Search warrant discussion

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Spoofing emails like that is very easy, even a friend could have done it to help her establish some sort of "papertrail" trying to look like she had the ties she claimed.

I consider myself moderately tech savvy, but I wouldn't know how to do that? How would one do that?
Notice they didn't recover any boots or shoes in the search warrant. I wonder what Cynthia did with them. Surely they must have stunk as well?

Really, you would think they would want to look at the dirt on them to place her in such and such place.

Maybe their case is getting to strong for them to care? They will prove their case other ways?
Cindy is an orthopeadic nurse....broken bones, etc. Most likely not coming in contact w/ ER or death on a daily basis. Not defending her, but just saying just b/c you are a nurse you are not always around the most desperate of situations.

Didn't you hear Cindy yelling in her 9-1-1 call? She said something to the effect of, "And it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!".

She did.

Sorry Blondie, I had not gotten to your post that states almost the exact same thing as this post of mine
Seems to me that if Casey were trying to cover-up having done something to Caylee, the LAST THING she'd do was leave those clothes in the car. In the house, washed amidst other clothes? Sure. Try to dispose of them somewhere else? Sure. But leave them, by themselves, in the car? That'd automatically get someone looking at them more closely just because they weren't there with other clothes.

Excellent point....

And I'd add..... if she left pants from a crime scene, she probably would have left a shirt also.

Ditch ALL the clothes or NONE of the clothes.
Plus there is no mention of the infamous gas cans - does that mean LE is believing George's story of Casey's drive-by on the 24th? OR is LE going to use all these "mis-truths" that have come out of Cindy's and Greorge's mouths as evidence against them for tampering and obstruction charges somewhere down the road?

Hopefully to use down the road!!!! Don't get why that hasn't occured yet unless they are waiting until Caylee is found
said this in general discussions, will say it again here...... this girl missed her calling. she should have been a mystery writer.

No kidding! Part of me doesn't want this mystery to end! I want to try and put the pieces together forever.

That is until I look at the picture of Caylee on some guys lap (you just see his arm) and with Ricardo (or is it JP) in the background and the reality of this thing breaks my heart. That is the picture that kills me, she was so purely happy it seemed.
Really, you would think they would want to look at the dirt on them to place her in such and such place.

Maybe their case is getting to strong for them to care? They will prove their case other ways?

If they were still in the car they already have them, no need to list them on the search warrant. The documents today don't say Cindy removed those. It's all part of her masterplan to cover up a crime by getting her daughter arrested and spending everyday in the media.
MUHAHAHAHA!!! Good one :)

lol! Thought you'd get a kick out of that. Laughter is good. Especially during a frustrating case such as this!
Excellent point....

And I'd add..... if she left pants from a crime scene, she probably would have left a shirt also.

Ditch ALL the clothes or NONE of the clothes.

And to me, the top would likely be more she'd probably have carried Caylee and that may have more evidence than pants, unless she were kneeling on/in dirt, etc.

Also, if they were there all along, Gpa could have seen them on the 24th.
It struck me because multiple posters have been referring to her being a woman of (albeit questionable..) "expensive tastes".

These are not expensive tastes. So either this is throwaway yard-work-oil-changing-clothing, or she does NOT have expensive tastes..

Shoot. I could have told you that after looking at those pleather boots she wore in the Fusion pics...
I work in the nursing home have for 17 years people die there weekly I have NEVER smelled death I ask 8 nurses today and none of them would recognize "the smell" of death so I don't think because she is a nurse she would know "death smell"

nurses who treat wounds would know the smell of decomp.rotting human flesh smell like nothing else you could describe.however a body that has not had time to decompose would not smell.
No kidding! Part of me doesn't want this mystery to end! I want to try and put the pieces together forever.

That is until I look at the picture of Caylee on some guys lap (you just see his arm) and with Ricardo (or is it JP) in the background and the reality of this thing breaks my heart. That is the picture that kills me, she was so purely happy it seemed.

Or the picture where Casey is intently searching that girl's chest for her missing baby. :rolleyes:
Interesting post on tread 64 in reference to the office people at sawgrass apartment and whether that person is from Ohio.
Why, is that place close to Jacksonville?

Is it even confirmed she went to Jacksonville?

I just thought the root of the city's name was an interesting coincidence maybe.

I'd always considered Fernandina Beach as a part of Jacksonville. But, I just checked and it is on Amelia Island, just to the northeast of Jax.

As to confirmation that Casey was ever in Jax - no. I'm not sure it's been positively confirmed that Casey has ever been to any of the places she ever claims to have been.

Eta: You can't even trust beaches to be in the cities they're supposed to be in, anymore. ;)
And to me, the top would likely be more she'd probably have carried Caylee and that may have more evidence than pants, unless she were kneeling on/in dirt, etc.

Also, if they were there all along, Gpa could have seen them on the 24th.


Frankly, I think LE probably takes EVERYTHING they hear from this whole family w/ a large grain of salt.

The daughter is a pathological liar.

The parents proved they can willfully 'ignore the truth' by endlessly throwing out that ridiculous pizza theory.
I'd always considered Fernandina Beach as a part of Jacksonville. But, I just checked and it is on Amelia Island, just to the northeast of Jax.

As to confirmation that Casey was ever in Jax - no. I'm not sure it's been positively confirmed that Casey has ever been to any of the places she ever claims to have been.

I think LE would die of shock if Casey ever told an actual TRUE FACT. lol
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