Searching for Anna - #4

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This may be unneccesary, but since we have had so many comments about difficulties searching for information regarding Anna's case within this forum, please do not utilize the search threads option of the search this forum feature. Searching threads only reads the thread titles- at least that I have found. Thread titles can be easily scanned reviewing pages 1 and 2 of this forum.

It is much easier to find things when utilizing 'search this forum' (which appears at the top of the forum when you open this forum and before you choose any individual thread) and the 'search posts feature'. That way ALL threads with the keywords you are searching appear in the search results. Or if you are searching for something within an individual thread, open that thread and use the search this thread feature still choosing the search posts feature rather than searching threads. I almost never use the search threads feature/option as opposed to search posts feature/option


ETA: Make sure you go to the very bottom of the advanced search option and click show results as posts. Otherwise the results are still buried within the lengthy threads. :)
As we are making timelines and lists, did we ever have a list of the restaurants the two G's frequented? It might be worth revisiting the restaurants and seeing if we can sleuth out anyone who worked at those restaraunts during the time periods the two Georges were 'regulars'. Or anyone who was also a regular there at the time, though employees would be most likely to recall the two G's.
Raf, we need you here.
Dear Annasmom,
following Anna case all days... I no missed, I was busy for another free search, ended with success, but I had only great ingratitude and also some troubles.
Abt GB, I already replied abt Italy Consulate and the possibility that Anna can be in Italy. Sure all is possible... but is a very far possibility..
I believe that GB and GW had not the necessary support for to send Anna in Italy by some way..
What, instead, let me think, is that no TWA trips for GB; only GW..... now I know not the GW life before that Anna missing, if he was a usual customer of TWA, or, instead, if this travels are really some link with Anna disappearance.
Second my opinion the trips have some link with Anna disappearance.
Going back to Italy Consulate, seeming to me that a person that contact the Italian Consulate in foreign country, well it must be of italian heritage in some way..
So I also analyzed the possibility that GB (false name) was in some way of italian heritage, the Italy Consulate on Squibb booklet, and the picketing of GB abt JS in article of 1941, and JS was also of italian heritage, so maybe the Italy in some way entering in Anna search.. in effects, why GB picketing just a italian barber?
I searched the peoples with similar name (GB) in italian spelling and residing in California and I found one record, but the person died young, so it cannot be our GB,and I abandoned this trace...

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 about George Broda
Name: George Broda
County: Merced
State: California
Birth Date: 10 Aug 1900
Race: White
FHL Roll Number: 1531203
DraftBoard: 0
son of Carlo...
the date is of 12 sep 191... I believe 1917 because in 1918 this George died...
Merced County, California Deaths, 1852-1999 about George Broda
Given Name: George
Surname: Broda
Book #: 5
Page: 442
Date Range: 1 May 1918

also abt:
1978 - Jessie Evans dies
I found a article abt a RE, priest, died in 1968- San Lorenzo; the wife, Jessie was of Alameda :
28 feb 1968-he Daily Review
but it is hard to say if it is the same JE...
also to descover why the Italy Consulate is mentioned, it is very hard.... :banghead:
all the best,
Do we know when he contacted the consulate? Before or after Anna's disappearance?

Sorry I missed this question yesterday, all my Squibb notes are at work, however from reading the Squibb notes, I am assuming Waters jotted down the 'Italian Consulate' entry around 1970/71 when all the Squibbs were written, so, before Anna disappeared. I can post the page Monday. ( I didn't have time to post on Friday ).
I believe that the plan of Anna abduction, was in GB mind before of jan 1973...
I cannot understand why a US citizen wish contact the Italy consulate...
hmm... just thought of another avenue, not sure if it's been looked into yet.

I remember a mention of GB being the executor of MK's estate. I don't know if MK had a will... but... there should be a paper trail regardless.

When my dad passed away, he did not have a will and his estate went through probate. IIRC (it was 20 yrs ago) there was quite a bit of paperwork involved and I seem to remember quite a bit of stuff had to be filed through the recorder's office. I think we had to run an ad in a newspaper or something to give any creditors an opportunity to make a claim against his estate. It's been a long time so I don't remember exactly what the paperwork was (i seem to recall rather lengthy documents) but is anyone familiar with this process? Anything in the recorders office relating to wills or probate should be public.
hmm... just thought of another avenue, not sure if it's been looked into yet.

I remember a mention of GB being the executor of MK's estate. I don't know if MK had a will... but... there should be a paper trail regardless.

When my dad passed away, he did not have a will and his estate went through probate. IIRC (it was 20 yrs ago) there was quite a bit of paperwork involved and I seem to remember quite a bit of stuff had to be filed through the recorder's office. I think we had to run an ad in a newspaper or something to give any creditors an opportunity to make a claim against his estate. It's been a long time so I don't remember exactly what the paperwork was (i seem to recall rather lengthy documents) but is anyone familiar with this process? Anything in the recorders office relating to wills or probate should be public.
I don't think MK had any property. She was in the city facility when she died and I think had been assigned a public guardian. Brody just had power of attorney for her or something like that.
I don't think MK had any property. She was in the city facility when she died and I think had been assigned a public guardian. Brody just had power of attorney for her or something like that.

I don't think they necessarily have to own real estate to go through probate though. My dad lived in a 1 br apartment when he passed away (my parents were divorced), I do vaguely remember a mention of a few rolls of quarters he had for doing laundry being mentioned... and his bank account, household furnishings, etc...

Power of Attorney records would also be filed with the recorder.

I can't remember where we got that she called him Bobby, btw?? Was that in a document? (Sorry if a stupid question, there is just so much strangeness with all this that I can't remember where I saw what sometimes)
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