SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #6

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I was talking to my friend yesterday who has a cousin who works at a restaurant chain similar to TK. She said that all the girl are asked to carry pepper spray/mace & get walked out by someone at the end of their shift due to in her words "A LOT of sketchy patrons who tend to get clingy and infatuated with the girls." I wonder if TK had a similar policy?

I know this has been said, but I really hope that LE is questioning the staff at TK & HOB to see if HE had any admirers or if there were any incidents, no matter how small or "innocent" at the time, of harassment. Has any regulars not come in since HE went missing?

And while I'm posting, I had another thought. 2 years ago I was hanging out with some school friends one friday night. We were basically all underage and there was, of course, alcohol & weed. One girl, an avid pot smoker, had been taking medication for a cold & had a REALLY BAD reaction when she smoked. She started to hallucinate, became unconscious, & was having difficulty breathing. Can you believe that out of the 15 or so of us there, only me & my ex boyfriend wanted to call 911 & alert the doorman?!
Everyone else was terrified of getting in trouble & we were dealing with a CLOSE FRIEND who clearly need medical attention. My ex called 911 & I alerted the doorman after telling the group that anyone could leave who wanted to. Everyone quickly dispersed, but 4 of us, who accompanied her to the hospital were she remained unconscious & unresponsive for over a day.

I hate to say this, but could HE have went out to a late night house party, had something similar happen, & people panicked? Was HE on any medications? Kind of like what I predict happened in the L Spierer case (might I add, I went to school with one of the boys in question). I even noticed similarities in how HE's parents were addressing the public/perp. At that age, kids are so worried about their reputation & getting in trouble, they're afraid to call 911 if drugs/alcohol are involved when something happens. People in HE's circle of friends should be keeping their ears open.

Ok, I'm done rambling. I had to get my morning thoughts out there.
Actually TK had answered a inquiry just like yours to a poster on FB and to paraphrase what they said. every female employee at the end of her shift get escorted to their car and the employee who does that has been with them for 9 months (at the time of the posting). As for your experience it is all to common unfortunately for someone to be abandoned when overdosing or having a bad reaction. We've had a few cases here on LI with a heroin epidemic and kids Od'ing with one young lady being totally ignored at a party while she was foaming from the mouth.After the party the "host" cleaned up around the house and went to bed as she died that night and wasn't discovered until the following afternoon as her parents were knocking on the door in search of her... sad story
seems to me like a not so common name, HE... interesting that they are now saying the HE admitted to the hospital is NOT this HE. Weird, no?
Wow, this crime report is quite telling to say the least. HE went to the hospital on Dec. 17th & a possibly violent ex...

Also learning from this that LE had her father open the car... no mention of leaving it alone till forensics called/arrived..?
seems to me like a not so common name, HE... interesting that they are now saying the HE admitted to the hospital is NOT this HE. Weird, no?

I pointed out in an earlier thread that there is another HE in Conway and she is a minor.
Good points. I have noticed on her SM about the use of Vvyanse. I've also noticed alot about alcohol and weed. I've seen posts on various SM about the habit of smoking weed along with taking vvyanse in order to be able to sleep because the vvyanse tends to keep you awake. so it's not out of the realm of possibility that HE was doing all three things that night.

Someone else pointed out the fact that in order to get adhd meds, you have to go to the doc once a month and he would check your weight. I hadn't thought of this before but it is true. and makes perfect sense. So we can conclude she was more than likely using this drug regularly, along with some illicit drugs based on her SM posts.

I have ADHD & I'm prescribed ADHD meds. I used to actually take Vyvanse but switched to another drug because it's pretty expensive... even with insurance because there's no generic equivalent. It def causes dramatic weight loss as decreased appetite is one of the side effects (this is true for nearly ALL ADHD meds, but from my personal experience, Vyvanse decreased my appetite significantly in comparison to any other med I've been on). In fact, I lost nearly 25 lbs in the first month after I started taking it (& I only weighed 135 to begin with) & would literally have to force myself to eat because I was NEVER hungry. Anyway, I only see my doc every three months. He writes three separate scripts at the time of my visit & writes "do not fill until ______ date" on them. And I've never had to weigh myself... but I see a psychiatrist for my ADHD. They probably do still weigh you, check blood pressure, etc. Like they do at any appt. if you get them from a family doctor. & every doctor is probably different as far as if they require you to see them every month vs. every three... but I think, by law, you are required to see your doctor at least every 3 if taking a controlled substance.

Yes, very sad & tragic, PeterThomasFan... 'Anyone, anywhere, at anytime; the Silent Epidemic'..

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community > Missing!! > Located Forum Discussion
Reload this Page Found Deceased PA - Ashley Kline, 23, Berks County, 30 Dec. 2013
IF HE had a drug or depression problem and went to hospital, I would think the hospital would keep her for evaluation. HE had allot of medical bills, does she have a chronic condition? Was she on meds that made her gain allot of weight? Do you have to be a certain weight to work at TKilt???

I hate to say this, but could HE have went out to a late night house party, had something similar happen, & people panicked? ....

Ok, I'm done rambling. I had to get my morning thoughts out there.


this is my current #1 theory.

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seems to me like a not so common name, HE... interesting that they are now saying the HE admitted to the hospital is NOT this HE. Weird, no?

Where was it said that the HE at hospital was not this one? I'm sure the officer gave a DOB to hospital-he had her dad with him.
It seems her father, presumably, gave LE the name of a possible POI right away? The ex?
This LE report is very telling therefore more info is released and LE may not be happy about this! I can see LE saying things now that they do not want released. I am surprised we were able to view this report. IMO, HE was still 'in love' with an X and he was 'done' with her......JMOO.
I know there is a minor named HE .......but I don't think the LE made a mistake and 2 different hospital vs medical center?
Something is fishy.....
What do we know for sure what HE did that day she had off????
She got mail from home.........
Where was it said that the HE at hospital was not this one? I'm sure the officer gave a DOB to hospital-he had her dad with him.

it is noted in the article PTF posted upthread, with the link to the report. The newspaper said that LE said that it was a different HE and apparently, there is a minor with the same name in this town. Still just seems odd to have the same sorta not common name, but that's what's been reported by LE.
it is noted in the article PTF posted upthread, with the link to the report. The newspaper said that LE said that it was a different HE and apparently, there is a minor with the same name in this town. Still just seems odd to have the same sorta not common name, but that's what's been reported by LE.

I think the Elvis name is not as uncommon in that area. Especially if the family originated in that area. My father is from their and my maiden name is common up there. In fact I see many people posting who know the Elvis family who have the same last name as my maiden name.
it is noted in the article PTF posted upthread, with the link to the report. The newspaper said that LE said that it was a different HE and apparently, there is a minor with the same name in this town. Still just seems odd to have the same sorta not common name, but that's what's been reported by LE.

Thanks. I read that article but don't see mention of that. I'm reading on my phone so maybe I can't see everything.
Thanks. I read that article but don't see mention of that. I'm reading on my phone so maybe I can't see everything.

Hi, SharetheLight! :seeya: It's at the link next to the article text on the left hand side under 'Related Documents' where the police report is linked:


Report Provided By Horry County Police Department
Editor's Note: Horry County police have since said the person who was checked in at Conway Medical Center, according to the narrative, is a different Heather Elvis from the Heather Elvis who is missing.

You may not be able to see it on your phone, though. HTH!
I worry about all the uncensored information.. so much of that hasn't been released and I wonder if it's strategic. I went ahead and redacted it further, maybe this version would be safer to discuss?
#2 and #4 are male! and not known to be citizens?????
The report I am reading lists entity 1, entity 2, entity 4, entity 3, entity 5. In that order. just clarifying because our comments are confusing the who's who, at least for me.
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