SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #25 ***ARREST**

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What if Heather was "moving on" - breaking it off with him... (Going on a date)
He calls her - lures her to the spot they both know well.. She is upset and crying because she doesn't really want to hurt him.. Since he is so inlove with her (as she thought)
She parks her car, locks the door, hops into his vehicle..
He thinks he can sweet talk her in to still seeing him - tries to make moves on her - but she refuses -
He lost it on her, perhaps hitting her and accidentally killing her...
Then he goes to Tammy to help him.. Only he doesn't tell her he tried to win Heather back- he tells her a story that enrages her...
So she quickly thinks of an alibi - (the IE charges) and helps him dispose of Heather.
her wording was more along the lines of: some girl is missing, her Daddy is pissed, making Sidney stupid".... I've puzzled over that all along, was it Terry making Sidney stupid? or, the fact that Heather was missing making him stupid?

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I'm so glad someone brought this up. That particular line has been bothering me, but I felt stupid for bringing it up... :blushing: but now I really am curious.
It's such a vague statement, but it has some meaning and I want to know what that is. "Therefore making Sidney stupid" and then goes on about some business card. She rambles on...

I realize that this has been said, but I also feel it's possible that SM knew about her date and was jealous and that could have been the reason for the upsetting call after midnight. She may have said she would meet with him and then TM took it from there, finding them at PTL. SM was then forced into covering because she threatened to implicate him anyways. SM could have been trapped.
I can't think of a motive that would be shared by a scorned woman and a man who's having the affair, unless he were manipulated or threatened or trapped.
Does that make sense? What are these two playing against each other right now?:moo:

Suddenly it's so quiet.
I hope when people search they look up at trees for someone hanging???
To make it look like a suicide???

When I talk to my husband about these cases he always tells me how he would get away with the perfect murder-yikes! (O/T I've told my best girlfriend exactly what his plan is in case I ever go missing, lol) anyway part of his plan is to put the body somewhere high in a tree because people usually don't look up when searching. (I'm guessing he would choose some type of evergreen otherwise leaves will fall . . .)
I'm so glad someone brought this up. That particular line has been bothering me, but I felt stupid for bringing it up... :blushing: but now I really am curious.
It's such a vague statement, but it has some meaning and I want to know what that is. "Therefore making Sidney stupid" and then goes on about some business card.

The way I read it is she was spewing about the "missing girl" and then disclosed that this was the same gal her husband had been screwing 3 times. The "thus making him stupid" was her opinion on him screwing a gal who also happened to go missing, putting him (and TM) in the spotlight. Of course TM made it sound like the 2 things were not linked, but we know now they are.
Secretly I am wondering how T treated S after all this took place. We know they used sex
and indecent exposure, then what???
Did 1 of them ever go back to the scene of their crime?
Did they keep each other on a short leash?
Did S go back to work?
I am so curious as to the 'business as usual' to outside world for SHOW,
but I really want to know about inside the home part.
Will we ever know?

I've wondered the same. After all is said and done, do you keep each other in check by referring to it frequently? Do you argue about where you may have gone wrong or could have done things better? Do you join together to purge your possessions of anything related to it? Do you never speak of it again? Or something in between?
I think TM was ranting when she posted about Heather...i.e to make it sound like Sidney was not only "stupid" for cheating, but for choosing such a flake as to go missing right afterward...

Clearly the "open marriage" part was BS...she reacted liked a wounded beast to learn about Heather. But she posted because she knew their names would be coming out soon and wanted to act first, to deflect suspicion, admit he had cheated, and make themselves into victims. I.e damage control.

Guys, I haven't been able to get Amber B. out of my mind.

Heather started tweeting about SM back in March '13. What if SM was flirting with Amber at the time? Maybe Tammy saw them talking and followed Amber one day, or even got her number and called her to meet her the day she was killed?

IDK, I hope LE have DNA from Amber's case.

It could be if TM knew to meet her at the Time Warner parking lot. Maybe TM knew about the wedding and that AB was going to turn in her cable box that day. Otherwise, AB had absolutely NO reason to be on Old Sanders Drive unless she was forced to drive there. Hmmm . . .
The only problem with being in a tree, the skin does slip off as you decompose.
I disagree with all of that. It's getting close to victim blaming. IMO...plenty of women are cheated on and they don't commit or cover up a murder. We may find that SM killed HE to please TM. My issue is when we as women fall into the whole temptation/seduction issue. Men are not that weak. SM cheated because he wanted to cheat.

Believe that it is victim blaming. No matter what Heather did or did not do she is an innocent victim. No one makes another person murder.
I agree ! That's just how sick and twisted she is ! And, oh..... EVIL !!!!! NO REMORSE- never will have any ! IMO

And like so many criminals, she thought she was being so smart, big & bad, but its her very own public words and actions that will have sealed her and SM's fate. They think the law can not touch them. The punishment should fit the crime. TM's own words, she is not exempt from the law or punishment!
What if Heather was "moving on" - breaking it off with him... (Going on a date)
He calls her - lures her to the spot they both know well.. She is upset and crying because she doesn't really want to hurt him.. Since he is so inlove with her (as she thought)
She parks her car, locks the door, hops into his vehicle..
He thinks he can sweet talk her in to still seeing him - tries to make moves on her - but she refuses -
He lost it on her, perhaps hitting her and accidentally killing her...
Then he goes to Tammy to help him.. Only he doesn't tell her he tried to win Heather back- he tells her a story that enrages her...
So she quickly thinks of an alibi - (the IE charges) and helps him dispose of Heather.

I think that is exactly what happened. Explains the two cars of the M's and his call/text to her which she relayed to her roommate. It would by why she went to meet him and why her car was left there if the crime was commuted in his car. I think SM was in love and this was a crime of passion when HE told him she was moving on and he should do the same. JMO

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I have been wondering about SM and TM cars. They were seized correct? Does anyone know what year they were? Many new vehicles have GPS and Bluetooth, I am sure they can get info from that if the cars are new enough to have that.

They must have a lot of evidence we do not know about. The Ms do not seem smart enough to have covered all of their tracks.

Any car info?

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Hey y'all! Just trying to catch up. Anything eventful happen in the last few days (besides the re-enactment/search?)

O/T: I just submitted my last final exam and I'm officially done with my undergraduate studies! I'll have my bachelors in political science when I officially graduate!!
What if Heather was "moving on" - breaking it off with him... (Going on a date)
He calls her - lures her to the spot they both know well.. She is upset and crying because she doesn't really want to hurt him.. Since he is so inlove with her (as she thought)
She parks her car, locks the door, hops into his vehicle..
He thinks he can sweet talk her in to still seeing him - tries to make moves on her - but she refuses -
He lost it on her, perhaps hitting her and accidentally killing her...
Then he goes to Tammy to help him.. Only he doesn't tell her he tried to win Heather back- he tells her a story that enrages her...
So she quickly thinks of an alibi - (the IE charges) and helps him dispose of Heather.

I don't think SM was in love with or loved Heather.

But even if something like this happened, why is TM charged with kidnapping and murder?
I have been wondering about SM and TM cars. They were seized correct? Does anyone know what year they were? Many new vehicles have GPS and Bluetooth, I am sure they can get info from that if the cars are new enough to have that.

They must have a lot of evidence we do not know about. The Ms do not seem smart enough to have covered all of their tracks.

Any car info?

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I asked a while back and got conflicting answers as to who owned them. The red truck people say is TM's dad's and the black truck is either SM's or TM and SM's.
Red truck was older, 90s maybe? The black truck was newer, much newer.
Hey y'all! Just trying to catch up. Anything eventful happen in the last few days (besides the re-enactment/search?)

O/T: I just submitted my last final exam and I'm officially done with my undergraduate studies! I'll have my bachelors in political science when I officially graduate!!

Super Congratulations on getting your BS degree. A great accomplishment for anyone.
way O/T but there was a case of several people being murdered by a man (did this all by himself) planned to put the deceased inside a hollow tree that was still standing tall.
Shocked me so bad.
Now if T & S ever thought of something so bizarre.............maybe T had the stomach for it, but S did not.
T is not in muscular she may of needed help to discard her evil deed.
IMO, she would ask someone she trusted and knew would never talk...........

In all the cases I have ever followed, that hiding spot for a dead body was the most clever I have ever heard.

From my recollection of the case, he climbed up to the top of a HOLLOW tree and dumped the bodies down into the tree trunk from the top. There were multiple victims and I really do not think that LE would have ever found them had he himself not told them where the bodies were. I think he even put the family pet down the tree if I remember it right or a young victim or something along those lines. There were multiple bodies I recall.

Anyway, it was really an incredible hiding spot. LE had to saw the tree down to get to the bodies.

There are not many trees like that out there. But in a forest, you could find a tree like that.
I have been wondering about SM and TM cars. They were seized correct? Does anyone know what year they were? Many new vehicles have GPS and Bluetooth, I am sure they can get info from that if the cars are new enough to have that.

They must have a lot of evidence we do not know about. The Ms do not seem smart enough to have covered all of their tracks.
Any car info?

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Speaking of tracks, I wonder if LE had a lot of tire track prints at the PTL scene? I wonder if they made those plaster molds of them? I wonder if the tire tracks match the trucks that LE took off of the M's property that was in the news?
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