SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Bumping because I can't believe no new leads have come of this...and no mentions in the news at all since late 2014 a couple months after she went missing. I can't accept that someone can just go missing in a community (which honestly isn't very large) and people just move on with life.

If she did just "walk away", she couldn't have got far without money or an ID. If she was walking away to end her life, the search radius could only be so large.

The facts we have here:
- She left everything behind (keys, wallet, ID, etc)
- She wasn't feeling good and left work early to get some rest
- Her husband left for 2 hours to run errands
- She was last seen "walking down" a local road but it has never been mentioned who saw her OR if that is just inferred knowledge from husband
- Left a note, uncharacteriscally, that she was going for a walk and "Love you". She was much more of a phone call/text type of person
- Door was locked when husband returned to find note and her missing
- Husband last saw her laying down sleeping "peacefully"
- Had spells of depression according to husband but other family didn't notice, took medication

Things that I wonder:
- Was her 2 sons with the husband while he was running errands?
- Another blog mentioned recently deleted texts on her phone, what was that about- time deleted, context, etc?
- Did she go walking often or was totally unordinary behavior?
- Was the locked door an accident on Tammy's part or a mistake in foul play?

This case needs more attention. It's repeated over and over, but people (especially those that seem to lead a "normal" life without drugs, bad crowds, etc) don't just go missing into thin air.

The amount of apathy I've seen with this case in attention, interviews with husband, husband social media presence, etc is just unreal. If my wife or mom or sister went missing, I'd personally be searching every waking hour until they are found...UNLESS I already knew where she was and didn't want to find her.

My only hope is that LE has kept really quiet because they have some knowledge that relies on someone slipping up before they can really move forward.
Yes, the boys went errand running with the dad.

She was a fairly active person but the road she lived on wasn't made for leisurely walks. It was a two lane country road with no sidewalks.

I used to stand up for the husband but not anymore.

And the sad thing? Our 20 year reunion is coming up as is the one year anniversary of her missing and there isn't anything planned. It's like everyone forgot her, except her family. They never will.
"No Trace of Missing Edgefield Mom one Year Later"

“I know with her depression her mind can go from okay to rock bottom within a half hour and very easily that could have happened, and she decided she needed to leave,” Park explained.

But there are still so many questions as to what happened after she left, and where did she go? Those are the questions that nag at Park Kingery every day and night.

“I couldn’t believe it being a couple days I couldn’t believe it being a week then a month, several months and now a year,” Park says it’s still hard to believe.

Park is now a single father with a 16, 14 and 6 year old who wonder where their mother is.

“We may go for the rest of our lives not knowing what happened, and that’s really a horrible thought,” he continues.
I noticed the husband never mentioned suicide as her reason for leaving... I wish there was more info about her movements on the day she "disappeared". Phone calls, texts, computer analysis etc...
"At what point do you stop searching?" Did the reporter seriously ask that? They haven't searched in months.
Reading through some more recent interviews. I really don't think the husband was involved. He wants to find Tammy but at the same time he has three children he has to take care of and it's difficult on them as well. Park says that the next plan is to search the waters around Edgefield.


Kingery has probably pored over them all, in detail, even the ones where he’s the suspect.

“I’ve been thoroughly investigated,” he says. “That’s what (the police) do. My whereabouts have been verified every minute of that day. It’s a really strange story. It’s weird.”

He says a neighbor heard a vehicle with a loud muffler speeding away from the Kingery home some 20 minutes after he and the kids left that day.

“(The neighbor) went outside to bring her dogs in and that’s when she heard the vehicle with a loud exhaust taking off from the direction of my driveway,” Kingery said. “There are woods in between so she didn’t see what vehicle it was. If (Tammy) decided she was going to leave, it was not too long after we left. I think she had to get into a vehicle pretty quickly.

“If it was arranged, or random, when you are in that state of mind it’s hard to tell. I don’t think she would have stayed away on purpose without checking on the kids or calling somebody. I believe something bad has happened. Whether she got in the wrong car or found a place to harm herself, or something. ”

"I had to file for bankruptcy. She was making a good income, I made a decent on and so now with hers completely gone, and I still have the bills. I fought it as long as I could until the point where I can't do it anymore," said Kingery.

Now, at 41 years old, Park said he's looking for a second job, and may have to sell the house and move back in with his parents. The reward for Tammy no longer exists.

"I'm out of money. That's the reality of it. I had save it as long as I could. I wish I could have put out more but it's gone that was my money out of my retirement fund," said Kingery.

"Honestly, this may sound bad, but I can't really do anything more to help her. I cant think of anything else to help her. The only I can do is what I can control, and that's take care of the kids," said Kingery.
So a full year after the disappearance we hear about a loud car in the area? Seems like that would have been important to know a bit sooner...
Tammy's case will be featured on the program Disappeared. They filmed the episode this past November although I'm not sure when it will air.

More than a year later and still no answers for the Kingery family in the search for Tammy Kingery.

Now they're trying to reach as many people as possible in an attempt to bring in answers.

"The only thing left that we can figure that might help is to get the story out nationwide and have somebody see it that's seen something or known something," said Park Kingery, Tammy's husband.

And so when Discovery's 'Disappeared' asked if Park would tell their story, he saw an opportunity to raise awareness and to get answers.
Tammy is from the same town I currently live in but different county even though it's right up the road.

Her husband is trying to get sled to search the ponds around the area and I cannot figure out why they haven't done that already.

Where are you Tammy?
Has anyone listened to this interview? This guy now claims the door was UNlocked. All along, the info I've read/watched has said the house was all locked up. Also, I thought I read somewhere that she attempted suicide with pills and alcohol the week before her disappearance? This interview claims otherwise. wondering if the police have listened to this?
Seva, I believe hubby is involved.
What strikes me as strange is his comment Tammy was resting peacefully and the changing story. Who says that other than the local mortician?!
I have my theory as to what happened, just don't know if I should post it.
I pray LE has listened, maybe a lil bird should ask if they have indeed listened...then light a fire under their feet.
Listening to the interview now. Hubby says he took LDT and sounds like it was "inconclusive"??
Listening to the interview now. Hubby says he took LDT and sounds like it was "inconclusive"??

I'm listening now. She stabbed herself in the chest and another time slit her wrists. WTF!! Stabbed herself in the chest.
:jawdrop: I am trying to peel myself up off the floor...
Hmm. The more I listen to him the less I believe he had nothing to do with her disappearance.
Hmm. The more I listen to him the less I believe he had nothing to do with her disappearance.


DEepression, depression, depression, he is really wants us focusing on that.

She sees a therapist every 4 months for clinical depression? Why bother.

He is now am expert on depression. :laughing:
What I'm getting from him; she was depressed, was on medication, a borderline alcoholic, had an affair, wasn't thrilled about having built the house. Umm, yeah.
Oh, and the person she was supposed to have had an affair with is deceased.
All this horrible clinical depression is because she had an affair? Really now....

His LDT was questionable. He failed miserably is my guess.

He wants SLED to search the numerous bodies of water in the area, my guess is she is buried but he doesn't want anyone to search due to the dangers during hunting season. JMO

My take on the note because it was examined by experts is probably an old note.
Has anyone listened to this interview? This guy now claims the door was UNlocked. All along, the info I've read/watched has said the house was all locked up. Also, I thought I read somewhere that she attempted suicide with pills and alcohol the week before her disappearance? This interview claims otherwise. wondering if the police have listened to this?

How does P know what door she left from?

I really like Linda Crystal who is conducting the interview and she has him stepping all over his toes...

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