SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #26

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The bottom line for me is that evidence indicates AM was at the scene when MM and BM were killed or very, very close to that time. Either he killed them or he knows who did and why they did it.
I truly believe Maggie was the intended target as well, because he shot her so many times. That's Rage/Anger/Hate. She had no clue how dangerous her husband was. So sad.
Stranger things have happened. IMO, if AM decides to testify, he has decided that the jury is against him, and he can sway them in some way. I noticed on Friday that instead of just glaring at the jury members, he had started smiling when they entered. IIRC, this was also when he was furious over the judge not ruling in his favor for the directed verdict, but I could be wrong.

I'm not sure which behavior is the most menacing, AM glaring at them or smiling in a blind fury... This is just my observation.

JMO. moo
Him smiling really weirded me out! He has no Sympathy of any kind! HE thinks he can con everyone the way he always had. Well, I can not wait to see his face when they pronounce him guilty! (I Hope). MOO
Speaking of guineas, I did not know what they were so I looked them up. Turns out guineas can be “kept as guard animals since they are very vocal when anything new enters the farm yard.” Guinea Fowl

So, if a stranger was on the property at the time Paul was filming his video, we “should” have heard it squawking away?
The Guinea Hens and the dogs would both cause a ruckus. (Guinea fowl also eat ticks, like possums also do, so keep possibility of Lyme disease low.)
Long post ahead —> Here are all the factors that point overwhelmingly to Alex’s guilt:
1. At the murder scene 4 minutes before M & P we’re shot. He either shot them himself or he heard or saw them being shot because he couldn’t have walked back to the house before they were shot. Obviously he shot them.

2.He gave false alibi for the time of the murders (on the couch napping). Repeatedly falsely claimed he had not been to kennels after dinner.

3. His secret life was about to be exposed to his family and the world. Typical family annihilator.

4. Paul and Maggie were only at Moselle because he beckoned them there. And then he lied and said Maggie came because she was worried about him.

5. Family weapons were used to commit the murders. The shotgun Alex was holding can’t be ruled out as murder weapon.

6. Paul’s 300 Blackout never found.

7. Maggie’s phone handled immediately after death and was disposed of along the route Alex drove minutes later.

8. Alex changed clothes at some point and the clothes and shoes he had been wearing have never been found.

9. AM tried to get Blanca to say he was wearing different clothes; he tried to get Shelley to say he was at mother’s house twice as long as he actually was there.

10. Called 911 17 seconds after Suburban stopped at kennels. No time to check pulses and turn Paul over and move his phone like he told cops.

11. Driving 80 mph on his way back from Alameda at 10:00 pm on a dark dangerous road.

12. Failed suicide

13. Confronted by P and M about bags of pills in his laptop shortly before murders.

14. Mad at Paul for costing him millions due to drunk boat crash that killed Mallory.

15. Drove past driveway to tree line and out buildings at mom’s house, likely hiding weapons and clothes.

16. Blue tarp carried into mothers house, likely concealing evidence.

17. All other suspects with possible motive have been ruled out.

18. P and M must have known and trusted their killer because no defense wounds.

19. He said he went to work 8:30-9:00 but it was actually after noon when he left for work. He had all morning to make preparations for killing.

20. No activity on his phone, no steps logged for AM at all between 8:05 pm and 9:02. He left his phone in the house when he went to kennels around 8:30.

21. When he texted and called Maggie at 9:00 ish to tell her he was leaving - he had just seen her at the kennel (and the defense has now admitted that), so these texts/calls were sent for the sole purpose of concealing his whereabouts at the murder scene.

There’s probably more. Feel free to add on to this list.
This is a reference to the CNN doc that aired last night.
1) Apparently Paul had a mean, violent alter ego named Timmy.
2) and when he drank, his fingers splayed and became basically unusable. Thoughts? Ideas? Does this sound like mental illness?
His behavior surrounding the boat crash before, during and after shows zero regard for anyone other than himself. I don’t want to assume too much because maybe he is just an entitled spoiled brat and that’s all, or maybe something deeper…?

3) recording of AM on phone with sister in law (not sure which one):
”I thought back to when i started taking all these (drugs)… remember when Maggie first moved to Hampton and she really struggled?… That created a lot of bitter feelings…”

Anyone have any info to explain the meaning here? Whose bitter feelings were they? His? Maggie’s? The locals against the family?
Or, is he saying that he has had bitter feelings against Maggie ever since she moved to town and struggled (presumably IMOO to love it there/ fit in with the locals)? That’s decades of resentment and bitterness he is admitting to.

Sounds like the move to Hampton to join the family firm may have coincided with the alleged affair and MM throwing him out of the house for a spell. JMO
The more I think about the first Blackout that "went missing" from Paul's truck, the more I am coming to the conclusion AM knows exactly where that gun went/is. They paid big bucks for that weapon and not to report it stolen is not what responsible gun owners do. In the 1st interview IRRC AM was asked if he filed a police report and he states no, but he told some sheriff about it because he didn't want it to you know, um, cough, um turn up in some drug thing or something. I'm betting the serial number of that missing gun isn't entered into NCIC. If it is used in a crime or found in a cache of weapons somewhere it can't be traced back to him. I believe the suppressors he initially bought for the original 300s and then didn't have put on, would be registered with the ATF which is why, I believe, he left them off. Then he doesn't go sign the paperwork for the replacement gun intentionally so it's not registered with anyone but his personal firearms dealer (who is also a relative). These are not the actions of a law abiding citizen. This to me is just another example of his disregard for honesty.

I recall AM's response was he did not report the gun stolen because he wasn't certain it had been stolen (i.e., or just another $$$ item misplaced by PM).

I think there's a good chance AM knew exactly where this gun was!

Also, I took note it was MM that replaced the gun for PM (albeit an $800 version vs the $5K gun w/scope from dad).

I believe a friend testified he helped PM recently fit a scope to the replacement gun. MOO
Whoops, duplicate post.

Or so I thought. It turns out I deleted both posts, and now I am too lazy to retype the message. Suffice it to say, it was all about how AM was sucking up to Buster's girlfriend in the jail calls to glom on to her legitimacy/accomplishments. If Buster can't finish law school, this is the next best thing. He references her credentials on multiple occasions in a very name-dropping way.

Anyone else think AM was trying to lure CBR to the property (with the sunflower business) to frame for the murders, or to find the bodies? CBR has a real frame-able quality, and AM has a fondness for using everyone in his splash zone, in whatever way he can.
I think AM was trying to make sure certain people were far away from Moselle so they wouldn't find the bodies. That would have thrown AMs narrative right out the window and I doubt if he could have created another one on the fly. IMO he had his story and he was sticking with it no matter what.

He definitely seemed to be giving Buster's gf the 'Alex-charisma-because-want-something-from-you' routine. And, IRRC, he wanted her to put money in the commissary account of another inmate so he could use it. He also made the same request of JMM and Liz. They all knew that was against jail rules yet they all agreed to do it. If the defense calls BM, JMM and LM to the stand to testify to the good honest character of AM, I would like to see the prosecution whip out those jail calls to impeach.
I think AM was trying to make sure certain people were far away from Moselle so they wouldn't find the bodies. That would have thrown AMs narrative right out the window and I doubt if he could have created another one on the fly. IMO he had his story and he was sticking with it no matter what.

He definitely seemed to be giving Buster's gf the 'Alex-charisma-because-want-something-from-you' routine. And, IRRC, he wanted her to put money in the commissary account of another inmate so he could use it. He also made the same request of JMM and Liz. They all knew that was against jail rules yet they all agreed to do it. If the defense calls BM, JMM and LM to the stand to testify to the good honest character of AM, I would like to see the prosecution whip out those jail calls to impeach.
Buster's girlfriend is an attorney. Was she an attorney during her helpful commissary deposits? If so, will that affect her standing as an attorney? Just pondering...
Maybe another addiction?
I think the $$$$ AM was burning through was more like gambling. I say find his bookie.

Recalling it took AM no time at all the get into betting in jail using commissary goods for currency. AM was very proud of the number of beef sticks and chips he scored after a weekend of football wagers. MOO
Alec really struggled to describe what happened between the sunflowers and the nap-he-didn't-take.

We learned from others that, per habit, Maggie might walk, bike or drive to the kennels. Paul, drive.

Alec was in a real jam. How did Maggie and Paul get to the kennels and how did he not see them leave if he was in fact at the house, preparing to nap as he claimed he was?

Still a huge problem for the defense. If Alec left the kennels in the seconds before his wife and son were gunned down, did he run back to the house to get a weapon to defend himself, decided to quick go visit his slumbering mother before hurrying back to ... to the danger zone, fearing suddenly for his safety 40 minutes later?

Yeah, no.

Worth noting: Alec apparently didn't have any trouble abiding by the speed limit on his way to Almeda. But sure was in a hurry on his way back.

Thought 1: Alec had something or some things in his Suburban and couldn't afford to be stopped. Probably never drove so carefully in his life.

Thought 2: is it possible Alec was going to fall asleep in Almeda as his whole alibi? Let someone else discover they'd been murdered overnight, while he was far far away? Except that he realized he had to get back because of a detail he overlooked? (Such as the hose or Paul's phone or even a something he successfully repositioned so no one ever questioned it? Hence the race against time to get there before Paul's friend might?

ABSOLUTELY see why if it was, a slam dunk on 100 percent guilty of PM regarding the boat crash. Plenty of phone vids from the kids on the boat and outside cameras. Caught it all. Horrific behavior.
Another Horrible, Disgusting thing that happened immediately after the crash, is the Murdaughs, including the Grandfather, went to the boat, and were allowed to enter by the Police, who were supposed to be guarding the scene, Whereas, Malloy Beach's family was not allowed the same. They were told no one could enter. The Murdaughs OWNed Plenty LE in the area obviously. Who knows what that family may have changed on the boat-Before any LE did any investigation!
If that's not Mob Rule, I don't know what is.
I think the $$$$ AM was burning through was more like gambling. I say find his bookie.

Recalling it took AM no time at all the get into betting in jail using commissary goods for currency. AM was very proud of the number of beef sticks and chips he scored after a weekend of football wagers. MOO
ABSOLUTELY!!! Drugs bring IN money, while Gambling Losses Drink it in!
If Buster's rifle went "missing" the October prior, what was happening in Alec's world around that time? Was he in grave danger then of exposure over his financial "misdeeds"? (I hate that they're called misdeeds, as if they're just aw, shucks mistakes when each one is a horrible crime!) I'm beginning to think the first steps of his long game may have been forming that far back. And he held off until.


Another thing that struck me about the “planned this for a long time”:
Remember allllll the talk about the missing/ stolen 300 Blackout? Well, in the video of the 3rd police interview that was played in court and has been posted here many times, he was acting all wishy washy about whether they actually had another one. LE says we KNOW/ have testimony/ proof of some kind that “Maggie DID buy another 300 Blackout. You were supposed to go sign the paperwork, and you never did.” Then one of them, I think it was AM, said, “That’s why it is not registered with ATF”.
It gave me chills. Wondering just how long he had been planning the murders— if years before he got his wife to pay for and pick up a gun that he had reported stolen, had her promise he would come do the paperwork, and he never did, knowing that it was slipping through the cracks of being registered. Maybe he even wanted it for other kills that would not be traced to him.
The paperwork is needed when you want to add a(suppressor) silencer to the weapon. One must fill out the paperwork for the ATF and pay them for each suppressor. Up here in MI. suppressors are legal and being a part time gunsmith have installed them on customer's weapons as well as several of my own. Yes we have dem ole wild hogs up here as well and coyote hunting/pest control. The ATF is paid $200 up here along with keeping tabs on who has legal suppressors and one must have a legal firearm as well for the suppressor.
I do think the testimony from MP that the Little Detective…starting a month before…had decided to “find” his Fathers pills…and he was going to keep him from ‘misbehaving.’…is very compelling!

There they all are together that night and maybe PM took his Dad’s stash away, MM supported that action…and here we have another possible motive.

The night his theft was uncovered, his Dad was dying, the civil suit was threatening a deeper look at his finances…might have bern the worst possible night to take away his pharmaceutical crutch.

Lots of possible motives in this case.
Well thought out SMM. Removing access to his crutch may have tipped things, but I think he was planning how to get rid of Maggie even earlier, when he heard she was asking questions, seeing a divorce lawyer(if).
I think Maggie was nervous about seeing AM alone when he asked her to come home(using the excuse about his Dad), and asked Paul to be there as a buffer, in case AM got nasty. I'm sure, because she was kept out of the loop for years, she had no idea that AM would try to kill her.
I also think MM may not have known about family/household Bills, because AM had those sent to another address/PO, or even a House Manager/Accountant??? She was embarrassed and mortified when her check was returned...Yowza. MOO
I truly believe Maggie was the intended target as well, because he shot her so many times. That's Rage/Anger/Hate. She had no clue how dangerous her husband was. So sad.

I totally get that...but I kinda wonder if in this case it was because he was so shaken by what his 2nd shot did to Paul's head that he wasn't able to take Maggie down faster and with more accurate/fewer shots. One of the medical experts said that the wrist shot may have been a continuation of one of the other shots, so we are looking at 4 shots then. He wouldn't have been able to be for sure with shot #3 that it was fatal due to her position, so shot #4 was to make sure. With Paul he had the element of surprise, and it is still debatable as to whether Paul saw Alex or not. Much easier mentally on the shooter if the victim doesn't make eye contact with you. But with Maggie....she knew who was shooting. I think it's guaranteed that they made eye contact. I think the shock from how badly killing Paul had went coupled with having to look Maggie in the eye and interact with her while killing her went a long way to putting a dent in his markmanship.

Nope. Buster was too far away in Rock Hill. And when he did travel to Moselle after learning about the murders, AM signaled ahead that Buster not be allowed at the kennels. MOO
CBR is not Buster; he is CB Rowe, who was on site caretaker of Moselle at the time, but who was away taking care of some kind of medical appointment for his own father in Augusta (LE checked CBR’s phone records to verify he was in Augusta that night).
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