SC SC - John, 47, & Elizabeth Calvert, 45, Hilton Head, 3 March 2008

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So because the couple had a good reputation and tons of money means they could not have been overcome with rage and committed a violent act?

Of course not but I feel they had more control over the episode than to do something stupid and ruin everything they had going for them. But, stranger things have happened.

Still the video that captured a man throwing something in the dumpster behind the offices has my attention. The fact that LE spent a good deal of time searching the landfill in Jesup makes me believe they are looking for remains of the Calverts.
yeah, I've never heard of anyone lining their tub and then stabbing themselves, that is very strange...I wonder what his girlfriend had to say to LE abou all this?
From the article above...says Gerwing is the last person to see the Calverts...wouldn't "last known person" be more accurate??
Investigators found several bloody footprints leading from the bathroom sink to the tub, but none indicating there was a second person in the room.

WTH? So he cut his *wrist on top and bottom...then walked around the bathroom? Why?

The report said it appeared Gerwing had taken drugs, but it was not said what kind. There was a seven-day pill container on the vanity counter with Monday’s pills missing. The other days of the week’s containers had four or five pills each inside.

Why would someone take their obviously prescribed daily dose of meds before committing suicide by knife?

*a 6-centimeter cut on the back of the left wrist
*a 6-centimeter cut on the front of the left wrist
an 11-centimeter cut on the right inner-thigh
a 5-centimeter cut on the right inner-calf
a 13-centimeter cut on the left lower neck
a 17-centimeter cut, which was the deepest, on the right lower neck.
From the article above...says Gerwing is the last person to see the Calverts...wouldn't "last known person" be more accurate??

It also indicated that others could be involved in the disappearance of the Calverts but LE wouldn't release that info. I am convinced he committed suicide.There was an empty bottle of wine and an empty prescription bottle. This would aid tremendously in his act. The cutting would only make sure this was done post haste and he bolted the door to the bathroom from the inside. Firemen had to break through to enter.

He knew he was cooked and couldn't face prison. IMO.
Actually, the bolted door was to enter the home. I would assume the lock was a standard bathroom lock and not a deadbolt. Anyone could have locked the bathroom door and anyone with a master key could have locked the outside door.
Actually, the bolted door was to enter the home. I would assume the lock was a standard bathroom lock and not a deadbolt. Anyone could have locked the bathroom door and anyone with a master key could have locked the outside door.

I still think it was suicide. But, I do think others are involved.
So one of the notes was written on a bed sheet....boy, that is also pretty weird. What the heck, did he run out of paper? This guy seems pretty strange to me.

Is it just a coincidence that he was at this condo while his place was being cleaned, or do you think he planned this suicide so he wouldn't have to kill himself in his own home, or have his gf find him? Seems lsort of convenient that all this goes down just while he is not staying at home.
I think if I wanted to stage a scene for a suicide, it would contain all of those elements: Empty pill bottle, wine glass, wine bottle, notes written by the man, and locked doors. Sounds like a nice tidy job to me. It doesn't explain the daily meds with only one day missing, the pillows, the comforter, six strategic knife wounds, and bloody footprints. But hey...if they are convinced he went to all that trouble to off himself...OK. (If someone staged it, they did a fantastic job. They could be a pro.)
So one of the notes was written on a bed sheet....boy, that is also pretty weird. What the heck, did he run out of paper? This guy seems pretty strange to me.

Is it just a coincidence that he was at this condo while his place was being cleaned, or do you think he planned this suicide so he wouldn't have to kill himself in his own home, or have his gf find him? Seems lsort of convenient that all this goes down just while he is not staying at home.

I think he planned it. Yes, it is strange but sometimes that island mindset is strange too. No offense to anyone living on an island but some of the people I have met from Hilton Head are not on the same wave length we are.

What I think happened is he thought he would be above suspicion but was called down and then knew he had no avenues.
I agree, I would think most suicides are not exactly spontaneous...people think about that one long and hard before they actually do it. I realize he probably got busted by the couple, killed them, had to get rid of their bodies, etc. and things happened very fast. But even so, a person has other options before suicide. He hadn't even been named a person of interest by LE yet. And if he had that terrible guilty conscience, why didn't he tell where the couple is in the note? Guess he was OK with being found out as thief but not a murderer. Course all this is pure conjecture on my part right now.

So he takes his pills in the morning and then decides to kill himself later that afternoon? Have we heard that he called anyone that day? He seems like the type that would want to at least talk to his gf one last time before offing himself.
So they are calling it a motivated suicide. I'll say it was motivated by the person that murdered him. I still find that setting bizarre and the attempts bizarre. I think there is a mystery person and that person is a woman.
what exactly is a motivated suicide anyway? I guess he was motiviated by the fact that he would be going to prison and would rather die?
I don't mean to make fun of that, but I don't think I've ever heard of an unmotivated suicide. :waitasec:

Has anyone seen the actual autopsy report anywhere? I hate when the media translates it for us. They don't always do such a good job.
I agree about the media translating the autopsy results, Taxi. I would prefer to see the documents in their entirety. I haven't seen them yet, but maybe Greta will get ahold of them and post them like she did with Kathleen Savio's.

The whole "motivated" suicide scenario is their attempt to back up the claim they could not find any evidence of a second party. It certainly sounds like overkill with all that went into it, imo. I find it incredibly difficult to believe that a person would go to such lengths to off himself even if he was "motiviated" into making sure he died.

Where did he gain the knowledge to know where to cut and how deep? And if he was on a mixture of pills and did he stay awake and have the strength to use a steak knife to butcher himself? Wouldn't he have at least been a bit loaded from those? Why does he keep stabbing himself all over and not just stick it directly in his heart to begin with? I find it quite odd he didn't even try the method of directly into the sternum or upper ab area, but they found no cuts there. It sounds like torture to me and not inflicted by a man set on suicide.

A man isn't going to crawl into the bathtub with pillows and a comforter to butcher himself, imo. He is going to hang himself, shoot himself in the head once, or something to that affect. Someone could have drugged him with the wine first, convinced him to write the notes under duress, cut his wrist, gotten him out of the tub for some unknown reason (probaby to add the comforter and pillows), finished the job, staged the scene by leaving no trace of a second party, locked the door, and there you have a "motivated" suicide. Wrapped up and case closed on his death.

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