Sentencing and beyond- JA General Discussion #8

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Notice that the eyes have reflections of bright lights? Kinda like her eyes in her Perryville booking photo?

I bet the tabloid magazine photo she was tracing and copying had those lights in his eyes, and she didn't have enough imagination to draw anything but exactly what she was copying.

She's a human xerox, I take that back, she's a xerox machine.
Terrific! Thanks. I don't remember hearing that she crashed any events between Anaheim and Las Vegas either.

Ok, so what about any events between when she signed up in March of 2006 and Anaheim, 2006? Anything? Anyone? Anyone at all? Bueller? TIA in advance.

Sorry, can't link--am on my phone, but in an interview of David Hughes by JVM, Hughes said that he received a couple of business calls from the between the time she signed up and the Las Vegas convention, but he didn't meet her until then.

Since the was on his team (on paper, anyway), and still in the area (could afford nearby trips), her lack of contact with Hughes suggests, IMO, that Anaheim was her only on- location scouting trip before Vegas.

I have no doubt whatsoever that she gathered up every shred of information she could about PPL high earners while at the Anaheim event, and researched every high earner whose name she gathered up.
(The Hughes write in their book of this predator behavior-- the "friended" every online friend of TA's, then set to researching everything she could ferret out about them, beginning with what they'd posted on SM.

One of those friends was at TA's memorial, had the approach her (they had never met), and was subjected to the telling her Travis had spoken of her all the time (he never had, as they were estranged at her husband's demand), that the was excited to talk with another professional photographer, and had even considered hiring her for the 's own wedding....etc, all the info on this friend she'd clearly dug up on her own. And this wasn't even a GF Travis had been in touch with during the time he had been cursed with the in his life).

David Hughes says he introduced the and Travis. Odds are, given "how she operates" (an apt phrase by TA), the knew exactly who she wanted Hughes to introduce her to, and manipulated Hughes into thinking it was his own idea.

(Link to the interview is in Post 760, in the thread - ("resentencing, January break")
Hi my dear friends. I am so happy that you are all still here trudging through all the lies. I have good news. My sister and I are opening a new wedding boutique that features custom made floral arrangements, and so many other things. We just did all of the floral arrangements for a wedding and made all the head pieces for the flower girls as well as the bridesmaids and bride. It was beautiful. Here is a sample of just one hydrangea arrangement I made (not wedding one) Honest opinions accepted. I still have my regular job, still playing super momma, and now this. That's why I haven't been around in a while, but I think of you all often. You each have left a footprint on my arse that will never fade, and I love you all. I promise to pop in more often, miss you all.

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Sorry, don't have time to fix image... someone, anyone? Help!!! Image needs rotated, LMAO.

I like the colors, earthy and inviting. All the best, and have fun with it!
Latest tweet. Her latest "art". An actor from a show called Mr. Robot

View attachment 100920

She can have colored pencils now? Is it up for sale? Is her side kick trying to sell it for her under an other name? Whatever, someone has gotten it out of prision for her without folding appears. Interesting that has happened! So her attornys? Is her sidekick still on the legal team where she can remove items for the felon? Maybe hidden writing in coloring somewhere? Do not trust her at all, or the sidekick! Back to lurking...
JMO but I do not believe Jodi was a thief, a drug smuggler or a prostitute. I think she was a phony borderline disordered individual who became obsessed with the idea of getting married to a man who could make a decent living and provide her children. She then targeted Mormon men, then narrowed it to the inner circle of PPL. Travis was a healthy single man who, due to his crazy upbringing, was easily manipulated by this borderline. Once she was certain there was no marriage to come, despite her best psychotic efforts at manipulation, he became disposable to her. She felt his death would be justified because he had hurt her psyche and moreover was a threat to her marrying soon if she wanted to continue fishing in the Mormon or PPL ponds.
I would suspect that while discipline is strictly enforced a fairly liberal policy towards privileges is in the best long-term interests of the authorities. Consistent and long-term denial of harmless emotional outlets can literally drive people insane, and that's to no ones advantage. At the same time allowing such things with the clearly understood proviso that such privileges can be easily lost if discipline is not maintained makes things much easier and is conducive to long-term good behavior, and is going to be there for a long, long time.

Actually, the regulations for arts and crafts supplies are very specific and they have to be earned.
She can have colored pencils now? Is it up for sale? Is her side kick trying to sell it for her under an other name? Whatever, someone has gotten it out of prision for her without folding appears. Interesting that has happened! So her attornys? Is her sidekick still on the legal team where she can remove items for the felon? Maybe hidden writing in coloring somewhere? Do not trust her at all, or the sidekick! Back to lurking...

I'll dig out the regs. Maybe the warden is unaware what she's up to this time. Maybe we need a screenshot?
JMO but I do not believe Jodi was a thief, a drug smuggler or a prostitute. I think she was a phony borderline disordered individual who became obsessed with the idea of getting married to a man who could make a decent living and provide her children. She then targeted Mormon men, then narrowed it to the inner circle of PPL. Travis was a healthy single man who, due to his crazy upbringing, was easily manipulated by this borderline. Once she was certain there was no marriage to come, despite her best psychotic efforts at manipulation, he became disposable to her. She felt his death would be justified because he had hurt her psyche and moreover was a threat to her marrying soon if she wanted to continue fishing in the Mormon or PPL ponds.

I agree with most of the above, but would toss in "psychopath" to the descriptor list of disordered borderline, etc., and I think Steve's term of "situational *advertiser censored*" describes her perfectly.

Theoretical example--" I want a Helio, he wants my body, fair trade. "

Actual example- TA doesn't even want me to touch him, think I'll take up married man X's invite for a quick whatnot that I'll lie about afterwards (Sacred Grove trip).

Possible example: getting a "tax return" when one actually owes the IRS a thousand dollars; at the same time that's written in her journal, in reality a stream of guys stopped in for short visits , during which she asked her Mesa roommate to leave, saying the visitors were there for "Bible study," but lo! Nary a Bible to be found on the lot of fellers, nor in the room.

(And think it's a wee more complicated than Travis becoming disposable after she was sure he wouldn't marry her...;))
She can have colored pencils now? Is it up for sale? Is her side kick trying to sell it for her under an other name? Whatever, someone has gotten it out of prision for her without folding appears. Interesting that has happened! So her attornys? Is her sidekick still on the legal team where she can remove items for the felon? Maybe hidden writing in coloring somewhere? Do not trust her at all, or the sidekick! Back to lurking...

From what I can tell, would be in violation if she sold the item to a visitor or had someone sell it for her. Sales take place via the prison arts and crafts store. She is not allowed to retain property beyond prescribed limits, e.g. no crafts projects

If she wants to give over an item to a visitor, there's paperwork, permission, all kinds of stuff.

Her art supplies are very limited, but I don't have a commissary list so I don't know what the deal is. I do know, I thought it unlikely that she would be allowed colors. And I feel fairly confident the paper supply is highly restricted.

Its possible she sneaked out the copy-drawing via another inmate?
I agree with most of the above, but would toss in "psychopath" to the descriptor list of disordered borderline, etc., and I think Steve's term of "situational *advertiser censored*" describes her perfectly.

Theoretical example--" I want a Helio, he wants my body, fair trade. "

Actual example- TA doesn't even want me to touch him, think I'll take up married man X's invite for a quick whatnot that I'll lie about afterwards (Sacred Grove trip).

Possible example: getting a "tax return" when one actually owes the IRS a thousand dollars; at the same time that's written in her journal, in reality a stream of guys stopped in for short visits , during which she asked her Mesa roommate to leave, saying the visitors were there for "Bible study," but lo! Nary a Bible to be found on the lot of fellers, nor in the room.

(And think it's a wee more complicated than Travis becoming disposable after she was sure he wouldn't marry her...;))

I like the situational concept, too. However, let's not lose sight of how many situations she created and how she seems to have nurtured every little seed of potential "situation".
The transfer of that piece of "art" seems to have happened as soon as had touch visitation.
JMO but I do not believe Jodi was a thief, a drug smuggler or a prostitute. I think she was a phony borderline disordered individual who became obsessed with the idea of getting married to a man who could make a decent living and provide her children. She then targeted Mormon men, then narrowed it to the inner circle of PPL. Travis was a healthy single man who, due to his crazy upbringing, was easily manipulated by this borderline. Once she was certain there was no marriage to come, despite her best psychotic efforts at manipulation, he became disposable to her. She felt his death would be justified because he had hurt her psyche and moreover was a threat to her marrying soon if she wanted to continue fishing in the Mormon or PPL ponds.

And also convinced that "no jury would convict her", even after she fessed up to killing Travis. The look on her face when the verdict was read told me that she truly expected to get away with murder.
The way she turned to speak directly to the jury during her testiphony, stared at them when they entered and exited the courtroom, the fake tears (I only saw her pat her nose) rarely any real tears - to me, she truly believed they would agree with her and acquit her of the charges. She was such a terrible witness. I recently watched her testimony when asked if Travis had a gun and how many times she saw it, she actually said she saw it 3 times, when she clearly stated to DF in her phone call on 6/10/08 that Travis didn't have a gun. But of course she said that while under oath she would only tell the truth. Sure! And that Ryan Burns was "full of crap" about her grinding him. She is too much! A danger to society for sure.
I don't think she can legally sell her drawings - Son of Sam laws.
I'd be worried she would stab someone with the pencils. And with her history that is a true concern.
Seeing that mention of passport in 's journal made me revisit how big a role being denied her right to Cancun might have played.

1. left Mesa, blowing things up both literally and figuratively, on April 4.

2. TA found out on April 15 that he had "won" the all expenses paid trip for 2 to Cancun. No way the didn't see that news for herself, on her own.

3. had vanquished Lisa by the time she left Mesa, and didn't consider Mimi a threat because she'd snooped his journal (at least) and knew things weren't going well, and that Mimi just didn't seem all that interested ( wrote journal entries about this).

4. For a while past April 15 she probably thought TA would ask her again/ confirm that she was going, as planned.

Up through the end of April the played hard at devout Mormon in exile in Yreka, and tried -for her- to play nice with TA, though her hostility oozed through upon occasion.

5. Chris and Sky made TA the $2000 debt write off in exchange for his guest ticket offer on April 17. He was considering asking Mimi at that point, but hadn't worked up the nerve.

6. Mimi began sounding more approachable and interested by the 3rd week of April, enough that she posted something complementary about TA on her FB page. That almost certainly was monitoring.

7. Mimi agreed to go to Cancun on May 1, iirc, the starting date of the 's rapid unravelling, and her expedited efforts to record and manufacture " evidence" of TA's interest in her, the goddess .

And, within days of Mimi accepting, came the beginning of the 's pressure on TA to come visit her in Yreka. (Whether to kill him there, or she was simply demanding that he prove to her satisfaction that he still wanted to travel with HER, or for some other BPD sociopathic reason, impossible to know).

If (a big if) the May 10 call was recorded (spliced) on the 10th, TA had already told her she wasn't going to Cancun. I'm gonna guess he told her in late April or early early May, when she demanded to know, in that special way of hers.

I also wouldn't be surprised if he either flat out lied to her (Mimi hadn't agreed to go yet), or simply neglected to tell her that he was going to ask Mimi. I believe he did tell her he was taking the Hughes's babysitter, because that would have been the only sane thing to tell the (other than a final and absolute and real good bye and good riddance).

8. I don't think (from her POV) her rage was about "just" being deprived of the trip TA had promised her and that he wouldn't have won without her.

I think the felt she'd EARNED it in every way imaginable, whether or not they were still "official" or even "boyfriend-girlfriend" at all.

And I can imagine it must have been all the more galling, from her POV, that TA would squander the trip on a woman who wasn't even interested in him, who hadn't even deigned to kiss him, much less dress up like a *advertiser censored* for him. As the said repeatedly, and with ill-concealed satisfied sarcasm, Mimi the One was just a unobtainable dream of TA's, Mimi being so vastly superior spiritually and intellectually and all.


How beyond pissed she must have been to find out, before or after the fact, no matter, that Travis tried to take Mimi's name off the ticket in late May, and that he told Regan he wished she had a passport so she could go.

Twas definitely a case of...anyone BUT the .
Haven't seen this posted here - thought I'd share YESorNO post from the Sidebar

The news has caught up with Twitter:

Cleaning Toilets! Jodi Arias’ Dirty Prison Job Revealed

"...Housing porter could include being part of the trash pickup crew, or the bathroom cleaning crew, or the general area cleaning crew, according to the prison.

No matter which crew, however, Arias is going to be working for 32 hours per week and will be paid only $0.10 per hour, according to the Arizona Department of Corrections guidelines.

She will be eligible for a raise if she “Exceeds ratings (overall) for six consecutive months.”

“An inmate may receive a five cent pay increase, subject to funds availability, if the inmate has: Achieved an overall ‘exceeds’ rating, including no ‘unsatisfactory’ ratings, for the past 12 months,” prison materials state..."

She's allowed visitors, and "earned" tracing supplies as part of her (3) step progression.

The DOC hasn't recorded yet the results of her one year evaluation, but the must be adapting quite well to have made it through step III, to have had her contact visit privileges restored, to have been moved in with a cellie, and to have been trusted with the job of cleaning toilets--and therefore being out of her cell--for 32 hours a week.

She's just a natural at prison life, I guess. Finally found her niche.

To borrow a phrase from Rickshaw, bwahaha. After years of living in a private cell (both at Estrella and Perryville), she now has to co-exist with another person; no longer enjoying the relative autonomy she previously had regarding her "space." Let's see how that works out. And as a bona fide lazy-*advertiser censored* yet self-important person, for her to have to do such menial work? As they say, paybacks are hell...
Haven't seen this posted here - thought I'd share YESorNO post from the Sidebar

The news has caught up with Twitter:

Cleaning Toilets! Jodi Arias’ Dirty Prison Job Revealed

"...Housing porter could include being part of the trash pickup crew, or the bathroom cleaning crew, or the general area cleaning crew, according to the prison.

No matter which crew, however, Arias is going to be working for 32 hours per week and will be paid only $0.10 per hour, according to the Arizona Department of Corrections guidelines.

She will be eligible for a raise if she “Exceeds ratings (overall) for six consecutive months.”

“An inmate may receive a five cent pay increase, subject to funds availability, if the inmate has: Achieved an overall ‘exceeds’ rating, including no ‘unsatisfactory’ ratings, for the past 12 months,” prison materials state..."


Keep in mind, that of the vast payout, only keeps a few cents 'cos a significant portion of it goes to the A's. It's gonna take her a whole week to buy a bottle of pop.

And she has to earn an "exceeds" rating for 6 whole months? is excessive about everything but work. Not gonna happen. Another inmate will mess her up anyway.

She has probably just messed herself up for smuggling out that picture.

Imagining having to go through regulation training for "exceeds" toilet cleaning is just, oh, so delicious. I wonder if they have special design toilet brushes so they can't be made into weapons, denatured "bleach" that can't be effectively thrown in someone's eye, and gloves that dissolve in 5 minutes so they can't be used for sex toys.

Gosh, I looked up prison toilet brushes and it turns out they are very popular for weapons. Dang, maybe will have to clean toilets with an itty bitty prison issue toothbrush....
Notice that the eyes have reflections of bright lights? Kinda like her eyes in her Perryville booking photo?

I bet the tabloid magazine photo she was tracing and copying had those lights in his eyes, and she didn't have enough imagination to draw anything but exactly what she was copying.

H4M is so observant....

From what I can tell, would be in violation if she sold the item to a visitor or had someone sell it for her. Sales take place via the prison arts and crafts store. She is not allowed to retain property beyond prescribed limits, e.g. no crafts projects

If she wants to give over an item to a visitor, there's paperwork, permission, all kinds of stuff.

Her art supplies are very limited, but I don't have a commissary list so I don't know what the deal is. I do know, I thought it unlikely that she would be allowed colors. And I feel fairly confident the paper supply is highly restricted.

Its possible she sneaked out the copy-drawing via another inmate?

Thanks Rickshaw Fan.
I remembered that she could not sell items....but also remember that her stuff was up for sale at one time....via people on her team. She must have gone through paperwork to get this out of prison....or gave it to team in a bunch of 'legal paperwork'...that was done before too. So where is this posted? Who has it now? Wonder if the Warden knows?!?!
Thanks Rickshaw Fan.
I remembered that she could not sell items....but also remember that her stuff was up for sale at one time....via people on her team. She must have gone through paperwork to get this out of prison....or gave it to team in a bunch of 'legal paperwork'...that was done before too. So where is this posted? Who has it now? Wonder if the Warden knows?!?!

I'm thinking if the warden doesn't know, there's been an infraction. Any property transfer has to go through a series of permissions, paperwork, etc.
Latest tweet. Her latest "art". An actor from a show called Mr. Robot

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And here's one possible source for her tracing-copy, from a June magazine. Notice she chose to leave his neck and throat bare and exposed.

Or #2, add the hoodie. (Second photo has those camera light reflections in his eyes).


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