secret details

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The "secret detail" that I remember reading about is now openly being discussed on the Forums for Justice, so I know now that I am not crazy and it was talked about awhile back.
Again, I have no idea if it is true or not, or if this is the secret that this nut confessed to, but once again I just dont think it is that tough to find out details of this case, what with all the books, interviews, forums, etc.

I also dont see how a pedophile suddenly morphs into a kidnapper intent on a ransom. I could buy his story a lot more if there wasnt a ransom note, and one which doesnt have any flowery "love" phrases about the victim but rather says he will behead her if he doesnt get his money. If this really is the guy he has more personalities than Sybill.
"I didn't know that the sweatshirt was covering her in the basement! Is this correct reporting? I thought that happened after JR brought her upstairs?"

Bad work. The sweatshirt was UPstairs.

Now, Trip and Bob Grant say there are NO secrets left. HOTYH is right: nothing is secret anymore.

(See, HOTYH! I'm not such a bad guy!)
Call me "confused" but I thought the secret info Karr knows about JonBenet's body had something to do with her BODY, not the blankets, throws, hockey jerseys, etc. I thought Candiotti alluded to the "gruesome" aspect of some bodily observation!!!
Ok...Incoming gross!

It was said, rumor only, that there was feces in her mouth, which caused the odor that morning.

This goes back to very early about 1998.
John Walsh let it slip on LKL that Jonbenet had to be cut down by her father because he had found her hanging. That has been discussed often.

There is a picture of Jonbenet that we have never seen in the laundry room.
By reading one of Patsy's depositions, you can deduce that is the case because they question her closely about the picture.

It is not a secret if it has been posted about on the forums!
delaney said:
Ok...Incoming gross!

It was said, rumor only, that there was feces in her mouth, which caused the odor that morning.

This goes back to very early about 1998.

OK! That is definitey a detail I did NOT know. Although I am not a diehard JBR follower like many of you. I have kept up with the case on this forum and read alot in books and other websites and I never came across this informaiton. However, if this detail is true and it has been out there -- even if not so commonly known -- since 1998 then the investigators need to realize that and not use it for a criterium for identifying a true confessor.

Sick question: was it JBR's feces or her murderer's??
Like I said it, was a rumor but it was seldon talked about becuase of the truly
gruesome idea. But if some nut was reading the forums back then he would know about it.

I don't know what the LE consider more gross that the condition of her neck but feces in the mouth could be it.
delaney said:
John Walsh let it slip on LKL that Jonbenet had to be cut down by her father because he had found her hanging. That has been discussed often.

There is a picture of Jonbenet that we have never seen in the laundry room.
By reading one of Patsy's depositions, you can deduce that is the case because they question her closely about the picture.

It is not a secret if it has been posted about on the forums!

Exactly. John Walsh did say that JonBenet was found "hanging".

As far as the "feces in her mouth", that is truly disturbing. We know she had soiled her pants earlier that day because of her playpants found in her bathroom. She was wiped down not because of sexual contact but because she had soiled herself. Her labia was wiped also which suggested to me that only a woman would know to do that...

We know that the Globe obtained pictures of JonBenet's autopsy but did not publish all of them....and could have gotten in the hands of Michael Tracey.

We do not know what Coroner Meyer's notes on the autopsy say since they have never been made public.
Plenty of people online have copies of the autopsy photos.
Yeah, but Bob Grant was saying how there are no secrets left.
I don't understand. If she was hanging and John cut her down, did he already have a knife on his person to do this? And where did the blanket come from if she was then carried out of the room by John and brought upstairs? I thought I read he said he uncovered her in that room. And if he didn't, what is that photo of the blanket crumpled up on the floor in that room, supposedly with her body underneath it. That has to be a fake picture. And fiunally, what is the deal about a pubic or alternative hair on the blanket if she was truthfully cut down and not covered by a blanket. Oh, why was this blanket in a room used as a wine cellar?

Merci beaucoup Scandi
if patsy did it and these allegations of feces in the mouth and being hanged are true. she must have really hated that child.
Has anyone ever wondered if the paint brush handle was broken while he was using it inside of her, and as it broke a sliver went into her skin? One point TH's have stated is the other part of the brush is missing that was used as a garotte. I'm wondering if he might have slipped it back inside of her and this was kept out of the autopsy report.

Not meaning to start a rumor! Scandi
scandi said:
I don't understand. If she was hanging and John cut her down, did he already have a knife on his person to do this? And where did the blanket come from if she was then carried out of the room by John and brought upstairs? I thought I read he said he uncovered her in that room. And if he didn't, what is that photo of the blanket crumpled up on the floor in that room, supposedly with her body underneath it. That has to be a fake picture. And fiunally, what is the deal about a pubic or alternative hair on the blanket if she was truthfully cut down and not covered by a blanket. Oh, why was this blanket in a room used as a wine cellar?

Merci beaucoup Scandi
She wasn't hanging, and never hung. Her wrist had no marks on them. The ligatures on the arms were very loose.

It is true that they found a pubic hair.

JB was found tucked in in the blanket found on the wincellar floor.
The blanket was taken from JARs room.
I read a thread at jamesons a while ago where a poster asked if there was paint on JonBenet's body. It was a thread that jameson didn't comment on - which is unusual (she usually comments on bizzare question threads). Could be it was too bizarre ot maybe she thought the poster was just a nut - or maybe she didn't want to post for some other reason.
Jayelles said:
I read a thread at jamesons a while ago where a poster asked if there was paint on JonBenet's body. It was a thread that jameson didn't comment on - which is unusual (she usually comments on bizzare question threads). Could be it was too bizarre ot maybe she thought the poster was just a nut - or maybe she didn't want to post for some other reason.
Hmmm...does send up red flags when Jameson doesn't take the bait on those bizarre questions!!

I thought the rest of the paintbrush was found somewhere in the general area - perhaps Patsy' paintbox?

I agree, she wasn't hung. The autopsy doesn't support that.

The feces is another matter entirely. If that's true, it's still something others know about so this doesn't make Karr knowledgeable of something exclusive to the perp and LE.

Aside: If that poor child was left in that manner, I'm just sickened all over again. :furious: :eek: :furious:
scandi said:
Has anyone ever wondered if the paint brush handle was broken while he was using it inside of her, and as it broke a sliver went into her skin? One point TH's have stated is the other part of the brush is missing that was used as a garotte. I'm wondering if he might have slipped it back inside of her and this was kept out of the autopsy report.

Not meaning to start a rumor! Scandi
I wondered about that too.
I heard the feces rumor way back in the early days of the case - can't remember where - but I also was told by Tracey that it was definitely false (not that he would necessarily be forthcoming with me). So, I don't know if that is fact or fiction.
tumble said:
She wasn't hanging, and never hung. Her wrist had no marks on them. The ligatures on the arms were very loose.

It is true that they found a pubic hair.

JB was found tucked in in the blanket found on the wincellar floor.
The blanket was taken from JARs room.

Do you mean the white blanket she was found tucked into in the winecellar? I've never heard it came from JAR's room. I thought eithor it was on her bed or in the dryer outside her room. Can you tell me where you heard this bit of info?
If John Walsh said that, he is grossly misinformed or uninformed. JonBenet was not hanged, and she was not "cut down". The appearance of the body and the autopsy results clearly indicate that she was not.

There is no mention of feces in the mouth in the autopsy report.

There are really enough intriguing facts in this case to discuss without the necessity of inventing or injecting rumors and misinformation.

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