Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #5

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Geevee!!! I'm double quoting!!! Thank you!

IIRC, didn't TA ask her for the key/pass code for wireless access in one of the texts? A friend had asked to print some pictures using TA's printer but needed access to his wireless.

So, she could've used her laptop to access his laptop activity from his or her car using access to his wireless.

She knew all of his passwords and codes- all of them. For ATM, bank, garage, wireless, TA blog, TA website, iTunes, the website for his T-shirt business ( which she hacked), his MySpace and FB accts, and for his cell phone.

Ummm, I think she did actually have a suitcase. However, I think it stayed in the car. The reason I think she had a suitcase was that she was planning to go to Cancun. Plus, she talks about "suitcase" and "luggage" with EF, IIRC. The words strike me as bizarre unless she was planning a plane trip. I mean, who goes couch surfing with "luggage"?
(sigh.... almost double quoting)

I just meant that she didn't bring luggage per se into his house. On the stand she listed: suitcase, backpack, laptop, purse, and camera bag with 2 cameras.

Nah. Her car wasn't nearby, she had no need of a suitcase because she didn't spend the night least not in any conventional sense.
IIRC, didn't TA ask her for the key/pass code for wireless access in one of the texts? A friend had asked to print some pictures using TA's printer but needed access to his wireless.

So, she could've used her laptop to access his laptop activity from his or her car using access to his wireless.

Hope, look at how the light hits the house. The shadows over the windows? Versus the light that comes pouring in to the bathroom in that murder-scene photo?

Also, wow, so many white cars parked on that street. Maybe JA could have parked in someone else's driveway? She could have parked in TA's garage? She often did park in the garage, right?

Checking the light in a sec on a better screen

Car in the garage or driveway. Not before Zach and Enrique left in the AM, because they would have seen her car, and not in the afternoon, because Zach would have seen it when he was there between 3-4pm.
IIRC, didn't TA ask her for the key/pass code for wireless access in one of the texts? A friend had asked to print some pictures using TA's printer but needed access to his wireless.

So, she could've used her laptop to access his laptop activity from his or her car using access to his wireless.

One possibility.

If Travis' camera was set to Greenwich time by default(-7 hours). Travis doesn't even know how to upload pictures to his website. Would he bother to set AZ time on his camera?

YouTube activity
4:08 am Daft Drunk- two drunk girls dancing
4:11 am Daft hands
4:15am Daft Hands Double Speed

-Youtube web proxy video
4:24 am

-G mail
4:30 am
4:33 am
4:35 am

-Enrique leaves
6 am

-Nude pictures (?????????????????)
6:42 am - 6:47 am

-Shower pictures
10:22 am - 10:33 am

-Chris texts to Travis
JA to Chris
12:13 pm

- Spybot access
1:44 pm or 2:44 pm (Neumeister or Brown)

-Zach comes home 3 - 4 pm (JA in bedroom w/door locked)

-Last activities on T's laptop
3:34 pm - When Martinez was directing Melendez
4:19 pm - Per Flores report (email activity)
4:54 pm - When Wilmott was crossing Melendez

-Enrique comes home
6 - 6:30 pm

That timeline makes sense to me.....maybe? If the sex pics were manipulated, there was no need for her to even be in his house at those timestamps. The box for his camera was in his office, perhaps the camera was too. Travis certainly didn't leave it sitting by a beanbag chair in his loft when he went to bed after 4:30AM. thing struck me a bit ago. Zach would have noticed if the dog fence was up when he came home at 3. It wasn't. So she was still in the house if she'd already killed Travis. And she hadn't put up the fence yet. Or....again?

One more consideration about that doggy fence. When did it get put up and by whom? Not by Travis, because he let Naps go anywhere in the house. By her.

When? She had to have kept Naps downstairs while she killed Travis. There were no bloody pawprints anywhere, not to mention how much he would have been barking and losing it while that killed his beloved master.

So, just how was it she managed to put up that dog fence without Travis noticing she was doing it? And if she put it up before she killed him, why was it down when Zach came home?
IIRC, when KCL and many others (Tanisha included) went out to the area surrounding Travis' house in search of possibly locating weapons and or clues.. (this was during the time of the elephant story) wasn't there a small park, pull off, or empty lot mentioned that was close by Travis' home? Maybe the butcheress parked there??
Maybe she forgot to grab a few packs from her plethora of condoms at Granny's. Or, she had used up her allotment from her emergency roadside kit. CVS to the rescue.

I thought maybe Depends so she wouldn't have to stop and pee, so she wouldn't be caught on a security camera. Like the NASA astronaut. I thought maybe the "spilled" substance in TA's car in the garage might reflect that the Depends leaked.
I thought maybe Depends so she wouldn't have to stop and pee, so she wouldn't be caught on a security camera. Like the NASA astronaut. I thought maybe the "spilled" substance in TA's car in the garage might reflect that the Depends leaked.

If only sodium pentothal were allowed to be used on these scumbags, lol.
IIRC, didn't TA ask her for the key/pass code for wireless access in one of the texts? A friend had asked to print some pictures using TA's printer but needed access to his wireless.

So, she could've used her laptop to access his laptop activity from his or her car using access to his wireless.

IIRC, when KCL and many others (Tanisha included) went out to the area surrounding Travis' house in search of possibly locating weapons and or clues.. (this was during the time of the elephant story) wasn't there a small park, pull off, or empty lot mentioned that was close by Travis' home? Maybe the butcheress parked there??

You're right...and that's probably where she parked the UHaul for the 3-4 nights when she didn't leave yet.

But here's a question. When did she turn the back license plate upside down if her car was parked there and she left in broad daylight after killing him?

(My guess has always been she turned it upside on purpose after she was in Utah, because she wanted to be pulled over in Utah as part of her never-in-AZ alibi).
You're right...and that's probably where she parked the UHaul for the 3-4 nights when she didn't leave yet.

But here's a question. When did she turn the back license plate upside down if her car was parked there and she left in broad daylight after killing him?

(My guess has always been she turned it upside on purpose after she was in Utah, because she wanted to be pulled over in Utah as part of her never-in-AZ alibi).

If I did this right I am attempting to attach a YT video of Jodi Arias - Police Phone Interviews June 10, 21 & 25 where Jodi actually tells Det. fLores around the 45:30 mark that she parked the u-haul around the corner at a little ??? (Cannot make out the word). But she does say the u-haul with her car attached behind it was too big to park in front of his house. Hope my attachment works but if not easy to find on YT.

If I did this right I am attempting to attach a YT video of Jodi Arias - Police Phone Interviews June 10, 21 & 25 where Jodi actually tells Det. fLores around the 45:30 mark that she parked the u-haul around the corner at a little ??? (Cannot make out the word). But she does say the u-haul with her car attached behind it was too big to park in front of his house. Hope my attachment works but if not easy to find on YT.

Thank you! The attachment works just fine. FF'ing now to the point you indicated.....
You're right...and that's probably where she parked the UHaul for the 3-4 nights when she didn't leave yet.

But here's a question. When did she turn the back license plate upside down if her car was parked there and she left in broad daylight after killing him?

(My guess has always been she turned it upside on purpose after she was in Utah, because she wanted to be pulled over in Utah as part of her never-in-AZ alibi).

She is FOS. Why would she risk being pulled over in AZ, if she was trying to leave any trace of being there? She is such a bad liar!! I need to go revisit the "elephant" thread to see what Kathy posted about the area. Too much to pull from my non Einstein brain, especially after having no sleep and too much loud music last night. :beersign:

Oh, Travis had 2 brown leather sofas and chairs. ;)

If I did this right I am attempting to attach a YT video of Jodi Arias - Police Phone Interviews June 10, 21 & 25 where Jodi actually tells Det. fLores around the 45:30 mark that she parked the u-haul around the corner at a little ??? (Cannot make out the word). But she does say the u-haul with her car attached behind it was too big to park in front of his house. Hope my attachment works but if not easy to find on YT.

Well, well, well. Hadn't caught it before. But as well as that little snippet about parking the UHaul around the corner, was this--

That she didn't want to hang out with his church friends because it would be awkward, because of LISA.

That's the same Lisa she never knew Travis dated. Well, not until pefect strangers came into where she was working (maybe) in late March 2008 to tell her about Lisa. After TA had already broken it off.
What a great and funny post. I sure wish you and your wife would have jumped into the mix a lot sooner. I fully understand why you feel it is time to close this chapter though. I consider doing just that, but then something is said in a post and I get riveted again. There is not much to debate right now and I think our frustration shows somewhat. Blessings to you and your wife and take care. That is too funny about Perryville. LOL

CayleeAdv's reply is far more gracious than mine, Sidetrak. She says godspeed, I say- HALT RIGHT THERE!

She says she understands you letting go, at last, of your obsession here. I say- what's more important to figure out? The history-changing assassination of a president or whether or not an ex-waitress sociopathic killer wore Depends on her murder tour?

If your answer is genuinely ....JFK's assassination, not the waitress diaper mystery, then, sigh. Adieu.

SPOILER ALERT: the who---the FBI. :D
There was a community pool with a parking lot around the corner that she'd previously admitted parking the U-haul.
There was a community pool with a parking lot around the corner that she'd previously admitted parking the U-haul.

How did the feller who drove around TA's neighborhood taking video manage to miss a community swimming pool??? How far way from TA's house? And wouldn't the pool have been open then, at least by 10AM or so?
She is FOS. Why would she risk being pulled over in AZ, if she was trying to NOT leave any trace of being there? She is such a bad liar!! I need to go revisit the "elephant" thread to see what Kathy posted about the area. Too much to pull from my non Einstein brain, especially after having no sleep and too much loud music last night. :beersign:

Oh, Travis had 2 brown leather sofas and chairs. ;)

I corrected my post to read NOT leave any trace... GRRR with the 15 minute rule for editing. LOL
How did the feller who drove around TA's neighborhood taking video manage to miss a community swimming pool??? How far way from TA's house? And wouldn't the pool have been open then, at least by 10AM or so?

Don't know those answers, but will ask around.
OMG!!! That is the wittiest thing I've read in a very long time. Please don't leave!!!! JFK can wait!!!

And BTW---you've robbed us by not posting before. ;)

Thanks for the reply, I'm glad u found it witty, that was my intent. I admire ur post because of ur ability to express urself. I'm handicapped in that area, so I have to resort to satire with a twist of sarcasm. Drives my wife of 40 years crazy, 39 years ago she thru a heavy glass ashtray at me. Luckily it missed and shattered against the wall. I told if she ever did that again, I would call 911, never happened since.
Sentencing and Beyond thread leaves so much to interpretation from the backdoor *advertiser censored*. I'm afraid some of my male opinions might be considered biased.
Example from "Tomlinson" by Rudyard Kipling:
Honour and Wit, fore-damned they sit, to each his priest and *advertiser censored*:
Nay, scarce I dare myself go there, and you they'd torture sore.
Being a male, I don't always agree with ur analogy about the sex/obsession/addiction because of the sexual naivety of Travis and the biocth's prevarication of what transpired. Thanks again for ur diligent research, it must have been time consuming. Lie after lie from the Princess in a biased journal!
Thanks for the reply, I'm glad u found it witty, that was my intent. I admire ur post because of ur ability to express urself. I'm handicapped in that area, so I have to resort to satire with a twist of sarcasm. Drives my wife of 40 years crazy, 39 years ago she thru a heavy glass ashtray at me. Luckily it missed and shattered against the wall. I told if she ever did that again, I would call 911, never happened since.
Sentencing and Beyond thread leaves so much to interpretation from the backdoor *advertiser censored*. I'm afraid some of my male opinions might be considered biased.
Example from "Tomlinson" by Rudyard Kipling:
Honour and Wit, fore-damned they sit, to each his priest and *advertiser censored*:
Nay, scarce I dare myself go there, and you they'd torture sore.
Being a male, I don't always agree with ur analogy about the sex/obsession/addiction because of the sexual naivety of Travis and the biocth's prevarication of what transpired. Thanks again for ur diligent research, it must have been time consuming. Lie after lie from the Princess in a biased journal!


It's never about the agreeing, see,
It's about enjoying the flashflood of words
During a storm of debate,
with neither humility or despair
there are no correct answers

Arias can not hide her psychopathy. Certainly not in full-bloom. That is why people say - that killer looks crazy - look at those eyes. What psychologists say is how sociopaths may fool people. Random people, not someone you've been dating long enough. You will eventually KNOW. He was roped in due to fragility. That and the rest of what you bring up here, I have inferred to or directly clarified in midst of my posts quite recently so...

Anyhow, I'm sorry ya'll, but I'm kind of done on this subject. There's no point in debating opinions, I've said before, evidence without context is not much. We'd have many criminals out loose if we didn't take into consideration there are secondary accounts and profiling (victim and the perp) to consider in regards to psychopaths.

B_lab. Excellent. Does this mean you have time to sleuth swimming pools, sun angles, computer activity and the like? :D
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