SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I did have a strange private message several months ago suddenly sent to me in facebook by someone who I don't know at all - who was really going out of his way to tell me that she was fine and she left on her own etc - it was very strange to me.

^^That is just totally bizarre. Who would even do that? I know people can make fake facebook profiles to impersonate other people. Do you know if this was an actual person? I would share that with the police.

Here are the things that really stand out to me regarding this case:

  1. I’m not sure when the older man she had an affair with committed suicide, but if it was after her disappearance, that is very suspicious.
  2. First the door was locked, now the husband says the back door was unlocked. I went back and checked and he did say in an interview that the door was locked, and in another later interview that the door was unlocked.
  3. The shed in the woods with dog remains. I pray that LE checked this out. This is very sinister…. dog body, gloves, sponges, mattress. I can say nothing good went on in this building. Even if it has nothing to do with this case, it should have been processed by the authorities.
  4. I don’t know how it was never mentioned in any report or interview that the husband did NOT have BOTH boys with him while running errands. I haven’t gone back to listen to old interviews, but I’m almost certain he never mentioned that he had dropped the older son at mother in law’s house.
  5. Who goes out to buy “Gatorade and vitamins” when their wife is feeling depressed and suicidal? And why did buying those two things take so long? I can't understand this.
  6. Husband states that he stayed home from work the day before her disappearance to take care of her, but then couldn’t say in an interview if she had eaten anything that day. This sounds so strange to not know this.
  7. There were initial reports where the husband claimed there was a suicide attempt the week before her disappearance. This was not mentioned on the Disappeared episode and it seems like if this were true, it would have been mentioned.
  8. When did he pick up her car from her office? Was her car ever processed by LE? How long after her disappearance did he sell her car? Is it normal for a spouse to sell the vehicle of their missing spouse? It could be totally normal, but it makes me think he knows 100% there’s no possibility of her return.

It seems like the facts in this case just keep changing. Does anyone else feel this way or is it me? Please answer any of these questions or offer any insight if you can.
I've wondered about who that was also. I believe he lived in Indiana, where Tammy and Park were from. I *think* he commuted suicide a week after Tammy's disappearance. But I will look that up...

Did you find out the timing on this? I had also heard somewhere that he committed suicide before her disappearance.
Respectfully snipped from above
Could the stabbing have been done out of anger/rage, during a blowup, rather than being done while alone? I can see the former happening, while that later would be very unusual.

I think you could very well be right about the stabbing happening during the drama of a fight. As a nurse, surely she knew she would have a really difficult time killing herself in this fashion.
^^That is just totally bizarre. Who would even do that? I know people can make fake facebook profiles to impersonate other people. Do you know if this was an actual person? I would share that with the police.

Here are the things that really stand out to me regarding this case:

  1. I’m not sure when the older man she had an affair with committed suicide, but if it was after her disappearance, that is very suspicious.
  2. First the door was locked, now the husband says the back door was unlocked. I went back and checked and he did say in an interview that the door was locked, and in another later interview that the door was unlocked.
  3. The shed in the woods with dog remains. I pray that LE checked this out. This is very sinister…. dog body, gloves, sponges, mattress. I can say nothing good went on in this building. Even if it has nothing to do with this case, it should have been processed by the authorities.
  4. I don’t know how it was never mentioned in any report or interview that the husband did NOT have BOTH boys with him while running errands. I haven’t gone back to listen to old interviews, but I’m almost certain he never mentioned that he had dropped the older son at mother in law’s house.
  5. Who goes out to buy “Gatorade and vitamins” when their wife is feeling depressed and suicidal? And why did buying those two things take so long? I can't understand this.
  6. Husband states that he stayed home from work the day before her disappearance to take care of her, but then couldn’t say in an interview if she had eaten anything that day. This sounds so strange to not know this.
  7. There were initial reports where the husband claimed there was a suicide attempt the week before her disappearance. This was not mentioned on the Disappeared episode and it seems like if this were true, it would have been mentioned.
  8. When did he pick up her car from her office? Was her car ever processed by LE? How long after her disappearance did he sell her car? Is it normal for a spouse to sell the vehicle of their missing spouse? It could be totally normal, but it makes me think he knows 100% there’s no possibility of her return.

It seems like the facts in this case just keep changing. Does anyone else feel this way or is it me? Please answer any of these questions or offer any insight if you can.

I completely agree. When you're telling the truth, it doesn't change because you're using your episodic memory (what happened with true facts). It's when you lie that you get tripped up.
I was just hoping that after her Disappeared episode, there would be a lot of interest in the case :(
If the phone received claims Tammy is alright, all she has to do is call police, confirm her identity and tell them. This is a man calling to convince people that she is alive. Nope doesn't fly with me.

No things are not adding up and he does keep adding things to convince people also that she walked away. The gatorade and the vitamins are important. I don't know why but he is saying things on purpose which sounds like staging.

Yes, I believe I was the one who indicated the note was old on my show.
Yes this sounds too much like Scott Peterson and no I do not believe she is alive and I do believe Mr. Kingery knows this.
If the phone received claims Tammy is alright, all she has to do is call police, confirm her identity and tell them. This is a man calling to convince people that she is alive. Nope doesn't fly with me.

No things are not adding up and he does keep adding things to convince people also that she walked away. The gatorade and the vitamins are important. I don't know why but he is saying things on purpose which sounds like staging.

Yes, I believe I was the one who indicated the note was old on my show.
Yes this sounds too much like Scott Peterson and no I do not believe she is alive and I do believe Mr. Kingery knows this.

Yep. Too many weird details, but none of them are actually important. I agree.
Looking at this from process of elimination-

If it was a random stranger entering the house, the note makes little sense.

If it was PK, what was the motive? Doesn't sound like he made any money from it. He declared bankruptcy after the fact. If it was just anger/animosity, it seems like it would have been a violent crime with much more evidence. Also he didn't know she'd be feeling poorly ahead of time and want to be picked up, so no chance to plan it. It is possible he could've hired someone, but in this case how would he have gotten a chance to communicate?

If it was suicide, where is the body? Why would she want to purposely hide her body anyway? Maybe she wasn't in a right state of mind, but if it were me I can't see why I'd intentionally hide myself or even how I'd go about doing that (doubly so without a car). Also the dogs would've likely found the scent in this case.

My best guess is that she had a second burner phone. This is why she felt nervous, she knew she was walking away. She called someone to pick her up on the motorcycle once she knew she would be home alone, wrote the note and left. This explains the no scent either. It also aligns with her previous affairs.
I just ran into you know who out shopping. It took all I had not to ask where Tammy is. I kind of regret it now and I probably would have gotten tossed out but it would have been worth it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why does there always have to be a clear cut motive? Guess what? There isn't a motive with most cases. Violence and charged reactions are the norm in a volatile marriage or a relationship. There is no sense to them.
I just don't understand how he would be able to kill his wife and dispose of her body with his teenage son in the house the entire time. Everyone seems to be absolutely certain the husband was a liar and he did this, but how could he have done it? Interested in your answers. The only one I can think of implicates the son, and I'm not going there.
I totally agree with you. Her family (sisters, mom, etc) also talked about her depression and suicide attempts. I have been diagnosed at different times with moderate to severe depression...suicidal thoughts, unable to get out of bed, unable to work, etc. Depression is not an excuse for an affair. She was sending and receiving texts from two separate men before her disappearance, not including the man that died a month or two before. Family and friends saying that she would never desert her children and put them through that type of pain...she was willing to run around on her husband and take the risk of exposing her family to 2 or more separate men that could have become angry or obsessed with her putting her entire family in danger. THIS IS NOT MY THEORY OF WHAT HAPPENED. I think that she grew tired of her husband, children, job, responsibilities and took a break. Maybe she is still out there living a different life or she chose the wrong person to 'rescue' her from being a wife and mother and he grew tired of her. I am not saying that she is a bad person, I'm saying that maybe she married too young, was looking for a little freedom & excitement and either she is on a beach in Mexico or her savior turned in to her worst nightmare.
I have just seen the Disappeared episode on this poor lady. The first thing I thought when it said she was feeling sick etc, is that she had been slowly poisoned. I suspected the husband straight away. I actually havent watched the full episode yet only about 10 mins as I had to go to bed but I did read all of this thread. I think she may have been slowly poisoned and she was getting worse that day as it had been happening for a while, she went to bed and possibly died or her husband gave her a drink in bed with a load more poison in to finish her off because it was the perfect time while she was in bed, the kids thought she was just sleeping but she was actually dead and thats the dads alibi that she was in bed sleeping. Im not sure how body may have been removed and im not saying this is what happened. Just that this was my *first* thought.
First time poster in this thread so I apologise for how long my post is going to be. After watching the Disappeared episode back in May I read all the comments in here only to get sidetracked with life, then upon having some spare time again I re-watched Tammy's episode this morning after having re-read all your posts here. After watching the episode the first time and not knowing about this case I immediately had a feeling that something wasn't right with PK's story and when a few things started not adding up for me my skeptical-metre really started going off.

A few posters have been a little contradictory in saying that there was no way Tammy would of run off and left her kids behind etc, yet they are comfortable with their theory that suicide was her choice. I really hope I don't offend anyone or come off as showing a lack of compassion to anyone but IMO suicide is the same outcome - so if she is capable of one she is capable of the other. It has the same affect on her children, family and friends, except if she had taken her own life then she has deliberately done so to conceal her body which is rather severe. However, it's not my belief that either of these options has happened in this case.

If she had left the house to commit suicide a few things just do not make sense for me:
- She felt so sick she had to be picked up from work and couldn't even drive home, then instead of sleeping it off in bed she decides now is going to be the time to end it all and gets up and walks out of the house and walks so far away her body has not been found. What was the method of suicide? Sorry to be morbid but if she was say, going to hang herself then was any implement missing from the house which she could of used? Again, sorry for the morbidity, but if that was what she had done that would of been the easiest way she would of been found. I recall reading on this thread PK still has her pills in a locked medicine cabinet so I'm assuming the pills weren't all missing? Was any alcohol missing? Did they own or have access that day to firearms? I'm assuming if they did that all firearms they owned are accounted for, so that kind of rules that method out. Any other sharp object (knife, razor, etc) missing from the house? I just don't buy this theory. She leaves that note with an intention for suicide - why? To buy time? I believe it works more in favour of another person.
I'm genuinely interested to hear the opinions of people who think suicide was TK's fate as to how they think she took her life?

So moving on...I initially did suspect there could of been some kind of poisoning scenario going on for who knows how long, until someone pointed out that TK would most likely know and realise what was happening to her body given she was a nurse. I can't really speculate on whether TK would think something was going on or not. On the Disappeared episode one of TK's sisters said that she had woken up the past four nights needing to change her clothes because of excessive sweating. Going back to the poisoning theory one that comes to mind is arsenic poisoning as that can cause excessive sweating - although it would also likely cause other symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, to name a few - which TK has not been mentioned to have had. Her doctors appointment the following Monday also raises my suspicions on the possibility of poisoning. I'm sure if she was being poisoned then her poisoner (if that's a word) knew they had to act now before she went to the doctors with the possibility of the truth unraveling.

I also do not buy she left with some mystery man she was having an affair with. The affair she had had (I'm assuming it was a more serious affair than the other man she was texting) does anyone know if it has been established if it was just talking/flirting or if it ever became intimate? The older gentleman affair had ended due to his suicide so the other man in question I'm sure would of been thoroughly investigated and checked out about his whereabouts on the day TK vanished. The police have also insisted the text messages to the men she was texting are not related to her disappearance so that tells me that it checks out and they possibly have more evidence than they are revealing to the public about why they are not suspects. What the police HAVEN'T said is PK is not related to her disappearance. I also highly agree with the person who posted that a cheating spouse does NOT leave their unlocked phone just laying around.

I really wish I had more information and clarity on what the kids think they actually saw that day, whether they physically saw their mum in bed or if they were told she was so their mind has now physically put her in bed, reverting to other memories of when they have seen their mum in bed. Would also love to know if when dad came home from their outing of running errands if he made sure he got to the bedroom first (to possibly remove the stuffing he'd made to look like someone was sleeping there).

Would love to know what she was wearing or what clothes and/or shoes were missing from the home. I think a lady with the same hair on a motorbike in pajamas would stand out.

I would be willing to entertain the possibilities that PK isn't involved in any capacity if there wasn't so much of 'something is really off' about him and this situation. I suppose it probably doesn't help my opinion that in Australia there's been two recent cases of women who've disappeared only to be found deceased after telling their husbands they were going for a walk. Seems to be a common cover up story over here.

One thing that really clarifies things for me is PK's radio interview. Not one nice word. Not one positive thing to say about his wife of almost 20 years and the mother of his three children who he supposedly has no idea where she is. Instead he was so focused on her depression, her bad relationship with her daughter (can't actually believe he went there and beyond) and oh how his story has flip flopped! You don't have to remember the truth. BIG RED FLAGS for me. I feel there's too many subtle and subliminal messages in what PK has said, has NOT said, his body language and behaviour that leads to one conclusion only for me.

I truly do get the whole 35-40 year old depression thing with your life not being exactly where you had pictured it and financial difficulties but you know what else I also get - people who see an easy way out of a marriage that would be highly non beneficial to them had they divorced. Also an anger/upset/embarrassment when they know that their spouse has had affairs.

The fact that PK has surveillance footage and receipts from where he was when he was running errands makes zero difference - OF COURSE he made sure he was out and about and spotted in several places during the time he's wanting people to believe TK has disappeared from the house!

It always surprises me given that we are all working with practically the same information yet there's so many vastly varied thoughts on what happened. I really have appreciated reading everyone's different thoughts and questioning whether is seems plausible to me.

I also just want to add that I'm super impressed with a certain few sleuthers on this thread who are clearly very dedicated to finding out what happened and have kept this thread alive!
First time poster in this thread so I apologise for how long my post is going to be. After watching the Disappeared episode back in May I read all the comments in here only to get sidetracked with life, then upon having some spare time again I re-watched Tammy's episode this morning after having re-read all your posts here. After watching the episode the first time and not knowing about this case I immediately had a feeling that something wasn't right with PK's story and when a few things started not adding up for me my skeptical-metre really started going off.

A few posters have been a little contradictory in saying that there was no way Tammy would of run off and left her kids behind etc, yet they are comfortable with their theory that suicide was her choice. I really hope I don't offend anyone or come off as showing a lack of compassion to anyone but IMO suicide is the same outcome - so if she is capable of one she is capable of the other. It has the same affect on her children, family and friends, except if she had taken her own life then she has deliberately done so to conceal her body which is rather severe. However, it's not my belief that either of these options has happened in this case.

If she had left the house to commit suicide a few things just do not make sense for me:
- She felt so sick she had to be picked up from work and couldn't even drive home, then instead of sleeping it off in bed she decides now is going to be the time to end it all and gets up and walks out of the house and walks so far away her body has not been found. What was the method of suicide? Sorry to be morbid but if she was say, going to hang herself then was any implement missing from the house which she could of used? Again, sorry for the morbidity, but if that was what she had done that would of been the easiest way she would of been found. I recall reading on this thread PK still has her pills in a locked medicine cabinet so I'm assuming the pills weren't all missing? Was any alcohol missing? Did they own or have access that day to firearms? I'm assuming if they did that all firearms they owned are accounted for, so that kind of rules that method out. Any other sharp object (knife, razor, etc) missing from the house? I just don't buy this theory. She leaves that note with an intention for suicide - why? To buy time? I believe it works more in favour of another person.
I'm genuinely interested to hear the opinions of people who think suicide was TK's fate as to how they think she took her life?

So moving on...I initially did suspect there could of been some kind of poisoning scenario going on for who knows how long, until someone pointed out that TK would most likely know and realise what was happening to her body given she was a nurse. I can't really speculate on whether TK would think something was going on or not. On the Disappeared episode one of TK's sisters said that she had woken up the past four nights needing to change her clothes because of excessive sweating. Going back to the poisoning theory one that comes to mind is arsenic poisoning as that can cause excessive sweating - although it would also likely cause other symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, to name a few - which TK has not been mentioned to have had. Her doctors appointment the following Monday also raises my suspicions on the possibility of poisoning. I'm sure if she was being poisoned then her poisoner (if that's a word) knew they had to act now before she went to the doctors with the possibility of the truth unraveling.

I also do not buy she left with some mystery man she was having an affair with. The affair she had had (I'm assuming it was a more serious affair than the other man she was texting) does anyone know if it has been established if it was just talking/flirting or if it ever became intimate? The older gentleman affair had ended due to his suicide so the other man in question I'm sure would of been thoroughly investigated and checked out about his whereabouts on the day TK vanished. The police have also insisted the text messages to the men she was texting are not related to her disappearance so that tells me that it checks out and they possibly have more evidence than they are revealing to the public about why they are not suspects. What the police HAVEN'T said is PK is not related to her disappearance. I also highly agree with the person who posted that a cheating spouse does NOT leave their unlocked phone just laying around.

I really wish I had more information and clarity on what the kids think they actually saw that day, whether they physically saw their mum in bed or if they were told she was so their mind has now physically put her in bed, reverting to other memories of when they have seen their mum in bed. Would also love to know if when dad came home from their outing of running errands if he made sure he got to the bedroom first (to possibly remove the stuffing he'd made to look like someone was sleeping there).

Would love to know what she was wearing or what clothes and/or shoes were missing from the home. I think a lady with the same hair on a motorbike in pajamas would stand out.

I would be willing to entertain the possibilities that PK isn't involved in any capacity if there wasn't so much of 'something is really off' about him and this situation. I suppose it probably doesn't help my opinion that in Australia there's been two recent cases of women who've disappeared only to be found deceased after telling their husbands they were going for a walk. Seems to be a common cover up story over here.

One thing that really clarifies things for me is PK's radio interview. Not one nice word. Not one positive thing to say about his wife of almost 20 years and the mother of his three children who he supposedly has no idea where she is. Instead he was so focused on her depression, her bad relationship with her daughter (can't actually believe he went there and beyond) and oh how his story has flip flopped! You don't have to remember the truth. BIG RED FLAGS for me. I feel there's too many subtle and subliminal messages in what PK has said, has NOT said, his body language and behaviour that leads to one conclusion only for me.

I truly do get the whole 35-40 year old depression thing with your life not being exactly where you had pictured it and financial difficulties but you know what else I also get - people who see an easy way out of a marriage that would be highly non beneficial to them had they divorced. Also an anger/upset/embarrassment when they know that their spouse has had affairs.

The fact that PK has surveillance footage and receipts from where he was when he was running errands makes zero difference - OF COURSE he made sure he was out and about and spotted in several places during the time he's wanting people to believe TK has disappeared from the house!

It always surprises me given that we are all working with practically the same information yet there's so many vastly varied thoughts on what happened. I really have appreciated reading everyone's different thoughts and questioning whether is seems plausible to me.

I also just want to add that I'm super impressed with a certain few sleuthers on this thread who are clearly very dedicated to finding out what happened and have kept this thread alive!
I have someone in my family who has been cheating for years and she leaves her phone unlocked because she knows her partner wont snoop on it
First time poster in this thread so I apologise for how long my post is going to be. After watching the Disappeared episode back in May I read all the comments in here only to get sidetracked with life, then upon having some spare time again I re-watched Tammy's episode this morning after having re-read all your posts here. After watching the episode the first time and not knowing about this case I immediately had a feeling that something wasn't right with PK's story and when a few things started not adding up for me my skeptical-metre really started going off.

A few posters have been a little contradictory in saying that there was no way Tammy would of run off and left her kids behind etc, yet they are comfortable with their theory that suicide was her choice. I really hope I don't offend anyone or come off as showing a lack of compassion to anyone but IMO suicide is the same outcome - so if she is capable of one she is capable of the other. It has the same affect on her children, family and friends, except if she had taken her own life then she has deliberately done so to conceal her body which is rather severe. However, it's not my belief that either of these options has happened in this case.

If she had left the house to commit suicide a few things just do not make sense for me:
- She felt so sick she had to be picked up from work and couldn't even drive home, then instead of sleeping it off in bed she decides now is going to be the time to end it all and gets up and walks out of the house and walks so far away her body has not been found. What was the method of suicide? Sorry to be morbid but if she was say, going to hang herself then was any implement missing from the house which she could of used? Again, sorry for the morbidity, but if that was what she had done that would of been the easiest way she would of been found. I recall reading on this thread PK still has her pills in a locked medicine cabinet so I'm assuming the pills weren't all missing? Was any alcohol missing? Did they own or have access that day to firearms? I'm assuming if they did that all firearms they owned are accounted for, so that kind of rules that method out. Any other sharp object (knife, razor, etc) missing from the house? I just don't buy this theory. She leaves that note with an intention for suicide - why? To buy time? I believe it works more in favour of another person.
I'm genuinely interested to hear the opinions of people who think suicide was TK's fate as to how they think she took her life?

So moving on...I initially did suspect there could of been some kind of poisoning scenario going on for who knows how long, until someone pointed out that TK would most likely know and realise what was happening to her body given she was a nurse. I can't really speculate on whether TK would think something was going on or not. On the Disappeared episode one of TK's sisters said that she had woken up the past four nights needing to change her clothes because of excessive sweating. Going back to the poisoning theory one that comes to mind is arsenic poisoning as that can cause excessive sweating - although it would also likely cause other symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, to name a few - which TK has not been mentioned to have had. Her doctors appointment the following Monday also raises my suspicions on the possibility of poisoning. I'm sure if she was being poisoned then her poisoner (if that's a word) knew they had to act now before she went to the doctors with the possibility of the truth unraveling.

I also do not buy she left with some mystery man she was having an affair with. The affair she had had (I'm assuming it was a more serious affair than the other man she was texting) does anyone know if it has been established if it was just talking/flirting or if it ever became intimate? The older gentleman affair had ended due to his suicide so the other man in question I'm sure would of been thoroughly investigated and checked out about his whereabouts on the day TK vanished. The police have also insisted the text messages to the men she was texting are not related to her disappearance so that tells me that it checks out and they possibly have more evidence than they are revealing to the public about why they are not suspects. What the police HAVEN'T said is PK is not related to her disappearance. I also highly agree with the person who posted that a cheating spouse does NOT leave their unlocked phone just laying around.

I really wish I had more information and clarity on what the kids think they actually saw that day, whether they physically saw their mum in bed or if they were told she was so their mind has now physically put her in bed, reverting to other memories of when they have seen their mum in bed. Would also love to know if when dad came home from their outing of running errands if he made sure he got to the bedroom first (to possibly remove the stuffing he'd made to look like someone was sleeping there).

Would love to know what she was wearing or what clothes and/or shoes were missing from the home. I think a lady with the same hair on a motorbike in pajamas would stand out.

I would be willing to entertain the possibilities that PK isn't involved in any capacity if there wasn't so much of 'something is really off' about him and this situation. I suppose it probably doesn't help my opinion that in Australia there's been two recent cases of women who've disappeared only to be found deceased after telling their husbands they were going for a walk. Seems to be a common cover up story over here.

One thing that really clarifies things for me is PK's radio interview. Not one nice word. Not one positive thing to say about his wife of almost 20 years and the mother of his three children who he supposedly has no idea where she is. Instead he was so focused on her depression, her bad relationship with her daughter (can't actually believe he went there and beyond) and oh how his story has flip flopped! You don't have to remember the truth. BIG RED FLAGS for me. I feel there's too many subtle and subliminal messages in what PK has said, has NOT said, his body language and behaviour that leads to one conclusion only for me.

I truly do get the whole 35-40 year old depression thing with your life not being exactly where you had pictured it and financial difficulties but you know what else I also get - people who see an easy way out of a marriage that would be highly non beneficial to them had they divorced. Also an anger/upset/embarrassment when they know that their spouse has had affairs.

The fact that PK has surveillance footage and receipts from where he was when he was running errands makes zero difference - OF COURSE he made sure he was out and about and spotted in several places during the time he's wanting people to believe TK has disappeared from the house!

It always surprises me given that we are all working with practically the same information yet there's so many vastly varied thoughts on what happened. I really have appreciated reading everyone's different thoughts and questioning whether is seems plausible to me.

I also just want to add that I'm super impressed with a certain few sleuthers on this thread who are clearly very dedicated to finding out what happened and have kept this thread alive!

He withdrew retirement funds for reward money and that's now gone . Had to file bankruptcy and raise 3 kids on his own .
If he showed up with a new gf or had a recent increase in life insurance I could see some suspicion . Just because he comes off a little brash dosent make him a suspect . And if he thinks she took off on him , or took her life leaving their children motherless I could see the frustration or resentment .
People handle stress of these situations in different ways.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He withdrew retirement funds for reward money and that's now gone . Had to file bankruptcy and raise 3 kids on his own .
If he showed up with a new gf or had a recent increase in life insurance I could see some suspicion . Just because he comes off a little brash dosent make him a suspect . And if he thinks she took off on him , or took her life leaving their children motherless I could see the frustration or resentment .
People handle stress of these situations in different ways.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just had a thought maybe they had an argument and she was going to divorce him so he killed her because he wanted to keep custody of the kids and didnt want her having them. Using all his funds and filing bankruptcy might not have phased him as long as she was out of the picture and he had the kids. Some people will do anything
He withdrew retirement funds for reward money and that's now gone . Had to file bankruptcy and raise 3 kids on his own .
If he showed up with a new gf or had a recent increase in life insurance I could see some suspicion . Just because he comes off a little brash dosent make him a suspect . And if he thinks she took off on him , or took her life leaving their children motherless I could see the frustration or resentment .
People handle stress of these situations in different ways.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yes he did. He still would of been worse off had they divorced. Yes he (probably) wouldn't of had to file for bankruptcy but he still would of lost the home and had to move to some dingy place, it would force him to get a new job, he would see his children a lot less and he may have to pay child support and/or alimony (not sure on state laws in SC). In saying all of that - if he's guilty - it's possible none of that was why he did it.

I never said he came off as brash and I don't think he is brash. Of course people handle things differently but it's of my opinion that this is likely another murder at the hands of a spouse. There's too many things that he has done or not done and certain behaviour that IMO point in one direction.
I have someone in my family who has been cheating for years and she leaves her phone unlocked because she knows her partner wont snoop on it

Yes of course many people do things differently but I'd say it wouldn't be common for someone who was cheating to leave their phone hanging around, especially with three children who could gain access to it.
He withdrew retirement funds for reward money and that's now gone . Had to file bankruptcy and raise 3 kids on his own .
If he showed up with a new gf or had a recent increase in life insurance I could see some suspicion . Just because he comes off a little brash dosent make him a suspect . And if he thinks she took off on him , or took her life leaving their children motherless I could see the frustration or resentment .
People handle stress of these situations in different ways.


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BUT, he DID say in the radio interview that he thought they had life insurance on her through HIS job.

LexR I think you are right on target.

I don't think it is allowed for me to share here, but I checked this PK guy out on Facebook several months ago and found a very disturbing post. I took a screenshot of it, and will describe it here. It's a picture meme that looks like a pill bottle, and on the fake label it reads:

"Crazy Pills
Extra Strength
Take one pill every hour to keep from choking really stupid people.
Take 2 pills to stay out of jail.
WARNING: if you see me without this bottle...."

This doesn't seem like something someone would be posting when their wife is missing and they have acknowledged they would be a suspect. It's just crazy and I don't get it. I'm very disturbed by it and have been holding onto it so here it is. I still have the actual screen shot straight from his Facebook page (which will likely be set to private after this).
BUT, he DID say in the radio interview that he thought they had life insurance on her through HIS job.

LexR I think you are right on target.

I don't think it is allowed for me to share here, but I checked this PK guy out on Facebook several months ago and found a very disturbing post. I took a screenshot of it, and will describe it here. It's a picture meme that looks like a pill bottle, and on the fake label it reads:

"Crazy Pills
Extra Strength
Take one pill every hour to keep from choking really stupid people.
Take 2 pills to stay out of jail.
WARNING: if you see me without this bottle...."

This doesn't seem like something someone would be posting when their wife is missing and they have acknowledged they would be a suspect. It's just crazy and I don't get it. I'm very disturbed by it and have been holding onto it so here it is. I still have the actual screen shot straight from his Facebook page (which will likely be set to private after this).

Yes the whole thing is just so fishy. Hmm that's kind of disturbing isn't it! Good work for keeping the screenshot Seva :star:
I might go take a look at said persons profile :findinglink:

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