GUILTY SD - Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, involved in fatal car hit and run, Sioux Falls, Sept 2020 *plea *Impeached*

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From blogger Cory Allen Heidelberger who has a number of interesting posts about JR and the crash on his site, Dakota Free Press (one of the sites JR was visiting at the time of the crash):

I am steaming mad! Folks who are on this thread should definitely pay attention to the Dakota Free Press story (linked above by @nells) details how, LESS THAN TWO MONTHS BEFORE Ravnsborg took the life of Joe Boever, Ravnsborg was pulled over on two separate occasions for reckless/inattentive driving (in one, he veered into the opposite lane of traffic and almost hit a police cruiser, which had to swerve out of his way in order to avoid the collision; in the other, he ignored a yield sign at a four-way intersection with a two-way stop and almost careened right into a different police cruiser). In both cases, he was let off with a warning (one written, one verbal). Because these incidents were both potentially fatal and Ravnsborg got what was essentially a slap-on-the-wrist, AND in light of the traffic records showing Ravnsborg to be a habitually negligent, dangerous driver, it seems obvious that, sooner or later, Ravnsborg was going to kill someone.
I am steaming mad! Folks who are on this thread should definitely pay attention to the Dakota Free Press story (linked above by @nells) details how, LESS THAN TWO MONTHS BEFORE Ravnsborg took the life of Joe Boever, Ravnsborg was pulled over on two separate occasions for reckless/inattentive driving (in one, he veered into the opposite lane of traffic and almost hit a police cruiser, which had to swerve out of his way in order to avoid the collision; in the other, he ignored a yield sign at a four-way intersection with a two-way stop and almost careened right into a different police cruiser). In both cases, he was let off with a warning (one written, one verbal). Because these incidents were both potentially fatal and Ravnsborg got what was essentially a slap-on-the-wrist, AND in light of the traffic records showing Ravnsborg to be a habitually negligent, dangerous driver, it seems obvious that, sooner or later, Ravnsborg was going to kill someone.

Too bad his medical records cannot be reviewed. It almost seems like he has a vision problem, perhaps macular degeneration. This is speculation. His age is 46. That would be early onset. Maybe some other vision problem.

A lot of people who have vision problems are in denial about the extent of their vision problem. But the number of incidents, really brings speculation regarding the cause of the problem.

It merits review. JMO.
He's been impeached! Just announced on Crime Talk with Scott Reisch.
ETA: Guess I was the last to know. Apparently, everyone already knew this.

Fast forward to 7:12 min. for the segment on Jason Ravnsborg.
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"In a vote of 36-31, Ravnsborg, a Republican who took office in 2019, became the first official to be impeached in South Dakota history. Ravnsborg will temporarily be removed from office pending a Senate trial. It will take two-thirds majority in the Senate for Ravnsborg to be convicted on impeachment charges. The Senate must wait at least 20 days to hold its trial, but has not yet set a date."
‘A political trial’: Impeachment’s long road to a possible Senate trial |

Apparently, now the Senate must wait at least 20 days (from yesterday - 4/12/2022) before holding a trial. But . . .

"Senate President Pro Tem Lee Schoenbeck (R-Watertown) emphasized to KELOLAND News there’s no guarantee there’ll even be a Senate trial on Ravnsborg’s impeachment.
He summarized the impeachment process as 'the House issues articles of impeachment and then the Senate decides if the person is impeached.'”

"The Senate would need a two-thirds majority of 24 Senators to vote to convict and permanently remove Ravnsborg from office. If the Senate fails to convict, Ravnsborg could return to office."

It is as clear as mud (IMO).
So. I guess I am confused. He was investigated, and was not impeached, but now he is?

If I am understanding it correctly, the first step was having a "special committee" look at the evidence and then decide whether or not to recommend that the House proceed with impeachment. The special committee members voted along party lines with the majority (Republicans) recommending against impeachment. The SD House then took a vote on whether or not to proceed as the special committee recommended, and though many assumed that the House would just cosign the special committee's recommendation, they surprisingly voted to impeach Ravnsborg. The assumption that the House would follow the recommendation is the result of the now-confusing headline about Ravnsborg NOT getting impeached. You know what they say about assumptions...;)
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Argus Leader
South Dakota's historic Jason Ravnsborg impeachment trial gets structure from other states

As the prospect of a possible impeachment trial became more likely in the South Dakota Senate, state Sen. David Wheeler wondered how that would work.

Wheeler, a Republican lawyer from Huron who is in his first term in the Legislature, made an inquiry with the National Conference of State Legislatures: How have other states drafted rules and procedures regarding impeachment trials?

Such a trial became a looming possibility last week after the House of Representatives voted to impeach Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg. Following that majority vote in the House, Ravnsborg issued a statement saying he would take his case to the Senate. A trial has been set to begin on June 21, in which Ravnsborg will make a case for why he should be allowed to retain his position rather than be removed from office for the Sept. 12, 2020 accident and subsequent investigation into the death of Joseph Boever.

Senate rules for Ravnsborg impeachment trial filed

The rules, offered in legislation called Senate Resolution 702, were filed Friday afternoon. The Senate needs to adopt a set of rules for the trial prior to its June 21 start. They break down the two-day trial in five chapters: commencement, organization, pre-trial procedure, trial procedure, and verdict and judgment.

South Dakota’s suspended attorney general Jason Ravnsborg faces a Wednesday deadline to tell the state Senate, in writing, whether he pleads guilty or not-guilty on two counts of impeachment brought against him by the state House of Representatives.

For each article of impeachment, the written answer shall state his plea.

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