SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #3

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I doubt she was suicidal or ran away, but we cannot base this on what people close to her think, IMO. Most suicides, especially in this age group, come as a great shock as the victim may have seemed to have everything to look forward to, etc. and not displayed any signs. Unfortunately running or suicide can be very spontaneous at this age. Very seldom, IMO, do family and friends say anything other than it is impossible.
I doubt she was suicidal or ran away, but we cannot base this on what people close to her think, IMO. Most suicides, especially in this age group, come as a great shock as the victim may have seemed to have everything to look forward to, etc. and not displayed any signs. Unfortunately running or suicide can be very spontaneous at this age. Very seldom, IMO, do family and friends say anything other than it is impossible.

From what friends of mine in LE have told me is that if missing person is a suicide it is usually not that difficult to find the body. Obviously, it is difficult to hide your own body and most suicide cases turn up fairly quickly. Unless they are an avid outdoorsman, it is usually in/near the home or a hotel room. No, I don't see that as the case here.
I'm hoping, as I do each night, that tomorrow will have better news. In the mean time, I'm putting my tired brain to bed. Happy New Year everyone.
I have difficulty going with that last theory. Not saying it is impossible, I just believe it is highly unlikely. I believe the car was dumped there, with whoever did it getting a ride back with an accomplice or walking out of there.

The area is unlit at night, but the locals say there are trailer homes nearby and some nicer upscale homes farther down the road. A scream or yell can be heard a long ways on a still night. A struggle might have even been heard. I believe that if it was foul play they would not have been successful in hiding a body in the water without a boat. And, if it happened there and evidence/body was put elsewhere why come back to the same spot?

If a crime occurred, I don't believe it was at PTL OR the condo. I don't believe anyone saw her drive off from the condo as LE has stated that they don't what she was wearing. But I do believe she drove off from there to either meet someone or go to a convenience store.

Someone who knew her on here stated that she did not usually carry a wallet, but rather carried her driver's license and any cards in her pocket. I believe the driver's license was in the car. Where it was in the car and how it came to be there instead of with her may be significant.

What is the first thing a police officer(or police impersonater) asks for when he pulls you over? "License please"...
SLED wouldn't be assisting Springdale PD if they did not think the same thing, imo. Violent sexual predators escalate and are recidivist. Imo, he may be identifying his preferred victims by University/College//School Parking Permits or other vehicle stickers. Anyone know if Heather Elvis's car had these type stickers? Imo, she prolly did due to her dad's business.

Chief Kevin Cornett. "SLED has been with us every day going with us to several interviews that we're not able to go to at the same time."

The person wanted in Springdale used an unmarked vehicle with a small blue light on the dash. Police are concerned if this man did it once, he might do it again.

"This is a person who has violently assaulted somebody and more that they caused us all to have a little bit of fear," said Cornett. "It's very important that we get someone like this off the street."

Coastal Carolina University - Sprindale SC- PBL -HE's residence!13m1!1e1!13m1!1e1!7m4!11m3!1m1!1e1!2b1&fid=0
I just thought of another aspect. What if He lost something and the boat ramp was the place to meet and get whatever it was back or even left it somewhere.
OK so with tonight's festivities and whatnot I am really hoping someone who knows what happened to this girl gets a little lossed lipped tonight.
I see the featherelvis profile and I don't think it's disturbing. I guess we all perceive things differently. This is JMO as a fellow 20-something girl.
Yeah, nothing that crazy for a girl her age.
I finally found something.

Here is the exact time frame on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 when Heather posted on her Tumblr account, as taken from the RSS on her account.

Heather's first Tumblr post on that day was at 01:53:05 a.m.

Heather's final Tumblr post on that day was at 02:09:48 a.m.

Heather was on her Tumblr account for 16 minutes on her last known date of contact.

Can someone please remind me the last known time of Heather's text or call.


That information has already been shared with LE and the family.

Myrtle Beach dad posts heartfelt message to missing daughter on New Year's Eve

A Myrtle Beach dad whose 20-year-old daughter was last seen 2 weeks ago posted a stirring message to his missing daughter on Facebook on New Year's Eve.

Here is his entire message to Heather:

Reading her father's message really makes my heart ache for him and her entire family. I will continue to pray each day for them. They're in my thoughts throughout everyday. Please bring Heather back to her family!
This is the only logical conclusion I can come up with that takes account of her in a personal way. instead of looking at the picture from afar and analyzing this situation through Criminal Justice text book guidelines. Please don’t burn me to the cross for this, just keep in mind that I am merely thinking out loud here.

After talking to a few of my friends that knew her and asking one of them to lend me access their Facebook and instagram accounts to take a gander at her posts and pictures shared with only her friends, (ESPECIALLY after taking account of her last 10 tumblr posts made from 1:53am til 2:09am on the 18th ) I write this from what I'v heard and seen and throw away restraints set forth by the "evidence first" attitude and meditate on my instincts.

I am almost convinced that she was in love with someone that didn't feel the same.

She was likely depressed and broken hearted because things had ended after a deep relationship and he was with someone else, or he was running around hooking up with other girls. I know she had gone on a date with someone new. That could have been part of her process on trying to get over this other guy. I think she felt like he wasn't what she wanted. I believe that she may have left to PTL on her own. I'll be as bold as to say that she may have even ASKED this person to meet her there to talk things out (a broken heart makes you do crazy ****). If he didn't want anything to do with her he would have not gone to her especially not at 3 or 4 in the morning. Perhaps she insistently pleaded to see him and after he refused she offered to drive up to his place (again... broken heart. crazy ****. I'v done it myself). Maybe he didn't want whoever was at his side to know she was around at that time of night and so she said something like "meet me at the landing then". Familiarity with this location concedes with the fact that its so close to her former home at her parents house. If this turns out to have a shred of credibility then I believe he lives (if he hasn’t already bailed) close to where she lived at her parents house near the landing area (take a look at the POI’s on the map below.) I can picture the scene in my mind because I myself was awake on the early hours of dec 18th baking bread (..don't ask) occasionally going outside for a smoke a few times at around 3 or 4 am. Clear night sky, full moon, 50 degree weather. Arriving he is parked facing the the exit of the landing right at the neck of the road almost out of the landing lot, Ready to leave after the quick chat. She parks next to his car and gets out and closes her door taking her cellphone and locking her car and stepping into his car quietly as to not awake nearby neighbors. Could explain why she was parked in an odd position. Perhaps they drove around, or perhaps the vehicle remained still. Putting myself in this persons shoes I'd be pissed, annoyed, wanting to get this over with and go home and sleep. I can see a verbal argument taking place after she pours her heart out to him demanding for some kind of explanation for her pain. Maybe she hit him first.

He lost his **** and made a horrible mistake.

She is a very petite girl (5ft1 and 118 pounds) and from what I’m told, she had a thing for dating fit athletic men. Really wouldn't take much. He panics, feeling like its her fault for his rage... I don't know... maybe he drives with her in the car for a while thinking of what to do next. Adrenaline pumping and ideas start rushing through the mind like a racing river... Take her to the hospital? NO! I'll be in jail! Find the nearest dark spot and throw her out of the car on the side of the road? NO! They'll find her. If she wakes she will tell.

After that all I can think of is that he concluded on the idea of making sure she was never found. After all... Why should he pay. She drove him to do what he did and he wanted nothing to do with her in the first place.
RE: here's hoping that we find all the missing people in 2014 and stop or at least lower the amount of people missing each year!

wantjustice, sounds like a New Year's resolution that can go unbroken..

I am glad so many local people are getting involved too! I realize there are bad people who will do harm to others and some cases will go unsolved but it is my hope that it will at least lessen. I live far away but I can pray. Not everyone believes in prayer so I can also call it sending positive vibes. I want to be able to do something. I truly do care for each and every missing person's case I read or hear about it. I see all these people on here and know that many people from all over the world care too. Gives me hope in humanity :loveyou:!
Have your keys in your hand when you walk to your car or up to your door. On most fobs there is an alarm button that will sound the horn. Not a bad idea to put it by your bed if you don't have an alarm, you can possibly scare off a predator if someone was breaking in to your home. I bought mace at Dick's that fits on my key chain and I familiarized myself with how to use it, it runs about $15. My mace doesn't have an expiration on it but it couldn't last forever so I'd replace it every year to be safe. Don't talk on your cell when walking to your car, it's easy to be distracted and not pay attention to who could be watching you. These are things I began doing after Brittanee Drexel went missing. I was told by a MBPD officer that the safest grocery store at night is Bi-Lo on 38th Avenue, it's very well lit. I know I sound paranoid but you just can't be too careful.

And read the Gift of Fear.

It's a great book! Actually, I should probably reread it.

I think it should be required reading for all girls (heck, guys too, but especially girls) over the age of about 13.
"Be on the Look Out & Share to all internet sites" "Anyone pulled over by an unmarked Police Car, always contact 911 & verify that they are legitimate"!

Cara Knott is another along those lines - only it was a marked car. Even more frightening!

Craig Peyer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the night of December 27, 1986, 20-year-old Cara Knott was driving south <snip> when Peyer, who was on duty in a marked CHP patrol car, directed Knott to pull off the freeway on an unfinished off-ramp. It was later known that Peyer had also been harassing a number of other female drivers in the same area and pulling them over on the same off-ramp <snip> Peyer then bludgeoned her with his flashlight and strangled her with a rope. He then threw her body over the edge of an abandoned bridge where she fell into the brush below.

Coincidently, two days later, while covering the investigation of the murder, a reporter with KCST-TV interviewed Peyer during a ride-along segment about self-protection for female drivers. <snip>He tried to explain that they were caused when he fell against a fence in the CHP parking lot, but the fence was found to be too high to be relevant to the scratches on Peyer's face.

Just after the KCST broadcast, nearly two-dozen telephone calls, mostly from women, were received by authorities, with the callers reporting that Peyer was the officer who had pulled them over on the same off-ramp, even though in these cases Peyer was not hostile or violent towards them. They said that while he may have been friendly with them, he also made them uncomfortable. In addition, there had been complaints about him prior to the murder by several women but were dismissed because of his reputation within the department.
Peyer's fellow officers, including a female San Diego police officer, testified to the defendant's strange actions following the murder, with his continuous requests regarding the investigation's status and his attempts to justify the perpetrator's crime as a mistake. An internal investigation showed that while he stopped many drivers for various legitimate violations, most of them were females who were driving alone. Additionally, they were of the same age group and physicality as Cara Knott.

This is truly just a snippet of the shocking bits of her case! Definitely worth reading the rest.
Mysterons23, I agree with you. I felt that way after reading some of her posts. I also think she went there on her own to meet someone she trusted. An earlier poster said that she may have liked older men so I have wondered if maybe he was married or in a relationship. It could be him or the woman in the relationship. The woman could have found out and texted her from his phone. Just my thoughts.
Mysterons23, I agree with you. I felt that way after reading some of her posts. I also think she went there on her own to meet someone she trusted. An earlier poster said that she may have liked older men so I have wondered if maybe he was married or in a relationship. It could be him or the woman in the relationship. The woman could have found out and texted her from his phone. Just my thoughts.

She could have met one at her work
Maybe I've missed it but I'm trying to understand her family dynamic. I don't know that I've ever seen anything that states exactly what that is.
She has a dad who has a printing shop and posts a lot as admin of the FHE FB page. Is this her bio dad? Is he married to her bio mom? And how many siblings does she have? Is she the oldest youngest, middle? And if her bio parents aren't married does she have any half or step siblings? I'm not interested in names or looking into these people. I'm just trying to understand how HE "fit" into her family.
She recently moved into the place where she currently resides. I don't know the definition of recently so I'm not sure if it means weeks or months. Was this the first time on her own?
And my other thoughts are does she have extended family members who live in the immediate MB area? Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents??
Again I'm not looking for names just trying to understand how she fit into whatever family she has.

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