SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #9

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My point is that regardless of everything that was working against him, he wasn't afraid to step forward and answer questions because he knew whatever they asked could be innocently explained, because he was innocent. He was then promptly and publicly cleared. To me, logic dictates that if I had simply had a phone call with her after her date and didn't even see her, I wouldn't be afraid to step forward and answer questions because I could see how fast they are eliminating innocent people like myself, even innocent people who have a lot of potential guilty flags, like her date who was the last person to see her alive.

I agree Madam Reporter
Lying to the police is a crime in itself-you can be charged with providing false information to a police officer, as well as obstruction of justice. I have never heard of a case where someone wasn't charged because they changed their story when busted in their lies. That ended up being the only thing Casey Anthony served time for-lying to the cops.
A reward is $ for info solving the case usually, info that leads to an arrest and conviction and resolution of a case, usually.
A bounty is a price tag on someone's head.
At least that's how I interpret it.

a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular.
a sum paid for killing or capturing a person or animal.
plural noun: bounties
"there was an increased bounty on his head""

Yes, I think that is the bounty that TE was referring to. Personally, I do not like vigilante justice. I understand if it happens in a fit of rage, but at this point, it would have to be premeditated. With so few killers being killed by their victim's family, I'm guessing, it's because most people cannot commit premeditated murder no matter how much anger and hate they have. Another thing, is I don't care about the suspect, but they have family members too, they could have children, parents, etc. Also, there are many people who commit vigilante justice who do go to jail, not all of them get acquitted. A parent going to jail can have a detrimental effect on their children, and on their spouse (loss of income, for instance). There was a case where a mother killed the man who was molesting her son, she went to jail for a few years, and her son ended up killing someone. And lastly, the suspect could be innocent. So I understand why TE feels the way he does, but the idea that killing the suspect means it's over and done with, is not true at all.
Yes, I think that is the bounty that TE was referring to. Personally, I do not like vigilante justice. I understand if it happens in a fit of rage, but at this point, it would have to be premeditated. With so few killers being killed by their victim's family, I'm guessing, it's because most people cannot commit premeditated murder no matter how much anger and hate they have. Another thing, is I don't care about the suspect, but they have family members too, they could have children, parents, etc. Also, there are many people who commit vigilante justice who do go to jail, not all of them get acquitted. A parent going to jail can have a detrimental effect on their children, and on their spouse (loss of income, for instance). There was a case where a mother killed the man who was molesting her son, she went to jail for a few years, and her son ended up killing someone. And lastly, the suspect could be innocent. So I understand why TE feels the way he does, but the idea that killing the suspect means it's over and done with, is not true at all.

Also if the suspect is killed, chances of finding the victim decrease significantly, I would think.
I'm thinking after reading everything that the reason BW said HE sounded like she was upset over OM call is because HE really loved him. I think she tried desperately to get him out of her mind and was tormented over it judging by her Social Media posts. Some time passes, she goes on a date, then whammo OM calls out of the blue, conveniently when she is on a date with a new guy.
If OM was leaving his wife as this article reports HE could be happy because she really loves him, and anxious because obviously they were broken up so they must have a Rocky history. So HE was probably a messy mixed bag of emotions and would have gone anywhere to meet OM IF he asked her to. She probably also had a nice time on her date and I imagine if HE called BW upset, at some point BW probably asked, so hey how was your date -- to distract HE from her negative emotions. So BW also got the happy news of a good date, with the conflicting emotions attached to the OM call.
All just my thoughts.
Also if the suspect is killed, chances of finding the victim decrease significantly, I would think.

I agree and I've thought about what my choice would be if I could guarantee one or the other.

One of the cases on here that I've spent a lot of time with is a cold case that is almost 40 years old and the victims never found.
I've asked myself if I were these parents, at this point, which would I want more-my children (bodies) back or justice served.
Of course both, right? But IF I could only get one which would I choose? I think I'd want to bring my children home at all costs.

But that's just me.
I think a lot of parents would be willing to concede a good number of things just to bring their child home. No one wants to think their child has been left somewhere that they do not belong. No one.
Did anyone else here ever watch the TV show The Fall Guy? Anyone? He was called a bounty hunter (a bail enforcement agent). The term "Bounty Hunter" applies to people who are sent out to locate people accused of crimes who are out on bail and disappear themselves or people who are fugitives from justice (someone sought by the law).

It is my belief, that rather than referring to vigilante justice, TE is referring to the possibility that someone will be charged with the crime, and disappear them self (or selves) and he will need to switch the reward to a bounty for the return of said charged someone. To face the court system, which is nothing like justice. IMO.
Lying to the police is a crime in itself-you can be charged with providing false information to a police officer, as well as obstruction of justice. I have never heard of a case where someone wasn't charged because they changed their story when busted in their lies. That ended up being the only thing Casey Anthony served time for-lying to the cops.

People change there stories everyday and are not charged. I have seen it firsthand. I have family in the police department and a relative at the FBI. If a police officer pulls you over for speeding and says what's your name, where do you live and have you been drinking? If you say Mary Smith, Washington, no and you are drunk, you don't that is not a crime. Another example, you are brought in for questioning on a crime and you say no to pretty much everything. You then go home and discuss with your family, consult an attorney and decide to go in together and tell the truth. This happens everyday and all day in police stations. A lot of times in the same day, once they request a lawyer if arrested. While it would be nice if everyone told the truth, it would also be nice if there were no criminals and a majority of my family didn't work the streets. But that is life.
There is a little part of me that thinks there is a possibility that there is not going to be a P.O.I. From the beginning my thoughts have been around HE being the only person involved in her disappearance particularly after reading HE twitter and tumblr. It is only my opinion but it is now out there none the less. I hate having said it but there's just something bugging me about the whole situation.
There is a little part of me that thinks there is a possibility that there is not going to be a P.O.I. From the beginning my thoughts have been around HE being the only person involved in her disappearance particularly after reading HE twitter and tumblr. It is only my opinion but it is now out there none the less. I hate having said it but there's just something bugging me about the whole situation.

I've thought about that. But I am not sure she could stay away, missing the holidays, her sister's beauty pageant, etc. She would either have to be very angry or very depressed. I do think she was having depressive thoughts, but that is only my impression from her twitter and tumblr, which could mean nothing. Also, I am not convinced she would be capable of pulling off a disappearance for so long, in the sense of financial, emotional, etc. Or are you thinking suicide? I have considered that as well, though she probably should have been found by now.

On the other hand, if some of the rumors are true, she may have been in danger from certain people.

I've thought about that. But I am not sure she could stay away, missing the holidays, her sister's beauty pageant, etc. She would either have to be very angry or very depressed. I do think she was having depressive thoughts, but that is only my impression from her twitter and tumblr, which could mean nothing. Also, I am not convinced she would be capable of pulling off a disappearance for so long, in the sense of financial, emotional, etc. Or are you thinking suicide? I have considered that as well, though she probably should have been found by now.

On the other hand, if some of the rumors are true, she may have been in danger from certain people.


I have thought this from the beginning and I still do. I think that she and OM planned it and when everything settles they plan to be together. It would explain a lot of my unanswered questions.
Sadly, i am leaning more towards suicide not running away. This is the first time that i have even thought that of any situation that i have read about on here. I don't know why i think that way. It upsets me that i am thinking that way. I just don't see a POI. I do see that an OM could be the straw that broke the camels back but i am not sure it is an OM or an ex that has done something. I just have a niggling feeling. I just had to say it here & i apologise if i offend anyone. Its definitely not my intention.
Part of me hopes as selfish as the idea is that it is a planned escape Hockeymom4. I really do. The other possibilities are really just so sad.
I have thought this from the beginning and I still do. I think that she and OM planned it and when everything settles they plan to be together. It would explain a lot of my unanswered questions.

How is everything going to "settle"? The case is not going to go away, unless of course she surfaces.

While I hope she is alive, I don't like thinking she would do this. This case is costing the state untold tens of thousands, not even to mention the hours people are investing. Her father has gone to the governor. She can't have thought her family would just give up after a while, IMO. I know twenty seems to be the new twelve sometimes, but that is a bit extreme.

Again...a lot depends on whether or not certain rumors are true. I tend to believe they are, and that she is a victim, most likely of homicide.

Anyway...JMO etc...
People change there stories everyday and are not charged. I have seen it firsthand. I have family in the police department and a relative at the FBI. If a police officer pulls you over for speeding and says what's your name, where do you live and have you been drinking? If you say Mary Smith, Washington, no and you are drunk, you don't that is not a crime. Another example, you are brought in for questioning on a crime and you say no to pretty much everything. You then go home and discuss with your family, consult an attorney and decide to go in together and tell the truth. This happens everyday and all day in police stations. A lot of times in the same day, once they request a lawyer if arrested. While it would be nice if everyone told the truth, it would also be nice if there were no criminals and a majority of my family didn't work the streets. But that is life.

What I'm trying to say is that he has already allegedly committed a chargeable offense. (I'm sorry I'm not being lucid, but it's been a rough few days.) Do people lie to the police? Of course. And while many times the police are happy enough to charge them with, ie, Mary Smith with, say, DUI, if they have nothing else, they will be content to charge them with giving false information to a police officer-Casey Anthony is a good example of this. So if you are brought in for questioning, it's far better to tell them you'd rather not talk until you have an attorney, than to lie. Had he been honest, I would probably feel differently about what happened that night, too. IMO lying is never good. Personally, I suck at it. lol
I am shocked the thread is still open tonight, normally it shut when i get home from work and settled down and reopens when i am asleep lol. It's good to finally be able to say something even if it isn't the happiest of theories. I never gave it a thought she would run away. She holds down two jobs i see that as a responsible hard working young woman. Which is why i really dislike how i feel about what has happened. I hate that its possible that someone can get in your head and change how you feel & we don't know the contents of the conversation with OM. Imagine if it was a head games type conversation which lead her to a snap decision EG: supposed to meet up, person doesn't show, argument. headspace muddled and sad. If that for example was something that happened i can completely understand a denial of contact when asked if people were being questioned about what they may or may not know? If i had argued with someone, i may deny it. Not because i am evil but because i am in shock or denial myself. All these thoughts in my head! Wow.
No way do I think this very responsible young lady would put her parents through this torment by hiding out. If it were suicide, where is her body? The area where her car was found has been searched many times. And I hate to get graphic, but if she was in the water, her body would have surfaced by now. I just don't see it, though. I saw a girl beaming at her accomplishing driving a standard, excited about a possible new relationship, a new job, and presents under the tree. I think she regretted the relationship with OM, but was moving forward. I think she was harmed. Moo
Bodies don't always show up immediately even in suicides. I honestly don't know what the body of water is like near where her car was found for Eg if it had snags, was tidal etc she be be caught up anywhere if that is what happened. I do very much see the possibility of foul play there is just something about the whole situation that keeps me leaning toward suicide & i really appreciate reading everyone's thoughts. Its really different reading closed threads, you just time to absorb things more :)
In MSM article from Horry County, they are referring to "Older Male" so its been shortened in previous pages to OM :)
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