SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #29***ARREST**

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I have thought that too, but then they should have taken it and her car into evidence. Right? Something could have occurred in her car.

Maybe only fragments left behind that weren't immediately identifiable as pieces of Heather's phone? I mean, if someone stomped on or otherwise smashed her phone the night she disappeared and picked up the bigger pieces to dispose of elsewhere, there still could have been some small bits left behind on the landing that were only identified as coming from her type of phone after forensic examination. That kind of evidence might not have been obvious to the officer at the scene on the 19th.
There are way too many threads for me to attempt to dig for it, but there has been discussion here in the past of what I remember being more than one disturbance call to a location in the same hours as the disappearance in an area nearby. Some thought it could have been gunshots? Does anyone remember that who can link back to it?
My theory is that if Heather isn't found by the time of their trial(s), they may feel they have a better chance of beating the charges. :(

After today, I think their chances of beating the charges are zero. Dang. These people are guilty. Guilty....Guilty. I don't know a jury in the world that would let them go.
My theory is that if Heather isn't found by the time of their trial(s), they may feel they have a better chance of beating the charges. :(

JMO They got the murder warrants signed and went ahead with the murder charges not having found Heather, I think that LE has enough to prove murder, its just going to be a lengthy process. I have faith in the HCPD and the other LE agencies working with them.
Yes!!! I am hoping from SM revealing this, which doesn't show he is much of a man, he will talk more. If his lawyer says "he liked Heather" as he stated when he said SM had no motive, he should speak up for her and tell what happened and where she is. This is so heartbreaking.

well maybe this info will piss TM off and she will start spilling some little tidbits of her on. Im sure it was the first she heard of it. SM has no motive and liked HE. and talk about SM distancing himself from TM? woah! that must have made TM head snap around a time or two. A verbal battle of one upping between them would be a really "good thing" right about now.
Unless TM had SM hogtied in the bedroom, he is as much at fault as she is. He called from a pay phone....and how did TM find out about that? There would really be no way except that HE kept trying to call SM on his cell, which TM had in her possession (as proposed in one theory, which I don't think I agree with). But I don't think she would have met TM down at PTL. No, she was expecting to meet SM. So he had to lure her down there. Its pathetic.
After today, I think their chances of beating the charges are zero. Dang. These people are guilty. Guilty....Guilty. I don't know a jury in the world that would let them go.

So despite LE showing no physical evidence, no evidence from the crime scene, you think they would get a guilty verdict? Or you think they have a lot more evidence that they haven't told us about, and in addition to what we know, there's no way they are getting off?
I guess I too need to have an open mind about how much he could have been affected by possible spousal abuse, but seeing that call history (which has him presumably telling her to go to PTL right before she disappears from there) and seeing his huge grin in that selfie with his wife holding the gun (which we're told was after HE's disappearance) just really gets to me.

I get the impression that he may have been acting (he did want to be an actor) in the photos, and is just doing what he's doing because TM is making him do those things. I think there's more to it too, and that others may be involved. I really feel it is possible that he is in fear for his life.
well maybe this info will piss TM off and she will start spilling some little tidbits of her on. Im sure it was the first she heard of it. SM has not motive and liked HE. and talk about MS distancing himself from TM? woah! that must have made TM head snap around a time or two. A verbal battle of one upping between them would be a really "good thing" right about now.

Yes. I hope today that SM realized that TM is not in control of him and his choices. I was told that they did NOT speak to one another at all. That to me is a sign of a shift in the balance.
So despite LE showing no physical evidence, no evidence from the crime scene, you think they would get a guilty verdict? Or you think they have a lot more evidence that they haven't told us about, and in addition to what we know, there's no way they are getting off?

IDK, eileen....I guess I'm going on emotion tonight. I get so frustrated because I honestly think they are guilty. And seeing the texts (where TM was threatening Heather) and knowing they have video footage of the just seems to me that most reasonable people would say they are guilty.
And I doubt we have seen all they have. I think the DA played this today so that TM and SM could sit on it a while. They have them. That's how it feels to me.
So despite LE showing no physical evidence, no evidence from the crime scene, you think they would get a guilty verdict? Or you think they have a lot more evidence that they haven't told us about, and in addition to what we know, there's no way they are getting off?

Who says that PTL is the crime scene, well the only crime scene????????
It's obvious that LE isn't going to release evidence to us. We aren't the ones who need the info.
My thoughts ... Totally planned!! Why? Who knows!! A psycho who keeps journals and such is hard to understand. Men are ... Men. Maybe she found an old message or picture from Heather and it fired her up. Maybe someone mentioned seeing Heather, and she was so jealous that it set her off. Probably, Sidney is the only person who knows other than Tammy.
Sidney calls and whimpers and manipulates Heather from payphone. She calls her bff and struggles with this all ... SM leaving wife. She agrees to meet him at PTL to talk. I think she sees his truck and gets in, with only SM visible. She gets in with purse, phone, keys, and is talking when TM attacks from back. SM speeds off while TM is strangling, hitting, suffocating, .... TM is way bigger and has advantage at this point.
I think someone else helped dispose and/ or come up with alibis (including phone, purse, etc).
I think Heather is close to PTL and Moorers' house ...
What about septic tanks? Do dogs detect on these if a body were in it? Sorry if stupid question ...
I thing the Georgetown "shooting" was verified by others in car, but I don't doubt The MRS. Herself set it up and possibly TGIF incident. She is clearly warped!
All just my thoughts on all I've read ... Praying that Heather is found soon!!
So despite LE showing no physical evidence, no evidence from the crime scene, you think they would get a guilty verdict? Or you think they have a lot more evidence that they haven't told us about, and in addition to what we know, there's no way they are getting off?

Posted: Mar 17, 2014 1:49 PM EDT
Updated: Mar 17, 2014 5:50 PM EDT

McCollum says prosecutors haven't yet released evidence, as will be required during the discovery portion of the case, so most of what he's seen is coming from police reports.
So despite LE showing no physical evidence, no evidence from the crime scene, you think they would get a guilty verdict? Or you think they have a lot more evidence that they haven't told us about, and in addition to what we know, there's no way they are getting off?

The state will continue to hold their cards close as far as the public goes, until trial. How much evidence exists is speculation, but it's certainly more than we've seen today.

A conviction is never guaranteed when dealing with jury trials, so a claim to the contrary is based on feelings vs fact, especially at this early point.
Maybe only fragments left behind that weren't immediately identifiable as pieces of Heather's phone? I mean, if someone stomped on or otherwise smashed her phone the night she disappeared and picked up the bigger pieces to dispose of elsewhere, there still could have been some small bits left behind on the landing that were only identified as coming from her type of phone after forensic examination. That kind of evidence might not have been obvious to the officer at the scene on the 19th.

But as Clu mentioned, and I agree, that proves she was there, but not murdered. I don't understand the comment, she was murdered there, unless it was taken out of context. I feel like it was a direct quote from LE.

I have always felt they got her in the car and drove off with her. Saying she was murdered there means physical evidence would prove that. I get concerned because what I hear now out of LE confuses me and isn't solid and there is no body. Being honest, I would have a very hard time convicting without a body because that doubt would always be there and also if the person did it. So, I would not be a good jury member for a no body case. I asked five other people and they all said the same thing. I would look at the evidence, but there are some things I don't know if I could get ever. Now granted, I don't know all the evidence. They may have tons of her blood in their truck and a video of them on camera. But, without a body, it would need to be black and white, solid, FOR ME. That may be wrong...but that's how my brain works and I couldn't convict someone unless I was certain. Especially with the death penalty! Good god.
I don't think he was really going to leave TM. That was just a lure. Remember, SM and TM were just out having sex all over town.

I think posters are being waaaay to easy on SM, almost making him look like a victim. I'm not buying it. Look, in January TM is self destructing and self medicating with booze. What's SM doing? Telling TM that he was a bad boy but he can fix it and they can have a great future together. This is not some abused spouse who is scared and running for his life. Nope.

I get why TM was angry, emotional and irrational. Not that I condone what they did, but I get it. SM not so much. His lack of emotions and any sense of responsibility scares me. He's playing a role and it looks likes he's gotten pretty dang good at it, because people are buying it. That's scary!

Get TM a fifth of Jim Beam? Maybe two. . .

With all due respect, either scenario could be true. sm could be the master manipulator, counting on everyone to believe he was being abused, and playing it to the hilt in the hopes it will translate into a get out of jail free card (or as close to it as his defense attorney can muster).

OR, as other WSers have alluded to, he could be one of the statistically fewer men who suffer from intimate partner violence. It is undeniable that it happens, and it is grossly underreported for the very reason that there are hardly any services for male victims, and even less for those with families. I speak from experience as I completed my externship hours in a DV shelter as an undergrad in Forensic Psychology. Men underreport for many reasons - and one of them is that the system (and society) often don't believe them. :moo:

Yes, I am speaking in generalizations, and the point is to extrapolate.

The tragedy of this case is that we have two defendants, and IMO, it's just a matter of time before they will turn on each other. The only people who REALLY know what happened are the innocent parties. One has been missing since the middle of December, and has a family crying out for her return. They count the days she has been gone and hope and pray for news while silently hoping they don't hear the news every parent of a missing child desperately awaits.

I cringe at the thought that the others might be called as witnesses. It remains to be seen how far the manipulation will go, or if the absolute truth will prevail. More lies would be the ultimate exertion of power and control - and abuse. I pray to God it doesn't happen. There has been enough innocence lost in this case to last a lifetime.

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