Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #8

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Today, June 3rd, 2018 marks the ten year anniversary of Day 2 of Jodi's road trip to murder. Unbeknownst to me at the time, she drove right through my neck of the woods on her way to Mesa, Arizona to kill Travis. To commemorate this anniversary date, I have taken a few pictures of her known stops in Pasadena, CA. that might be of interest to some of you here at Websleuths. I created a Flickr account and uploaded the pics there with a few light-hearted comments. Enjoy!

Tom Baxter

P.S. - may Travis Alexander rest in peace, and may Jodi Arias enjoy cleaning toilet bowls for the rest of her miserable and pathetic life. Bye, Jodi!!!!

That was great! And so apropos of you to upload them to Flickr.
I'm entirely unfamiliar with the area, but in any case, the photos are extremely helpful in trying to imagine the latter part of her time in Pasadena.
1. She likely arrived in Pasadena sometime around 4pm.

2. Sunset in Pasadena on June 3 was around 8PM.

3. She called Travis one last time, at 8:16PM. The call lasted 2 minutes, 2 seconds (went to VM, imo).

4. She's at the CVS register buying aspirin at 8:31pm.

5. She pays for a sandwich and drink at Starbucks at 8:41PM.

6. She buys gas at Arco at 8:42, 8:46, and at 8:53.

7. Ryan Burns said she called him from Pasadena around 9-10:00pm, just as she was getting on the highway (for what her word is worth, but around 9 fits if she gassed up & drove straight out).

Yes, no more napping for her, she was too excited to get on the final leg of her journey to make Travis pay for not loving her.

Ever since we found out what she purchased at CVS I've often wondered if JM carefully folded the receipt down before putting it on the projector to not show it was cramp relief because some may question why she'd buy that the day before having a wild, picture-shooting sex romp. It of course fit perfectly into my personal theory about the pics.
FWIW, snippets from my notes on chronology perhaps relevant to the letters.

1. Nurmi replaces departed atty Schaffer in August 2009. According to what he writes in his book, the first mitigation specialist worked very hard and produced piles and piles of materials, including school records and transcripts/notes from interviews she did with family, restaurant co-workers & managers, and "friends," including MM and Brewer.

What's missing? There is no mention of any expert witness reports, or of the first DT having hired ANY expert witnesses.

Looks like the may well have flat out lied about telling the pedo lie to an unnamed psychologist in 2009.

2. Trial was set to begin in just a few months when Nurmi hired Samuels, and when Samuels interviewed the in December 2009. She told him- no DV, no childhood abuse.

3. Samuels (loosely speaking) tests the for PTSD on January 15, 2010. She tells him the ninja lie. That's not what is interesting. What IS interesting is his choice of test. The one he chose (to greatly simplify) skews results towards a finding of PTSD.

More interesting still is the veiled suggestion by JM during his cross of Samuels (1st trial) that Samuels had faxed a SECOND copy of the questions to Nurmi, on January 22, 2010. Perhaps the first test results weren't satisfactory?

3. Whether the test results entered into evidence during trial one were from a second attempt or not, the point JM made during cross was that even with the built-in skew towards a finding of PTSD, the 's scores fell BELOW the threshold for a PTSD diagnosis.

4. What is most interesting about these results is.....timing; when Samuels administered the test(s) and when he informed Nurmi of the results: mid-late January, 2010.

5. Along comes Sheryl Karp, who does her first clinical interview & testing of the just a few weeks later, in early February, 2010.

Karp also tests the for PTSD, and voila, there it is, brand new "evidence" that the does indeed and conclusively have PTSD. Which has been caused by DV: the number of instances reported by the too large for DeMarte to count.

The fog can now be explained at trial? That sure seems to have been Nurmi's original goal in searching for a PTSD result he could like.

6. Karp interviews again, and the pedo lie is spat out; no violence by TA has yet been attached/linked to the pedo lie.

7. April 10, 2010. Bob White forged letters arrive as PDF's.

8. April 21, 2010. Samuels interviews the again. This time she talks pedo, including the lie that TA was the only man with whom she had ever had anal sex.

She also tells him that Travis chased her into the closet, grabbing at her sweater, and that is when she remembered that Travis had a gun. She grabbed it and pointed it at him.....(tape of JM's pre-trial interview with Samuels ends there).

9. Nurmi filed a self-defense defense in June,2018.
May have gone like this?

-Since Schaffer didn't believe the pedo lies, the lies ninja lies when Nurmi takes over.
-Lies the ninja lies to Samuels so he can diagnose her with PTSD resulting from the ninja experience.
-When she sensed that she may have failed to get the PTSD diagnosis from Samuels, she diverts back to the pedo lies with Karp.
-Gets the PTSD diagnosis from Karp!
-Samuels chimes in. Rescore, rescore, rescore, rescore.
-More PTSD diagnosis.
-Happy Nurmi files a self-defense defense.
Yes, no more napping for her, she was too excited to get on the final leg of her journey to make Travis pay for not loving her.

Ever since we found out what she purchased at CVS I've often wondered if JM carefully folded the receipt down before putting it on the projector to not show it was cramp relief because some may question why she'd buy that the day before having a wild, picture-shooting sex romp. It of course fit perfectly into my personal theory about the pics.
But there was no substantial nap time avilable on June 3. She was awake all day.

-She gets up pretty early in order to get to Brewer's before Jack left for school.
-She is making deposits at WM around 10:10 am.
-Monterey to Salinas - about 30 minutes.
-Calls TA 12:57 pm and 1:51 pm.
-Walmart receipt - 3:22 pm.
-From Salinas to Pasadena - about 4.5 hours.
-Arrives at Pasadena - around 8-8:30 pm.
-CVS purchase - 8:31 pm.
-Drives to Mesa all night.

Question is when and where did she sleep on June 4th. And on what circumstances.
Today, June 3rd, 2018 marks the ten year anniversary of Day 2 of Jodi's road trip to murder. Unbeknownst to me at the time, she drove right through my neck of the woods on her way to Mesa, Arizona to kill Travis. To commemorate this anniversary date, I have taken a few pictures of her known stops in Pasadena, CA. that might be of interest to some of you here at Websleuths. I created a Flickr account and uploaded the pics there with a few light-hearted comments. Enjoy!

Tom Baxter

P.S. - may Travis Alexander rest in peace, and may Jodi Arias enjoy cleaning toilet bowls for the rest of her miserable and pathetic life. Bye, Jodi!!!!
Wow, the skateboarders got you too? Hmmm, I see no bugs on the plate or on your car.

Thank you Wing for the pictures!
May have gone like this?

-Since Schaffer didn't believe the pedo lies, the lies ninja lies when Nurmi takes over.
-Lies the ninja lies to Samuels so he can diagnose her with PTSD resulting from the ninja experience.
-When she sensed that she may have failed to get the PTSD diagnosis from Samuels, she diverts back to the pedo lies with Karp.
-Gets the PTSD diagnosis from Karp!
-Samuels chimes in. Rescore, rescore, rescore, rescore.
-More PTSD diagnosis.
-Happy Nurmi files a self-defense defense.

1. From arrest in July, 2008 through early February, 2010, ninjas are the only known constant in 's story.

Therefore, it's logical to assume the trial strategy of the 's first DT had to somehow work with/around their client's wildly implausible ninjas defense.

From what we know (JM's book, Nurmi's book, pretrial records, and trial testimony), the 1st team seemed to have focused largely on mitigation. As in, trying to find someone, somewhere, who could humanize the by speaking well of her, if not fondly. Both JM and KN say quite plainly- no one like that could be located. Brewer had all kinds of potentially damaging things to say about the , as did her bestie MM, as did her own family members.

2. I'm not sure her first team would have felt confident they could find a psych expert who could provide them with a report useful for trial. I'm thinking that the more interviews Schaffer's team did, the more obvious it would have become, if it wasn't from the get-go, that their client wasn't just guilty as hell and thoroughly unlikable, but that patterns were emerging, revealing the as a narcissistic violent stalker who refused to take no for an answer.

So.....Schaffer might well have concluded that a psych evaluation might well be not only of no benefit, but detrimental.

If no psych eval before Samuels, the lied on the stand about telling the pedo lie in 2009.

Why would she lie about when she first told that lie?

No DT has to turn over expert evaluations they've sought if they are not going to use them at trial or use them to brief other experts. JM asked a question that elicited the lie, not Nurmi. JM couldn't know for certain she was lying (though I think he did), but Nurmi would have known.

Why such a specific & detailed lie by ? That's what she does when she's covering up another lie. IMO she told that lie to put a 2009 date on a lie she didn't come up with until 2010.

Nurmi takes over. Ninja lies to Samuels. Nurmi writes defensively in his book: yah, it would have been better to have waited until after the ninja story died to get a psych eval, but I didn't have a choice. Trial was a few months away.

So, according to Nurmi, he began preparing 2 trial strategies simultaneously. One was ninjas. The other may be inferred from his book and from pre-trial court records: he says he believed almost immediately upon meeting the & reviewing team one's work that the had been sexually abused as a child.

That was HIS filter, from the beginning. Nothing like that came from her, at least, not until years later.

What Nurmi also says is that what he saw in the pre-April 2010 records available to him was a chaotic relationship between Travis & the , one in which the takes all TA's abuse of May 26th (and on other days) like a saint...-or like a DV victim.

(I'm trying mightily to be succinct and am failing abysmally. Sorry...)

I think Nurmi's second track was self defense, but the wouldn't drop ninjas. Explaining away her fog as PTSD would work for either defense.

IMO, it was NURMI who freaked when he saw Samuels' report of her PTSD test. Her fog was as ridiculous as her ninjas. To escape the DP she HAD to have the fog.

Enter Karp, Nurmi's and the 's fog machine. Nurmi would have his fog- but now it would be a result of DV.

First Karp interview was all about DV and PTSD, NOT PEDO.

Pedo emerged during the second round with Karp. Perhaps between the 1st and second rounds with Karp is when the dropped the ninjas?

Happy Nurmi. He has the fog, PTSD, and DV- all he needs for self defense, as long as he clean up many lie messes. He read Karp's report, and knows a pedo accusation is on the table.

Does he run with it? I think absolutely not, especially given what he does a few weeks later, when he gets 10 pdf files from a mysterious Bob White.
Ever since we found out what she purchased at CVS I've often wondered if JM carefully folded the receipt down before putting it on the projector to not show it was cramp relief because some may question why she'd buy that the day before having a wild, picture-shooting sex romp. It of course fit perfectly into my personal theory about the pics.

Is this what you're saying? 1. had a history of no sex while menstruating. 2. Ergo, no sex the day of the murder if she was taking Midol. 3. The photos, incidentally, zoomed in on relevant body parts. 4. The sex photos were not taken on the day of the murder.
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But there was no substantial nap time avilable on June 3. She was awake all day.

-She gets up pretty early in order to get to Brewer's before Jack left for school.
-She is making deposits at WM around 10:10 am.
-Monterey to Salinas - about 30 minutes.
-Calls TA 12:57 pm and 1:51 pm.
-Walmart receipt - 3:22 pm.
-From Salinas to Pasadena - about 4.5 hours.
-Arrives at Pasadena - around 8-8:30 pm.
-CVS purchase - 8:31 pm.
-Drives to Mesa all night.

Question is when and where did she sleep on June 4th. And on what circumstances.

No way she could have arrived at TA's at dawn before any sleep. I say, she slept and arrived at TA's in the afternoon. She may also have spent time after Pasadena staking out Deanna's.

She maybe used stakeout time at Deanna's to get herself psyched up for TA's murder. Pouring fuel on the fire, so to speak.
But there was no substantial nap time avilable on June 3. She was awake all day.

-She gets up pretty early in order to get to Brewer's before Jack left for school.
-She is making deposits at WM around 10:10 am.
-Monterey to Salinas - about 30 minutes.
-Calls TA 12:57 pm and 1:51 pm.
-Walmart receipt - 3:22 pm.
-From Salinas to Pasadena - about 4.5 hours.
-Arrives at Pasadena - around 8-8:30 pm.
-CVS purchase - 8:31 pm.
-Drives to Mesa all night.

Question is when and where did she sleep on June 4th. And on what circumstances.

I misremembered when she must have arrived in Pasadena. You're right. She didn't have time to nap there.

When did she sleep next? I think she didn't have the opportunity to until after she crossed over the Hoover dam, when she was 30-40 minutes max from Las Vegas and Gus's trailer, perhaps?

It took her a very long time between gassing up in Mesquite and arriving in West Jordan. Zzzzz's in LV after a post-murder adreneline crash...
Is this what you're saying? 1. had a history of no sex while menstruating. 2. Ergo, no sex the day of the murder if she was taking Midol. 3. The photos, incidentally, zoomed in on relevant body parts. 4. The sex photos were not taken on the day of the murder.

Except for the "history" of no sex during those times (no evidence I'm aware of about that), that's exactly what I'm saying.
I misremembered when she must have arrived in Pasadena. You're right. She didn't have time to nap there.

When did she sleep next? I think she didn't have the opportunity to until after she crossed over the Hoover dam, when she was 30-40 minutes max from Las Vegas and Gus's trailer, perhaps?

It took her a very long time between gassing up in Mesquite and arriving in West Jordan. Zzzzz's in LV after a post-murder adreneline crash...

She could have napped on the Arizona side of Hoover Dam, though, after she called Ryan?

I'm still going for wash up, eat up, trash the evidence, ditch the gun, at Arizona Last Stop restaurant, camping, and gun range, same place where a 9-year-old shot her instructor with an Uzi.

This place almost certainly has a cell signal, not common in that area, to make that call to Ryan.

wouldn't have been noticed. Heck, she wouldn't even have been noticed with a gun.
I misremembered when she must have arrived in Pasadena. You're right. She didn't have time to nap there.

When did she sleep next? I think she didn't have the opportunity to until after she crossed over the Hoover dam, when she was 30-40 minutes max from Las Vegas and Gus's trailer, perhaps?

It took her a very long time between gassing up in Mesquite and arriving in West Jordan. Zzzzz's in LV after a post-murder adreneline crash...

I was actually referring to all the napping she did after leaving Yreka (stopped at sibling's house [I can never recall if it was brother or sister], slept 6-8 hours, slept in the McDonald's parking lot, slept at Matt's before heading to Brewer's), either preparing in advance for a no-sleep night of the 3rd/4th or was just too excited to fulfill her quest.

Frankly I think it is likely she took a nap after getting to Mesa, I don't believe anything she says about how the whole day went once she arrived there.
Floating non sequitor thought after reading Deborah Maran's blog essay on many things POSish.

1. didn't need gas cans from Brewer, but she did need $$$ from him. Her gas can request was a one way ticket to his wallet. (Broke when she returned to Yreka, had just started work at Casa Rama when she took her murder vacation).

The 's trip was tightly scheduled and well planned. Why, then, did she go to see MM?

Wild speculation alert: if she needed something from him, what could that have been? Could it have been something that involved showing him TA's journals (no, no, am not suggesting they forged pedo letters that night. I don't think they did).

But....what if needed MM to believe something about TA, for whatever reason? How much more convincing her story would be if she could show him TA's journals and say, see?

Perhaps she had already been practicing forging TA's handwriting for the purpose of planting incriminating (meanie to ) entries in his journal?

Complete speculation for sure, but taking the journals (and perhaps the Helio?) with her to Monterey & MM's house on her way to murder Travis, and leaving them with MM, is the simplest explanation of how he would (theoretically) been in possession of them to use for cut & pasting later on.

On interrogation tape, when she knows she's "in the system" already, one of her very first questions is about making phone calls from jail. She tells Flores she needs to know because she needs to call a friend, someone who will help "put her affairs in order," and he lives out of town.

I was actually referring to all the napping she did after leaving Yreka (stopped at sibling's house [I can never recall if it was brother or sister], slept 6-8 hours, slept in the McDonald's parking lot, slept at Matt's before heading to Brewer's), either preparing in advance for a no-sleep night of the 3rd/4th or was just too excited to fulfill her quest.

Frankly I think it is likely she took a nap after getting to Mesa, I don't believe anything she says about how the whole day went once she arrived there.

I don't believe any of what she said about the day either, but I also don't believe she was capable of sleep after she reached his house. I think kid in a candy store excitement: his phones, computer, and journal to snoop, and a murder plan she needed to put in motion, perhaps including precautions & locating items & checking on much to do.

Why would she need sleep, anyway? She was young, had plenty of sleep over the days before, as you say, and hadn't been driving especially long distances anywhere along the way. Five-6 hours or whatever on a straight shot highway from Pasadena to Mesa, after dark, is IMO a very easy, not especially tiring drive.
I don't believe any of what she said about the day either, but I also don't believe she was capable of sleep after she reached his house. I think kid in a candy store excitement: his phones, computer, and journal to snoop, and a murder plan she needed to put in motion, perhaps including precautions & locating items & checking on much to do.

Why would she need sleep, anyway? She was young, had plenty of sleep over the days before, as you say, and hadn't been driving especially long distances anywhere along the way. Five-6 hours or whatever on a straight shot highway from Pasadena to Mesa, after dark, is IMO a very easy, not especially tiring drive.

You may be right, she had to have been bursting with energy now that the moment had finally arrived and she was in Mesa.

On your other post above, I figured the main reason she went to see Matt was to borrow money, same as her reason to see Brewer, she didn't have the funds for the costly gas her entire trip took. She could have done without the gas cans but not the money.
You may be right, she had to have been bursting with energy now that the moment had finally arrived and she was in Mesa.

On your other post above, I figured the main reason she went to see Matt was to borrow money, same as her reason to see Brewer, she didn't have the funds for the costly gas her entire trip took. She could have done without the gas cans but not the money.

Ah. A simple explanation. (Pause). Dang.

Yah. JM said in his book he thought the DT seemed concerned by the bank deposits she made en route. Perhaps because they worried about having to explain how a barely employed waitress suddenly came up with hundreds of dollars to deposit, just after she visited ex-BF's, one of whom had told a mitigation specialist in 2009 that the told him in late May she was planning a trip to Mesa?
1. From arrest in July, 2008 through early February, 2010, ninjas are the only known constant in 's story.

Therefore, it's logical to assume the trial strategy of the 's first DT had to somehow work with/around their client's wildly implausible ninjas defense.

From what we know (JM's book, Nurmi's book, pretrial records, and trial testimony), the 1st team seemed to have focused largely on mitigation. As in, trying to find someone, somewhere, who could humanize the by speaking well of her, if not fondly. Both JM and KN say quite plainly- no one like that could be located. Brewer had all kinds of potentially damaging things to say about the , as did her bestie MM, as did her own family members.

2. I'm not sure her first team would have felt confident they could find a psych expert who could provide them with a report useful for trial. I'm thinking that the more interviews Schaffer's team did, the more obvious it would have become, if it wasn't from the get-go, that their client wasn't just guilty as hell and thoroughly unlikable, but that patterns were emerging, revealing the as a narcissistic violent stalker who refused to take no for an answer.

So.....Schaffer might well have concluded that a psych evaluation might well be not only of no benefit, but detrimental.

If no psych eval before Samuels, the lied on the stand about telling the pedo lie in 2009.

Why would she lie about when she first told that lie?

No DT has to turn over expert evaluations they've sought if they are not going to use them at trial or use them to brief other experts. JM asked a question that elicited the lie, not Nurmi. JM couldn't know for certain she was lying (though I think he did), but Nurmi would have known.

Why such a specific & detailed lie by ? That's what she does when she's covering up another lie. IMO she told that lie to put a 2009 date on a lie she didn't come up with until 2010.

Nurmi takes over. Ninja lies to Samuels. Nurmi writes defensively in his book: yah, it would have been better to have waited until after the ninja story died to get a psych eval, but I didn't have a choice. Trial was a few months away.

So, according to Nurmi, he began preparing 2 trial strategies simultaneously. One was ninjas. The other may be inferred from his book and from pre-trial court records: he says he believed almost immediately upon meeting the & reviewing team one's work that the had been sexually abused as a child.

That was HIS filter, from the beginning. Nothing like that came from her, at least, not until years later.

What Nurmi also says is that what he saw in the pre-April 2010 records available to him was a chaotic relationship between Travis & the , one in which the takes all TA's abuse of May 26th (and on other days) like a saint...-or like a DV victim.

(I'm trying mightily to be succinct and am failing abysmally. Sorry...)

I think Nurmi's second track was self defense, but the wouldn't drop ninjas. Explaining away her fog as PTSD would work for either defense.

IMO, it was NURMI who freaked when he saw Samuels' report of her PTSD test. Her fog was as ridiculous as her ninjas. To escape the DP she HAD to have the fog.

Enter Karp, Nurmi's and the 's fog machine. Nurmi would have his fog- but now it would be a result of DV.

First Karp interview was all about DV and PTSD, NOT PEDO.

Pedo emerged during the second round with Karp. Perhaps between the 1st and second rounds with Karp is when the dropped the ninjas?

Happy Nurmi. He has the fog, PTSD, and DV- all he needs for self defense, as long as he clean up many lie messes. He read Karp's report, and knows a pedo accusation is on the table.

Does he run with it? I think absolutely not, especially given what he does a few weeks later, when he gets 10 pdf files from a mysterious Bob White.
When the went back to jail after interrogation with Flores, she knew ninja lies alone wouldn't work. Flores didn't apologize and send her home. From then on, she started selling the abuse lies in addition to the ninja lies by giving interviews to 48 hours (she does claim physical abuse in one), Mark Stanoch(speculating), writing a letter to T's family and a manifesto. I think she wanted to use a combination of both lies.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was going for -ninjas killed a pedophile and no jury will convict me.
10 years ago today.... Rest in Peace Travis!


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