Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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B_lab. Excellent. Does this mean you have time to sleuth swimming pools, sun angles, computer activity and the like? :D

Ohhh, I shudder to think... you know, I was juust thinking, maybe I need to check out the BK site... to dive back into that text by text again, just what I need. I will eventually, I know it...
I corrected my post to read NOT leave any trace... GRRR with the 15 minute rule for editing. LOL

That 15 minute edit rule is brutal.

My Aggies advance to the Sweet Sixteen....double OT...I need a drink
That timeline makes sense to me.....maybe? If the sex pics were manipulated, there was no need for her to even be in his house at those timestamps. The box for his camera was in his office, perhaps the camera was too. Travis certainly didn't leave it sitting by a beanbag chair in his loft when he went to bed after 4:30AM. thing struck me a bit ago. Zach would have noticed if the dog fence was up when he came home at 3. It wasn't. So she was still in the house if she'd already killed Travis. And she hadn't put up the fence yet. Or....again?

One more consideration about that doggy fence. When did it get put up and by whom? Not by Travis, because he let Naps go anywhere in the house. By her.

When? She had to have kept Naps downstairs while she killed Travis. There were no bloody pawprints anywhere, not to mention how much he would have been barking and losing it while that killed his beloved master.

So, just how was it she managed to put up that dog fence without Travis noticing she was doing it? And if she put it up before she killed him, why was it down when Zach came home?

I really wish one side or the other had authenticated the time stamps on at least the sex pics, if not the showers ones as well. Considering all the sex pics had been overwritten by subsequent pics there is reason to wonder if EnCase was drawing the time information from the memory stick itself, I can't really answer the 3+ hour gap between the times though.

Didn't Enrique mention the dog fence being up? I didn't reread his interview when I had Flores' report up but I recall someone mentioning that Travis would have put them up to keep Naps off the freshly cleaned floors. I suppose she could have put Naps in the downstairs bathroom before she began the attack and then just moved the fence up to the stairs before she left (after Zach left around 4:00).
Okay, this is the last pics of the ho I am going to post, and remember my prior post about brown leather couches. My buddy enlarged and lightened the pic to show the backround. Holy sheep crap, I wonder if the pics were taken in Travis' home?


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Okay, this is the last pics of the ho I am going to post, and remember my prior post about brown leather couches. My buddy enlarged and lightened the pic to show the backround. Holy sheep crap, I wonder if the pics were taken in Travis' home?

That's his shade of carpet? I'm judging yes from the murder scene. And this carpet looks to be in good condition: nothing Jodi would ever have owned/rented....

Those photos look way better than the kind TA took.

Wonder if those photos were taken while Travis was out? With her wearing his shirts? Is there any evidence he knew about these photos? She let some guy into his house to take the photos?

Do we know if those are Travis' shirts?

This is getting more sicko-psycho by the minute.
(sigh.... almost double quoting)

I think the reason the second quote is screwed up is because you are missing the / on the End Quote tag. It should look like this [/QUOTE]. You may need to manually type that in to fix the quote. I know HTML.
She is FOS. Why would she risk being pulled over in AZ, if she was trying to leave any trace of being there? She is such a bad liar!! I need to go revisit the "elephant" thread to see what Kathy posted about the area. Too much to pull from my non Einstein brain, especially after having no sleep and too much loud music last night. :beersign:

Oh, Travis had 2 brown leather sofas and chairs. ;)

Yes, because an upside down license plate is more conspicuous, not less as in less readable to get caught.
Well, well, well. Hadn't caught it before. But as well as that little snippet about parking the UHaul around the corner, was this--

That she didn't want to hang out with his church friends because it would be awkward, because of LISA.

That's the same Lisa she never knew Travis dated. Well, not until pefect strangers came into where she was working (maybe) in late March 2008 to tell her about Lisa. After TA had already broken it off.

And yet, it wasn't awkward being at his memorial with his church friends and family??? Crazy.
Okay, this is the last pics of the ho I am going to post, and remember my prior post about brown leather couches. My buddy enlarged and lightened the pic to show the backround. Holy sheep crap, I wonder if the pics were taken in Travis' home?

Thanks so much for posting those pics. I love getting new info in the case to explore.

I was assuming the brown leather couches were in the main room where TA had the floor cleaner sitting out at the time of the murder. I believe that room was described as a tile floor by his roommate. No mention of carpeting in that room that I"m aware of?
Okay, this is the last pics of the ho I am going to post, and remember my prior post about brown leather couches. My buddy enlarged and lightened the pic to show the backround. Holy sheep crap, I wonder if the pics were taken in Travis' home?

Like a dog marking it's territory...
That's his shade of carpet? I'm judging yes from the murder scene. And this carpet looks to be in good condition: nothing Jodi would ever have owned/rented....

Those photos look way better than the kind TA took.

Wonder if those photos were taken while Travis was out? With her wearing his shirts? Is there any evidence he knew about these photos? She let some guy into his house to take the photos?

Do we know if those are Travis' shirts?

This is getting more sicko-psycho by the minute.

She didn't hesitate to bake cookies there, sneak in whether he was home or not, sleep in his bed, sleep under his Christmas tree, hack his computer, steal his ring and his journals. Why wouldn't she feel okay take photos at his house without his knowledge?
Thanks so much for posting those pics. I love getting new info in the case to explore.

I was assuming the brown leather couches were in the main room where TA had the floor cleaner sitting out at the time of the murder. I believe that room was described as a tile floor by his roommate. No mention of carpeting in that room that I"m aware of?

Wasn't all the blood from the "wildebeest stampede" on carpet? Otherwise she could have washed it off on June 4.

I'll swear I've seen a navy shirt with fine stripe on Travis in a photo.
Geevee (or anyone else who doesn't think they sex that day):

The last timestamp on sex pics was around 1:44PM, the shower pics don't begin until after 5PM. Even if the timestamps are wrong overall (off by whatever amount of time), aren't they off a consistent amount of time? As in, whatever was happening at what is stamped 1:44, there are hours in between those pics and the shower pics. Aren't there? And if there are not, how does that work?

The camera may have needed charging... it required at least four hours to charge when the battery ran down, according to Sony's PDF.

"2 Connect the battery charger to the wall outlet (wall socket).
The CHARGE lamp lights on, and charging starts.
When the CHARGE lamp turns off, charging is finished (Practical charge).
If you continue charging the battery pack for about one more hour (until it is fully charged), the charge
will last slightly longer.

Charging time
• Time required to charge a fully depleted battery pack
at a temperature of 25°C (77°F). Charging may take
longer under certain circumstances or conditions.
• See page 32 for the number of images that can be recorded.
• Connect the battery charger to an easily accessible wall outlet (wall socket) close by.
• Even if the CHARGE lamp is not lit, the battery charger is not disconnected from the AC power source
(mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet (wall socket). If some trouble occurs while using the
battery charger, immediately shut off the power by disconnecting the plug from the wall outlet (wall
• When charging is finished, disconnect the power cord
(mains lead) from the wall outlet (wall socket), and
remove the battery pack from the battery charger.
• Designed for use with compatible Sony batteries.

Full charge time Practical charge time
Approx. 330 min. Approx. 270 min."
Since the defense didn't haul out the CVS receipt and show what was purchased, they apparently didn't need the jury to see what it was either, which is why my thoughts were something that puts a minor question to the sex Midol for cramp relief or something along those lines. Could have just been any pain reliever, I guess, but at 6.37 it was a cheap something.

Caffeine pills are really cheap.
Putting aside the contentious question of whether or not they had sex that day (please), what are possible timelines for the 4th?

Taking into account-

1. The timestamps may or may not be accurate.

2. Zach was there between 3-4, and neither heard or saw Travis or the , and nothing seemed out of order to him.

3. Whatever she was doing with the camera, she did something with it that put specific timestamps on most of the sex pics recovered.

4. Unless she reset the camera's time in between the 1st set of pics and the second shower set, there are over 3 hours to account for
between the time of sex pics and the shower pics.

5. TA's computer was accessed at some time in the afternoon between the set of pics.

6. She couldn't have parked in the driveway or in the garage.

I would like to know re #2, if that included the doggy fence that iirc was keeping Naps downstairs.
Ummm, I think she did actually have a suitcase. However, I think it stayed in the car. The reason I think she had a suitcase was that she was planning to go to Cancun. Plus, she talks about "suitcase" and "luggage" with EF, IIRC. The words strike me as bizarre unless she was planning a plane trip. I mean, who goes couch surfing with "luggage"?

So while there's bwahahaha BS about TA helping her with the luggage, the fact that she had some, IMO, is not in any doubt.

I wonder if RB helped her with her luggage... did anyone ever ask him if she had any? I would think she might have had a change or two of clothes with her, she was supposed to be going to some PPL function/dinner, correct?
Is that the roommates car in the photo or her rental car?? I thought she parked down the block and had something smaller.

Given the police tape around it, I'm guessing it was the roommate's, unless it belonged to whoever drove over with Mimi that night to go check on TA.
There was a community pool with a parking lot around the corner that she'd previously admitted parking the U-haul.

Hmm, from looking at this map(click on the map bit to scroll in and then use the street view to see the little park that's kitty corner across the street, can't see parking, just a basketball court), I can't see anything close by where she could have parked a big U-haul truck, unless she was talking about that big open area with a waterhole on the other side of S Meridian Rd.
Thanks so much for posting those pics. I love getting new info in the case to explore.

I was assuming the brown leather couches were in the main room where TA had the floor cleaner sitting out at the time of the murder. I believe that room was described as a tile floor by his roommate. No mention of carpeting in that room that I"m aware of?

TA's down stair's living area was tiled. The carpet in the one pic looks wall to wall, not an area rug. Thinking the pics weren't taken at TA's.

But, again...for what purpose, these pics of clothes half off with jump my bones expressions?

Maybe it wasn't the LDS Linkup site she was referring to when we said she opened an online account and the response for dates had been "getting out of hand."
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