SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

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In the radio interview P keeps referring to money problems, saying T is always worrying about money, bla, bla, bla.

Does anyone know if this can be confirmed? Was T really the one worried about money and wanting to sell their house because they are barley
making ends meet? To me, this is a big red flag.

He also stated she had a $15,000 insurance policy at her work and then, he states that he thought she was on his policy and he finds out she is not on his policy after she is gone.

Also, what is borderline alcoholic?
I don't know what a borderline alcoholic might be. I wonder how many searches were conducted for Tammy. I only saw one search party organized for September 27th, 2014.
They seem to have given up searching for Tammy and this is so sad for her children.

I want to know what happened to the alleged older man she had an affair with, what is his COD.
There isn't a strict definition for a "borderline alcoholic" as far as I know, but I think a loose/general definition would be someone whose life is negatively affected by alcohol, either due to frequent use or heavy binges, but who is not severely physically addicted and does not drink (at least in excess) every day.

I feel like in this case though, it is an easy "label" to stick on somebody that is difficult to refute, specifically because of the difficulty inherent in defining it. In other words, an easy way to say that she "brought it on herself", or something like that.
There isn't a strict definition for a "borderline alcoholic" as far as I know, but I think a loose/general definition would be someone whose life is negatively affected by alcohol, either due to frequent use or heavy binges, but who is not severely physically addicted and does not drink (at least in excess) every day.

I feel like in this case though, it is an easy "label" to stick on somebody that is difficult to refute, specifically because of the difficulty inherent in defining it. In other words, an easy way to say that she "brought it on herself", or something like that.

Thanks for the reply Dub.

In the interview he went round and round about her problems and the only phrase he left out is This Is All Her Fault. It's good to know I am not the only one who feels this way.
Also, what a relief to know P is perfect in every way. :sick:

I guess she is Borderline Alcoholic and Borderline Diabetic. :banghead:
First I've learned of this case and just caught up on the thread.
Hinky, hinky IMO!
In that interview, she asks him to tell her about the day Tammy went missing and instead he starts talking about her depression? Uh, that's not what she asked. Smh, I get weird vibes from this whole bizarre story!
First I've learned of this case and just caught up on the thread.
Hinky, hinky IMO!
In that interview, she asks him to tell her about the day Tammy went missing and instead he starts talking about her depression? Uh, that's not what she asked. Smh, I get weird vibes from this whole bizarre story!

Tabirey, not only did he mention her depression, he ran with it and made it her life.
What do we know about TK? Depression, alcohol and suicidal.

What happened to LE and the investigation? I am appalled at the lack of...
Tabirey, not only did he mention her depression, he ran with it and made it her life.
What do we know about TK? Depression, alcohol and suicidal.

What happened to LE and the investigation? I am appalled at the lack of...

Good question!
First I've learned of this case and just caught up on the thread.
Hinky, hinky IMO!
In that interview, she asks him to tell her about the day Tammy went missing and instead he starts talking about her depression? Uh, that's not what she asked. Smh, I get weird vibes from this whole bizarre story!

Right there with ya!!
Have any of y'all ever heard the song "Crazy Women" by Brandy Clark? If not YouTube it & listen to the words, the 2nd verse especially, every time I hear the husband talk about TK's "depression" I think of this song.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
Have any of y'all ever heard the song "Crazy Women" by Brandy Clark? If not YouTube it & listen to the words, the 2nd verse especially, every time I hear the husband talk about TK's "depression" I think of this song.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

I know that song and holy cow! You're right, it completely fits!
I know! Makes me wonder who really was having or still is having the affair???

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
After listening to the interview again yesterday I have a feeling P is/was the one having the affair & obsessing about money and wanting to sell the house.
I also heard him say T is dead. I will listen again to get his words verbatim, as I will then call my local public safety and inform them of his interview.

QueenBea13, I am not familiar with the crazy women song, thanks for the heads up.

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I listened to the interview while I was at work, headphone in one ear only, & there were many things that struck a nerve with me, the first being when he said (& I'm paraphrasing here) "yea they questioned the kids & I as we were the last ones to see her alive"...that's quite a bold assumption imo. How does/did he know if she is/was alive? Maybe she left to get away from him. Then the way he described the relationship TK had with her daughter, oh my hold my beer, I would've been fit to be tied if my husband described my relationship with my daughter like that for God & everyone to hear!!! Even if that was the case, I don't feel it was appropriate to actually say it!! I know my daughters & I fight, we're women for crying out loud & my daughters are 12 & 13 & think they know EVERYTHING, so yea we butt heads, but to air the dirty laundry on some interview, that mind you she's not here for, to defend herself imo just added a lot of gasoline to the fire of him being prime suspect numero uno in my mind! As I'm sure it did in a lot of others!!!

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
I listened to the interview while I was at work, headphone in one ear only, & there were many things that struck a nerve with me, the first being when he said (& I'm paraphrasing here) "yea they questioned the kids & I as we were the last ones to see her alive"...that's quite a bold assumption imo. How does/did he know if she is/was alive? Maybe she left to get away from him. Then the way he described the relationship TK had with her daughter, oh my hold my beer, I would've been fit to be tied if my husband described my relationship with my daughter like that for God & everyone to hear!!! Even if that was the case, I don't feel it was appropriate to actually say it!! I know my daughters & I fight, we're women for crying out loud & my daughters are 12 & 13 & think they know EVERYTHING, so yea we butt heads, but to air the dirty laundry on some interview, that mind you she's not here for, to defend herself imo just added a lot of gasoline to the fire of him being prime suspect numero uno in my mind! As I'm sure it did in a lot of others!!!

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

BAM!!! :goodpost:

I will have to use my ear buds too, great idea.

Did you find it strange PK never said 'our children'?

I'm off to listen again and take notes.

QueenBea13, just out of curiosity, are you local?
I need to listen to it again, I was about 1/2 way through it & my screen went to sleep on my phone & when I opened it it refreshed.
At 1st I didn't even realize he was saying "my kids" until the host mentioned it, maybe it's cuz my husband & I have a Brady Bunch of his & her kids, but thinking about it we normally say "the kids"; but as you see in my post ^^^^ I'm the one who's bad about saying "my" lol....
No I'm not local to the case, I'm a Texas girl.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
I need to listen to it again, I was about 1/2 way through it & my screen went to sleep on my phone & when I opened it it refreshed.
At 1st I didn't even realize he was saying "my kids" until the host mentioned it, maybe it's cuz my husband & I have a Brady Bunch of his & her kids, but thinking about it we normally say "the kids"; but as you see in my post ^^^^ I'm the one who's bad about saying "my" lol....
No I'm not local to the case, I'm a Texas girl.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

I am almost finished with my third listening and I need a break because we had a storm earlier and the net is screwy, restarted interview 5 times already. :gaah:.
I have to use my phone cause the sound on my laptop has disappeared.
8 pages of notes so far. There are a few things that slapped me in the face...I am working on them now.
Will probably listen to the last half hour in the morning.

QueenBea, I understand why you say my kids, that's expected.
Thanks for getting involved, TK deserves justice and to be found. I pray our work helps.

I am trying to make a few notes to post here, my baby, HemiKrikitMcMittens, is wanting my attention first. :cat:
Every word I type comes straight from PK. This interview is from Blog Talk Radio with Linda Crystal, 6 months after Tammy went missing

TK diagnosed clinical depression 4 years ago, sees therapist every 4 months for rx
TK wasn't feeling well past 2 weeks
TK had to be at work 7am, called PK to come get her, was ill, 8am
Once home, changed into pj's, straight to bed

PK was going shopping at 10:15am for Gatorade cause she was dehydrated from being sick. Took the two boys with him
Did he buy Gatorade?

PK said he and his oldest son were the last people to see TK alive
PK and kids came home at 12:30, says all came in at same time and all saw the note at same time
The note read, Gone for a walk, be back soon, love...
The note worried P because she doesn't walk

TK is not in the house and PK goes alone in his car looking for her. He also takes her cell phone and leaves his at home

Comes home and checks the woods, she is not there. After looking for an hour called LE
The search dogs find nothing

TK battling depression, relationship is fine, never argue/fight
P says she attempted (he never says suicide, just attempted) twice. Slit wrists, stabbed self in chest. Separate attempts

LE knows his whereabouts, every minute of the day Sept 20, 2014, per PK
Has receipts and is on camera shopping
All her belongings are left at home
P says T left on foot
P says no one came inside house cause of the dog, dog was outside on chain
He says T put dog on chain
Garage door was shut, the only door she would have left from, no front door

Decent relationship, never fight, per PK. "I Loved Her With Everything I Had"

Strained relationship with daughter, had issues. Didn't feel like a good mum. Really, really depressed
T stressed out about finances, wanted to sell house
Money was tight, she was always stressed out about money

PK said he has read a lot about depression
TK was depressed over choices she regretted with guilt over the affair P alleges T had
P found out about affair 1 month before she goes missing, says T alleged older boyfriend killed himself 1 month earlier
Depression to much for her and she refused help, per P

PK LDT was questionable, something not right. PK has not been cleared as a suspect

P thinks she got in a car with someone, it was a beautiful Saturday, people were out riding bikes
T got in a vehicle with someone right from the driveway
The only way he can explain her disappearance is that she got into a vehicle
No phone calls, no traces of anything
Random vehicle, she did not go on her own. Got into the wrong vehicle

The door she left from Was Not Locked
The back door has to be locked from outside with a key. Keys in her purse
Garage was locked
Back door is the only way out of the house. T left from back door. The only door she could have left from
Back door locked when P left, per P
Normally keep door locked. P says they normally go in and out from garage door
Back door is always locked, says he checked it, cannot remember if checked it or not
Says it was unlocked when they got home at 12:30

One time T left suicide note, said she would be in the woods where no one could find her
Mentioned running away to start new life

TK has insurance through work, 15,000.
P thought T was on his life insurance policy but found out she wasn't after she disappeared

P said T is borderline alcoholic

All Per PK

There is more to come, I have about 30 minutes left to listen too.
PK really emphasized TK depression like no other. Depression is just about all he wanted to discuss. The more negative the better.
He said not one thing positive about his missing beloved wife, nothing.

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