Senate Candidate Roy Moore accused of molesting 14yo girl

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Good article!

Maybe there is no rock bottom for the Alabama Republican Party.

Maybe it’s just that mushy mud that you find on the bottom of the Tennessee River, and the ALGOP just keeps burrowing deeper and deeper into the muck and filth.

Thursday brought on a new bout of digging, with a familiar face behind the shovel.
Roy Moore. The ever-constant posterboy for what is wrong in Alabama politics.

Too much Bible thumping. Too much holier-than-thou. Too much greed. Too much law breaking. Too much self-involvement.

For a man who has been twice removed as Alabama’s chief justice, and in a state that has watched its governor and House speaker be convicted and booted from office in this election cycle, it is hard to shock people.

Child sexual assault allegations will do it every time.
Roy Moore’s attacks on gay people look even more sinister in light of the allegation that he molested a 14-year-old girl.

During his two abridged terms as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, he stated that homosexuality is “an inherent evil” that renders gay people “unfit parent.” After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, Moore refused to recognize the validity of its decision, declaring that he could not condemn children to be “raised in unnatural families that contradict the created order.”

Homosexual conduct is, and has been, considered abhorrent, immoral, detestable, a crime against nature, and a violation of the laws of nature and of nature’s God upon which this Nation and our laws are predicated. Such conduct violates both the criminal and civil laws of this State and is destructive to a basic building block of society—the family...

Such behavior has a destructive and seriously detrimental effect on the children. It is an inherent evil against which children must be protected.

“The great sufferers will be the children,” he added, “who are raised in unnatural families that contradict the created order.”

I can hardly believe this guy has a job.
Moore is bad, but then add his admirers. They are super scary as well
Bannon is out tonight talking about "collusion." I wish he'd take a bath.
I live in Alabama and am horrified by everyone’s support of Moore after these allegations. It seems the majority of my state would rather have a republican in Senate than a Democrat no matter what, even if it means they’re a pediphile. Case in point, Trump. Alabama went to Trump during presidential elections even after all the mistreatment if women was uncovered. It’s maddening.
Age of concent is so very young in many states.

Question is, what was it?

I have to confess, at 18 I lived with and loved someone who was 32 years old for six years... Was it not without controversy? No. Was it real love? Yes.

This was the 70's. Why are we surprised? Why are we so Victorian all of a sudden?

I absolutely abhor a wild boar miscreant like Weinstein. I think to myself, how could anyone SO unattractive wield such power? Money? Fame? Really? Bleck!

And yet, here we are. All I know is my experience. And I would never take it back. But not everyone is met by love. Some are met by an empty quest for power. And that is so, so sad...

If a wanna be senator was cruising young chicks for his own kicks, then frick him. He is a dime a dosen. Screw him.

But this senator wanna be is slamming every other group, then Alabama where are you?
New accuser coming forward today at 2:30 pm EST in New York City to state Moore assaulted her when she was a minor, per MSNBC.

I heard part of his interview on Hannity, he would not give a straight answer as to whether as a 32 y/ o man he did or did not date teenage girls, and Hannity asked that question more than once..... he said “ not generally” or something like that, basically saying he did. Disgusting!

I didn’t know who this man was until this business started, and after seeing him on the news, all I can say is, he gives me the creeps, big time, I swear he has the eyes of a predator! How did he ever get where he is today, but then sadly it seems they’re everywhere you look.
I have friends who grew up and still live in Gadsden, where Moore is from. its pretty much an open secret there. the man had been elected then kicked out of three positions.

I heard part of his interview on Hannity, he would not give a straight answer as to whether as a 32 y/ o man he did or did not date teenage girls, and Hannity asked that question more than once..... he said “ not generally” or something like that, basically saying he did. Disgusting!

I didn’t know who this man was until this business started, and after seeing him on the news, all I can say is, he gives me the creeps, big time, I swear he has the eyes of a predator! How did he ever get where he is today, but then sadly it seems they’re everywhere you look.
I have friends who grew up and still live in Gadsden, where Moore is from. its pretty much an open secret there. the man had been elected then kicked out of three positions.

Elected in his earlier years , and then kicked out? Then he went on to get elected again in what positions? If you know. I think the dude's a creep, so just curious, TIA :wave:
Roy Moore just told Sean Hannity in a radio interview broadcast on CNN: "I don't remember dating any girl without the permission of their mothers." !!!

You know what bothers me about this statement? Because there are religious sects, in Alabama, that foster courtship and marriage of teens to adult men. And there is an expectation that parents must grant approval. But NOT THE MOTHER. Such groups (and Moore's Independent Baptist Church tends in that direction) are very patriarchal. Some buy into the icky ritual of "promise rings" given to girls by their FATHERS--promising chastity until marriage. Fathers are expected to oversee the courtship, which is regarded as a time of preparation for marriage, learning to be a "helpmeet."

Recalling that the 14 year old was at the courthouse, with her mother--who was there for divorce/custody hearing--perhaps he was going after girls from split families, who would not have a protective father available? Hence, asking permission of the mothers. The mother of one of the girls he "dated" did apparently recall sending him away at an earlier point, saying "don't rob the cradle." Folks who go after children frequently look for such situations, where they can pretend to offer some missing "male role model" type of guidance.
Roy Moore: "These allegations are completely false."

And there he goes...using female relatives as deflection, as if having a daughter makes him unable to molest children. Being a horrible person and a child molester has zero to do with what gender your children are.

So, does he have a daughter AND a step-daughter? Or just the step-daughter. Very worried about what that kiddo had to grow up with.
Elected in his earlier years , and then kicked out? Then he went on to get elected again in what positions? If you know. I think the dude's a creep, so just curious, TIA :wave:

He was a judge and removed from the bench twice that I know of. One was for defying a court order to remove an engraved version of the Ten Commandments from the courthouse. The other was when he defied court orders to follow the law in performing marriages for people who are gay. He has supporters who believe that he was a Christian taking a courageous stand against the government. Pretty hard to see how that stretches to the current accusations, however.

That is according to an Op-Ed published in the Los Angeles Times by Kathryn Brightbill, now a legislative analyst for the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, a non-profit that advocates for the interests of home-schools children.

Brightbill writes that she grew up being homeschooled in a family that was part of the Christian evangelicalism movement, where “14-year-olds courting adult men isn’t uncommon.”

“I use the phrase ’14-year-old girls courting adult men,'” she explains, “rather than ‘adult men courting 14-year-old girls’ for a reason: Evangelicals routinely frame these relationships in those terms.”

Lots of info in this article. Here is a little more

She explains much of “the sexual abuse that takes place in Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, or IFB, churches involves adult men targeting 14-to-16-year-old girls. If caught, the teenage victim may be forced to repent the ‘sin’ of having seduced an adult man.”

Moore, according to his Pastor Tom Brown, has attended the First Baptist Church in Alabama for most of his life, an IFB congregation.

While American law, and conventional wisdom, is that the adult male is the one who is responsible for taking advantage of a girl who is too young to be blamed, this group of sicko’s turns that on its head, blaming the girl for seducing the older man, and making it impossible for him to turn her down.

That was the argument in an appeal filed by Jack Schaap, 56-years-old and married, who was the pastor of a 15,000-member downtown mega-church and president of Hyles-Anderson College in Indiana in 2014 when he was convicted of molesting a 16-year-old girl and was sentenced to 12-years in prison.

The girl had approached Schaap for counseling. She later wrote to the investigators that the pastor has “violated my trust. But when it was being violated, I didn’t even know it because he made me believe what we were doing was OK and right in the eyes of God.”
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