SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #10

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attorneys are filing bombshell motions asking the court to lock up AND recover Alex and Buster's assets.

"He wont even be able to buy a cup of coffee," Eric Bland said.
As someone managing a legal dispute in another small county in SC, I'm happy to see other members of the "good ol' boys' club" being scrutinized. Selfishly, I hope this is scaring people all over the state.
As someone managing a legal dispute in another small county in SC, I'm happy to see other members of the "good ol' boys' club" being scrutinized. Selfishly, I hope this is scaring people all over the state.

Hopefully it is also giving people courage to speak out about previously “untouchable” people.
EBM in light of worm’s kind reminder no shade at BM. TY.

Despite everything, I do empathize with BM for so brutally losing his mom and baby brother, his grandpa M so soon after, his brother facing charges for drunk boating resulting in a young passenger’s death possibly indirectly connected to BM in for the alleged knowing loan of his DL to baby bro to buy alcohol underage, the humiliation of near constant broadcast of his daddy’s high crimes and betrayal of an ever increasing number of folks, and for the cowardly public way Team AM claimed he hatched his whole alleged assisted suicide plot for the sole benefit of BM. It can’t be a good place to be.

At the same times, as others have also mentioned, the optics here of drinking and gambling at a Vegas casino could hardly be worse at this time imo. BM doubtless is hurting; John Marvin is there so the young man won’t be alone. I just wish they had chosen some lower vis way to do this. Maybe that is too much to expect of someone who bears the Scarlet M now as far as we know through no fault of his own, unless we learn of worse facts. It does seem unlikely that BM set any of this in motion or brought it on himself as concerns that moral or criminal maelstrom.

Allegations/Opinion only. All persons presumed innocent until proven guilty as concerns the spirit and letter of our law.

Agreed and well said.
He's been through a lot of pain and upheaval... Really can't blame him for wanting a weekend away and some distraction, maybe even a drink or two ( agree with you again on the optics, but also who would expect to be photographed in Vegas?).

I think the Murdaugh family is quite large with extended relatives of varying closeness (both in terms of geography and relationships) so I would even try to extend some degree of the same understanding towards those who share a last name and may well have nothing to do with the schemes and corruption.
This has been my feelings for weeks now. These murders seem to be back burner. I really wonder, as I’ve seen in other cases, if LE has a suspect in their sights and need more to cap it off or if they are still at the start line with figuring this out. I know that info is a pipe dream since SLED is so quiet. As I’ve said before, there’s a reason it’s so quiet and we will eventually find out why.

I keep coming back to the comment 'no threat to the general public', said so quickly after the homicides. I always have a tough time with that line and even more so when an arrest isn't made quickly, but at the same time I think LE says it with a level of confidence. It also indicates they have something significant enough to point them in the right direction, or in this case maybe several right directions.
I keep coming back to the comment 'no threat to the general public', said so quickly after the homicides. I always have a tough time with that line and even more so when an arrest isn't made quickly, but at the same time I think LE says it with a level of confidence. It also indicates they have something significant enough to point them in the right direction, or in this case maybe several right directions.

That “no threat” thing has stuck with me too and I hope we will find out the deal with it eventually.
I like the one where people say it looks like a set up :D:D:D

Those callers should be deputized, they could solve the whole case by Monday!
Set up, indeed!

How badly was the Salkahatchie job carried out and how bad was AM's roadside acting that a couple of civilian passersby were able to identify it as a setup? Maybe something similar is in play at Moselle... Wasn't there a reference to the scene being staged or altered?
Re: AM's 911 calls from Salkehatchie Rd.

He didn't know where on his head the alleged wound was? The so-called life-threatening GSW injury his attorneys touted? Plus, no shaved hair, no bandage, no band-aid, no visible evidence of a wound / scab whatsoever on his head at the first (or second) bond hearing.

Do we even know if the 9/4 blood was "his"? i.e. rather animal blood? Do we even know if it was actual blood? Why, yes, Amazon has hundreds of theatrical blood products, including one called "I Cant' Believe It's Not Blood - Fake Blood"! (I mean, really, would EMTs / docs / nurses stop to test all that blood on his head / clothes to confirm if it was actual human blood, never mind his? I think not.)

FIVE dead people in the Murdaugh orbit and then his Salkehatchie Rd. dramatics to quickly get himself out-of-state into "rehab" - I would put nothing past cornered, desperate AM.

Yeah, maybe this theory is way out there LOL but then, the kind of guy AM is leaves every sordid, fraudulent avenue open for consideration.

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Murdaugh Murders: Investigators Release 911 Calls From Roadside Shooting Incident

... “Now they are taking me to the hospital,” Murdaugh said. “We are coming down Salkehatchie road to the Hampton hospital.” ...

AM says the good samaritan [white Nissan Rogue] is taking him to the Hampton hospital [Hampton Regional Medical Center in nearby Varnville]. Operator says EMS is headed towards him on Walterboro Hwy, which leads a couple miles directly into Varnville. So why doesn't he end up at HRMC? WHO calls CARE Flight to whisk him away - and out of SC?

Notice AM states "they tried to shoot me" - not they shot me. This is curious wording. And he was shot "somewhere on my head" - could this be any more vague? Also, he says "on" his head, not in his head.

He says he is "okay" but he needs EMS because "I can't drive" [flat run-flat tire!]. Sub-text translation: I'm really OK and really don't actually need EMS but it's part of my plan.

Just for the record, a good, self-inflicted knife stick into the flesh of your head will bleed a lot, too.

AM's story has more holes than Boulware's shrimper nets.
I have read and reread articles and I cannot find WHO ordered the medevac copter to whisk him away so quickly. Can a civilian do that or does it have to be a medical order?
Does Murdugh influence ooze into the medical field as well? Because the unfolding of events in that "drive-by shooting" was orchestrated by more than that one person and that person "shot in the back of the head". MOO MOO MOO MOO
I have read and reread articles and I cannot find WHO ordered the medevac copter to whisk him away so quickly. Can a civilian do that or does it have to be a medical order?
According to the following article, the helicopter was part of the Colleton Air Rescue Evacuation (C.A.R.E.) Flight program, which is a collaborative air ambulance program between Med-Trans Corporation and Colleton County Fire-Rescue. IMO, a civilian would not have been able to directly call this helicopter in, and it was likely ordered by responding EMTs or those behind the scenes when told there was an apparent head injury caused by a shooting (as typically time is of the essence in those scenarios).

Murdaugh Murders: Helicopter Dispatched To Alex Murdaugh Shooting Before Sheriff’s Office
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Thoughts on this?

“Two documents filed in Hampton County Probate Court in late June show a $1.7 million settlement was approved for individuals whose circumstances match those of Mallory Beach’s parents.

Nowhere in the documents are specific people — the aggrieved, the defendants, even the attorneys who filed the settlement — identified. Everyone involved is described as Jane or John Doe — except the probate judge who signed the order.

But the scant details in the settlement are the same as the circumstances of Beach’s death: the same date of the accident, the same law firm representing the victims, and the same descriptions of the victim’s family. Filed on June 28, the order approving the death settlement states that a female was involved in an accident that resulted in her death on Feb. 24, 2019.

That day, a 17-foot boat allegedly driven by Paul Murdaugh crashed, killing Beach.

The settlement filings were in Hampton County Probate Court, the same county where Beach’s family is suing the Murdaughs in civil court. That civil lawsuit — filed against the Parker’s gas station, Alex Murdaugh and his son, Buster Murdaugh — is still pending.

The law firm representing the Beach family in that case, Gooding & Gooding P.A., is listed as receiving attorney fees and costs in the death settlement documents.

In the settlement documents, Jane Doe filed the petition as mother and personal representative of daughter Jane Roe’s estate. In the Hampton civil lawsuit, Renee Beach, Mallory Beach’s mother, filed the lawsuit as personal representative of her daughter’s estate.

Mark Tinsley, Renee Beach’s lawyer with the firm Gooding & Gooding, said he could not comment on anything his clients did or didn’t do.

He would not say whether the June settlement and the wrongful death lawsuit both stem from the death of Mallory Beach, or whether the unnamed defendants in the settlement are the same defendants who were dropped from the original lawsuit filed by Renee Beach.

“Any settlement in the pending action of the Beach case would have to go through Judge (Daniel) Hall” (the judge overseeing the wrongful death suit), he said. “Anything else that’s happened would be something separate.”

The anonymous wrongful death and survival action settlement was paid from the insurance providers of six anonymous people or parties. Those parties are never identified.

But six parties — Luther’s Rare & Well Done, Kristy Wood, James Wood, Randolph Murdaugh III, Randolph Murdaugh III as Trustee of the Murdaugh Residence Trust 2, and the Murdaugh Residence Trust 2 — were removed as defendants in Renee Beach’s wrongful death suit in 2019."

Hampton County Probate Judge Sheila Odom’s order approving the anonymous settlement, signed June 28, came after the anonymous petitioner and the decedent’s father testified at a hearing. The date of that hearing is not included in the order."
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