunately, I do not think we will know much of what's in them at this point.

I don't think TE knows what was in any PM's. He couldn't without logins to those specific accounts or without a court order. If TE seen it were texts, then he wouldn't have known the content in them either, not unless he had installed a hidden app on the phone that collects that information. (which is legal if he owns the phone)

Still, whether knowing or not knowing, I can see his anger based on ongoing texts between the two.

I wonder if someone were to delete text-like communication from their phone, even if they were deleted before any questioning and even if they contained no proof of that person being involved in a disappearance, would that be seen as not being cooperative if that same person denied having their phone examined?

**Just before hitting submit I noticed someone had stated the 3:41 call was from that fact? I'd wondered if were HE calling someone...even if it were calling doesn't mean he answered or spoke to her.
Arrrrgh. Find Heather. My thoughts are with the Elvis family.

going outside to say some bad words now...
Bingo! Calls vs. texts. That's what I've been thinking since the time discrepancies in HE's phone usage was released. Her last call was 3:41 am but the texts lasted til 6 am. The reason I think this is because my cell provider lists all my calls on my bill but not my texts. I'm thinking LE had to contact her cell carrier to verify texts. And that takes time.


This is also what I think as well and had mentioned this a couple days ago. My carrier gave me the option of whether I wanted to include texts or not on the statement/records, and because it was cheaper to NOT include them, I elected to not include them. I suspect this is similar to what TE was only able to obtain was only the call logs when he first inquired. Then LE got everything from the service provider.

Its either that or PMs like the news report indicated is also an additional way they could have identified more communication till 6 AM.

But either way, this explains for me why TE didnt know about the additional communication as late as 6 AM.

Some have gathered she didnt meet till 6 AM, but I am sticking with that she could have still left around 3:41ish and "others" could have gotten ahold of her phone at some point that morning.

I just have a hard time thinking that it took her 1 1/2 hours of commication before finally getting convinced to go meet. We already know that her first contact with OM was before 1:44 AM when she spoke to roomate since she was already upset by contact with OM. I am kind of thinking that sometime not long after 3:41, she headed out there. Then either texted or PMd quite a bit while she was on the way. Then I suspect we will see a gap of time at some point and then 1 last 6 AM contact. Its at this point, I dont think she had her phone and someone else used it.

I just have a hard time thinking she would go there so shortly before sunrise,
Also, some of the wealthier neighborhoods spray the grass green in the winter at entrances and on golf courses.

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Hmmm... Maybe I should spray the snow green up here in Maine - give the place the illusion of springtime.

All kidding aside, someone called Heather soon after she got home from the date. Was someone watching for her?

Choked me up thinking Heather, just upset and crying, driving herself to PTL alone and quite vulnerable. Whoever was meeting her there most likely knew of her fragile state of mind too.

Based on this last meeting today LE did not say these were calls taking place until 6 am did they? We know of one call that Sidney made to HE and presumably that was hours prior. SM stated he last spoke to HE in that call. I see no reason to presume there were other calls back-and-forth between them to suggest he was lying unless I missed something. Please let me know if so.

**Just before hitting submit I noticed someone had stated the 3:41 call was from that fact? I'd wondered if were HE calling someone...even if it were calling doesn't mean he answered or spoke to her.

Above RSBM for space:

Relevant excerpts below:

Horry County police records are focusing on telephone activity that occurred as late as 6 a.m. Dec. 18 between Heather Elvis’ cell phone and a man with whom she had a relationship history, according to documents obtained by the Carolina Forest Chronicle...

The phone activity occurred about four hours after Elvis’ last known whereabouts on Dec. 18, and the man identified in the report was nearly twice her age, documents show...

According to the report, the last phone calls were at about 6 a.m. Dec. 18, about four hours after Elvis and Shiraldi ended their date. The calls were back and forth between the victim and the older man, the report said.

more at link:
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