secret details

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Okay...feces in the mouth? Patsy, whom I believe was responsible for JonBenet's death would not do that to JonBenet. Before you start flaming this statment I made....(so what...she strangled and bashed her daughter over the head...why not place feces in her mouth?) I still believe this is far-fetched.

If this Karr guy says that he left the (missing) part of the paintbrush inside JonBenet's vagina....and it proves to be true, anyone can make that statement if they followed this case. A wild guess is what I'm saying.
I remember reading that JB had gotten a ring and bracelet for Christmas. Little girls love jewelry, and I wonder if she was wearing them at night, and if they were on her body when it was found, or were they perhaps in her room.

Could JMK have taken one of these items, to keep as a souvenir?
No. Meyer describes both the bracelet and the ring on JonBenet in his autopsy. He also states that her necklace has gotten entwined in the cord around her neck.
Darlene733510 said:
A few years ago, here in FL, a little boy died. His head was rammed in the toilet bowel so many times that he had skull fractures. I think his last name was McGee. He had toilet training problems, and was killed because he had an accident.

Does anyone remember this. I can't remember if he was in a foster home or with his own Mother, but these horrible things do happen. I think this little boy had been removed from the home because of suspected abuse, and when he was returned to the home they killed him.
I am acquainted with a family whose older son is a bed wetter. I have witnessed him receive the cruelest of treatment by his parents. Their disgust, embarassment and rage at this problem has deteriorated to the point he is treated like a colossal screw-up, disappointment, inept, lazy, stupid kid. This is not his treatment in public, mind you, but in the home, the whole family treats him like a loser.

Do I believe a parent can "lose it" over bedwetting? Yes I do.
If you go to:-

This is the Boulder house search warrant. Notice that there is a sentence blacked out. I wonder if this contained a detail which they decided to keep secret?

Or was this something about the monte cristo cigar box that was mentioned on the forums some time ago?
Or was it a detail about something being placed under her head? That wouldn't be a secret detail because there ARE people who know about that:-
Darlene733510 said:
I remember reading that JB had gotten a ring and bracelet for Christmas. Little girls love jewelry, and I wonder if she was wearing them at night, and if they were on her body when it was found, or were they perhaps in her room.

Could JMK have taken one of these items, to keep as a souvenir?

Darlene.........they were found on her body.....pretty sure.
I'll PM you! not believe for one minute that this JMK did it!

Love_Mama said:
Darlene.........they were found on her body.....pretty sure.
I'll PM you! not believe for one minute that this JMK did it!

The ring and bracelet were on her during the autopsy.

A red-ink drawing of a heart was on the palm of her left hand, and a gold cross hung around her neck. She also was wearing an identification bracelet stamped "JonBenet 12-25-96" and a ring on her right hand.

Also secured around the neck is a gold chain with a single charm in the form of
a cross.


On the middle finger of the right
hand is a yellow metal band. Around the right wrist is a yellow
metal identification bracelet with the name "JonBenet" on one
side and the date "12/25/96" on the other side.
Jayelles said:
If you go to:-

This is the Boulder house search warrant. Notice that there is a sentence blacked out. I wonder if this contained a detail which they decided to keep secret?
I went to your link and began is page 2 of the search warrant. This struck me as VERY odd. In the second paragraph, in the last sentence, it states Fleet White came running upstairs, grabbed the phone, and then yelled for someone to call an ambulance.

Why, after grabbing the phone yourself and having it in your hand, would you yell for someone else to call an ambulance?

Probably nothing...but it's odd to me.

Edited to add: Who was Fleet White calling?
Jayelles said:
If you go to:-

This is the Boulder house search warrant. Notice that there is a sentence blacked out. I wonder if this contained a detail which they decided to keep secret?

Or was this something about the monte cristo cigar box that was mentioned on the forums some time ago?
Or was it a detail about something being placed under her head? That wouldn't be a secret detail because there ARE people who know about that:-


It could be that, but if Det. Michael Everett noticed something then I guess so did Fleet White, remember his desire to immediately return to the scene of the crime?

How would Det. Michael Everett know where exactly JonBenet's head would have been positioned?

Could the cigar box just be another item left in the wine-cellar that we are ascribing importance to?

I reckon it is a redacted piece of information regarding an observation in the wine-cellar.

Heck, I read in the National Enquirer a few years back. Not so big of secret!
Plus the talking head slipped!
Jayelles said:
If you go to:-

This is the Boulder house search warrant. Notice that there is a sentence blacked out. I wonder if this contained a detail which they decided to keep secret?

Or was this something about the monte cristo cigar box that was mentioned on the forums some time ago?
Or was it a detail about something being placed under her head? That wouldn't be a secret detail because there ARE people who know about that:-
That is interesting.
newtv said:
the thing I dont get is how on the one hand everyone says the ramseys staged it all and they were up all night doing if I was going to stage a murder scene where I killed my child over bed wetting, the last thing on earth I am going to do is put feces in her mouth..or alternatley, I am not going to leave it in her mouth.
If they had all night to stage this why not clean up her mouth..didnt someone say she was wiped down even her labia?
On the other hand a pervert could do it if she soiled herself in fear..people are capable of anything when they are as sick as Karr seems to be.
And steve thomas said it was a bed wetting rage theory not a pooping the bed scenario.
Further, on the one hand the guilty side suggests patsy kept a pig sty..but all of a sudden she is going to fly into a murderous rage over bedwetting.
But what really doesnt make sense is that a woman who endured cancer treatments, where she would puke, possibly be incontinent herself, and very helpless, would all of a sudden value a dry bed for job benet. I think when u have been as sick as patsy would have been having cancer, you do not care if your kid wets her bed.
You realize how little control one has about anything.
Not that I really believe in the alleged feces in JB's mouth or on her body, but maybe Patsy, when staging the scene, didn't clean up enough, and traces were left behind.
In terms of cancer changing people's behavior: from what I have observed (among them very close family members), the people diagnosed with cancer did not change much after the diagnosis. Those who had been fighters before remained fighters afterward, and vice versa. Nasty people did not change one bit, especially after they had some hope again that they would survive, after which they pretty quickly slipped back into their old behavior patterns. Just my personal observations though.
But Patsy's cancer may have exhausted her physically to the point that she flew of the handle more easily than before.
julianne said:
I went to your link and began is page 2 of the search warrant. This struck me as VERY odd. In the second paragraph, in the last sentence, it states Fleet White came running upstairs, grabbed the phone, and then yelled for someone to call an ambulance.

Why, after grabbing the phone yourself and having it in your hand, would you yell for someone else to call an ambulance?

Probably nothing...but it's odd to me.

Edited to add: Who was Fleet White calling?

Heh...I would do that, if I was freaked out enough. I was recently in a car accident where my car was totaled and everyone was OK but I was very shaken up...I had that adrenaline "fight or flight" thing going on. I did ask to use someone else's phone because I couldn't find mine, when it was in MY HAND. I had taken it out of my purse to call the police but then someone else already called them.

I imagine if I had found a murdered child I would act about the same way.

I like to be calm cool and collected but things don't always work that way.
gsquared said:
Remember, there were redactions in the autopsy report.

But also remember that the redacted autopsy report was released Feb 14, 1997.

On Aug 13, 1997 the complete autopsy report was grudginly released by Dr Meyer.

Meyer has long claimed that release of the report could harm the investigation. Parts of the autopsy were released on Feb. 14. When the seal on the rest of the report came up for renewal May 15, a district court judge ordered most of the rest released. Meyer unsuccessfully appealed the release all the way to the state supreme court.
sariebell said:
If I recall correctly, the pubic hair was JAR's and was found on a blanket inside a suitcase which contained the blanket and a children's book. This suitcase was somewhere near the broken window in the basement. It's been awhile, so my brain is rusty on these details.

I remember the "slip" about John cutting her down. It has been discussed a lot on here and it was interesting, but perhaps only a misstatement. I think the body would have shown obvious signs if she were hung up by her hands/arms.

I find it hard to believe there are any secrets left. We have all seen the autopsy photos, read the coroner's report, etc. I think Karr is a fruitcake, but that's just my opinion.

I will say that I am excited to see a renewal of interest in this case even if it is due to overzealous media and a kook that insinuates himself into a sensational murder case.
It wasn't a pubic hair, it was an ancillary hair and I'm pretty sure it wasn't traced to Patsy, it remains unidentified I thought.
As far as I've been able to determine, the determination of whether the hair in question is a pubic hair or an ancillary hair from the arm and/or chest, has never been publicly announced. It is apparently a curly hair, which makes the mere visual determination difficult.

The best information is that it was never matched to any individual, and might belong to the killer of JonBenét.

Microscopic hair comparison is not an exact science, and some previous convictions based on that kind of comparison have been reversed when DNA samples later showed that the convicted person was not the killer/rapist.

If the hair found on the blanket can be 'matched' to JMK, it would be powerful evidence against him. If it can't be 'matched, but other evidence could place him at the crime, the hair will be discounted by prosecution.

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