Senate Candidate Roy Moore accused of molesting 14yo girl

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My take on this, is, imo, his colleagues even spoke about him dating teens, and everyone thought it was weird. If his former colleagues even knew about it at the time, then yes, I believe that he did what was said. He's gonna try to dig up dirt on these girls (women) now. For it to be rumored, that he was banned from a mall, that's pretty bad, public, behaviour. The fact that he called a school, to ask a student for a date, says something too. Neither of them good.
An anti-Moore rally in Birmingham, AL today was attended by many progressive pastors in the nation including Bishop William Barber, former head of the NC NAACP. On Friday more than 50 AL pastors started letter protesting Moore. FoxNews/
Defiant Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore sticks with homophobic supporters

Similar sentiments are coming from local-level Republicans such as Steve Morgan, the vice chairman of the Bibb County GOP in rural central Alabama, who says he doesn’t know what to make of the allegations against Moore but is frustrated by the involvement of those who live outside of Alabama—starting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other national leaders who have abandoned Moore.

“The people in Alabama don’t like to be told what to do,” said Morgan, 69, who did not support Moore in the GOP primary.

“I never liked Roy Moore,” he continued. “But guess what? I’m voting for Roy Moore because I hate the stupidity that has invaded the Republican Party.”

He doesn't know what to make of the allegations. Come on.

Interesting. It is not about his candidate's behavior. It is about being told that the man should step aside. Politics and power over the protecting children. I certainly hope that all men in prison for actions against teens take notice and begin to use the rationale given by the party in Alabama-- they might have a case for an appeal.

I find it hard to believe that this is the thinking in my country. So many conservative values are being thrown out the window in order to keep a senate seat.
An anti-Moore rally in Birmingham, AL today was attended by many progressive pastors in the nation including Bishop William Barber, former head of the NC NAACP. On Friday more than 50 AL pastors started letter protesting Moore. FoxNews/

Well Hell-O Pete, 50, AL pastors turned out. AL is much like here, you can't hardly drive a mile without seeing a church. Thanks to you 50, though, much appreciated, but come ON now. I disagree with him on quite a few political views, but I will say, Thank you, to Mitch McConnell, for saying that Roy Moore is unfit to serve. At least Ky. saved face on this one.
Interesting. It is not about his candidates behavior. It is about being told that the man should step aside. Politics and power over the protecting children. I certainly hope that all men in prison for actions against teens take notice and begin to use the rationale given by the party in Alabama-- they might have a case for an appeal.

I find it hard to believe that this is the thinking in my country. So many conservative values are being thrown out the window in order to keep a senate seat.

I wonder, if, under the exact, same conditions, only toss in that it was found out that he was also an atheist...would this exact same scenario of support, be playing out, in the same way? :thinking:

That is according to an Op-Ed published in the Los Angeles Times by Kathryn Brightbill, now a legislative analyst for the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, a non-profit that advocates for the interests of home-schools children.

Brightbill writes that she grew up being homeschooled in a family that was part of the Christian evangelicalism movement, where “14-year-olds courting adult men isn’t uncommon.”

“I use the phrase ’14-year-old girls courting adult men,'” she explains, “rather than ‘adult men courting 14-year-old girls’ for a reason: Evangelicals routinely frame these relationships in those terms.”

Lots of info in this article. Here is a little more

She explains much of “the sexual abuse that takes place in Independent Fundamentalist Baptist, or IFB, churches involves adult men targeting 14-to-16-year-old girls. If caught, the teenage victim may be forced to repent the ‘sin’ of having seduced an adult man.”

Moore, according to his Pastor Tom Brown, has attended the First Baptist Church in Alabama for most of his life, an IFB congregation.

While American law, and conventional wisdom, is that the adult male is the one who is responsible for taking advantage of a girl who is too young to be blamed, this group of sicko’s turns that on its head, blaming the girl for seducing the older man, and making it impossible for him to turn her down.

That was the argument in an appeal filed by Jack Schaap, 56-years-old and married, who was the pastor of a 15,000-member downtown mega-church and president of Hyles-Anderson College in Indiana in 2014 when he was convicted of molesting a 16-year-old girl and was sentenced to 12-years in prison.

The girl had approached Schaap for counseling. She later wrote to the investigators that the pastor has “violated my trust. But when it was being violated, I didn’t even know it because he made me believe what we were doing was OK and right in the eyes of God.”

I did read something on one branch of the Baptist Church that did do that purity thing. Now that's just weird. They do something like it for boys too. The kids wear a ring and pledge they'll remain abstinent until marriage. There is no way in Hades that my father would have went to some sort of weird ***** like that.
Pastor supporting Moore: 'More women are sexual predators than men'

A pastor who supports Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) blasted the allegations of sexual harassment against Moore, saying they’re part of a “war on men.”

"More women are sexual predators than men," Pastor Franklin Raddish of Independent Baptist Ministries, a nationwide church, told Alabama news outlet "Women are chasing young boys up and down the road, but we don't hear about that because it's not PC."

Please, old white man, tell us more about the "war on men".
Leigh Corfman, the woman who said she was sexually assaulted by Moore when she was 14, will be interviewed on NBC'S Today show Monday am. This weekend a former coworker of Corfman's confirmed her account, according to interview on MSNBC.
Pastor supporting Moore: 'More women are sexual predators than men'

Please, old white man, tell us more about the "war on men".

This man is not just preaching extremist values, imo he's perverting the Gospel, to suit his own depravity. No two people will read the Bible, in the exact same way, however, what Moore, and his followers are spouting, seems close to heresy. It is no wonder that young people are moving away from the churches.

I am not saying that males cannot be victims of sexual assault, and I'm sure that some women are predators (see the numbers of fired, female, school teachers, in the news, which is dumbfounding), and, our spouse abuse shelters did have to assist a male, on occasion, but, by no means, is the majority of sexual predators, female. That's a flat out lie. There are very few females, who I know, self included, who have not experienced some form of sexual impropriety, from an aggressive, (and sober), male. "Boys will be boys" doesn't cut it when it comes to this, they are not dogs in heat, and shouldn't act as such.

Victims of Sexual Violence Stats
Well, all sin did start with women after all!:gaah:

Although Eve did sin, she was deceived by the serpent (Satan), who had already been cast out of Heaven for his own sin, of pride, in his beauty and coveting God's throne. He gets tossed out, and lands in the garden, where he deceives, and lies to, Eve. Adam, on the other hand was not deceived, and partook of the fruit willingly. Later, in the Garden, who did God call to first? Adam.
‘So vote Roy Moore?’: ‘Fox & Friends’ flusters Kellyanne Conway

Sensing an endorsement of sorts in Conway’s words, co-host Brian Kilmeade interjected, “So vote Roy Moore?”

Maybe because she didn’t expect pushback, Conway seemed a bit wobbly in her comeback: “I’m telling you that we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through. And if the media were really concerned about all these allegations and that’s what this was truly about … Al Franken would be on the ash heap of bygone, half-funny comedians. He wouldn’t be here on Capitol Hill.”
As a resident of Alabama, I am totally humiliated by Roy Moore. I have never liked him. He was quick to thump the Bible (Just like our Governor that got released of his duties for having an affair). Alabama has typically been a RED state but will more than likely go BLUE. How can anyone vote for the piece of trash Roy Moore.
A few months ago, President Trump came to Huntsville to endorse Luther Strange.
Luther Strange and Roy Moore were in the run-offs. Roy Moore won.
Hoping some good comes out of all this. Hope those that were at the hands of Roy Moore can move forward from the trauma of being exposed to him.
Thank goodness someone is putting the tax bill above pedophilia. I have not been able to sleep thinking of the tax cuts the billionaires may not get or their private jets being impacted, Thanks Kelleyanne!

My heart just freakin' bleeds for their poor, rich, souls.
Leigh Corfman, the woman who said she was sexually assaulted by Moore when she was 14, will be interviewed on NBC'S Today show Monday am. This weekend a former coworker of Corfman's confirmed her account, according to interview on MSNBC.

I watched it. It was heartbreaking.

This weekend I also watched the Elizabeth Smart story on A&E. Elizabeth Smart was 14 when a religious man wanted her to be his bride, too. How is anyone okay with this?
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