GUILTY SC - Nine killed in Emanuel AME Church shooting, Charleston, 2015; Dylann Roof GUILTY #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I do not understand WHY DR would get to ask questions of people giving impact statements?! I do not ever remember people that give impact statements being questioned before.

After questions, He probably is going to talk and justify his beliefs and the far can he go with pushing his ideology to the court room?

And the jury gets to hear these questions?! This 'talk'?! I think DR should be answering questions that the relatives want answered...not giving him that privilege to ask questions. He should not beable to 'talk' at all.

Any lawyer here please explain just what DR will beable to do and not do in this next phase.

Elle Mae...these questions are not directed at you, you just are passing on what you have heard or read, I understand....we just have some crazy laws that help the bad guy or crook...the innocent suffer. The relatives are in such pain and are acting with such dignity and grace....bless them....

He did that already.
THANK YOU to YesOrNo for providing such amazing coverage of this trial. Your well-organized updates were how I was able to not only keep up with the trial but also to actually feel like I had an understanding of the day-to-day events in the courtroom (which was something I found missing in most news articles). Thanks again, really appreciate all your hard work and effort! :tyou:
What’s next, what has happened during Dylann Roof trial


Roof faces a second death-penalty trial early next year in state court, where he faces nine counts of murder. A state judge is ordering 600 prospective jurors to report to the Charleston County Courthouse on Jan. 17 for initial screening. His order says the trial will begin on or after Jan. 30. It’s not clear when the federal case will wrap up. For now, Roof has attorneys representing him in the state case."
iMO This is just dumb

Jury convicts Charleston, SC, church shooter Dylann Roof on all 33 counts in federal death penalty trial - Post and Courier

end of alert

He said he did it 38 hours in -- its just stupid imo!!

Blazing headlines "Roof Found Guilty" he told the planet he did it

I am lost here

Its the same kinda thing when stuff is on video. I shot you, your dead. Its on tape. We do not need a 4.5 million dollar trial.

We need to IMO catch up with technology.

Any of us surprised he is guilty he said he did it - where are all these amazing headlines coming from

its stupid IMO

What a waste of money

then all the death penality nonsense comes in -it takes 14.5 million dollars, and two decades, to do it.

A bunch of nonsense IMO .

Daily we hear of wrongly sentenced to be killed - just do life in prison, spend some money on things, as a society we need.


All I can say to you, for all your chagrin about our court system: : :therethere:
I'm saying this again:



Everyone on WS has a right to their own opinion; whether you think it is right or wrong is irrelevant. What's the drill- scroll and roll- if you don't like/don't agree with someone's statements. Do not disrespect that person by calling names- please.

(And remember- just because you think you are right, doesn't mean you are right.)

Dylann Roof is without question, the real killer. To suggest otherwise is highly disrespectful to the victims and their suffering families.

thank you! and worthy of a repeat: "To suggest otherwise is highly disrespectful to the victims and their suffering families"

Bless you for caring about justice for these families.
As much as I think he deserves the DP... maybe life without parole would be better. Unless the DP was carried out within months and no appeals. He's confessed, and if there was ever a viable candidate for this punishment.....
But no. It would take 40 years or more.. and endless appeals to endure for the families.

I hope every day of Dylann's life in prison is filled with fear and pain ; and always looking over his shoulder --never able to rest.
Prison should be a punishment and not a retreat.

Those people welcomed him and gave him no reason to want to hurt them; and they've been more gracious than I could ever be.
D.R. is the epitome of evil.

Seems to me that life in prison with no possibility of getting out is the worst punishment. Death penalty allows unlimited appeals at our expense (if I remember correctly) and wastes taxpayer money. Life gives one appeal (I think) and after that it is the prisoner's money that would pay for any appeals. Also, Life gives them more time to think about what they have done (if they ever find a conscience) and to have to put up with the prison system and possible encounters with other prisoners. No frills, just a plain old cell with a toilet and hard bed should do fine........

However, I must add that if ever anyone was deserving of a death penalty, this case is the one.
The real killers are out there right now, laughing.

I'm just a little confused as to what the actual evidence of anyone else being involved is whatsoever, and what the reasoning behind the prosecution pursuing the DP against him if in fact it was a conspiracy. Wouldn't they have just accepted the plea and saved everyone the time and also prevent the scrutiny of a trial?
I do not understand WHY DR would get to ask questions of people giving impact statements?! I do not ever remember people that give impact statements being questioned before.

After questions, He probably is going to talk and justify his beliefs and the far can he go with pushing his ideology to the court room?

And the jury gets to hear these questions?! This 'talk'?! I think DR should be answering questions that the relatives want answered...not giving him that privilege to ask questions. He should not beable to 'talk' at all.

Any lawyer here please explain just what DR will beable to do and not do in this next phase.

Elle Mae...these questions are not directed at you, you just are passing on what you have heard or read, I understand....we just have some crazy laws that help the bad guy or crook...the innocent suffer. The relatives are in such pain and are acting with such dignity and grace....bless them....

BBM This is from the National Center for Victims of Crime

Victim Impact Statements

"...Defendants' Rights: Defendants are usually allowed to challenge the accuracy of the facts presented in victim impact statements...."

I'm not a lawyer- these articles may help answer some questions.

Some rules of:

PENALTY PHASE (Includes some info on impact statements; FYI: article is very long)

"...[8.24.] Victim Impact Evidence

...Victim impact statements can be disturbing to notions of due process and
fairness. Victims often want vengeance instead of justice...

Examples of statements that should not be allowed include the following:

 Statements designed to chastise or humiliate the
 Statements that are for the purpose of advancing a
political, social, or religious belief, or cause;
 Statements that are more appropriate for a press
conference or support group;
 Statements that contain speculation about future events
such as pardon or parole;
 Statements that recommend or suggest a particular
 Photographs or other exhibits designed to elicit
sympathy for the victim and prejudice the defendant; and
 Emotional outbursts.
The sentencing process in a capital case does not include allowing a
member of the victim’s family to demand that the defendant be put to death..." 8 Penalty Phase.pdf
starviego - in your post #1190 on the previous thread, you said:

According to the Shelby PD report, pg19of22, Dylan's sister said he was living in his car. That would explain the clothing, pillows, and cans of food found in the vehicle. Did his family kick him out? Why?

I did a little more research on that sentence I BBMed because I was curious about that also and about his family life, too.

Here are some articles about Roof and his family I have found (and "no", his family did not "kick him out". It appears to me that he drifted from home to staying with friends to sleeping in his car- no one forced him to do these things).

If you are interested (and if anyone else is interested):

Charleston Church Shooter Dylann Roof Was Loner Caught in 'Internet Evil': Family

"...his relatives recall he was a "sweet kid" who grew into a "painfully shy" loner...

"He was locked in his room looking up bad stuff on his computer," Roof's ex-stepmother, Paige Mann, said she had heard from his mother. "Something on the computer drew him in — this is Internet evil," she said Saturday from her home in Chapin, South Carolina.

Mann described her former stepson as "very smart — too smart," and said that he was "bored in advanced classes" in school.

Mann said Roof also had some obsessive tendencies like germaphobia, and maintained a bowl cut that she first gave him when he was 3.

"He would fixate on things. His dad tried to help him. His mother tried to help him. We all really tried to help him," she said.

But the family didn't see warning signs that he would commit such a brutal act, mostly because Roof was a "sweet kid," Mann said. She said she released a childhood photo of Roof to NBC News because "I just want to show you that he had a good family."...

Mann said she last saw Roof a month ago, and recalled something was strange: He showed an uncharacteristic display of affection. "He gave me a big hug," she said, "and that makes me feel like he was telling me goodbye.".."


(Dylann Roof opens a Christmas present in a family photo. Courtesy of Paige Mann)


(Dylann Roof is held by his father, Franklin Bennett "Ben" Roof, in a family photo. Courtesy of Paige Mann)

Dylann Roof’s Past Reveals Trouble at Home and School

"COLUMBIA, S.C. — The young man accused of the terrible crime was a bug-eyed boy with a bowl haircut who came from a broken home and attended at least seven schools in nine years. Many afternoons, he would sit silently on the curb in front of his roomy yard and, when he tired of it, move to a different curb. He helped neighbors with their yard work, but they still found him strange...

...attended solidly middle-class, racially integrated schools, grew up with black friends and came from a respected family, his grandfather a well-known local lawyer...

...his divorced parents struggled with finances when he was a teenager, with his mother being evicted from her home in 2009 and his father’s once-successful business renovating historic homes falling into debt and closing a few years later...

By the time he was in high school, Mr. Roof was struggling with his classes, attending the ninth grade twice before dropping out. He floated in and out of jobs, took drugs and drank, had run-ins with the police, began reading white supremacist websites ...

“When he opened up, you could tell something was wrong at home. He wasn’t at peace,” said Taliaferro Robinson-Heyward, who attended middle school with Mr. Roof. “It wasn’t like he was a mean person, but you could tell he had a darkness to his life.”...

The Lexington School District, where Mr. Roof attended fourth, eighth and ninth grades, described him as a “very transient student.”...

Several of Mr. Roof’s friends said he often complained that his father put him to work landscaping...

In May this year, Mr. Roof spent several nights a week sleeping on Ms. Konzny’s sofa and watching movies. He was the only one in the group who had a car and some spending money, so he drove the friends places and often showed up at their trailer home with bottles of Taaka vodka.

“He was a lot more quiet,” Ms. Konzny’s son, Joseph C. Meek Jr., 20, said. “He was, like, emotionless.”...

Jacob Meek remembered how Mr. Roof would call his father, pretending to be at work when he had actually quit his landscaping job weeks earlier...

...A police officer searched him and found *Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opiate addiction...

The Roofs were as normal as normal could be...

“A lot of people feel children learn that, they are taught intolerance and discrimination,” Ms. Devine said. “I don’t feel that is something Joe Roof would have taught or tolerated. Someone had to teach him that. So where?”.."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from *Suboxone)

"...The purpose of naloxone is to deter intravenous abuse; parenteral administration rapidly induces opioid withdrawal symptoms...The drug is intended to treat opioid dependence...."

Everything Known About Charleston Church Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof, who has reportedly confessed to killing nine inside a black church, wore pro-apartheid flags, made a ‘lot of racist jokes,’ and was arrested with pain meds.
"...Roof reportedly withdrew from family and friends in recent years, dropping out of high school in tenth grade.

John Mullins, who went to school with Roof, told The Daily Beast that he remembers him as being “kind of wild.”

“He used drugs heavily a lot,” Mullins said. “It was obviously harder than marijuana. He was like a pill popper, from what I understood. Like Xanax, and stuff like that.”...

Another high school classmate told The Daily Beast that Roof was a nondescript student. “A lot of people don’t remember seeing him,” Adam Martin said. “I had classes with him, [which] is why I remember him.”

But Martin added that he doesn’t believe Roof was bullied at the high school.

“It wasn’t like he got picked on. The school we went to... is so diverse he just couldn’t have gotten picked on,” he said. “Everyone is so different.”...

Meek said they had spent time drinking and hanging out in strip bars. Meek said Roof's behavior had become erratic in recent weeks, he sometimes slept in his car and he talked about burning an American flag and getting a neck tattoo with the word “dagger.”...

Roommate Dalton Tyler told ABC News that Roof was “planning something like that for six months.”

“He was big into segregation and other stuff,” Tyler said. “He said he wanted to start a civil war. He said he was going to do something like that and then kill himself.”...

Scriven said he and their other friends assumed he had been joking.

“He’s weird. You don’t know when to take him seriously and when not to,” he said...."

Charleston Shooting Suspect Dylann Roof Became a Loner in Recent Years
Relative says he told people he was involved in racist groups; ‘he just fell off the grid somehow’

"About a month ago, Dylann Roof’s family was concerned. The once-quiet, bright boy from a middle-class South Carolina family was espousing troubling racist views.
“He apparently told people that he was involved in groups, racist groups,” said a woman who said she was the mother of Mr. Roof’s former stepmother. “He was kind and sweet and polite to my daughter. He didn’t even want her to know what kind of things he was doing. She told him she didn’t approve.”...

Mr. Roof lived off and on with his father, Ben Roof, in Columbia, a family friend said. He described the father as a hard-working, friendly, churchgoing man who had recently expressed concerns about his son’s lack of direction, the friend said. He was trying to get his son to be productive, to stop playing as many video games and stay employed, said the friend...

In both police reports, Mr. Roof gave his middle name as Storm, which is popular among white supremacists and could derive from, a website frequented by so-called white racialists, according to Mr. Blodgett, who said he co-owned the record label for opportunist reasons and never personally harbored racist views..."

Dylann Roof: the cold stare of a killer with a history of drug abuse and racism
A picture has emerged of the 21-year-old man captured after allegedly killing nine black churchgoers: withdrawn to the woods – and potentially racist

"...Roof’s family members described the 21-year-old, who apparently received a .45-caliber pistol for his 21st birthday, as introverted. Roof’s uncle Carson Cowles told his sister, Roof’s mother, that the young man was overly withdrawn, Reuters reported.

“I said he was like 19 years old, he still didn’t have a job, a driver’s license or anything like that and he just stayed in his room a lot of the time,” Cowles said...

“I don’t know what was going through his head,” Konzny said. “He was a really sweet kid. He was quiet. He only had a few friends.”...

...Roof had a mixed educational record in the Lexington school district, attending White Knoll high school in both the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years. He repeated ninth grade both years, but was pulled and re-enrolled more than once. He also attended White Knoll elementary school for fourth grade in 2003-04.

The Lexington school district said it was unable to find annual photos of Roof, and that it has no records of other schools he might have attended...

Reuters reports that Roof lived with his older sister Amber and their father part-time, until his father and stepmother divorced...."

Dylann Roof: Hindsights and ‘what ifs’

"...Roof’s roots

...Little is known about Roof’s mother, Amelia “Amy” Roof, other than her Cowles family lineage and her previous marriage to Roof’s father, Franklin Bennett “Benn” Roof.
According to Richland County Family Court records, Amy and Benn were married in February 1988 and divorced in 1991 – three years before Dylann was born in 1994. The couple also had a daughter together, Amber, born in June 1988.

A friend of Amy’s said Dylann lived with his mother in downtown Columbia’s Rosewood neighborhood at one point in his childhood. Lexington County court records show that an Amelia Roof was evicted in December 2009 from a Red Bank home not far from Meek’s. Roof’s most recent known official address – the one he confirmed before a Charleston magistrate – matches an address shared by Amelia Roof and another man in lower Richland County...

...Benn Roof was remarried in November 1999, to a woman named Paige Roof, who in 2009 Richland County divorce records described a controlling husband who abused her while she cared for his three children, including Dylann.

The family built a home on Park Street in Earlewood that was featured as part of a downtown tour of homes in fall 2005.

The family and the 3,000-square-foot, Florida-style home, complete with a backyard pool, were featured in an article in The State newspaper.

Among the photographs with the article is one of an 11-year-old boy’s bedroom. Dylann Roof’s room was tidy and decorated with pillows. It had a safari theme...

Shortly afterward, Benn Roof abruptly moved the family to the Florida Keys, according to Paige Roof ’s affidavit in the divorce filings. She lamented the loss of her dream home, saying she didn’t have a say in its sale. It’s unclear whether Dylann went to Florida with them.

Friends who wrote affidavits on behalf of Paige in the couples’ divorce described her as a loving caregiver to the couple’s daughter, Morgan, born in January 2000, as well as Benn’s two children, Dylann and Amber. Paige treated her stepchildren as if they were her own, friends attested, despite what appeared to be a tumultuous relationship with their father.

“Benn was tough on Paige,” wrote Sally Moore, who said in her affidavit that she and Paige had been friends for more than 20 years, since middle school. “He called her several times a day to check up on her and find out what she was doing and what was for dinner, if he should make it home.”

Moore wrote that Benn would criticize Paige with insults about her cleaning and spending.

“Paige has lived for 10 years with rules to follow as a wife of Bennette (sic) Roof,” Moore wrote in her 2009 affidavit.

Paige Roof’s mother, Patricia Hastings, described her daughter as loving her two stepchildren “unconditionally as her own” in a 2009 letter included in Paige’s divorce proceedings.

“I was afraid that love for these children clouded her judgment in getting involved with Bennett Roof,” Hastings wrote.

Paige often took Dylann to school, activities and church instead of his parents, Hastings’ letter said.

The divorce cut Dylann off from his stepmother.

Both her daughter and she have learned little bits of what was going on with Dylann from his sister Morgan, she said.

“(Paige) had not seen him for such a long time that she didn’t realize his voice had changed” in undergoing puberty, Hastings said.

Paige is bed-bound, Hastings said, awaiting surgery for muscular and back disc problems. “We’re very worried about her health.”.

The trail to tragedy

Sometime between Paige and Benn’s marital struggles and the Charleston church massacre, Roof became a high-school drop-out, an at least sometimes drug-user and a white supremacist.

Roof attended a number of schools in the Midlands, including Rosewood Elementary and Hand Middle near downtown Columbia and Carolina Springs Middle and White Knoll High in Lexington County. He apparently dropped out of Columbia’s Dreher High in 2009.

His whereabouts and activities since then remain largely a mystery...

...Konzny said Roof dressed normally, had a quiet demeanor and never acted out in public. And while he didn’t voice many of his emotions, she added, he would go to his car when he became upset to smoke a cigarette and listen to opera music to calm down..."

EXCLUSIVE: Charleston killer Dylann Roof grew up in a fractured home where his 'violent' father beat his stepmother and hired a private detective to follow her when they split, she claims in court papers

"...Franklin Bennett Roof, 52, who is known as Benn, bought his son the gun he allegedly used for the massacre. He is also said to have subjected his wife Paige to a ‘pattern of control and mental manipulation’ that ended with a vicious assault.

Exclusive photographs obtained by show multiple bruises to her body allegedly caused by him. She claims he battered her on the back of the head in 2008 and made her ‘world fall apart’.

Franklin is said to have shredded Paige’s self esteem during their ten-year marriage. He also kept her in a 'virtual prison' by calling her several times a day and demanding to know what she was doing.

The heavily tattooed builder repeatedly told Paige she was lazy and spent too much money. He allegedly once said: ‘You’re not a very good maid but I’ll keep you around’.
When they split, Franklin is said to have taken his revenge by accusing her of having a lesbian affair and hiring a private detective - who took graphic notes about her spending the night with her boyfriend.

When the divorce was finalized in 2009, Dylann’s last chance of a stable family life disappeared. His main anchor in life was a father who was away travelling for four days each week with his construction company.

Dylann, who was then 15, began to skip classes, did not finish high school and became unemployed - living ‘on and off’ with his father while he spent his days taking drugs and playing video games...

The files show that Paige was the closest thing Dylann ever had to a mother - until Franklin’s alleged abusive behavior removed her from his life...

‘Benn travels a great deal, usually four days a week, so I would always care for and raise his kids’.
Paige tried working at Sears but Franklin said he wanted her to be a stay-at-home mom, so she quit...

On September 20, 2008, my whole world fell apart when Benn and I got into an argument. Benn violently pushed me to the ground and hit me in the back of my head.’
That night Franklin took the credit card from Paige that she had been using to pay the grocery bills. She said it was her only source of income.
He also said he was ‘cutting off the electricity and taking my car’.

Paige claimed he told her he would ‘relinquish his rights to our daughter if I would waive child support’.

Paige wrote that she was ‘so scared of him that I knew I had to get out of this violent situation’. She moved back to Columbia with Morgan - leaving Dylann with his father...
...She wrote: ‘(Paige) always made sure Dylann was able to visit his father, even taking him to and from his house every weekend..."
Imo any post of yours has shown disdain & unnecessary ugliness about this trial. I'm certain you could find something constructive to do instead of making a mockery of a trial with a confession from the executioner of nine beautiful members of a bible study group. These sweet & lovely people welcomed Roof & offered fellowship to him. The pain the surviving family members have endured is not measurable. It's apparent that your lack of sensitivity & baiting of other Websleuths who dedicated their time & energy to this trial, deserve better than that.
Ohhh wow..Something that was a constant in Dylann's life was that "Bowl Cut" hairstyle. Sorry..but that cut went by the wayside many decades ago..Seems Dylann got STUCK in that past Prejudicial biases and somehow got fuelled into enflaming these biases..even tho he never actually suffered anything negative by "THOSE" he railed against.. While sad..It has become far more common.. Those today ( younger ones) have somehow been mind bent on past biases and HATE wether or not have ever experienced it personally in their daily interactions.

Dylann Roof is surely an example of how propaganda influences young minds into HATE MODE regardless of their life experiences!! SO SO sad but in Dylan's case..showed exactly what and how unfiltered information directly affects innocents..yet the one influenced seems to get the excuse coverage by Propaganda sites...

I'm really disheartened now..Really thought this world had grown..Guess it hasn't..especially how biases has been exposed for the world to see. :moo:
From the excellent post # 33 : DR's "germaphobia" , and "fixating on things..." Very interesting . I'm getting Adam Lanza vibes !
Even the hairstyle --although Lanza's wasn't entirely a 'bowl cut'.

Apparently no one informed DR that style exists no longer-- if it ever did.

He apparently dropped out of Columbia’s Dreher High in 2009.
His whereabouts and activities since then remain largely a mystery...

And then he pops up again about six months before the shooting. So why does no one seem to care where Roof was all that time? I suspect he was in the military for a time, and perhaps institutionalized afterwards.

The accuracy of the shooter suggests someone with professional training. 80% of the shots met their target, and almost all shots were to center mass. You don't get to be that good by shooting at telephone books.

As the doc said:
While (attending physician at the Medical University of South Carolina’s emergency room) Dr. Edward O’Bryan admitted has no way of knowing exactly what happened inside the Emanuel AME church, he speculated that “if someone enters a room and starts spraying gunshots around, there will be other injuries.”
“We didn’t see any of those,” he said.

Like I said, we're probably dealing with a professional killer(s), not some kid spraying bullets. Maybe Roof has some kind of split personality--one the aimless loner, the other a highly skilled special forces operative. Or more likely there was someone in the room with him, who was doing most of the shooting and all of the killing.
From my experience in shooting, a laser sight sure helps. And my brother who didn't go into the military is just as good of a shot as my brother who did. In fact almost every guy I know can shoot pretty darn good.

ETA: and I must add, I'm a better shot than both.
One more thing before I turn off my computer for the night (it's smoking from so much use today ) :facepalm:

Except for Bruck's unusual closing statement , more mitigation than closing, IMO, with Roof representing himself in the sentencing phase, Bruck not being able to speak, we probably won't hear about the psychological issues because, I believe, that Roof wants "death by jury"???

Bruck must be feeling very frustrated at this point. Wonder if he can/will convince his client to let him represent him again by Jan 3?

I also wonder if Roof will try to explain to the jury how his white supremacist beliefs justified killing African-Americans- crazy if he does try to, IMO; the jury will not like it.

if he does get the DP, his execution will likely never happen, but he will be put in solitary where no other inmate can kill him (which might happen if he was put in the general population). As one lawyer stated in an article I posted previously, Roof would be with the people who he hates ; they would probably hate him also and try to do him harm.

I have been trying to see if there was any info on roof's mental state; here's what I found (not much :sheesh:..)

Roof’s mental state emerging as key issue in Charleston church killings

"JULY 18, 2016
...Evidence offered by defense lawyers against the death penalty is called “mitigation” evidence. Much of that, according to the discussion and filings, will revolve around results of current and future mental health tests of Roof.

Bruck agreed when Gergel asked “Am I right to say they (Roof’s mitigation defenses) would fall under the broad umbrella of mental health issues?”

It is unknown what type of mental health issues will be presented at trial.

As part of the pre-trial jockeying by opposing lawyers, the timing of when to give mental health test results to the other side is a key issue.

Gergel ordered mental health examinations to be videotaped, but said he will decide later whether to delete some sections of video – as opposed to the audio – if thought to infringe on Roof’s right to a fair trial..."

BBM guess we won't even hear about the tapes

Is Dylann Roof intentionally hiding his mental state?

"...Capital cases such as Roof’s are separated into two parts. In the guilt phase, jurors determine whether the defendant committed the crime – or crimes – in question. In the sentencing phase, they weigh aggravating and mitigating factors to decide what penalty is warranted....

Because many of the case’s records – including those pertaining to Roof’s mental health and competency – are sealed or redacted, it’s impossible to fully understand the thinking behind firing one’s counsel then hiring them back a week later. By choosing to represent himself in the latter phase, where evidence of past trauma and mental health issues could be put forth, Roof may be attempting to dodge scrutiny about his psychological state.

Indeed, available court records show a keen interest from the defense on conducting psychiatric evaluations – assessments that could be used to mount a mental state defense at trial or a mitigation case at the penalty phase. Roof, in representing himself at penalty, could effectively silence his lawyers’ attempts to paint a picture of him as unstable.

“Impaired defendants don’t like their frailties to be known,” said Robert Dunham, the executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center. “And they especially don’t like to be perceived as weak or mentally ill. But at this point we don’t know what’s going on in Dylann Roof’s mind – and we may never know.”..."

Dylann Roof guilty in Charleston church shooting

"...Bruck said Roof did not get his feelings on race from family or friends.
"He didn't get this from anybody else he knew," he said.

Bruck portrayed Roof as a solitary figure who developed an obsession that a war existed between whites and blacks that required him to act and to even sacrifice himself, pointing to his statements to the FBI that he had intended to kill himself.

"There was something in him that made him feel he had to do it, and that's as close as they got to it," he said of Roof's motivation.

He said there was something wrong with Roof's perceptions, pointing to his being unaware he had killed nine people when questioned by the FBI.

Roof, he said, was an odd character, a loner who had hundreds of photos of his cat and wore sweats under his jeans.

Contrasting prosecutors' arguments that Roof had spent a lot of time planning the murders, Bruck said Roof did not plan much of what he did.
"He had no escape plan, no money, a car full of dirty stuff," he told the jury.

In discussing Roof's lack of remorse, he said, "you don't feel remorseful for what you felt you had to do."

Bruck concluded by asking jurors to "look beyond the surface."

"Is there something more to the story?" he asked...

That Roof intends to dismiss a premiere capital defense team, one that includes four lawyers, appears to stem from a conflict over their belief that Roof suffers from a mental defect or related condition, an assertion they have alluded to in court documents and statements.

No condition has been specified, but before resting his case on Wednesday, Bruck attempted to offer a psychologist and a psychiatrist as witnesses, a move blocked by the judge.

One, Dr. Rachel Loftin, is a clinical psychologist who specializes in autism disorders...

I thought this psychologist's specialty, "autism disorders" was very interesting as I have thought that he may be on the (high-functioning) autism spectrum in some way (nothing that I have found in my research to confirm this led me to this suposition- I just have a hunch).

I am not saying that he has some mental disorder. It does not mitigate what he has done, IMO, or that he is not responsible for what he has done because of this. I just think that there's something "off" about him.

It's too bad we won't be hearing about any mental conditions Roof may have. I'm just interested. or call it nosy. :facepalm:

Dylann Roof trial: Jurors reach verdict

"...In the defense’s closing argument, Bruck said Roof was just imitating what he saw on the internet.

Roof’s mental problems led him to accept all the racist lies he read as truth, and give his life to “a fight to the death between white people and black people that only he” could see and act on, Bruck said..."

And thsi from his manifesto:

" I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me..."

Maybe he's just some sort of narcissist?

I don't know :sheesh:

I feel sorry for his family. I have 2 sons. 'There but for the grace of God, go I" :(
Imo any post of yours has shown disdain & unnecessary ugliness

I don't follow the herd, that's for sure. And I fail to see how that is disrespectful to the relatives. If anything, finding out the truth about the incident is to me the highest form of respect to the dead. Stick around, you might actually learn something.

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