SC - Victoria Rose Smith, 3, dies, “Worst Cooks in America” winners, Jan 2021 *arrests* *1 guilty*

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This is a very sad case. Tori should have been given a better family to care and love her. You would think being taken from her bio family, to get better care, she would have thrived.
How is it possible to be taken from a situation and then given to a worse family to end up dead.

I'm really struggling with this. I know it's not fully known why she was taken from the bio family. How can this be prevented that a child is not given a worse situation than one they were already in.
Biological family of adopted three-year-old 'beaten to death' share photos of the girl's bruises | Daily Mail Online

From the article:

(Great-aunt) Urps says the lack of oversight is all the more upsetting given how social workers closely monitored her niece's social media accounts when they began to question her fitness as a mother three years ago.

She says the problems began when Phares went for a routine health screening when she was pregnant with Victoria and tested positive for marijuana.

When medics found traces of the drug in Victoria's system when she was born the SCDSS began to monitor her.

Urps said her niece briefly turned to the drug to combat crippling morning sickness and stopped using it immediately after doctors raised concerns.

'It was something she only did one or two times. We are talking no more than a couple of puffs,' she insisted.

When she fell asleep one day the two boys ran to a neighbor's house who called the police. She was also having trouble finding accommodation after her breakup.

The morning sickness was all day and night. She wasn't trying to get high, she was just trying to keep herself from throwing up so she could take care of the two boys.'

Urps says her niece was in a relationship and was providing a stable home but she split from her partner and was exhausted after staying up all night by herself tending to the newborn.

Instead of helping Phares find a new home they put the kids into foster care and hauled her into family court to present her with two options.

'A year into this, the case worker called and said, you haven't fulfilled the things you need to do to get them back,' said Urps, who has a five-year-old daughter.

'Option one is to sign away your rights, you get one final visit and then we leave the file open so when they turn 18 they can come and find you if they want.

'Option two is you can fight this and we will close the files and you will never see them again. She felt like she had no choice but to agree.

'And so she saw them for one final occasion in February last year. They were instructed to remain upbeat, not to cry or the visit would be terminated.

'Once the family left the facility everyone broke down.'

Phares never saw her adorable, blonde-haired daughter again. She knew nothing about the new family her three kids were living with until she learnt about Victoria's homicide from news bulletins.
Biological family of adopted three-year-old 'beaten to death' share photos of the girl's bruises | Daily Mail Online

From the article:

(Great-aunt) Urps says the lack of oversight is all the more upsetting given how social workers closely monitored her niece's social media accounts when they began to question her fitness as a mother three years ago.

She says the problems began when Phares went for a routine health screening when she was pregnant with Victoria and tested positive for marijuana.

When medics found traces of the drug in Victoria's system when she was born the SCDSS began to monitor her.

Urps said her niece briefly turned to the drug to combat crippling morning sickness and stopped using it immediately after doctors raised concerns.

'It was something she only did one or two times. We are talking no more than a couple of puffs,' she insisted.

When she fell asleep one day the two boys ran to a neighbor's house who called the police. She was also having trouble finding accommodation after her breakup.

The morning sickness was all day and night. She wasn't trying to get high, she was just trying to keep herself from throwing up so she could take care of the two boys.'

Urps says her niece was in a relationship and was providing a stable home but she split from her partner and was exhausted after staying up all night by herself tending to the newborn.

Instead of helping Phares find a new home they put the kids into foster care and hauled her into family court to present her with two options.

'A year into this, the case worker called and said, you haven't fulfilled the things you need to do to get them back,' said Urps, who has a five-year-old daughter.

'Option one is to sign away your rights, you get one final visit and then we leave the file open so when they turn 18 they can come and find you if they want.

'Option two is you can fight this and we will close the files and you will never see them again. She felt like she had no choice but to agree.

'And so she saw them for one final occasion in February last year. They were instructed to remain upbeat, not to cry or the visit would be terminated.

'Once the family left the facility everyone broke down.'

Phares never saw her adorable, blonde-haired daughter again. She knew nothing about the new family her three kids were living with until she learnt about Victoria's homicide from news bulletins.
The children had a large extended family?
Are family members considered for placement? What about the father, he would have to sign away rights too?
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I am so disgusted by the circumstances under which the bio mom lost her children. When we see terrible parents, worst parents who are left to terrorize their kids to death by cps all the time, and here is a young single mom who, if MSM s to be believed, had her kids taken away because she smoked a joint while pregnant and fell sleep once on her kids? I don't get it. There has to be more to it than that right? Don't they have some kind of assistance or probationary period?
I am so disgusted by the circumstances under which the bio mom lost her children. When we see terrible parents, worst parents who are left to terrorize their kids to death by cps all the time, and here is a young single mom who, if MSM s to be believed, had her kids taken away because she smoked a joint while pregnant and fell sleep once on her kids? I don't get it. There has to be more to it than that right? Don't they have some kind of assistance or probationary period?
I feel like there must be more to it than that.
Yeah I'm thinking the story the aunt tells and the story cps would tell would be very different. But.... I also have followed enough cases and seen enough things to know nothing is impossible. Just seems improbable.
I feel like there must be more to it than that.

I believe it COULD have happened this way.... I have had some great experiences with DFS, however I've also had some shady *advertiser censored* happen with a couple of workers that overshadowed the good. In the end I educated myself enough to overcome the false reporting of workers and addressed the accurate short comings of mine. It took longer than it should have (Due to my own uniformed ignorance and at first assuming they needed proof of their own false allegations.) but I fought by learning, researching, not giving up, and NOT fighting by arguing but fighting by doing...

My experience is MOO
The children had a large extended family?
Are family members considered for placement? What about the father, he would have to sign away rights too?
The DM article has a picture of the large extended bio family yet Victoria's mother was left all alone to care for her as a newborn to the point of falling asleep in the middle of the day? Where were all those family members?

I'm a bit disturbed at reading the DM story as it seems like the bio family is now willing, maybe even eager, to give interviews and point fingers at CPS but so far have said nothing about the ways they helped out the mother when she needed support.

To be fair, none of the extended bio family knew of the abuse Victoria experienced at the hands of her adoptive parents until news of her murder came out. From the article:

Urps said the family had to fight officials just to get approval to bury the youngster's remains.

They asked that her two brothers be invited to say their final goodbyes but the boys were not brought along to the service.

It's believed they have been placed back into the foster care system while Robinson's two biological sons are being cared for by other family members.​
Biological family of adopted three-year-old 'beaten to death' share photos of the girl's bruises | Daily Mail Online

I don't know if that means the bio family chose not to ask the court for custody of Victoria's brothers or if they asked and were denied.

Unsure if I heard correctly, but a few points from the video above...

- The husband has turned on his wife? He claimed he heard her hitting Victoria with a belt while he was outside and came inside and said "you've taken it too far."

- Husband claimed she would often hit Victoria with belts, paddles, flip flops

- The husband went out to get medication for Victoria 1 hour before she became unresponsive/they called 911.

- It was only the the wife, husband and Victoria home at the time.

- She tried to blame the multiple bruises on Victoria's body, on the 7yo biological brother. Claimed he would pick anything up and hit her with it.

I've only just come across this case and oh my, what a vile creature that woman is! The amount of bruises Victoria has in the instagram pictures is awful! You can see she has tried to photoshop it out on some of them. How did the family or anyone at church not speak up?!
Unsure if I heard correctly, but a few points from the video above...

- The husband has turned on his wife? He claimed he heard her hitting Victoria with a belt while he was outside and came inside and said "you've taken it too far."

- Husband claimed she would often hit Victoria with belts, paddles, flip flops

- The husband went out to get medication for Victoria 1 hour before she became unresponsive/they called 911.

- It was only the the wife, husband and Victoria home at the time.

- She tried to blame the multiple bruises on Victoria's body, on the 7yo biological brother. Claimed he would pick anything up and hit her with it.

I've only just come across this case and oh my, what a vile creature that woman is! The amount of bruises Victoria has in the instagram pictures is awful! You can see she has tried to photoshop it out on some of them. How did the family or anyone at church not speak up?!

Thanks for the points as I can't access that link. How horrific. So he knew to an extent she was being abused but still did nothing about it. You have to wonder....
Bond Denied! Absolutely horrific testimony. Video of Hearing.

Upstate woman denied bond related to 3-year-old's homicide by child abuse

From article: Before the events at the home on Sellwoood Circle that led to Tori's death, prosecutors said the Robinsons had been in the process of adopting the child and her siblings, and that an adoption hearing was even scheduled for later in January. The Robinsons had been caring for Tori and her siblings since March of 2020.

Since the adoption was not finalized yet, there should have been monthly visits from social workers, until the adoption hearing. AR fooled a lot of people into thinking she cared about her daughter.

She is blaming CPR and her younger son when the older one was the one rough housing with V. The younger one was too young to get in trouble by her lying.

The husband gets medicine to help the bruising instead of medical help. Could he have saved her by getting help immediately?

There was another case where the dad was working when the adopted daughter was left outside, in the spring, and got hypothermia. He was not home, when she passed, yet, he still got almost the same amount of time, as his wife, because of how the daughter had been treated, before that day.
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From article: Before the events at the home on Sellwoood Circle that led to Tori's death, prosecutors said the Robinsons had been in the process of adopting the child and her siblings, and that an adoption hearing was even scheduled for later in January. The Robinsons had been caring for Tori and her siblings since March of 2020.

Since the adoption was not finalized yet, there should have been monthly visits from social workers, until the adoption hearing. AR fooled a lot of people into thinking she cared about her daughter.

She is blaming CPR and her younger son when the older one was the one rough housing with V. The younger one was too young to get in trouble by her lying.

The husband gets medicine to help the bruising instead of medical help. Could he have saved her by getting help immediately?

There was another case where the dad was working when the adopted daughter was left outside, in the spring, and got hypothermia. He was not home, when she passed, yet, he still got almost the same amount of time, as his wife, because of how the daughter had been treated, before that day.
It’s interesting that his attorney asked to make “a statement” and apparently not a plea deal. What do you all make of that? I would think an attorney would at least try to make some kind of plea deal, right? Could there be a plea deal in the works and it’s just not finalized yet/filed with the court?
...- The husband went out to get medication for Victoria 1 hour before she became unresponsive/they called 911....

<respectfully snipped>

I wonder how often it was necessary to get "medication" for Tori's bruising? Besides arnica (homeopathic remedy), I'm not aware of other OTC products that reduce bruising. Even arnica doesn't reduce bruising immediately, so it seems that the parents' goal was to camouflage the bruising before authorities noticed.
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How do we know the medication was for the bruising?

Bond hearing reveals what 'Worst Cooks in America' winner claimed led to 3-year-old foster child's death | News |

...Jerry told investigators that they then put the child in an Epsom salt bath and he went to a pharmacy to buy medication to help with the bruising before Tori became unresponsive. Prosecutors said law enforcement was able to get surveillance footage of Jerry making the purchase at the pharmacy as well...

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