SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #30***ARREST**

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She handcuffed him to the bed. 0.0

I'm starting to wonder if TM has been holding a murder/suicide over SM's head since Dec 18th. I can't begin to imagine the stress levels in that house.

Also wondering if SM is basically in protective custody and they think someone else is involved. I noticed the children were in the custody of their grandmother. Does she live with the grandfather? Are they even referring to TM's mother at all?

Will there be a bombshell - like TM goes to trial first, SM's charges are suddenly dropped and it's revealed he tried to run but TM caught up with him and had him handcuffed the whole time?

Good grief.
If the atty. or family/friends of SM read here...they must be delighted. It's all big, bad TMs fault! Not, meek, mild Sidney....he really cared about Heather....:sick:

If SM cooperates and leads LE to Heather...then I will view him in a more humane way; but if he walks into that courtroom and stonewalls to protect his wife and himself, matter how this happened...let him share the same exact punishment.

He has a choice to make and he needs to make it NOW.
A few questions for any legal eagles or anybody for that matter....

I tried to look at the actual official charges but it is too large and never comes up (lousy PC..ha ha). Even so, lets assume the charges specifically say this....
"Defendents killed Heather AT Landing"

When Prosecution goes to the trial, can they just change their mind and start their case off in the opening statements and say this...
"We will be presenting evidence that shows the defendents killed Heather but we have not been able to locate her body or know exactly where or how they accomplished it. However after us presenting all of our evidence there will be no doubt the defendents were responsible for Heathers death".

I suppose what I am asking is if the arresting charges being specific about the killing AT the landing has to make LE stick with that or not during the case?

And here is just a comment. In other trials I have watched, I wish sometimes the PA would not try to prove too much. It seems they try to prove every little thing and it seems some things were better off just leaving alone since other evidence was so strong. In the Travis case, I felt the attorney did not have to try to prove the timing of when the gunshot to the head happened. It was obvious Travis was shot in the head so whether it was before or after the stabbing, it did not need to be proved one way or the other. That became a huge point of contention for the defense. To me, it was irrelevent.
How does LE know Heather was at PTL during that time? Is it because her phone pinged there? And when they say all phone data stopped at 3:41, what does that mean? That someone turned her phone off, took out the battery, or she just stopped texting and calling at that time?

They said that they had GPS on her phone, showing when she was at home and then PTL, IIRC. And then said all phone life ended at 3:41, not up until six, that that as just a range in the early stages of investigation and no longer applied.
Okay my shortened version of what I think could have happened....IMO the Moorer's stalked HE on her date night or at least knew she was out with a guy and roomie was out of town. SM called from pay phone ( that was close to her apartment) to see if she was there or asked when she would be there. Telling her he was leaving Wife and needed to talk and asked to come to her apartment. They both drove to her place and TM got out and instead of SM knocking on door it was TM. She used a gun to make HE follow her directions from that moment on. SM drove truck home and waited for either a phone call from HE phone or specific time they arranged for him to go PTL. HE did not have control of her phone anymore.
TM had HE drive to PTL and told her where to park. Maybe during the phone call before they left her apartment SM was pleading for TM not to do harm to HE. (For 4 minutes) After they got there the calls to SM cell were made by TM frantically wondering where he was (maybe he was running late) and she was in a hurry to get things over with. He pulled up in front of her car and TM made HE get out and shot her in front of SM to punish him for cheating. They put her in their truck, locked her car and took her belongings with them. Drove home and who knows were they put her. SM may had to be in charge of disposing of body per TM plan.
I think TM wouldn't have let SM kill her because IMO she was that controlling and wanted to make sure it was all done how she wanted and didn't want to risk him messing anything up.
So sad TM was so obsessed with HE. It reminds me of movie Single White Female in a way.
Beats me. I tried searching for each of their names separately, but never managed to turn up any marriage record.

Just found this on the Disboards:

TM complaining about her "boring traditional wedding at a church."

:facepalm:mad:"boring traditional wedding at a church" In my opinion, not only is it an insult to all those who've had a traditional wedding at a church, but also an insult to her family, inlaws and SM! In my opinion, what a tactless thing to say! BUT given what we know about her now it's really not surprising!

Thanks for the link! :biggrin:
I think perhaps LE is no longer so much focused on PTL being the actual murder site as the site of the beginning of the crime. Like with the phone activity times, which they now say all ended with Heather's at 3:41, the videos they have since examined may have made that first statement about PTL being the site of the murder invalid.

Okay here are my thoughts because I cannot get around the 3-4 min at PTL. LE showed one M vehicle coming and going to PTL and in the middle of that timeframe is when all data on HE phone stopped (still don't know exactly what that means) a lot of assumptions can be made from those three pieces of information. M vehicle headed toward landing when HE is there, HE phone receives no more data, M vehicle heads away from landing. Just enough info to infer certain things and keep the Ms in jail. (This was a bond hearing)
What we do not know is what else is on that video. Maybe 5 min later the M truck headed back to PTL, maybe 10 min after the black truck headed toward the M home the red truck is seen heading toward the M home.
We know just enough. I do not necessarily believe LE has pinned the timeline down to a crime taking place in 3-4 min (maybe they have). I think until we hear all evidence we could find there was a lot more activity at the landing that night. At least 2 trucks were seized. There has to be a reason for that. The red truck must be on a video 12/18. It didn't even belong to TM or SM so why else would you seize that vehicle.
I think LE has a lot more going on than anyone is giving them credit for.

Honestly, I don't think anyone doubts that LE has worked this case. For my own part, I'm taking what LE itself has said and reasoning that we are not likely to hear of brain matter and blood or spatter or other physical indications of murder at PTL or anywhere else. LE said the evidence at the house/property was what led to the murder charges. Not what was found at PTL, the murder scene. I think we will discover that this is entirely a circumstantial case with little physical evidence of a killing, and a lot of events and crossing paths and TM trails of rage and obsession, a meeting at that landing, an abandoned car, all joined with the fact that Heather has not been heard from for three months.

This may well be enough and then some to get them convicted. But we don't know how the defense will respond and if they can get some reasonable doubt into the heads of jurors, it might not be enough.

I also think, FWIW, that because we care about Heather as a victim and we are pro-LE and prosecution when it comes to these horrible crimes, and because we can see into the circumstances that led to a victim's ending, we err on the side of a guilty verdict. The M's are clearly guilty and there's a trail to support that, right? I think so. But I also try to think like the attys and the jury and even the perps, and I ask myself, if I was presented with this case as we know it right now, and the defense planted reasonable doubt, would it make logical and legal sense to convict?

Right now, there is too much we don't know, and I still have a lot of questions about how this could have gone down, and in particular, where did they put Heather and why is she so hard to find? And does her absence pose as many problems for the prosecution as it does evidence that she's likely dead?

Trials are double-edged swords. JMO
I believe that when TM found out about the affair, she did everything that she could to keep them apart starting with the handcuffing ordeal and taking a long trip to keep SM away from Heather. Once they came back in in the middle of December she knew that the threat of Heather was real once more. I believe that SM somehow found out that Heather had a date that night, and couldn`t handle it anymore. Somehow he got out of that house and made the phone call to Heather saying that he was going to leave TM. I believe that TM had his cell phone and was probably in a rage when she discovered that SM wasn`t home. After he got home, I am sure things weren`t going so well, and Heather calling SM was the last straw. I do believe that TM threatened SM at that time with a gun and made him tell Heather to meet him at PTL. I also think that she was taken at gun point and handcuffed and thrown into the back of that truck. Maybe she even had to watch or at least listen to them making love that was recorded on one of the cameras. I believe that she was alive and taken to their home and placed in that camper. The 5,000 dollar withdrawal could have been given to someone who would take her elsewhere and kill her.
If SM cooperates and leads LE to Heather...then I will view him in a more humane way; but if he walks into that courtroom and stonewalls to protect his wife and himself, matter how this happened...let him share the same exact punishment.

He has a choice to make and he needs to make it NOW.

I dont mind him getting a reduced sentence of lets say 100 years instead of 200 years if he testifies against TM and tells LE where Heather is....But I am past the point of viewing him in a humane way because of the suffering he has already caused the Elvis family by making them wait this long already.

IMO he needed to tell LE everything he knew the day after it happened.

Just another observation....
Any person (like SM) who allows themself to be handcuffed all night long just because of trust issues is a person that in my view would follow orders even if the orders involved a murder. This guy has serious issues himself IMO.
I agree with you! I think SM is the link that will break. I honestly feel those closest (family) to TM saw her declining in drinking, her housework, actions. TM had to be vocal. Why 39 times LE was called to that address??? Now that address is also TM dad's because he owns everything. Did anyone ever separate this? Do we have a time frame on the LE calls? Some probably was over neighbor fence dispute, but was TM violent to SM, domestic?

I thought the 39 calls for police at the Moorer home was due to them complaining about alleged threats from the internet...
Are old yearbooks online?

We could check his name if we could find one of those

ETA or maybe an obituary for a family member?
There seem to be long gaps in HE's social media. Is it possible TM could have deleted it that night from Heather's phone? I'm not sure how much you can delete from a phone. I'm sure Heather's friends would have noticed, but this could be something that hasn't come out yet?

Also, how do the Tumblr posts fit into this latest timeline?

The large gap in social media is just still bugging me for a 20-something.
Are old yearbooks online?

We could check his name if we could find one of those

ETA or maybe an obituary for a family member?

Wouldn't any legal documents have to show an AKA or something along those lines since you are thinking he was a grown man when he changed his name.

I don't know how that all works, but I would think we would know by now if his name was different at some time. iMHO

Really good point. Could be a raging TM and Heather fell and hurt herself/hit her head...something.

So the only planning was getting Heather to PTL, not so much the murder itself? Interesting thought!


I think one of the scenarios could be that SM thought TM was going to get everything off her chest so their marriage could move forward and when TM saw HE she shot her in a very spontaneous moment.
There seem to be long gaps in HE's social media. Is it possible TM could have deleted it that night from Heather's phone? I'm not sure how much you can delete from a phone. I'm sure Heather's friends would have noticed, but this could be something that hasn't come out yet?

Also, how do the Tumblr posts fit into this latest timeline?

The large gap in social media is just still bugging me for a 20-something.

I think the tumblr posts were around 2am, which fits with Heather being at home, between calls. I doubt TM could have altered her SM since Le says Heather's phone was never active again after 3:41am. JMO
If some of us see SM as weak, then surely TM, who knows him, acknowledges his weaknesses and therefore may not have allowed him to know where Heather is.
I believe that when TM found out about the affair, she did everything that she could to keep them apart starting with the handcuffing ordeal and taking a long trip to keep SM away from Heather. Once they came back in in the middle of December she knew that the threat of Heather was real once more. I believe that SM somehow found out that Heather had a date that night, and couldn`t handle it anymore. Somehow he got out of that house and made the phone call to Heather saying that he was going to leave TM. I believe that TM had his cell phone and was probably in a rage when she discovered that SM wasn`t home. After he got home, I am sure things weren`t going so well, and Heather calling SM was the last straw. I do believe that TM threatened SM at that time with a gun and made him tell Heather to meet him at PTL. I also think that she was taken at gun point and handcuffed and thrown into the back of that truck. Maybe she even had to watch or at least listen to them making love that was recorded on one of the cameras. I believe that she was alive and taken to their home and placed in that camper. The 5,000 dollar withdrawal could have been given to someone who would take her elsewhere and kill her.
great first post and not just because I agree with you.....WELCOME
I thought the 39 calls for police at the Moorer home was due to them complaining about alleged threats from the internet...

I believe I read the article and I think it said "Most" were threats against them via social media threats like you indicated.

Of those 39, I would not doubt if some calls were due to infighting in the house to the point of potential violence in that house.

When that reporter went to the door, SM's attitude was pretty revealing. I think the stress in that house must have been at a boiling point for quite some time after Heather got disappeared.
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