Search of MR's house Aug. 14, 2013

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When the house was first searched did they not take mobile phones then as well?

I would imagine that they did but I'm sure MR was allowed to replace his so I guess it could be Mark's new phone, Mark's old phone, Dylan's phone or some random phone that wasn't there or wasn't found during earlier searches? I would love to see the search warrant.
Hoping for justice for DR. Let this bring answers too. MR told reporters what LE searched and took? smh that guy.

LE has been so tight lipped if it wasn't for Mark's own words, we'd know almost nothing so I'm glad he's talking. I'm sure his future lawyer is not, but he'll have to earn his money .
LE has been so tight lipped if it wasn't for Mark's own words, we'd know almost nothing so I'm glad he's talking. I'm sure his future lawyer is not, but he'll have to earn his money .

If it comes to that the lawyer is going to have his hands full. Trying to spin the things that Mark alone has said will require multiple PR people.
The hole dug outside has me intrigued. Regardless of why he would bother to list the items LE took (control the message, preemptive strike, ego, taunting others?) the hole would be easily verified by locals so I'll assume it is true. Any thoughts on what they were looking for? A cell phone? Backpack? Blood/tissue residue? Bones? Clothes? Seems odd, like so much with this case. Delighted that LE are still so actively investigating though.
I doubt too many lawyers are lining up for his case right now, if he does not seem to have the funds to pay them. If he is eventually charged, it will be an expensive business and he may end up with an appointed lawyer, unless the case will be televised, in which case a big name might step in.

If he is guilty, I hope they find the link from this new search.
I assume Mark is telling the (at least partial but maybe not all inclusive) truth about what they did/took but since LE is refusing to comment would they call him out for lying?
I wonder if he (MR) told what was taken to intentionally leave something out of the list to throw people off or to later deny it is his or something?

I wonder if his drinking is the cause of his seeming lack of filter and if maybe he said something to someone that led to this search, and may not even remember the conversation? Maybe it was said or texted via the cell phone... Or if someone knew after the fact or helped him in some way, and is now getting pressure from LE like in Elaina S.' case- and has been helping LE to save themselves (like in Skylar's)?

I also wonder if the stairs are near where a vehicle could be parked/ pulled around? Like maybe this is where Dylan's body was laid as a trunk was opened or something?

This is all good news, considering, just wish we could know more. Seems LE is on top of it, and staying professional so kudos to them!
Or if he did it, he wants to get caught, subconsciously or otherwise. JMO.

Another possibility is that Mark is still under the impression that the search is to find clues of a kidnapping. The hole dug is troubling in that scenario. It would be nice to know what LE knows.
I could see LE taking carpet and wood floors if Dylans blood was found. That would be evidence in a trial.
Too many unknowns still in order for me to make any kind of conclusions based upon only what MR has said to the media about yesterday's search. I am hopeful that there will eventually be closure (an arrest, conviction, etc...) because there had to have been some specific probable cause in order to get a judge to sign off on the search warrant to begin with. I find it curious that MR would openly admit to the things they took from his home as they put him in a really bad light, honestly. That's about all I've got to share right now... Like I said, too many questions, too much speculation. The only "fact" is that there had to be something that LE had that they took in front of a judge that allowed the judge to be convinced a search warrant was necessary. As other posters stated, it would be wonderful if we could actually see the search warrant. I wonder what items that were taken were named specifically on the warrant - they weren't at the house for very long, and they seemed to be focused if what we have heard from MR is the truth (whether the whole story, or not).
As always, all of the above is MOO! :cow:
I'm sorry but I missed something.. blow poke? I am not familiar with this term. tks

In the Michael Peterson case a 'blow poke' was said to be the murder weapon. (I'm with you being unfamiliar with the term.)

Seems as though it is a hollow (sometimes decorative) tapered metal fire poker.

Evidently Kathleen's sister had purchased two and had give one to Kathleen. It was missing throughout most of his trial, and 'mysteriously' a similar one turned up in their garage.

Sorry if this was already answered, I'm having a heck of a time staying/getting on here.
Yes WS is a big sluggish tonight. I wonder why. Ty , so a 'fireplace poker' .

Ok here's what I wonder , could the initial search have yielded some blood of Dylans, but only a tiny amount, so small that MR and LE could agree it might have come from a cut finger or a nose bleed or someting, so it was cataloged and saved , but not really meant to be anything important? Fast forward 7 months and Dylan is found deceased :( and they want to go back and see if there is more blood at the source? Just thinking out loud here, not at all claiming this is true or possible because I do not know. So super sleuthers if a drop or 2 of blood is found at a potential crime scene is there a problem? Is there an amount say, plus or minus 10 drops, 20 drops? that goes from an innocent reason for blood being there to too much blood for a regular cut/ bleed/ child 's accident? Did I make sense? :( tia
Floorboards could also show some kind of impact damage, especially if the wood was struck or scraped with a blow poke. Dents and scratches could potentially reveal a lot.
I think that one thing this search shows is that MR has been their focus all along, IMO, no matter what they don't call him.
I think that one thing this search shows is that MR has been their focus all along, IMO, no matter what they don't call him.
Being Devils' Advocate (sorry about that), but it could also mean they are double checking to see if Dylan could have died on the premises and been taken away. By anybody, not just Mark. Of course, the moving of the furniture screams coverup, unless by some chance the furniture was just being moved back to the location it was at before Dylan arrived-if it had been moved. I say that because I often move furniture to accommodate other people when they come to visit.

This kind of thinking is what makes me sit on the fence for so long (Not on that fence any longer, I just still think that way:D)
I think the cell phone is probably the one he recently used to take video of his 45 minute hike up to the area Dylan's remains were found. I saw a few clips of the videos and in one he talks about "finding a 4 wheeler trail" that he didn't know about. I wonder if he walked very close to a point of interest for LE and filmed it or if LE just wants to see the full videos.

Being Devils' Advocate (sorry about that), but it could also mean they are double checking to see if Dylan could have died on the premises and been taken away. By anybody, not just Mark. Of course, the moving of the furniture screams coverup, unless by some chance the furniture was just being moved back to the location it was at before Dylan arrived-if it had been moved. I say that because I often move furniture to accommodate other people when they come to visit.

This kind of thinking is what makes me sit on the fence for so long (Not on that fence any longer, I just still think that way:D)

I can't see LE digging in the yard, if that had particular meaning, linking the murder to someone who happened by. Also can't see anyone not living in the house doing much of a clean-up. JMO
I've seen several posts asking about the fishing pole but no one answers. If it was found I haven't heard of it.

Can someone please clue us in? Are the references to the pole a mistake or am I just out of the loop?
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