Identified! SC - Norway, Body found in freezer at abandoned "haunted" house. Jan'21 - Robert Fuller

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Body found in freezer of SC home after suspicious fire

"Statement" from homeowner says the house has been vacant for about a decade, with no electricity going into it. He remembers seeing the freezer five years ago but nothing looked odd.

he remembers seeing a freezer at a house that he owns and had known to be vacant and yet he um, didn't investigate something appearing on his own property?! that just confuses me
Could someone post the owner's quotes from the article above? I'm not able to read it (due to location).

It seems bizarre that in a secluded area someone would leave a victim or freezer near a house. Guessing either they wanted the victim to eventually be found, or they were not in functioning state of mind when they committed the crime. :(
Could someone post the owner's quotes from the article above? I'm not able to read it (due to location).

It seems bizarre that in a secluded area someone would leave a victim or freezer near a house. Guessing either they wanted the victim to eventually be found, or they were not in functioning state of mind when they committed the crime. :(
From this article: Body found in freezer of SC home after suspicious fire
One of the members of the group found the body when he looked inside the deep freezer.

Joey Williamson of Norway, the owner of the home, said there was no electricity going to it. He wonders if whoever put the body in the freezer also burned the house.

The two-story home was about 100 years old, he said. No one’s lived in it for about a decade.

He also recalled seeing the freezer on the porch about five years ago, but didn’t note anything suspicious about it then.
From this article: Body found in freezer of SC home after suspicious fire
One of the members of the group found the body when he looked inside the deep freezer.

Joey Williamson of Norway, the owner of the home, said there was no electricity going to it. He wonders if whoever put the body in the freezer also burned the house.

The two-story home was about 100 years old, he said. No one’s lived in it for about a decade.

He also recalled seeing the freezer on the porch about five years ago, but didn’t note anything suspicious about it then.
The headline of this article is wrong, the body was discovered on sunday and the fire was on the next tuesday.
Well for one thing, it looks like the murderer is still in the vicinity.
Doesn't look like a very populated area. Except it took from Sunday until Tuesday to get the information the body had been found and then to start a fire. MOO
Was the freezer on the front porch or inside the house?
Why would you let a house just sit there? Just sell it as is so you don’t have to pay taxes or insurance.
It may be like my Grandmother's property. The house was rundown and had no real value and the tax rates were low. The greater value was in the farmland (including timber and mineral rights) around the home so there was no real financial reason to break off a parcel and sell the house (which like this one may have been a tear down anyway).
He also recalled seeing the freezer on the porch about five years ago, but didn’t note anything suspicious about it then.

Quote RSBM.

Thanks. I must agree it seems unusual on the surface that someone wouldn't look inside a freezer left by a stranger on their property. But perhaps it was left in such a way that he really thought someone just wanted to dump an old freezer where someone else would have to properly dispose of it? And he just didn't around to doing anything about it yet?

Poor victim to be treated like that by the perp(s). At least they have now been found and I'm sure will be identified.
Bing maps has a much better view of this house. I can't link directly but if you type in "Woodview Circle, Norway, South Carolina, United States" and navigate the viewer map to the area of this house, you can look around it. It's a very clear image!
Bing maps has a much better view of this house. I can't link directly but if you type in "Woodview Circle, Norway, South Carolina, United States" and navigate the viewer map to the area of this house, you can look around it. It's a very clear image!


What are all of those things in the side/back yard toward the woods? Are they beehives?

I wonder what was going on in this abandoned house to have someone burn it down.......
‘I’m not a murderer’: Former owner of Norway home cleared by police after body found in freezer

This is not the name we've seen associated with this property. Wonder when he owned it/sold it.

According to the interview at the link, he said he sold it about 10 yrs. ago to the current owner. He said it always had a reputation as being haunted and that he even heard voices when he lived there.

The current owner says he didn't notice the deep freezer until about 5 years ago. If so, someone dropped the freezer there, possibly with the body inside. If no one was living there and the freezer wasn't there 10 yrs ago when the current owner bought it, who put it there?

I'm guessing someone was living there or using the home it during the last several years. If the owner didn't live nearby or check on the property, he may not have noticed.

If you look on the Bing map street view, you can see a bunch of white bags filled with something, stacked against the barn. Not sure how to read notations on Bing maps, but the street view image has a date of 3/25/2015. If that's the date of the photo, someone was living there or using the place for some purpose. There don't seem to be any signs of farming or gardening around the place, nor any signs of landscaping or construction.

There are signs of tire tracks in the dirt driveway and on the road, so it looks like someone was visiting there.

JMO, I'll make a leap and say the house was being used for some kind of drug activity by someone who lived close enough to burn it down as soon as news broke about a body being found there.

The people who found the body may have also seen some other evidence on the property. LE may have asked them not to discuss it in the news media.
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According to the interview at the link, he said he sold it about 10 yrs. ago. He said it always had a reputation as being haunted and that he even heard voices when he lived there.

Actually, he said he lived in it for about ten years, and sold it "years ago." So, was it to the current owner or did he inhabit it long ago?

If he sold it ten years ago, he sold it to someone who never lived in it, since the current owner supposedly said it's been vacant for a decade (in this article, although it is not a direct quote: Body found in freezer of SC home after suspicious fire). That same person said he "noticed" a freezer 5 years ago but it didn't look suspicious.

So, did this current homeowner buy the house a decade ago, never live in it, and noticed a freezer 5 years ago?

I'm interested to learn more about the current homeowner and what he was using this property for, especially if he only owned it for 10 years and did not inherit it (as I had assumed).

But, since the timeline is very fuzzy just based on these two news articles, we are missing a lot of information, obviously.

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