SC - KB, 30, (alive) & Charlie Carver, 32, (dec'd) Anderson, 31 Aug 2016 *Arrest* #2

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What he did with David, I hope LE can recover his body and allow his family to bury him. With all the heavy equipment, soil and rock moving, I'm concerned about a body being found in a 'shallow grave'...doesn't add up.

Just speculating here, but if what KB says is true (and I don't see why it isn't) and CDC was shot on property, than I highly doubt CDC was removed from the property, too risky / messy when he has the convenience of that large property to hide things. I suspect they will find him there, somewhere.

I also believe the car was moved into the ravine within the last 2 weeks or so. I think somewhere up above they posted a helicopter flew overhead a couple weeks before but they asked the news to keep quiet about it and I'm sure they took photos and paid attention to what they could see, which probably means they couldn't see the car otherwise they'd have gone on property 2 weeks ago, right? Perhaps it was hid in the garage at that point in time, being painted or whatever it was to turn it that dark color. Just speculation again.
I may be a few posts behind, but, if the phoned "pinged" in that area, and, as this article states; "KB worked for Kohlhepp cleaning houses before the real estate agent offered them for sale...", and TK is a registered sex offender, then why on earth did no one search this man's home and property before this? I'm not normally one to voice my personal thoughts about LE's actions, or non-actions, b/c I've never been a LEO and I'm sure it's not an easy job, but those three things would have probably perked my ears up. With TK being a registered sex offender, the pinging and fact she worked for him should have been enough to get a warrant.
Just speculating here, but if what KB says is true (and I don't see why it isn't) and CDC was shot on property, than I highly doubt CDC was removed from the property, too risky / messy when he has the convenience of that large property to hide things. I suspect they will find him there, somewhere.

I also believe the car was moved into the ravine within the last 2 weeks or so. I think somewhere up above they posted a helicopter flew overhead a couple weeks before but they asked the news to keep quiet about it and I'm sure they took photos and paid attention to what they could see, which probably means they couldn't see the car otherwise they'd have gone on property 2 weeks ago, right? Perhaps it was hid in the garage at that point in time, being painted or whatever it was to turn it that dark color. Just speculation again.
Is it just me or..
Do the windows on the vehicle they removed from the ravine also look to have black paint on it? Maybe to prevent reflection?
WSPA 7 Brianna Smith gives case update This feed from WSPA 7 in Greenville/ Spartanburg area has the reporter Brianna Smith stating that the phone pinged on the 95 acres on Aug 31st but because of the nature of the time that it takes in getting info back from a cell phone company through search warrants, LE did not get the info back until 2 weeks ago. She states that their news station was aware that the Sheriff's office was doing surveillance of the property by helicopter 2 weeks ago but LE asked the media to keep quiet to keep from tipping TK off until they got all of the search warrants they needed to move forward. I remember when my ex did search warrants when he worked in narcotics investigations, him talking about how they had to have all of their ducks in a row before they raided a location. If I am not mistaken, he mentioned more than once that he had to have satellite photos of some locations when he was dealing with joint operations with the DEA and ATF to prove that they were serving the right address, and that there was a lot more red tape that had to be gone through to ensure that when they went to court the perpetrators would not get off on a technicality.

I have to say......the press conference the Sheriff gave was fantastic. He prayed with her. Just the way he talked and his presence was very comforting and I'm sure it was for her. He was protective of her when asked certain questions and just said she needs time and this can wait. He knew weeks ago where that ping was and his hands were tied.

I do have a problem with the amount of time it takes a cellular provider to respond to a ping request. This is not rocket science to these providers......ITS WHAT THEY DO. They are the experts in this field. It is irresponsible to have the technology to do it and then take two weeks to provide it. I've seen in done in a fraud case in an hour. It go. A missing persons case and zero urgency? There needs to be a better system. In the sheriffs defense, they've been watching that property and him since they got that location from the ping. And it's taken MORE time to get the warrant. Incredible.
Is it just me or..
Do the windows on the vehicle they removed from the ravine also look to have black paint on it? Maybe to prevent reflection?

The front one sure looked awfully dark, agreed. The sides almost looked like they were rolled down, but I could't see that well in what I looked at.
Agreed! The psychology eval administered in '89 listed an IQ of 118 - so his intelligence was above average despite having poor grades. I'm sure his grades were the result of apathy and lack of effort.

O/T: Is anyone else having trouble editing in Tapatalk? Every time I try to edit a post using the app, I get an error saying something about the title exceeds the maximum character limit but I'm not editing the title. I've only had this problem for the last two days or so. I've never seen that particular error before and I'm just curious if anyone else is having the same problem. I think the app may have been updated recently (my apps are set up to automatically update if my phone is connected to wifi), so maybe an update has something to do with it.

I get the same thing. I emailed them.

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A friend of CDC was quoted in other media saying they all met online and CDC and KB knew him casually. Odd all these best friends of KB never thought to mention him before she was found but were hounding CDC's ex. I have a feeling to preserve their privacy perhaps they just aren't releasing some details. I get it.

First off, let me say that I am very glad that KB obviously has a lot of people to support her, however, I have noticed in all of these different news reports, there sure are a lot of different folks in a hurry to come forward and give an interview stating that THEY are KB's best friend and that they had this or that inside knowledge, usually after the fact. I truly hope that these people have her best interests at heart and are not using her situation for their 15 minutes of fame. I know that it's not always unusual to have more than one best friend, but as my father always has told me, "If you live to be a hundred and can still count your true friends on one hand, consider yourself to be very fortunate. Everyone else will turn out to be just passing acquaintances." I very much hope that these different people are reporting what they know to be true and nothing that KB doesn't want known or anything that could be detrimental to this case or to her future. If they knew about TK before, I hope they told LE. I also hope that what I caught in Brianna Smith from WSPA 7's report was true, that LE has been working on TK for weeks, but playing things close to the vest to keep him from making any sudden moves that might have caused him to harm her further or move her where they wouldn't have been able to find her while they were getting through all the bureaucratic legal red tape that protects perpetrators of crimes more than it does victims these days.

It just seems to me that sometimes, these "best friends" giving interviews have been reporting rumors or speaking based off of their own emotions or armchair detective work and haven't really had any inside information, so incorrect information has been further passed along. We don't know any different, not knowing who the real insiders are and not knowing what lengths the media goes to in order to verify the relationship these people have with the situation.

I've been wondering today how KB's reunion with Romeo went. I feel really bad for temporarily exploring the what ifs with his temporary caretaker, but I am really glad to find out that he's thus far turned out to be one of the good guys. While it felt necessary to explore all avenues and he's an odd one, it still didn't feel quite right when I tried that theory on for size. He still seems to genuinely care for KB as much as you can tell from a few FB postings.

All MOO, of course.
Do we have a separate thread for other possible missing links? I have been looking and found a couple with suspiciously similar circumstances...
What gets me is she says "there are four bodies" here. She KNOWS what she's talking about. Who are the other three? And on almost 100 acres??? LE has to have an idea about who the other three could be. He is a straight-up Dexter.

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What gets me is she says "there are four bodies" here. She KNOWS what she's talking about. Who are the other three? And on almost 100 acres??? LE has to have an idea about who the other three could be. He is a straight-up Dexter.

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I agree that KB knows exactly what she's talking about.

TK's posts go back a while before KB & CDC went missing. Very troubling to me.
2 selections from TKA's Yelp.

June 2016
"[...] Research showed this realtor had not sold anything within two years. Obviously hungry, would not discuss price negotiation. Will not recommend this firm, and the home, its been on the market for years without a buyer more than likely due to misrepresenting what it is. Easy to contact free public records and get info. But this is MY experience, hope others are better."

and the irony...

January 2015
"Very Ethical. Did the right thing even when it would have made him more money to follow the other agents game plan... Would have gotten the house.. but we would have ended up in court months later we are sure of.... Todd fixed it so that we stayed legal and everything closed without any further games"

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Well, he did have many realtors working for him. He was getting a take on their sales. He was the broker-in-charge. He clearly has or had money. I'm not seeing anything suggesting identity theft or those types of crimes. I think by all accounts, he was a legitimate business person. I don't give much weight to the few negative real estate reviews because that's business...for anyone. You can't please everyone always. The fact that you don't see "more" negative professional comments actually speaks volumes that he was good at what he does.

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What gets me is she says "there are four bodies" here. She KNOWS what she's talking about. Who are the other three? And on almost 100 acres??? LE has to have an idea about who the other three could be. He is a straight-up Dexter.

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If I was reading correctly...
She said he took her outside occasionally for walks. Maybe he bragged to her where the bodies were.
I feel so sorry for her and everything she has suffered. I pray she gets the proper help to cope with all of this. :(

That'd be my guess.

O/T funny story for a moment of easy reading in a truly horrific case: My dad was waterskiing at Lake Hartwell back in the 60s when he was a student at Clemson, and a fish flew straight up out of the water and bit him on the back of his leg. I didn't even know that fish could do such a thing! I've always pictured those flying fish from the first Super Mario Bros game whenever he tells that story.

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Just speculating here, but if what KB says is true (and I don't see why it isn't) and CDC was shot on property, than I highly doubt CDC was removed from the property, too risky / messy when he has the convenience of that large property to hide things. I suspect they will find him there, somewhere.

I also believe the car was moved into the ravine within the last 2 weeks or so. I think somewhere up above they posted a helicopter flew overhead a couple weeks before but they asked the news to keep quiet about it and I'm sure they took photos and paid attention to what they could see, which probably means they couldn't see the car otherwise they'd have gone on property 2 weeks ago, right? Perhaps it was hid in the garage at that point in time, being painted or whatever it was to turn it that dark color. Just speculation again.

I think I read somewhere that the car was discovered with a camouflage tarp on it, which might explain why it wasn't seen. Also, a camouflage tarp was one of the items he reviewed on Amazon. He wrote something about how he used the tarp to cover up his BMW and now he couldn't find the car.
Hardy har har.
Uhhh huhhh.

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If they knew about TK before, I hope they told LE. I also hope that what I caught in Brianna Smith from WSPA 7's report was true, that LE has been working on TK for weeks, but playing things close to the vest to keep him from making any sudden moves that might have caused him to harm her further or move her where they wouldn't have been able to find her while they were getting through all the bureaucratic legal red tape that protects perpetrators of crimes more than it does victims these days.

SBM. I believe this to be true, that they were looking at him for at least 2 weeks, maybe more (unknown). I agree that sudden moves or any hint of trouble, it could have went worse than it was. I believe they also did NOT expect to find her alive, and therefore, perhaps were content waiting for the ducks in a row. (I don't know, only guessing) You have to consider, they don't want to let someone like this go on a silly technicality like not getting the right signature or some ********.

As for red tape protecting perps more than victims.... you can thank our sue happy society where perps are allowed to sue the state if "wrongly" treated, but victms can only sue their perps, who often have nothing. So, we pass silly laws to decrease liability, because an I'm sorry we wrongly accused you, isn't enough. I understand that part, but sometimes we take it a bit to far and hurt good people in the process. It's a tough spot.
Hi, been lurking for a few months , love this site and adore the people on here doing everything they can to help. The story just reached Australia news where I am , here is the link
. It's interesting how nearly every news story contains slightly different or more info. Whether true on not well.. U know.. It's the media..
I'm so glad to hear that KB was found and hope she recovers from this. I fear for Charlie but I hope he is found alive. I wonder if he shot him before or after he chained her up..
What gets me is she says "there are four bodies" here. She KNOWS what she's talking about. Who are the other three? And on almost 100 acres??? LE has to have an idea about who the other three could be. He is a straight-up Dexter.

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The cadaver dogs alerted in more areas than what they were able to search today, so they will check those other areas out.

It took them a long time to search the spot today, because they don't want to disturb evidence when retrieving a body and therefore are being very careful. I think it's understandable. He's caught. She's safe. CDC is presumed dead based on her testimony; therefore, take the time to collect the evidence right. As of right now, they aren't releasing specific details about the body, but lets just understand they are doing everything they need to so they can nail this guy, and identify any body(ies) properly.

I believe the family will be the first to know if/when they have identified CDC, and then shortly after the public will be made aware. And if they identify another victim, I am sure the public will know after that family is made aware.

Let them work. We will have answers soon.
I think I read somewhere that the car was discovered with a camouflage tarp on it, which might explain why it wasn't seen. Also, a camouflage tarp was one of the items he reviewed on Amazon. He wrote something about how he used the tarp to cover up his BMW and now he couldn't find the car.
Hardy har har.
Uhhh huhhh.

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Definitely possible, especially with his apparant like of posting cryptic / true comments. I just find it so hard to believe he could joke about bodies being in his hard, be a known RSO, and nobody on his friends list see that as a huge red flag to at least raise some eyebrows and then probably notice some other red flags. So strange. But, psychopaths can be incredibly charming and when people are charmed they explain away a lot of red flags....
What gets me is she says "there are four bodies" here. She KNOWS what she's talking about. Who are the other three? And on almost 100 acres??? LE has to have an idea about who the other three could be. He is a straight-up Dexter.

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I too believe she knows there's four others, but, she only knows about the time-frame she was there, so there could be more.
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