GUILTY SD - Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg, involved in fatal car hit and run, Sioux Falls, Sept 2020 *plea *Impeached*

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In the meantime, they should have at least revoked his driver's license. Hope he plans on filing his reply electronically and not drive there in person.
... and/or his two phones. One for talking and the other for scrolling while driving.

He will plead not guilty, naturally. But I expect him to be impeached.

And then, of course, to complain indignantly about it for the next whenever.

It will take 24 senators, or two-thirds, to convict Ravnsborg, a first-term Republican who isn't seeking reelection, on either of two articles of impeachment: committing crimes that caused the death of pedestrian Joseph Boever and malfeasance afterward.

The circumstances surrounding the two-day trial may have already tipped some senators as they review crash investigation files and material from the House impeachment investigation. Ravnsborg's defense hasn't submitted any documents, so everything they have looked at likely works in the prosecution's favor.

Bu-bye! Bars him from ever holding office again.
It’s not as much justice as I personally think Mr. Boever and his family deserved, but it’s more than I expected would be meted out to Ravnsborg by the SD legislature. Hope he now slithers out of the public arena and hides under a rock (metaphorically speaking, of course).
It’s not as much justice as I personally think Mr. Boever and his family deserved, but it’s more than I expected would be meted out to Ravnsborg by the SD legislature. Hope he now slithers out of the public arena and hides under a rock (metaphorically speaking, of course).
I am personally hoping for disbarment next.
Very happy with this result, although it's a whole lot less than he deserved. I'm a bit surprised that he didn't take the stand in his own defence but I'm guessing he saw which way things were headed and figured that he'd be better off staying silent and then calling it a "witch hunt" etc at some later point down the road.

Hopefully this brings a measure of felt justice to the Boever family. Disbarment and civil suit next to come?
Very happy with this result, although it's a whole lot less than he deserved. I'm a bit surprised that he didn't take the stand in his own defence but I'm guessing he saw which way things were headed and figured that he'd be better off staying silent and then calling it a "witch hunt" etc at some later point down the road.

Hopefully this brings a measure of felt justice to the Boever family. Disbarment and civil suit next to come?
I think he settled a potential civil claim already.
I am personally hoping for disbarment next.
My personal wish is that he also does not qualify for a pension for his AG time (in addition to disbarment). I think that might be one of the reasons he was hanging tight and not resigning before the end of his term. I don't know the rules in South Dakota but in general being removed before your term will do disqualify you for a pension. It also marks the end of the government gravy-train - it bars him from public office so it seems as if he can't be appointed to some other government job. I'm interested to see if he gets a private sector job as an attorney or if he is too toxic politically for even that.

I have followed this case closely and am surprised and pleased that he was impeached, though I think what his actions are really manslaughter and he should have been charged accordingly. This is a guy who could have done the right thing so many times in his life but seemed to have had no repercussions for his actions for so long that thought none of his actions would have consequences. Never had his driver's license revoked in the face of so many infractions - so he keeps committing traffic infractions until he literally kills someone. Even after that, he was going to get his promotion in the reserves until there was a public outcry.

The thing that has always bothered me the most is - if he hadn't gotten special treatment at the scene of the accident, would Mr. Boever still be alive? For today, however, I am going to rest in the fact that some small measure of justice has been meted out to this man who seems to have spent his life being able to avoid consequences.
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My personal wish is that he also does not qualify for a pension for his AG time (in addition to disbarment). I think that might be one of the reasons he was hanging tight and not resigning before the end of his term. I don't know the rules in South Dakota but in general being removed before your term will do disqualify you for a pension. It also marks the end of the government gravy-train - it bars him from public office so it seems as if he can't be appointed to some other government job. I'm interested to see if he gets a private sector job as an attorney or if he is too toxic politically for even that.

I have followed this case closely and am surprised and pleased that he was impeached, though I think what his actions are really manslaughter and he should have been charged accordingly. This is a guy who could have done the right thing so many times in his life but seemed to have had no repercussions for his actions for so long that thought none of his actions would have consequences. Never had his driver's license revoked in the face of so many infractions - so he keeps committing traffic infractions until he literally kills someone. Even after that, he was going to get his promotion in the reserves until there was a public outcry.

The thing that has always bothered me the most is - if he hadn't gotten special treatment at the scene of the accident, would Mr. Boever still be alive? For today, however, I am going to rest in the fact that some small measure of justice has been meted out to this man who seems to have spent his life being able to avoid consequences.
That is a good question as to whether impeachment precludes him from any benefits. I'm not sure what benefits he would have had continuing from acting as AG. He will still have his military retirement of course, nothing can be done about that. And his impeachment precludes him from elected office, not government employment. And even that is only in South Dakota I believe. It is quite possible, likely even, that he will not be disbarred. The crimes he ultimately has a conviction on are pretty minor. We will wait and see.

One thing I did like was the comment from the one Senator that brought Ravnsborg's failure to testify in his defense at this trial. The Senator mentioned that Ravnsborg had an opportunity to get up and explain himself and failed to do so. That really does speak volumes.
That is a good question as to whether impeachment precludes him from any benefits. I'm not sure what benefits he would have had continuing from acting as AG. He will still have his military retirement of course, nothing can be done about that. And his impeachment precludes him from elected office, not government employment. And even that is only in South Dakota I believe. It is quite possible, likely even, that he will not be disbarred. The crimes he ultimately has a conviction on are pretty minor. We will wait and see.

One thing I did like was the comment from the one Senator that brought Ravnsborg's failure to testify in his defense at this trial. The Senator mentioned that Ravnsborg had an opportunity to get up and explain himself and failed to do so. That really does speak volumes.
Yep. Thought that was put colourfully and forcefully:

Ravnsborg told a 911 dispatcher the night of the crash that he might have struck a deer or other large animal, and has said he didn’t know he struck a man — 55-year-old Joseph Boever — until he returned to the scene the next morning. Criminal investigators said they didn’t believe some of Ravnsborg’s statements, and several senators made clear they didn’t either

“There’s no question that was a lie,” said Sen. Lee Schoenbeck, the chamber’s top-ranking Republican. “This person ran down an innocent South Dakotan.”

Schoenbeck also criticized Ravnsborg for declining to testify in his own defense, saying Ravnsborg should have shared “what the hell he was doing” the night of the crash.

“There’s a mic right there, and that’s a damn short walk,” Schoenbeck said.

The Behavior Panel analyzes Jason Ravnsborg's interrogation video. Of course, a non-expert could tell he was lying but the comments are interesting, nevertheless.

Geez! At first I was stunned -- thinking ole Jason was at it again. Then I clicked on the Behavior Panel video. It was from 11 months ago -- and I have seen it! Nonetheless, keeping it current -- what is past is prologue, you know. Wonder what he's up to? Practicing law, defending like-offending clients? Need to catch up on his thread here! Thanks for the reminder, nells! (I see that your whole point in posting the video is that we should read the comments! Thank you, nells. Will do.)o_O
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Sorry, alexwood, I meant the comments of "The Behavior Panel." :) You have to watch the video to hear their comments.

Yes, it's an old video: the interrogation video is from the time of the accident and the review of Ravnsborg's statements and actions (i.e., his deception), are from several months ago.

As I said, it's pretty obvious Ravsnborg is lying but the panel comes up with the specific terms to describe his lying actions. I thought that was interesting...



What happened to Mr. Boever & his family is permanent.

(If the document PDF downloads, the word DENIAL in the title is Ravnsborg's legal Denial of the accusations -- not a legal decision, if I'm reading this correctly, @PrairieWind ?)

All my best to the appointed Referee, Judge Zell!

jmho ymmv lrr

Ravnsborg formally denied the allegations in the recommendation this year on June 14. The issue will head to a separate referee to take testimony and issue additional findings along with a recommendation to the South Dakota Supreme Court. Ravnsborg has not practiced law since being removed from office, but he did inform the disciplinary board that he intends to seek a position in an undetermined jurisdiction.

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