SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #22

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Looks like Law & Crime has not uploaded full body cams. This from Fits is 57 minutes and L&C is only 8 minutes

Another from Fits is 47 minutes

Here is LE checking his trash

So they searched the trash, located empty boxes of bullets (shells, whatever) and then lined the boxes up on the ground?? Why are they putting evidence on the dirty ground? They don't plan on fingerprinting the boxes? I thought trash was brought back to a lab to be opened in a controlled environment to preserve evidence.
They should have practiced with her. This is a nightmare. I’m sure she’s very intelligent, but she’s an awful expert witness. She’s not conveying the point, and the attorney isn’t helping. IMO.

I was cringing. I've been hired several times to work with expert witnesses to get them to, um, speak in a manner that perhaps someone else could understand?

Training starts with the attorney. Here in California, attorneys use visual aids in explanations about complicated forensic matters such as DNA. Even just a Zoom training session with attorney and witness can be very useful (and there are consultants who get paid just to do this).
This is the most bizarre case in recent memory. The motive advanced by the state IMO is hard to fathom. But the man on trial, Alex Murdaugh, is a cipher so it's hard to wrap your mind around what the heck happened. I had previously wondered if this was a homicide-suicide attempt and he couldn't go through with the suicide part. I can believe that motive based on the idea that he knew he was about to be exposed and couldn't contain it any longer so he was punching out and taking his family with him. But even then, why not JUST suicide? Why does he have to kill his wife and son? How often do we see fathers kill their grown sons? So far there has been no evidence introduced in trial that there were serious marital problems or possible divorce coming. The idea that he would kill his son to avoid civil liability on the boat incident is so out there! Instead of clarifying the trial seems to just bury the lede with the overfocus on the financial crimes. I don't know where to look!
Join the crowd. While all the financial criminality has some parts that are riveting(the human element especially-not a numbers person here), and horrific, those are different cases yet to be prosecuted mostly. I am trying to stay focused on the Murder, and the DNA, location of people, talking points and outright lies(which must be proven), are what This case is about. I feel sorry for the Jury, but some of the financial crap is possibly interwoven with the actual Murder itself as well.
I still want to know what all those lawyers and family/friends who gathered right after the murder, and messed up evidence(MOO), were talking about. Who was the fly on the wall, and What did he/she hear...
For me, the CFO, AM's Mother's caregiver, the young man who was sent for money by AM and is now in law enforcement, and the woman who performed various chores/tasks for AM and MM are the most believable and honest of many 'witnesses', observers.
IIRC, the judge decided they could take notes and told the jurors that at the beginning of the trial, and he even was on video early on (a few days in) asking them if they wanted pad and pencil to take notes, and they all declined. MOO
Thank you @Twistinginthewind, I was hopelessly confused because I didn't realize the Judge gave them a choice.

Court is back in session.

Jury is coming back now. Prosecutor Creighton Waters says a pathologist will be testifying later today. The testimony/exhibits will be graphic. Harpootlian and Waters agree they don't want those images seen by the public.

Defense attorney Phillip Barber is cross-examining Sara Zapata, the SLED DNA analyst.

Barber elicits testimony that Zapata found male DNA under Maggie’s fingernails that did not belong to Paul or Alex Murdaugh.

Zapata testifies there was a small amount of unidentified male DNA under Maggie’s fingernails. She says investigators did not test any other parts of Maggie and Paul’s bodies/clothes for DNA.

Zapata agrees with Barber that the blood on Murdaugh’s steering wheel is consistent with Alex possibly checking Maggie’s body and then driving the Suburban up to Moselle to retrieve a shotgun.

Barber establishes with Zapata that the only part of Alex’s shirt that included Paul’s DNA was on the bottom of the front.

Typically, evidence with no obvious point simply doesn't get introduced at trial. All the pieces matter, as they say.

The state hasn't said a word about high-impact blood spatter, so it looks like the defense is going to do it. Barber asks Zapata if she knows that SLED requested a blood spatter analysis. She said she didn't find out until the request had been made.

Zapata testifies she provided the HemaTrace test results - in which Alex's shirt tested negative for blood - on Nov. 10, 2021. Same day she provided the blue rain coat test results.

Barber asks Zapata if she was aware that in March 2022, SLED received a report claiming that Murdaugh’s shirt was speckled high-impact blood spatter, consistent with being nearby as Maggie and Paul were shot and their blood was discharged into the air.

Barber references a 4/11/22 meeting with the AG’s Office regarding blood spatter. He’s asking about the internal discussions between SLED and the AG’s office regarding purported blood spatter, given that Zapata’s test in November 2021 found no blood on the shirt at all.

Zapata testifies prosecutor Creighton Waters later asked her to research whether HemaTrace tests could come back with a false negative on shirts previously tested with LCV.

Barber is now trying to use Zapata’s own research to show how effective HemaTrace is. That’s the type of test that found no human blood on Alex’s white T-shirt.

Barber references one study in which HemaTrace - in nearly three dozen cases - found human blood even after previous LCV presumptive tests found no blood. Barber suggests that HemaTrace is even more sensitive than LCV in searching for human blood.

Barber asks about a Jan. 5, 2023, meeting about evidence in this case. He asks whether Tom Bevel’s blood spatter analysis was discussed. Or whether deputy Kenneth Kinsey’s report on the same topic was discussed. Zapata testifies she can’t remember. The meeting was a month ago.

Zapata testifies she could not recall any discussion of a blue button-down shirt at that meeting, either.

Prosecutor Savanna Goude doesn't touch the blood-spatter stuff on redirect. Under final questioning from Barber, Zapata testifies it would not be uncommon to find a wife’s DNA on a husband’s shirt. Zapata is done. She steps down.
This is the most bizarre case in recent memory. The motive advanced by the state IMO is hard to fathom. But the man on trial, Alex Murdaugh, is a cipher so it's hard to wrap your mind around what the heck happened. I had previously wondered if this was a homicide-suicide attempt and he couldn't go through with the suicide part. I can believe that motive based on the idea that he knew he was about to be exposed and couldn't contain it any longer so he was punching out and taking his family with him. But even then, why not JUST suicide? Why does he have to kill his wife and son? How often do we see fathers kill their grown sons? So far there has been no evidence introduced in trial that there were serious marital problems or possible divorce coming. The idea that he would kill his son to avoid civil liability on the boat incident is so out there! Instead of clarifying the trial seems to just bury the lede with the overfocus on the financial crimes. I don't know where to look!
I think it probably formed in his mind as a murder-suicide. It wouldn't be the first time that a family annihilator didn't kill himself (or the entire family).

Obviously, in this case, Alex's brain was addled by drugs and longterm deceptive behavior (most of us can't even imagine the kind of mental strain that his embezzlement, forgery, theft, whatever...was causing).

We have at least a couple of fathers killing grown sons here in California, each year. It's not unheard of. Way more fathers killing sons under the age of 18, though.

Drugs and/or alcohol often involved, as in this case:

Here we have multi-generational substance abuse, IMO. Alex wiped out the genes in Paul that he hated in himself, I guess is one way of looking at it. Alex's ability to deceive is extraordinary and there must be both learned and genetic substrates to it, IMO.

::just speculating::
IIRC, the judge decided they could take notes and told the jurors that at the beginning of the trial, and he even was on video early on (a few days in) asking them if they wanted pad and pencil to take notes, and they all declined. MOO
Wait, what? I thought they weren't allowed to take notes! All of them declined to take notes? Are you sure?
He was really trying to sell that Paul had been threatened almost immediately. He wanted to get that out 1st. But notice he offers just that, not a single clue who might have threatened Paul. Maybe I missed it but did any of Paul's friends mention any specific knowledge of any threatening incidents?? I don't recall Blanca mentioning any either. The only way we know about any of these alleged threats is from Alex. Unless I completely missed it. Am I wrong here?
His go to was to talk about Paul when LE first arrived, and then again when he was being interviewed in the vehicle as well. Throwing blame anywhere to distract from himself. No mention of Maggie leaving him, but by all accounts, she was living at the Beach house, and not at Mosel. Some British Press said a friend of Maggie's said she was going to divorce AM, and AM would not want to admit that(no proof thus far), as it could provide a possible motive. Paul was also not living at 'home', but had an apartment in another town(can't remember which).
The reputation of eh whole family tanked locally after the boat accident, and the facts that followed about the over privileged family. They barely mentioned about people being angry with Paul while testifying. MOO
He was really trying to sell that Paul had been threatened almost immediately. He wanted to get that out 1st. But notice he offers just that, not a single clue who might have threatened Paul. Maybe I missed it but did any of Paul's friends mention any specific knowledge of any threatening incidents?? I don't recall Blanca mentioning any either. The only way we know about any of these alleged threats is from Alex. Unless I completely missed it. Am I wrong here?
His go to was to talk about Paul when LE first arrived, and then again when he was being interviewed in the vehicle as well. Throwing blame anywhere to distract from himself. No mention of Maggie leaving him, but by all accounts, she was living at the Beach house, and not at Mosel. Some British Press said a friend of Maggie's said she was going to divorce AM, and AM would not want to admit that(no proof thus far), as it could provide a possible motive. Paul was also not living at 'home', but had an apartment in another town(can't remember which).
The reputation of eh whole family tanked locally after the boat accident, and the facts that followed about the over privileged family. They barely mentioned about people being angry with Paul while testifying. MOO
Alec Murdaugh’s losses on June 7, 2021 in likely order of disappearance (and for one, reappearance):
  • Trust and reputation: Exposure of a significant theft at his law firm (The first detected among many to be found later).
  • A chicken.*
  • His son.
  • His wife.
  • A 300 Blackout caliber semiautomatic high-powered rifle (with scope), familiar to many who visited Moselle but not seen since night of murders.
  • A shirt he was seen wearing in the tree flopping video and that his housekeeper (who did the family’s laundry, incl. putting clean clothes in closet) has never seen since the night of the murders.
  • His shoes, two pair (brown loafers seen in tree flopping video and Sperry type cloth shoes seen by mother’s evening caretaker when AM visited for 15-20 minutes immediately after the murders). His housekeeper, familiar with both, has seen neither since the night of the murders.
  • (Temporarily,) his eldest brother, who missed AM’s first two attempted calls to his cellphone after AM interrupted a call to 911 to reach him (likely around 10:15 or 10:30 pm) but who subsequently was reachable and who quickly came to the scene to be with AM in his hour of need, arriving there before some investigators did. He had reportedly been with his dogs when AM tried to call. Note that there were two notable events that happened that day that might motivate others similarly situated to remaIn reachable: AM was confronted at the family law firm about missing funds, RM3 was taken to hospital, was within days of death, and brother JMM had sent out a group text at 8:30-ish pm about that and asking who would visit RM3 the next day.
*what a metaphor, Socrates last words brought to mind.
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