SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #10

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Thank you for your kind words and a virtual hug is very much appreciated. To answer your question- I honestly don’t know because I don’t know how the regulations work in the USA. I don’t know what would be prescribed and for how long. But we all know that money talks and in many occupations, when money is offered, especially a large amount, who is to say that he didn’t find a DR who would prescribe them to him and look the other way when given a generous retainer? Let’s be honest, there are many occupations where people can be bought, just like corrupt police officers. In terms of the numbers of specialist DRs I’m sure that this is a tiny percentage and that most are amazing DRs who do fantastic work and really look after their patients but if one has been bought by AM, who knows? All MOO

This case has so many twists and turns…just the tip of the iceberg. I saw a couple people asking about painkillers and prescriptions in the US. Street value is $1 per mg of oxy. So 80mg oxy = $80 on the street. Each state in US has a PDMP or Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. It is a database that each doctor and pharmacist has access to. It is a way to see what a patient is taking, last refill, make sure they’re not doctor shopping (using multiple dr to fill scripts). The govt really cracked down bc of the opioid epidemic. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible for someone to get many prescription pills but there are now so many checks and balances in place it would make it extremely hard. I wouldn’t be surprised though if he was prescribed pills and had a dealer on the side as well.
I think he likes his booze also. I haven't seen that documented anywhere -- but just his appearance in photos gives me that impression.

Doesn't look as florid or puffy after being arrested and in rehab -- a few days or weeks off the alcohol makes for quite a difference in his appearance. (IMO)

I agree with you 100 percent.
This case has so many twists and turns…just the tip of the iceberg. I saw a couple people asking about painkillers and prescriptions in the US. Street value is $1 per mg of oxy. So 80mg oxy = $80 on the street. Each state in US has a PDMP or Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. It is a database that each doctor and pharmacist has access to. It is a way to see what a patient is taking, last refill, make sure they’re not doctor shopping (using multiple dr to fill scripts). The govt really cracked down bc of the opioid epidemic. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible for someone to get many prescription pills but there are now so many checks and balances in place it would make it extremely hard. I wouldn’t be surprised though if he was prescribed pills and had a dealer on the side as well.
Thank you that is very interesting
I’m going to play devils advocate here with regards to the 114,000 pills.
Do you know what strength the $80 pill is in mg terms? The reason I ask is because what if that is a 5mg pill?

I am a user of Oxycodone after I suffered catastrophic injuries falling down 20ft of stairs and being temporarily paralysed and learning to walk again over an 18month period with spinal cord damages resulting from the fall and many surgeries since. I have been on pain meds , thoroughly and closely monitored by my Dr’s on a monthly basis for 12 years, if I don’t have them,then my life is one of existence with tremendous pain as opposed to living life when taking them and still being in pain and some days (often 2/3 per week) being unable to walk sufficiently to leave my house but I am still able to have some sort of life which is more than an existence. So I have ( after a very long time) now accepted that I will need them for a long time to come and as my Dr states, I have to realise that to have any kind of life quality, I need to control my pain by taking this medication and realising that for me, it’s no different than a diabetic being reliant on insulin ( albeit they could die without it ) in order to live any kind of life . I would like to be drug free but I don’t ever see this as a possibility as over the years I have tried alternative medicines and pain patches, all to no avail and I have had two surgeries to cauterise my nerve endings around my spinal cord, to prevent the pain signals being sent to my brain but although the test surgery using a different method to block the signals , worked for a couple of days, the actual surgery used a totally different method to get long term nerves to brain signal blockers which unfortunately failed and in fact has now caused me a completely new problem where my nerves all of a sudden play dead and I fall and the falls are becoming more and more frequent.
Anyway, these drugs start as low as 5mg pills and go up incrementally 10mg pills, 20mg, 40mg, 80mg and 160mg pill.
The longer you take them, the more your body becomes dependent on them and so it could be that AM started off with a 5mg or 10mg pill and then took 20mg pill when they were no longer sufficient etc
But, whereas mine are legally prescribed, is it a case of when trying to purchase on the black market or dark web that you are able to pay different prices for different pill mg? Or do you have to get what is available at the time because its dependant on where the pills are obtained from and if legally obtained by a rogue Dr or obtained on the Streets illegally with purchasing from a street dealer ?
The reason I ask is because say for example sake, AM required 80mg in the morning and 80mg in the evening if 12 hour MST release, could it be that the 160 total mg was made up of 16 x 10mg pills at $80 per pill , equating to $1280.00 per day or 16 pills daily , that would eat into anyone’s finances much sooner and the suggested 125,000 as stated by @swedeheart in this post OR could it be $80 for an 80mg pill which equals two pills a day at a cost of $160 per day ( which means it would take a lot longer to spend all the money on these drugs as the amount that AM has suggested he’s spent and the 125,000 pills would last a lot longer).
Furthermore, I am referring to the twice daily dose with long term release. But what if AM was on Oxycodone/OxyContin short term release of ? mg every 4-6 hours?
This would cost even more money as more pills would be required if for example he was on 80mg tablets every 4-6 hours so 6 x 80mg tablets @ $80 per pill if 4 hourly = $480 per day OR 4 x 80mg tablets @ $80 per pill if 6 hourly = $320 per day BUT if for example he had to pay $80 for each 10mg pill then his 4 hour per day bill , using 4 hourly habit of 48 x 10mg pills @ $80 per pill would = $3840 per day or if 6 hourly 32 x $80 = $2560.

(Apologies for all the numbers but it really does depend on factors suchas
*what his daily dose is ?
*is that dose made up of short term quick release tablets or long term slow release tablets ?
*how many doses are required ? *what mg tablet the $80 quoted by @swedeheart refers to?

This then gives you an idea of how many tablets are required on a daily basis and what it is likely to cost .

Is it known if AM was ever legally prescribed these drugs for an injury?
And if so, STR or LTR ?
And what dose?
Thank you

Sadly, I know numerous people with this issue as well. In addition, I happen to know others in the money making side of this (not pharmacies). I think there is a WIDE range of what people consider "street value"

OxyContin isn't hard to find (name brand included) and it's not overly expensive. Can it be an expensive habit? Of course but I see zero likelihood of a million dollar+ a year habit.

I know people that eat them like Pez and I know roughly what what they're spending and it's not even in the same conversation.

He doesn't strike me as dark web person but maybe. However, if he is, there is no shortage of legit stores with reasonable prices there.

My guess is a local source and probably not that expensive

All just my opinion
I wonder how many more times AM is going to be arrested after this , his second time.
It all comes down to when they drop the bomb. I anticipate bond being granted for a second time, but then it'll be a matter of what charges are filed next. If it's in relation to the murders, then that's it; 3 strikes and he's out.

If it's for embezzling from the firm that comes next, then we're probably talking about 4 arrests.
It all comes down to when they drop the bomb. I anticipate bond being granted for a second time, but then it'll be a matter of what charges are filed next. If it's in relation to the murders, then that's it; 3 strikes and he's out.

If it's for embezzling from the firm that comes next, then we're probably talking about 4 arrests.

I'm holding out for 4!
Jeez Louise, I want my omelet already. I can wait though, I heard SLED has itself some good cooks. Eggs are really starting to crack everywhere aren't they.
Good news is, I probably won't have to eat my hat. I posted way way upstream, that if AM wasn't the main Guilty party in the double murder, I'd gladly eat my hat. I think I can avoid that now.
Totally my own thoughts here. I have not read about this either. Is there a puppet master in the background? Someone who finally had or witnessed enough bulls*** to set off the train wreck that is happening. I think AM is the true target here. Maybe someone wants to see him suffer. His wife and son are murdered and the walls of his empire are coming down.
A gun going off that close to a persons head would cause at least a temporary hearing loss, yet he was having a conversation on his phone. No one tested his hand or his head for gunpowder residue?
Also, think how awkward it would be to hold a gun at a good angle to cause a glancing would to the back of your own skull where the courtroom picture suggested his wound was.
CES said he took the gun and threw it away nearly immediately but AM still shot himself with it?
I am totally confused. MOO MOO MOO MOO


Sorry, just catching up and haven't read possible replies to your post yet, but regarding the bolded comment, what do you mean by that. Both the front and back of his head was seen in the courtroom videos. No sign of a wound anywhere.
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