VERDICT WATCH SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #35

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Yes indeed and we offer a 5 star breakfast to soke up some of those spirits that didn't settle well during night lol. For those up for a trip out to the ranch for a looksee the peace, love and groovy bus will be pulling up to escort you off the train and onto the bus, no worries the bus is stocked as well and the chicken called shotgun seat already. Plenty to do as the jurors look over the kill site sad to say but feel free to mingle around the pine trees with your drinks.

I think we need a new cocktail called "Sooie!"

*Might put that Pine Tree Bitters to use, too.
Ok…y’all …it’s the NY Post, so take it with a grain of salt, but here’s one of the articles I remember reading while trying to understand who Maggie was when she was alive

My goodness Paul looks like his mom so much in this photo of her!
I appreciate what you are saying... All the stuff in the periphery. The boat, the poor kid in the street....I get it. I'm trying to be fair here. The unfortunate facts the lurk in the background here are:

1. Nothing was going to stop the legal problems he had, except his death. Even then they could likley sue the estate. Killing his family wasn't going to stop that.

2. The boat accident. As sad as it is kids do stupid stupid stuff everyday. Every city & town in the world has lost young folks because of bad decisions. Between liability insurance on the boat and his legal expertise, AM probably didn't have too much exposure. That aside, trying to keep PM out of jail, by killing him doesn't really square up.

The poor kid they found dead in the street...There is nothing tangible there, at least at this point. No one knows what happened.

In the end, the law firm wasn't going away. The dwi wasn't going away. If there were evidence with the Smith boy, that wasn't going away.

From watching the trial, it's abundantly clear AM is highly intelligent. I would say cunning. He knows that killing his family wasn't going to solve his problems. He knows how investigations work. He knows how phones work. He knows how on-star works.

If he pulled the trigger himself in some for of rage - his best play would have been to wait until the morning. Say he fell asleep & didn't hear anything. Really anything other than what he did would have been better.

I guess what I'm saying is...

The data puts him there. The video puts him there. Everything points to him being there. But none of it makes any sense. None of it squares with premeditated murder, at least when the murderer doesn't want to get caught (meaning, some people kill, and don't care about getting caught, others want to get away with it).

If there was another person there. Presumably took control of the situation and took their phones (which is what they are using to help determine time of death) And AM left, and went to his mother's. It must have been to get something. That doesn't really make sense to me either. But its the only thing I can think of.

God only knows what these people were into that we don't know about. Drugs, smuggling, human trafficking. Nothing would surprise me.

Then again, maybe he was going to kill them and himself, but chickened out.

Just a bizarre situation.
I really don’t think Alex is as smart as you give him credit for. Cunning, yes, but not so intelligent.
I would like to bring up the drugs. Oxycodone comes in either 5 mg tabs or in 5mg tabs with 365 milligrams of Tylenol. He said he was taking 30mg tabs? No such thing. If he was taking 30mg at a time, then he was taking 6 pills. I find it incredible that he could take huge amounts of illegally obtained drug and not ever ingest one that was laced with fentanyl. So, he had a pipeline to drugs that were not manufactured in someone’s basement. There clearly is a huge drug connection that has not been uncovered fully, imo. If he was spending 50k a week on drugs (doubtful) then he was paying for purity. Or, he was using and distributing. What does everyone think?
Very interesting! Personally I believe that he was distributing to his white color friends along with taking them. I don't believe his story about how much he was taking. I also think that there are a lot of folks in the area still worried about AM and who he was connected too. This is jmo and only my opinion!
Sounds like it if it is just laying there, Hog just drops dead at that spot hmmm ok.
Could Murdaugh be anymore obvious? A dead hog? And him showing up at the kennels today? He is very sick. If there’s a hung jury, I guess next will be a party at the kennels.
This is a joke.
Hoping the jury finds him guilty asap.
Watching CourtTV and one of the guys just made a good point.....anyone know if this was covered in the trial at all or if Alex was asked about it? The dogs were in the kennels when he arrived to find them dead? Did the killers put the dogs back in the kennels after killing them? Or are we supposed to believe MM and PM put them in the kennels before they were murdered?
MM didn't because she had a specific way she wanted them placed and they were not where she would have placed them.
What reasons would make sense for killing your family? Unfortunately there is way too long a list of those who killed their family when they had other choices- Chris Watts, Chris Longo, John List, Susan Smith, Chris Coleman, Josh Powell, all could have simply asked for a divorce. The walls were closing in on AM, the source of pressures being put on him were were from PM and MM. His life was a financial dumpster fire, being turned down for loans, law suit about to reveal his stealing and true state of his life- all common signs of family annihilators. AM spent his life maneuvering and scheming, these murders were another attempt/scheme to save himself, the roadside shooting was another attempt/scheme to save himself. We do know AM was in to drug smuggling with BB but defense did not present any evidence of that being related to the murders. If they had any viable evidence, they would have presented it. AM was part of a century long “dynasty” that ran that and surrounding counties, had no fear of repercussions. He had the protection of DS, interesting that the roadside shooting happened mere days after DS finally recused himself and warrants etc started being issued. 3 people were at the kennels at the time of death and only one walked away. AM is devoid of true emotional connection like some many of the others who also killed their family. I don’t understand it either, do not understand how Chris Watts could kill his wife, but her body in his trucks, load his 3 and 5 year old, drive to the tanks, smother the girls and stuff them in the tanks but he did, he could have got a divorce. I will never understand or ”make it make sense” but have zero doubts of AM’s guilt and why he did it. MOO
I been having a few thoughts an opinions, I had discussed them with my, "Understanding Partner" thought it made a good opinon. Thought I share my opinon. sorry to bring my past but sometimes it gives me an insight. IMO But I agree with you Loveallmyhorsesdogsandcats, it is hard to understand why people destroy their families and take their lives.
But I think it is control.
Having a bio mother who dumped my siblings and I in a children Home with forged documunts, started her new life yet would constantly stalking us to make our lives even to point our lives came at risk her "Gossip" in people's ears would trigger a reaction. In the 1980's My sibling(14) was put into hospital with serious injuries, person was charged due to her "Gossip" story, which was proven clearly fake. Sibling not seen her for years, she knew where he was.
Which I think AM was IMO spreading the gossip around Paul and Maggie.I recall when they were murdered fingers were pointed at Paul for Death of Smith and Slatterfeild,
AM was Gaslighting Paul, Maggie and others as control.MOO
Imo, I am in debate if AM was consuming that amount of drugs , I do wander IMO if he was taking such amount, reason is when I was from the age 7 to 12 years my questionable Welfare Officer/ medical Doctor was giving me medication undisclosed disorder I was taking a amount for a period of two year twice the amount than a Adult. I was a able to function but as a close childhood friend said "I was a walking Zombie." My Welfare Officer was stating in reports yes it was a high amount but it made me "functioning normal". AM was functioning normally over the months

I think AM was taking drugs later so be in his system when tested after the incident with Cousin Eddy and knew he was in big trouble with Money stealing etc ( sorry it late where I am, busy life child on the Autism Spectrum,I struggle to spell and express) it was building up a excuse for his crimes and the real reason why he took money from cilents

Maggie and Paull finding his pills getting rid of them, because he was an Addit getting rid of his pills ,AM killed them. IMO the answer is no. Housekeeper saw them once, no one else just Maggie and Paul, they were concerned about AM, his controlling them by having them running around after him
<modsnip: personalizing/off topic>
IMO I get the feeling this is what it was like in the M household everyone obeyed AM. Maggie refuse to give up her beloved home for a loan for AM , in the expression to save his bacon, would cause a of anger in AM but I think there is more. IMO, Maggie and Paul were breaking away from AM, after the accident Paul still got into trouble however he still got into trouble but before his death he straighten himself out,college, working for his Uncle there are no drugs or Acohol in his system. Maggie see a lawyer three weeks before her death, what we know she set in motion for finance check, why?On the day she is murdered she texts Paul she is having a madicure,(Manicure was a code word) but does not have one, IMO Maggie was seeking advice, Paul's accident,(AM was in full control of the case handling Paul and Buster) Why was Paul Killed? Both boys were in trouble. IMO with everything that had been said in the Media about Paul , IMO last few months/ weeks before their deaths , sadly it may never been known now, I believe with Maggie's help,, Law Advice, "Timmy" was going to overrule his Father at the up coming Court Trial, Paul stand up pleads guilty. IMO AM found out ,IMO we now seen the results.Sadly I think he is going to get away with it.
IMO Remember the former Housekeeper after so many years hands in her notice ,has an accident. <modsnip>
Sorry for being long winded in presenting my thoughts, scareist thing is watching him during trial reminds me so much of my parent.
IMO Motive for AM , is control and no one betrays him.
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One reporter allowed to go on the jury view. We are now receiving notes: The 12 jurors and 2 alternates assembled at the Colleton County Courthouse at 9 a.m. and loaded into three transport vans. The windows were blocked to keep anyone from looking in. The vans left at 9:10 a.m

Jury view notes: Behind the jury was a phalanx of security vehicles and court personnel. Judge Clifton Newman rode in a pickup truck driven by Colleton County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Jason Chapman.

Jury view notes: You may remember Capt. Chapman from the first full day of testimony; he was the lead local officer the night of June 7, 2021, at Moselle. He testified about Alex Murdaugh’s demeanor and the challenges of securing a scene in rainy conditions.

Jury view notes: Clerk of Court Rebecca Hill and Court Reporter Elizabeth Harris followed the judge in a truck driven by Mike Atwood, who has led courthouse security for the duration of the trial. It was Mr. Atwood who told the judge about the bomb threat mid-trial.

Jury view notes: It is a beautiful morning, sunny and warm. We are told the ground will be wet when we arrive.

Jury view notes: The logistics are: the jury will be taken through the kennel entrance and have a total of 30 minutes to view the property. They will spend the bulk of their time at the kennels and the shed where Maggie and Paul Murdaugh were killed.

Jury view notes: Towards the end of the visit, the jury will be taken to the main house for a view of the exterior. They will not go inside.
Ps. Thank you! For the detailed, crisp, and steady stream of ongoing testimony etc. Quite a marvel and thank you for the trip! edvis- one on me this afternoon for this fine individual please. And I’ll take the usual bitter iced tea with a slice of lemon. (Not a Long Island….. those days are in the rear view mirror for this gent). And best to all. Regardless of outcome I have enjoyed the interaction. And I know, offending the locals and their ‘sweet tea’…. Bitter please.
My client, the chicken, and myself, will be wearing camouflage and handing out flyers promoting the adoption of Hog Hunting as an Olympic sport.
I will bring my 300 Blackout and the chicken will bring her specially crafted smaller chicken size 11 Blackout, to keep the hogs away from the bus, in case the hogs are under some pressure and come out in the day time, as discussed, and supported by abundant repetitious testimony.

Yes indeed and watch your step at the ranch when you step off the bus, guess hogs are dropping like flies out here. The drink will come with a pork rind twist.

Ooooh my mind is whirring with porcine sideline ideas for the Kentucky Derby 2023!
It's probably been mentioned but I read in a link from one of these posts that AM's drug-dealing friend was about to go to trial until the main witness was run over and killed. Hmmm - another "accident".

And Mr Barman, I'll have a gin and tonic please - make it a double ;)
I would like to bring up the drugs. Oxycodone comes in either 5 mg tabs or in 5mg tabs with 365 milligrams of Tylenol. He said he was taking 30mg tabs? No such thing. If he was taking 30mg at a time, then he was taking 6 pills. I find it incredible that he could take huge amounts of illegally obtained drug and not ever ingest one that was laced with fentanyl. So, he had a pipeline to drugs that were not manufactured in someone’s basement. There clearly is a huge drug connection that has not been uncovered fully, imo. If he was spending 50k a week on drugs (doubtful) then he was paying for purity. Or, he was using and distributing. What does everyone think?

There is definitely such a thing as 30 mg oxycodone. Roxycodone. Doesn't have tylenol or aceto.
Did the judge announce what time closing arguments begin today? Is it prosecution, then defense then prosecution? Has the judge said how long each side gets for closing?
I’m kind of hoping jury gets case this evening and goes into deliberation and announces a guilty verdict by dinner!
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